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CYO 2016: Second Chance Raffle! Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Mameha Otome

Eloquent Explorer

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:40 pm

Pony by mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Mameha Otome
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert - Female preferred

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Any
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): N/A

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Blue/white/silver, purple/yellow/gold, dark complimenting colors

Likes: Deer, bells, snowflakes, flowers

Dislikes: Excessive pink, obnoxious neon colors
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:59 am

Pony by Strife

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

none yet!
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): hummingbird (all variants), wolf, pronghorn
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): sea creatures

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: black on black/grey on grey, with jewel tone indigo/tanzanite/cool colors, whites/neutrals/greens

Likes: mixed naturals, simple tribals, feathers, beads, braids

Dislikes: blood/gore, neons, busy-ness, pink eyes




Bucktoothed Bunny

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:42 pm

Familiar by Odet AmoPony by Mindsend

Mementos of my Friends

Username: SexyUgly Shop
Proof of Plush: HERE

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted


Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Any
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Any

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:
Chartruese!! Absinthe, Peridot, Swampy colors, browns with cream and accent colors,
whites with yellow-green accents, black with anything other than red, yellow or blue. Grey with yellow or orange.
Cotton Candy colors together, sweet pinks/sickly sweet stuff.

Likes: Voodoo, monstery, tribal, candy, lolita, kawaii, evil, halloween, skulls, magic,
sweets/cakes/desserts, goo things, creativity! Blood, ghosts, swirls,

Dislikes: Red/Blues, colors that don't work together, overuse of brush pattern/prints, angels, blech.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:13 pm

Pony by Mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Valkymie
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image http://imgur.com/OS8ePAZ

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): wolf, crow, pronghorn, seal
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): jellyfish, lobster

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: i like basically anything from those color palette sites like design seeds xDDD

Likes: naturals, naturals w/ accents, natural markings but unnatural colors, accessories, cutesy/twee, nature in general, witchy/spoopy

Dislikes: too much detail/too much patterns, too many clashing colors, markings to look like full clothing, or gore


Adventuring Hunter


Golden Knight

15,750 Points
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  • Mystical Adversary 25
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:23 pm

Pony by Lolly

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Ryuthulhu
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image Uncert

(I am told to mention this is based on a male OC ^_^ wink

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any):
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum):

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Emerald greens, rich browns, Rose or red-orange

Dislikes: Neon colors
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:09 pm

Pony by Mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Natsuko-neko
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert ~ fullsized please, male OC

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Bat, cats, wolves
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): no pref

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Reds, blacks, blues, purples, whites

Likes: Naturals, Mass Effect themes, surprises

Dislikes: gore, neon colors


Unstoppable OTP

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:44 pm

Pony by "Yumi"

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Master Wild Mage
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

Fullsized preferred but I wouldn't mind a mini/mer/seathie if that happens to be what you're inspired to make.

User Image uncert

User Image uncert

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Sea otter, Wolf, owl, Eagle/hawk, Parrot, Snake, Lizard
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Jellyfish, hummingbird, Raccoon,

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:
Teal with purple, black and white, rainbow, naturals/neutrals, black with bright/neon colors,
Likes: naturals, gothic(lace webs and skulls not blood), braids,

Dislikes: blood/gore, plain ringlet mane/tail templates (having them spliced in is fine), pinks, jaw templates (griff beak/suti lizard muzzle)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:01 am

Pony by Mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: S u r f for L o v e
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert Full sized prefered. <3

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert: Fullsized preferred

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: White/Pinks Cosmo's coloring. Naturals. Bright colors.

Likes: Henna, celtic markings, butterflies, birds, the colors white, pink, yellow, purple, and cyan.

Dislikes: decaying stuff... rotting stuff... gross stuff... lol

I s r a l y n

Devoted Wife

21,700 Points
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Obsessive Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:38 am

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: ChaosTheories
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image
Fullsized preferred

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Pronghorn, Wolf, Otter
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Jellyfish, Lobster, Octopus, Bunny

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Cloven hooves, horns and/or antlers, natural colours/patterns, bright colours with clean designs

Dislikes: Photoshop gradients and/or brushes, eagle wings, kalona wing style 4
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:06 am

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Celeanor
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert
((Note: This is a mock baby for Soulfire and Feilea ))

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Crow, Lizard, Owl, Hawk, Bear, Wolf, Fox, Buffalo
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Vulture, Deer, Crocodile, Jellyfish


Dangerous Hunter


Benevolent Duck

15,450 Points
  • Nerd 50
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Member 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:20 am

Pony by mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Lunarflowermaiden
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert Markings (Since I have seen others posting this here), mini female preferred.

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert: No size preference

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert:Mini Preferred

User Image Uncert: Mini Preffered

User Image Uncert: No size preference

User Image Uncert: No size preference (I don't know why this one's uncert got cut off, it is like that on my computer as well)

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Sea Otter, Pronghorn, Seal, Sea Turtle, Lobster
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): River Otter, Old style Raccoon, Rabbit

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Steampunk, Sugar Skulls, Horse based naturals,

Dislikes: Neon,
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:22 pm

Pony by mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Zakiax
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert: No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): any
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): n/a

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: red/black/gold, blues/greys, Fire colors, Black/purple

Likes: Dragons, fire, tribal, Natural markings

Dislikes: gore


Vicious Firestarter


Ghostly Dreamer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 4:47 pm

Pony by "Musica"

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Nashawryn
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert Uncert w/o glow Markings

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert: Fullsized

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): any
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum):

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: stagony colors, black/purple/silver, purple/gold, purple/blue

Likes: dragons, horns, cloven hooves, skulls, lace, gothic

Dislikes: neon colors unless paired with black,
PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 5:11 pm

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: SkyDragono
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): Wolf, Panther, Pronghorn
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Alligator, Rat, Condor, Cockatoo

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Blue/white, blue/black, rainbow/black, green/black

Likes: Dragons, Hippogryphs, Ulun'suti, antlers, unicorn, butterfly wings, cloaks, feathers

Dislikes: Tentacles, spikes, gore


Dangerous Healer

12,775 Points
  • Married 100
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  • Battery 500


High-functioning Cultist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:51 am

Pony by Mindsend

Familiar by Odet Amo

Mementos of my Friends

Username: Kaitaia
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User Image uncert
Fullsized preferred! <3

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert: Fullsized preferred/Mini Preferred / No size preference

Familiar Only below the mark

In case of Familiar break glass
Familiar preferences (3 Minimum or any): birbs, any and all birbs
Any species to avoid (4 Maximum): Lizard, lobster, ferret, otters

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Naturals!

Likes: Naturals

Dislikes: neon rainbowy colours

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