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Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:55 pm

Entry Tag: Tara de Draiocht | Mutant Hipphogryph | High-end Moderate | Solo Custom

User ImageEdit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Hippogryph (no feathers; just claws) / 4 clawed feet
Gender: Male
Body Build: reg / all four legs down
Starting Stage: adult
Concept Origin: Myself/plushie/OC sherlock holmes based on 221B
WIP Needed? Yes please!

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Locks Baker
Owner: Tara de Draiocht
Breed: OC Sherlock based on 221B
Temper: Penetrating
Lifemate: Jonna Baker
Tag Background: This one
Tag frame color: Dark Purple (like shirt)
Tag feather color(s): Bones; Matches skull colouring

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Hair: Curly Mane, but a little bit longer on the neck. And the tail a little bit longer (NOT a lot though please) PERMISSION

Reference Image(s):

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:- Tabard: Cloth
Custom Items:
- Human skull (placement on reference)
- Ali Miller Home Sweet Home Teacup & Saucer CC on placement
- Pink Cellphone / iphone
- If you can made a violin behind his front back leg so partially covered by clawed foot (if that makes sense?) or whatever you think>?
Reference Image(s) for Items: see background image.


1. Feb 2014 (more below)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:59 pm

Entry Tag: (Kaya Wolf Moon| Mutant Ceryn-Suti | Moderate | Solo Custom)

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Mutant Ceryn-Suti
Body Build: Draft
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• New Concept – A plushie gifted during 2018 CYO season

WIP Needed? Flat edited WIP please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Sumi-e style. Main body color is white. Markings are stripes with the color being a light blue. Think ice blue or something along those lines. Also, I would love for him to have little wisps of ice or large frosty orbs floating around, if possible. CC on color, just something that fits with the color scheme without being too matchy or washed out. A chain is draped around his shoulders and body which holds a set of Japanese-inspired lanterns. A crescent moon and/or stars are embossed on them. Colors and exact style are CC. See references.
Face: Eye color= CC, whatever goes well. Facial markings= same pattern and general coloration as body with markings near the eyes and on forehead. There are 2 nose spikes, though they're on the smaller side, that share the same ice-like quality as his horns. He also has frost-like cheek fluff. See references.
Mane: I would like the mane to be something of longer, messy style that suits a Soquili having lived in the mountains. Something that incorporates a loose braid would be nice. See references below for ideas, but feel free to have fun with it. Color is CC.
Tail: Stock Cerynei poofy tail.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock canine paws. Color= same white as body. CC on if there are any markings. Would love for the claws to be some color other than white or black please. See reference.
Reference Image(s):
User Image
User Image

Hair ref 1:
User Image

Hair ref 2:
User Image

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): Stock 9-point buck antlers. The horns should be like crystalline ice. See the body reference above.
Wings: None
Fins: None
Scales: None
Pelt: None
Other Notes:
Wanted traits:
Stock canine paws
Stock Cerynei tail
Stock 9-point buck antlers with ice elemental edits
Ice-like nose spikes
Cheek fluff
Wisps of ice and/or frost orbs

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: None
Custom Items:
1. Japanese inspired lanterns with chains. CC on colors and placement. See reference below.
Reference Image(s) for Items:
Lanterns with chains:
User Image

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Ice

Kaya Wolf Moon

Mystical Wolf

10,125 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Frozen Sleuth 100

Kiara Lime

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:20 pm

Entry Tag: Kiara Lime | Regular | Low to Moderate | Solo

Edit Category: Low Minor
Soquili Species: Regular
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: MLP Cosplay
WIP Needed? Up to the colorist

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: in the image for colors and the marking on her hip
Face: in the image on colors, for the face, something sweet and kind, so CC
Mane: Medium length with CC on the styling, can be edited/unedited/Mixed in between edited/unedited, Bow tieing her mane back a bit maybe
Tail: colors in image, Medium length with CC on the styling, can be edited/unedited/Mixed in between edited/unedited. just want a single bow in her tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: Feetlocks and 1 leg up
Reference Image(s):

-- Accessories & Edits --
Custom Items: 1-2 bows
Reference Image(s) for Items: on the main image
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:26 pm

Entry Tag: (Shesha Sama | Angeni/Kalona/Uni | Minor | Solo Custom )

Edit Category: Minor edits (Spliced mane/tail, with a Custom Necklace only)
Soquili Species: Angeni/Kalona/Uni
Body Build: Regular (With leg feathers)
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Real-life horsebreed color cosplay? So I suppose it fits under...
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? If you wish.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Dapple buckskin, leaning towards shades of grey. Slight dappling along entire coat, most prominent on belly.
Face: Pale grey, darkening to black around eyes and on muzzle. Pale grey eyes.
Mane: Warrior's Braid bang and portion hanging below her chin, with Ringlets sideswept loop and curls along her neck (facing her/looking at the screen, right side= Warrior's Braid and left = Ringlets xd ). Black with slightly lighter tips (brown undertone), as though sun shines through.
Tail: Native Dreams braid/top portion with Ringlet- lower only beneath (Please have the braids 'crop out' any portions of the upper ringlets that would stick out). Black with slightly lighter tips (brown undertone), as though sun shines through.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Regular leg feathers please, all four legs have black sock markings. Grey hooves.
Reference Image(s): Dapple Buckskin paso fino (Photo is a stock image provided for use courtesy of venomxbaby.deviantart.com).

