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Twitchapher the 3rd

Beeping Lunatic

18,840 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:30 pm

Shave and a haircut, Two bits!!

Entry Line:
[*] Twitchapher the 3rd || Wind

Username of owner(s): Twitchapher the 3rd
Image of Soquili:
User Image
Link to Uncert: I don't have one.

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Wind
Gender: Male
WIP Needed? Only if you want to

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Black body(keep it as dark as it is right now, love it), white feet, golden Egyptian eye on his chest
Face: Blue eyes(can it be lighter like his mom's?), Egyptian eye markings, blue eyebrows
Mane: so I was thinking maybe the bangs of the Windblown style spliced with the Long style with the neck Warrior's Braids to keep some of the old but also a lot of new. I'd also love for the mane colours(blue and gold) to be brightened and shiny like his mother's.Everyone needs shiny hair
Tail: Long is my favorite but if you can think of a spliced long hair style be my guest. . Also blue and gold and shiny.
Reference Image(s):

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Love for his white wing tips to be a bit cleaner...You can see where the brush is after all..Either keep the original or use the heron wings since he doesn't have a rump marking. CC.
Fins: Describe Fins N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Unless you can give him some good matching items don't worry about it. CC!
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:12 am

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] Rein_Carnation || Uni

Username of owner(s): Rein_Carnation
Image of Soquili: User Image
Link to Uncert: XxX

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: - Uni
Gender: Female
WIP Needed? Only if you wish

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Same maybe a bit lighter fur color (possible to get the bent foreleg? If not please keep the same)
Face: Eyes are Greyish blue ,Eyebrows same as hair, rest keep the same.
Mane: Same as the original a bit darker (please make sure you can see her necklace) Original is hidden
Tail: Same Uni tail with the dark brown tuft
Need to keep her as close to the original as possible.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Uni Hooves, Feathered Fetlocks
Reference Image(s): XxX
-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Uni Horn (golden)
Wings: N/a
Fins: N/a
Scales: N/a
Pelt: N/a
Other Notes: N/a

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/a
Reference Image(s) for Items: See above Reference
Other Notes:

I'd like her pretty much the same with darker brown hair. Softer lines on her cape (more natural) instead of the rough lines so it lays like material. The circlet will stay the same colored like (mithril silver). Upon certing she will carry her full name rather than just Arwen.

The only addition to her will be her Evenstar necklace she wears around her neck which is hidden by her hair. I'd like it more visible please.

"An Excerpt from the book..."In the middle of the table, against the woven cloths upon the wall, there was a chair under a canopy, and there sat a lady fair to look upon, and so like was she in form of womanhood to Elrond that Frodo guessed that she was one of his close kindred. Young she was and yet not so. The braids of her dark hair were touched by no frost, her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring.

Username: Rein_Carnation
Edit ideas: Potentially all edits will be kept the same I'd just like her Evenstar necklace to be more visible from under her hair hanging in the front upon her chest. The original cape needs to be smoother in the lines so it looks way more natural from first glance. Currently it has a blocky appearance more set apart from her delicate form.
Tell me a story, babe:
Arwen is famed as the most beautiful of all living beings. Her hair is as dark as a river at night, her eyes of an unearthly blue.

When she was first colored she was of course based more around the movie adaptation with Liv Tyler so I see her new incarnation carrying a darker brown mane. While she will generally stay the same I'd like her to become who she was meant to be when I submitted her to be made.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: Rein_Carnation.


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
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Obsessive Streaker

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:53 am

Shave and a haircut, Two bits!!

Entry Line:
[*] ChaosTheories || Regular

Username of owner(s): ChaosTheories
Image of Soquili: Temperance
Link to Uncert: Link

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Regular
Gender: Female
WIP Needed? Yes, please!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: White base of the body with a dark red neck and belly. Red and dark green, lightning-like blotches across her body with paired, red and green stripes on her limbs and rump.
Face: Cyan eyes with white features, paired green and red stripes descend her forehead, similar to tabby stripes. A bit of a green-red blotch on the tip of her muzzle. Green "eyeshadow" triangles in the corner of her eyes.
Mane: Windblown premade style, evenly striped with green, white, and red
Tail: Also windblown premade style, evenly striped with green, white, and red
Hooves/Fetlocks: Dark red hooves with original style fetlocks
Reference Image(s):
Family reference for colours/marks
Foal stage

