Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: Gold - similar to his eyes Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: On his back, preferably between the shoulder blades, or on his forehead
Reason for Charming: I'd like to make him a more dynamic character. He's going to be an evil dude for a long time, but I don't want to limit where his character can go. I'm interested in exploring guilt and feelings in general with him, as well as the fact that I'd like him to form a 'pack' of sorts. He's a wolf; wolves run better in groups so having a little posse of his own to terrorize the innocents sounds like a ton of fun to write out.
(optional) How were they charmed?: I'm going to work on ironing out the plots for this, but I have a rough idea that maybe a Skinwalker Hunter or a pissed Angeni saw him as a threat. Instead of killing him outright they tried charming him to maybe make him feel remorse for his crimes, and depending on how rp/plots go they may be successful or he may hold a massive grudge.
Painted Moose
If you'd prefer something different, let me know. smile
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 12:18 am
Moxx got this 1/10/20
...Charmed, I'm sure....
Username: Snowbelle Thundara Current Graphics No certs yet Main Uncert | Feral
Color for Charm: CC (something complimentary please) Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Either forehead or upper haunch? area of back leg please, around the knee I think it is?
Reason for Charming: Pure evil isn't REALLY my jam but I can definitely run a middle ground. Also BREEDINGS
Snowbelle Thundara
If you'd like anything changed, let me know. smile
Co-owned?:n/a ---Co-ownership agreement Link: n/a ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: n/a
Color for Charm: Black or Silvery-grey plz Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: chest
Reason for Charming: Breedings and her planned personality is that she has more of her own twisted sense of moral than pure evil. She's not evil but she is NOT good either. And also in future if I choose to RP her there is the aspect of "Easier shades of grey RP and personalities."
(optional) How were they charmed?: I would honestly have to think about this concept and have it fleshed out if I chose to do a back story.
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: Dark red Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: On front facing paw, above the toes, (kinda hidden among the red markings)
Reason for Charming: Long term plot reasons, she keeps pets and 'food' in a cave, has an arrangement with two non walker bodyguards, i need her able to co-operate, long term, not just for a short while as per normal walker behaviour, also perhaps breeding plots/ideas long term.
(optional) How were they charmed?: A passing Angeni probably freed her pets she had guarded in a cave, beat her down and charmed her in an attempt at redemption, it backfired and she's more evil now perhaps than she was because she has PLANS...... also hates angeni MORE than before.
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: n/a ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: n/a
Color for Charm: White Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Forehead
Reason for Charming: Plot and life mate.
(optional) How were they charmed?: Dawnstar and Darkhart came across Soot by chance. It was Dawnstar who charmed Soot hoping she'd stay with her and Darkhart. (She will after being charmed)
Co-owned?: No. ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: Same fiery orange as her eyes! Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: below the knee on her front facing (her POV left foot) leg.
Reason for Charming: Plot reasoning and the ability to feel emotions and not be entirely evil.
How were they charmed?: Tempest Heart was charmed immediately upon exiting her basket by her adoptive father Hollow Tzalmon. He had been on a quest to stop his daughter Dead Reckoning from creating more chaos after he failed to charm her on her own birth.
( I am so sorry for how many images need charms! ^w^; )
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?:
Color for Charm: Red Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: on the wrist area of the far leg (one without bone, bracelets on it)
Reason for Charming: Flexibility for RP reasons.
(optional) How were they charmed?: I'm thinking in a fight with a flying charmed walker who got him in bear mode to swipe at them and then dropped it on his wrist.
Color for Charm: Rose gold or a pinkish color. (CC) Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Either on her forehead or upper back or hip.
Reason for Charming: Flexibility for rp reasons. Also want to explore the trauma of what she did while cursed now that she can experience emotions again and think clearly for the first time in years. It may also open up the opportunity for romance.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:39 pm
...Charmed, I'm sure....
Username: Uta Current Graphics Main Uncert | Feral Co-owned?: ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: Similar bright green or maybe his eye color. Whichever looks best. Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Between his eyes/forehead or maybe on his tail tip somewhere.
Reason for Charming: Chandar got cursed after his insecurities were taken advantage of by Oyahusa. His mate, Tom, did not abandon him though--despite having to keep away. Instead, he tracked him, and did what he could to keep others from hunting or killing him down. He loved him despite what he had turned into.
Demanding and hoping for his lover's return, Tom would stop at nothing until he found a way to save him.
OOCly, this part of Chandar's story is over. Charming him will allow him to pick up the pieces of his broken life, reunite with his lover, and start life anew.
(optional) How were they charmed?: His mate, Tom, would seek out an angeni charm. Being a clever, dark stallion himself, and having tracked Chandar all these years, he would find a way to draw him to a trap. All he needs to do is get close enough to slap the stone upon him.... and hope it's enough.
Color for Charm: A shade of blue or something that compliments his fur/markings but is still able to be seen Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Chest, Forehead or Foot
Reason for Charming: I'm not very good at playing 'evil' characters.
I've included the official links you were missing as well!
...Charmed, I'm sure....
Username: Faid Shadowlight Current Graphics Main Uncert | FeralNude - I don't have a nude undert
Co-owned?: No ---Co-ownership agreement Link: N/A ------Does Co-owner have RP rights?: N/A
Color for Charm: Gold Charm Shape: Classic Charm Placement: Lower back by her tail maybe? CC Somewhere she would have rolled onto it in a fight or it might have been thrown at her.
Reason for Charming: I would like to eventually find her a lifemate after the 2 planned flings she has. Currently that is impossible.
(optional) How were they charmed?: Another charmed skinwalker asked for help and got a charm from an angeni to charm her after interfering in some of the attacks she had made on others. They thought she was too dangerous and wanted to protect those in the area that were not safe with her around. Being smaller and fluffier and looking more like a large domestic cat she can be more dangerous than she seems.