-- Physical Breed Traits --

Other Notes: Raised hoof alt. pose, if possible

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items:
Beaded leg items, silver bands and cyan beads.
Tailfeathers, cyan fading into white
Reference Image(s) for Items: -
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:53 am

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] Malikztiah Ankhere || Regular

Username of owner(s): Malikztiah Ankhere
Image of Soquili: User Image
Link to Uncert: here

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: Regular
Gender: Female
WIP Needed? If possible yes, please

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: The same basic cream as her original form, but I'd like a slight gradient on her legs to an off-white shade at fetlocks/hooves
Face: Same as original, as close to the same green eyes as possible.
Mane: I would like to have it as close to the original as possible. The headband in place however I would like to be green rather than brown.
Tail: I am fine with the same default Long template tail she has now
Hooves/Fetlocks: Same as she has now just with the gradient mentioned above, her hooves matching the end result off-white color.
Reference Image(s): Ref - Honestly most of this is purely CC the ref is more a basic idea pool because I realize her "canon" adornments are a little...elaborate so simplifying everything is perfectly reasonable.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Up to colorist's choice whether she has the same base template or the alternate raised leg one. I do not mind whichever way it goes. This is basically Fuu being redone without clothing. I'd like to have a cape, and some metal/gem-looking accessories, along with the TP cloth wrap. The full clothing look was a fun idea back in the day but it's more of a hassle now and I think she really needs a makeover to remove that little hindrance.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Cloth wrap, slightly transparent? Included description in the ref image up above.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

Username: Malikztiah Ankhere
Edit ideas: All the above. Reiterating that simplifying everything is A-ok
Tell me a story, babe: Fuu has had a nice long life, even a batch of kids who are well and fully grown. Raising three foals however taught her a very important lesson. Keeping herself to the presentation she prided on was more trouble than it was worth. She envies her mate in some ways, as he does not have a jacket to worry about, he has full freedom of movement in every which way. It's high time that she put away the reminders of her past and fully embrace the life of a grown mare and mother. Maybe getting a fresh start might lead her on the way to a second brood of baskets, now that would be exciting. Why, think of Ichida's face if he saw her with a fresh new look, and rid of the stuffy jacket.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: Malikztiah Ankhere.

Malikztiah Ankhwave


Dangerous Nerd


Divine Galaxy

13,850 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:09 pm

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Username: ArashiX
Edit ideas:
  • Fix necklace. It wasn't supposed to be a literal chain, but a necklace. xD (And it'd be spiffy to have a silver setting around the gem). I was gonna have it changed whenever she became an Elder, but I'm really liking the shift away from chains even before that. Possible refs/ideas for setting below.
  • Play with her hair! It should have grown a bit but still keep its layered, slightly-tousled, but elegant look. (do something a bit different with her bangs, though?); same with her tail!
  • Tail ribbon interwoven/threaded with layers of tail hair? feel free to fix/adjust the bow!
  • fluff out the fetlocks a bit? (ouuu front leg up pose, maybe?)
  • have fun! (don't forget the feather!)

Tell me a story, babe:

Aleera was enjoying the crisp winter day, nosing about in the snow for food but generally feeling pretty sprightly. Enough to kick up her heels like a filly and race and soar. She was alone for the moment, but, being alone hardly bothered her any more. There was a time it made her anxious, but...

The mare drifted down to land with a spray of snow, and bent her head to take a drink from the small stream she had pawed open, earlier.

Her two-toned eyes stared back, along with her mane that had lengthened throughout the years, but still kept the layered look her father bestowed upon her.

'I've grown in many ways,' She thought to herself. Her heart was full and peaceful. Not because she had defied her father's strict upbringing about her heritage, but because she found love. She had a family of her own; both in accordance to her father's wishes, but, now... Now for herself. She no longer felt the need to rebel as much as she had in her younger years.

Not that there wasn't a fiery little rebel still in her heart, she mused as her eyes crinkled in the reflection, but that she was more experienced, more collected, more understanding.

More wise.

Her father still didn't know of her family. The one she'd created after her short romance with the handsome and bright Al'ar...but he would, soon, she imagined. She did, in fact, miss her home, ad hadn't been to see them in a very long time. Part of her wanted to ignore it and prolong the peace that was very much part of her life...but the other part knew that sooner or later, she would need to return home with her mate and children in tow... And then, it would be what it would be.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: ArashiX

Entry Line:
[*] ArashiX || Wind

Username of owner(s): ArashiX
Image of Soquili:
User Image
Link to Uncert:
User Image

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: Wind
Gender: Female
WIP Needed? I'd love to see, but at the same time, I'm okay with none or with streaming!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Feel free to do what you want while keeping things as close to how they are now as possible. Her markings are typically whispy lines/some swirls. idk I love her and trust you. If you want to add another small scar or two, that'd be good!
Face: the marking along the bridge of her face is, in fact, a scar! She has two-toned eyes, sky blue and purple. Love them!
Mane & Tail: Play with her hair! It should have grown a bit but still keep its layered, slightly-tousled, but elegant look. (do something a bit different with her bangs, though?); same with her tail (please make tail longer)! Same colours! Chocolate-y with caramel highlights.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Herfetlocks were modelled after the Angeni ones as a nod to her heritage. I'd love to have them fluffed out a little but still fairly long. Would look super elegant with the mare one leg up style.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Wings: use either the updated style she currently has, or the heron wings, please! or idk/cc if edited (as her daddy is an Angeni with big fluffy wings), but perfectly fine with either of the two unedited wings listed as her mom is/is gonna be a wind w/heron wings! Feel free to blend the chocolate tips a bit more/do what you please!

-- Accessories & Edits --
Reference Image(s) for Items: same feather as original, please (it's a feather from her mother's wing)!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:44 pm

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] Kamiki || Cursed Skinwalker

Username of owner(s): Kamiki & Chibi Hige
Image of Soquili:
User Image User Image
Link to Uncert: [Unpelted] [Uncert] [Feral]

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: Cursed Skinwalker (regular)
Gender: Male
WIP Needed? No- and everything is up to colorist interpretation

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Grey like the original, but with a slight dappling or ticking...something to give it some kind of texture. His back right leg is black at the hoof and fades to the body color
Face: Piercing golden eyes, if possible I'd like for him to have black sclera (to have them resemble an eagle's eye as best as possible)
Mane: CC, I would like a new unpelted version if possible. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; just a more natural looking, shaggy mane. Think of a nice, easy-going farm horse. Still black, maybe with a few stray strands of grey
Tail: see description for mane
Hooves/Fetlocks: Alternate fetlocks please, colored as before
Reference Image(s): just the original horse

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): n/a
Wings: n/a
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: I'm guessing changing skinwalker breeds is a no-go? I'd adore for him to be rebuilt as a hawkwalker (based on a bald eagle), but if that's not allowed then his current species is and will remain a wolf.

The coloration of the wolf, however, is inspired by a bald eagle. I'd love for the fade between the white head and black body could look a bit... better somehow? Maybe more of a transition with tufted fur?

Also, his pelt is disgusting. It should look absolutely greasy, matted, mangy, and/or decaying. If it wasn't magically attached to him it would have rotted off and fell away years ago. It should look as if he pulled the pelt off a dead wolf, or one that was mangy and dying.

Other Notes: Sirius himself is not diseased (besides the corpse powder) or rotting, only his pelt. He is, however, disgusting. He should be covered in mud, dirt, filth, flies, dried or tacky blood, matted patches of fur, etc. His mane and tail in his cursed form would be horribly mangled, greasy, and tangled; full of burs and pieces of rotting prey bits.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a

Username: Kamiki
Edit ideas:
  • edited [removed](crazed)
  • mangled, rotting, ratty, infested, mangy, decaying, and/or otherwise just nasty pelt
  • tangled, matted, greasy mane (showing under pelt) and/or tail
  • cracked, possibly bleeding hooves
  • flies and/or roaches

Tell me a story, babe:

Even by skinwalker standards, Sirius is repugnant. The concept of any kind of a personal hygiene is willfully ignored; he does not clean up the blood from his victims off his fur or teeth, he does not attempt to rid himself of mud or filth trapped in his tail or fetlocks, he does not avoid troddnig through muck or swamp. In fact, he prides himself on it. He seems to revel in the disgust and unease his mere presence inflicts. He's not a drooling, brainless monster.; he can actually be rather articulate if the situation calls for it. Though he's far from ignorant of his great stench and aura of uncleanliness. It's a form of torture in and of itself, a fact that pleases him greatly.

He's nearly impossible for Sirius to sneak up on anything; the smell of decay and filth radiates from him by wide breadth. When he's desperate for food, he'll feast on carrion, though he will slaughter other Soquili when he's feeling's particularly hungry or bored. Since subtlety is out the question for hunting, he generally relies on finding naive or morbidly curious young fools to let him close enough to fall into his traps. He's not particularly keen on physical torture, though he finds great pleasure in causing physical illness by the force of his sheer repulsiveness.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: User Image


Fandom Fox

20,600 Points
  • Elysium's Hero 500
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  • Perfect Attendance 400

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:31 am

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] Amirynth || Angeni

Username of owner(s): Amirynth
Image of Soquili:
User Image

Link to Uncert: [x]

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: Angeni (draft build)
Gender: Male
WIP Needed? Sure

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: He is a 'reverse panda' so white where the black would be and black where the white would be.
Face: He has blue eyes, reverse panda markings on his face.
Mane: Long, fluffy and curly. Think Gypsy Vanner for volume. He has white hair that has frosted blue/purple ends. His hair is decorated with feathers of rainbow colours (not rainbow feathers like before)
Tail: Match the mane
Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy fetlocks (like the angeni fetlocks but with a little more fluff added). His hooves are black with the furthest back hoof a lighter grey.
Reference Image(s): [Uncert]

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Wings: Same style wings as before, they are supposed to be 'reverse magpie' so white/pale blue where the darker blues are and blue (same shade as his current tips) where the white markings are. The black markings stay the same.
Head/feet wings: They are white, just like his old self.
Other Notes: [x] [x]

-- Accessories & Edits --
Edited Items: I'd like him to keep his rainbow legwarmers, bead necklace and feathers. It is hard to tell but he also has a gold hoop earring in his closer ear.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [x]

Username: Amirynth
Edit ideas: He is the Angeni of Passions. Not only of falling in love with someone, but with an idea or a past time. His feathers were to symbolize freedom to chose wherever the wind takes you. Maybe some flowers tangled within his mane too would be nice showing how the things you love can be nurtured from a small seed into a blossoming flower.
Tell me a story, babe: Pip had seen it all, from an aspiring artist, to a family that had been grown in the roots of love. He was always happy to help others find their passions, always excited to find out what made others tick. Though come to think of it, Pip had never tried to find out his passion. Could it be his desire to see others fulfill their life's wishes? He nodded to himself with a smile. If he could find someone who got enjoyment out of collecting a certain type of rock, and share in their enjoyment with an excitement of his own, Pip was sure that it was the perfect description of who he was meant to be. The angeni shook out his hair, letting the wind catch his feathers, before trotting off down the path to find new friends and new experiences.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: Troll
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:42 am


I just want to confirm. Which one did you want for the unedited raffle? You can only post two if you wanted an edited soquili updated in Nerp's rolls and a different soquili for the unedited slots.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter


Everyday Garbage

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:39 am


I just want to confirm. Which one did you want for the unedited raffle? You can only post two if you wanted an edited soquili updated in Nerp's rolls and a different soquili for the unedited slots.

I must have misread lol.
I will keep Kendali for the unedited slot and will remove Kachina entirely. I will void and repost!!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:46 am

Shave and a haircut, Two bits!!

Entry Line:
[*] Poe-tae-toee || Regular

Username of owner(s): Poe-tae-toee
User Image
Link to Uncert: [Uncert]

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Regular
Gender: Male
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Same as original
Wanted: Draft body, non roman nose, stock alt fetlocks, leg down
Face: Same as original
Mane: Wild mane, coloured the same as original
Tail: Glam Punk coloured the same as original
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock for draft, coloured the same as original
Reference Image(s): n/a

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Other Notes: Want to keep him close to the original but with a few changes.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Beaded strings coloured cc
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a


Everyday Garbage


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 12:58 pm

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] Tsunake || Kalona

Username of owner(s): Meeki + Tsunake
Image of Soquili: User Image
Link to Uncert: Uncert

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: - Kalona, Gen 2
Gender: Male
WIP Needed? Sure.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Nem's coloring is supposed to take after his daddy, Rötschrek, but the sparkles were always a little odd in my opinion. I'd just sort of like him to be recolored so he's not quite the Edward Cullen of the kalona world! I'd also like for him to be pretty heavily scarred, as he's a pretty big brute who takes on any intruders in his family's territory--including skinwalkers.
Face: Any scars you'd like to add!
Mane: I'd prefer him to still have a long mane, but perhaps edited to be a bit ragged/unkempt? The way the templated long hair sits always makes me think they're a bit bald on the left side!

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - CC, you can have them chipped or damaged if you'd like!
Wings: Describe Wings - His left wing should be pretty mangled/damaged, thanks to a skinwalker attack.

Other Notes: Draft or warhorse lines, please! Whichever looks better.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC.

Username: Tsunake
Edit ideas: Custom mane, mangled wing, perhaps chipped horns, and a more savage snarl.

Tell me a story, babe: A proud, arrogant stallion, Nemesis was instilled with the knowledge that he was superior to the lesser breeds of Soquili that roamed the lands. His radical views of racial purity led him to believe that any Kalona who dared to breed with a lesser was an abomination--and their children, even more so. Nemesis strove to wipe out these mixed breeds, hunting them down systematically to keep the old blood strong. Such was his duty! Never in his wildest dreams did he think there was a creature who could oppose the strength and savagery of their family herd.... and then his father, strong, brave, and fierce, was felled by a predator even greater than the mighty kalona.


Staggered by the loss of his father, Nemesis turned his sights towards destroying this greater threat, his hatred towards mixed breeds temporarily set aside. He was appointed to be the Protector of his family herd, but he was so consumed with hatred that he recklessly attacked any skinwalker who dared to cross his path. Now, he has found himself crippled, one of his wings rendered useless. With no option left, Nemesis has left his home... off to find one of the very lessers he so shunned in hopes of healing his mangled wing.

Along the way, he will be forced to realize that by killing off those with Kalona blood, mixed or not, he has weakened their strength as a whole. It will be an unpleasant, ugly realization, and the brutish stallion will feel compelled to repent for his sins.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: Tsunake
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:09 pm

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] Kyribird || Uni-Kalona

Username of owner(s): Kyribird
Image of Soquili:
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Link to Uncert: Uncert

Edit Category: Edited
Soquili Species: - Uni & Kalona
Gender: Female
WIP Needed? If you want~

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Pure white
Face: Glowing yellow/orange fiery eyes, black eyebrows, white inner ear
Mane: Longer, still wavy (curly? colorist choice), Perhaps integrate some braids A bit haphazard. black, fading into a fire like ombre
Tail: Less poofy, braids integrated somewhere, a ittle wild. Black, fading into a fire like ombre.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Black cloven hooves, fire coming up and wrapping around forelegs
Reference Image(s): NA

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Fire ombre
Other Notes: Please do not use leg up female pose.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Items: Decorative/fancy black and silver tack fastened with a skull at the chest. More or less colorist inspiration on the level of fancy. Black roses in hair and tail.
Reference Image(s) for Items: NA

Username: Kyribird
Edit ideas: Decorative/fancy black and silver tack fastened with a skull at the chest. More or less colorist inspiration on the level of fancy. Black roses in hair and tail. Fire edits on hooves/forelegs. Paw feet? They were not available for non purewalkers when Isolde was made. She was one of Sirenz RL slots, and her genealogy was approved at the time.

Tell me a story, babe: Isolde was the product of light and pure evil. Her mother, a Uni, was accosted by a skinwalker - who nearly killed her - and the end result was Isolde. When she was born, she looked far more like her father (and had a slightly 'dark' temperament which was off-putting to the stuck up unicorn herd) which left her mother to curse her existence. Eventually, as she grew up (and her train of thought edged on slightly insane), she was shunned from the herd and left to her own devices.
Isolde is overly interested in the concept of death. She's fascinated by it and it's sometimes unclear whether or not she's going to tip over the edge into obsessed. She is very deliberate in everything she does, loves the idea of power, and often has inner conflict on the subject of morality.

Still, she's very good at manipulating situations to suit her. In her clearer, more lucid moments, she is able to befriend two-leggers and have them maintain her appearance. Her appearance is extremely important to her, and any time she gets ragged, she will make her way to the nearest village.

I feel the closer she gets to her tipping point, the more her Skinwalker heritage would come through, but if it's not allowed that's fine smile

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: Kyribirbadurp agrees.


Aged Codger


Questionable Explorer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:51 pm

Voided to repost.

Shave and a haircut, Two bits!!

Entry Line:
[*] Moxxiie || Regular

Username of owner(s): Moxxiie
Image of Soquili: User Image
Link to Uncert: original uncert uncert with TP items

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: - Regular
Gender: Female leg up if possible
WIP Needed? Yes please

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: pink #FF6EB4
tiger stripes black
white underbelly, back of legs, some of facial markings

eyes: #00BFFF
inner ears: white
eyebrows: cc

Mane:Mostly white with black streaks throughout
punk rock and glamrock
Glamrock mane with punk rock front bangs pulled down a little so that they cover the face more like the glamrock ones do. Punk rock ones over top the glamrock ones.

Tail: Mostly white with black streaks throughout
Punk rock overlapping glamrock

Fetlocks: Please use the updated female warhorse fetlocks scaled down to the regular body. I like those because they look so smooth and soft.

Reference Image(s):

-- Physical Breed Traits -- n/a

-- Accessories & Edits --
Custom accessories: (I think these might be possible by splicing or transforming some templates)
Black leather collar with silver spikes, black leather armband with pink studs.
Trading Post Items:n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items: a | b | c | d(studs are pink not silver)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 6:36 pm

Voiding this entry to repost with fixes.

Shave and a haircut, Two bits!!

Entry Line:
[*] [X]Natty-Chan[X] || Regular

Username of owner(s): [X]Natty-Chan[X]
Image of Soquili: User Image
Link to Uncert: Uncert

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: - Regular
Gender: Female; Leg up if possible
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: The patterns on the her are fine as is, she's just a lighter gray, which can be seen in the reference images.
Face: Everything can stay the same
Mane: Cropped for the bangs, Glamrock for the rest; Brown with a blue streak.
Tail: Punk Rock; Brown with a blue streak.
Hooves/Fetlocks: The alternate fetlocks; White
Reference Image(s):

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/a
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/a
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Other than the alternate fetlocks by Mind, nothing to add.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Armband with pouch; CC colors
Beaded; CC colors
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

Username: [X]Natty-Chan[X]
Edit ideas:
• Hair edits
• A purple scarf with a family symbol on it. [This is the only thing I'll be specific about really.] Ref 1, Ref 2, Symbol on plate
• Small little ninja items, may or may not be added. Colorist's Choice.
Tell me a story, babe:

Charlamagne's parents, unknowing to the mare, were actually a part of a small clan (herd) of secret warriors. They knew that it would be dangerous to have a child, but had one anyway. The two raised their foals as best they could, but eventually, had to abandon them for their safety. Charlamagne, oblivious of this, grew up never seeing her parents or her sibling again; she didn't even know if any of them were still alive or not. Until one day, a messenger of sorts delivered a "package" to her; from an unknown sender. It was a long, purple scarf with the family symbol etched on a metal plate sewn to it. Taking this as a sign of, at least, one of her parents still being alive, Charlamagne grew hopeful in finding them again; wanting to search for them once more.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: [X]Natty-Chan[X].


Floppy Sex Symbol


Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 8:11 pm

My soquili wants the FULL spa treatment.

Entry Line:
[*] pippi18848 || Cursed Batwalker

Username of owner(s): pippi18848
Image of Soquili: User Image
Link to Uncert: I don't have access to my photobucket right now so I can't get to my uncert img. Only way I got the certed was by going into my teepee. x_x

Edit Category: Edit
Soquili Species: - Cursed Batwalker
Gender: Female
WIP Needed? Not needed but if you want to do one I wouldn't mind either. <3.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Purple sparkly...pretty
Face: Golden eyes, covered with bat pelt
Mane: Under bat pelt, without pelt had long style hair
Tail: Long tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: Hooves are golden
Reference Image(s): -points to above cert- I'm sorry. D: I just reaaaallyyyy suck at describing things. x_x

-- Physical Breed Traits --

Pelt: Batwalker with purple sparkly coloring like the main body. Edits will be mentioned in below additional form

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: If any, list them here and desired colors.
Reference Image(s) for Items: I wouldn't mind there being a shredded red ribbon and maybe a broken bell somewhere.

Username: pippi18848
Edit ideas: Her bat wing that's facing us, to be somewhat mangled, IF, possible.
Scars all over, tufts of fur pulled from the pelt, the Bat ears also scarred up and maybe jagged.
Her mane to be all cut up and uneven.
A shredded red ribbon and a broken bell
Tell me a story, babe: Neva is...well...super overly confident and doesn't realize she's in over her head until it's to late. She has gone into Flock territory and harassed them, and wound up with many injuries which is where most of the edits I'm looking for come from. The Hunter is being Hunted is where she gets her wing mangled, and the damage to her ears and such.
She's also taken on bigger, stronger skinwalkers with not a care to herself, thinking herself to be better then anyone else. Neva is, arrogant and reckless.
As far as the red ribbon and bell edits, those are her reminders of her goals. Her goal to destroy the Skydancer family, the family that she had been born to. She will never stop hunting them. If she starts to lose sight of that goal, a quick glance at these two things will refuel her goals.

I understand that if I win the edited slot, I cannot win an unedited slot with other soquili: pippi18848 agrees

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