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn: Regular Uni horn, colored like precious pearl.
Wings: Kalona Wing Style 3 (smooth feathers), with Angeni Style 2 bottom wings.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Plumeria bracelets.
Custom items: Pearl necklace with silver metal instead of rose-gold
Reference Image(s) for Items: Pearls and Plumeria bracelet

Shesha Sama

Protected Aura

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:00 pm

Entry Tag: (Malis Vitterfolk | Suti-gryph | Mod | Solo)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. I'm trying to rescue my dragons via turning them into Soquili. Everything about her is kinda CC but inspired by her accent, genes, and garb. I'd like her to have feathers in areas (which is why she is 'gryph cross) but if you feel inspired to make the feathers more accessories and have the feathered ridge more wispy smoke, to keep her pure I'd be happy for that also.

Edit Category: Mod
Soquili Species: Suti'gryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult Only
Concept Origin: FR Dragon OC
WIP Needed? Up to you

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Pale golds with green tints. She has intricate gold markings in places all over her (see her accent.
Face: Pale green eyes, Golden eye markings around her eye that lines down her nose.
Mane: Something curly/wavy/windy - Elemental wind mane would be cool. I'd like some feathers tucked away in there either as accessories or her own feathers.
Tail: Long suti tail with a feather ridge that goes along the spine and continues down the tail.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Fluffy 'windy' fetlocks.
Reference Image(s): Ysätters-Kajsa

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Gold horns, see Nocturne for placement/inspiration
Wings: Downward suti wings, feel free to use the accent to add embellishments to the shimmer of the wings.
Scales: If possible, I'd like custom scales (wider, more leaf-like) on her back and chest/belly
Other Notes: Feather ridge down her back that goes into the tail.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Inspired by her garb (flowers and feathers?)
Custom Items: Windy wefts around her hooves and maybe her shoulders. Otherwise, inspired by her garb.
Reference Image(s) for Items: [x] [x]

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: N/A (Maybe wind/air if she ends up being full Suti instead of 'gryph cross)

-- History -- Ysätters-Kajsa was a wind-troll that people in the Swedish province of Närke used to believe in; probably the only one of her kind in Scandinavia. Kajsa was not a dark and gloomy troll, but a happy and playful one. What she liked most was a real gale. As soon as there was enough wind she would leave her home to go dance on the Närke flatland. Ysätters-Kajsa enjoyed herself the most whenever those whirlwinds rushed over the plain. She would then stand in the centre of the whirlwind. Her long hair would whirl among the clouds, while her skirt would drag on the ground like a dust storm. The whole plain under her was like her own private dance floor.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:16 pm

Entry Tag: (Roarie Desu | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo)

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Unicorn
Body Build: Leg Down Draft - No Roman Nose
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: original design
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: See Ref
Face: Markings see ref. Neutral Expression
Mane: Edited mane, See Refs. Though the OG pet dose not have as an large a pompadour as I might like. Larger within reason please.
Tail: Edited Uni tail to match ref. I don't mind if the base of the tail is a template but I would like the tip to be more like the ref though.
Hooves/Fetlocks: The normal draft template has fets and I'm okay with those. Color see ref.
Reference Image(s):
User Image
Papadour- [1] & [2]

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Smooth straight horn like the ref. I think there's a smooth horn template? Don't quote me.
Other Notes: n/a

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes. He's mine...since 2008...dear god I'm gaia old.

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

20,615 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Snowflake Collector 50


Fandom Supporter

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:17 pm

Entry Tag: (XxXPandamoniumXxX | Cerynei | Moderate | Solo Custom)

Edit Category: - Moderate
Soquili Species: - Cerynei
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult Only
Concept Origin: OC
WIP Needed? Yes

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: A light gray color mixed with white with very light blue glowing spots on his rump. More like dapples, but not too many. I would love if he had a few scars on him. CC on location and how many. I want him to look like he has been in quite a few fights. See the nose stripe image of his son for an example of how I want the body color.
Face: A gray stripe down his nose like his son has. White Eyes and CC everything else.
Mane: Length is your call, I just don't want it super short. Wavy would be nice or more straight like his son in the above pic. The color would be black with random strands of white and gray
Tail: Premade Smooth Tail.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Sturdy Footed template. White and glistening a little. I would like the fetlocks to be a little longer then on premade.
Reference Image(s): Dapple Marks | Nose Stripe (Son image) | Mane

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Premade 9 Point Buck Antlers - White and glistening a little. It would be the same as the hooves.
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: I do own the son just in case you need proof for the image above - Hania Shen

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: CC - Beads, strings, orbs, etc are things the family tends to have. Glowing if possible. You can use his son image above for inspiration.
Reference Image(s) for Items: See above image
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:20 pm

Entry Tag: Teh Cheryl | Regular | Moderate | Solo

Edit Category: Moderate
Soquili Species: Regular
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original

WIP Needed? Yes please!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~

Body: Main body is primarily very dark gray (a bit darker than Imperio). An image of a red/orange/black dragon is wrapped around its body, with its head facing his front leg and wings spread like on Invictus (or really, wherever a dragon will fit so it's up to you). Both wings should be visible, with the tail of the dragon snaking down to wrap around one of the back legs. The dragon itself should be either covered in flames or just have hints of it trailing along its body, with its mouth open as though roaring. It's eye should be a crystal blue. Specifics of the anatomy of the dragon are up to the colorist but inspiration can be found in the references.

ALSO: Exact position of the dragon on the body is also subject to the colorist, with the only restriction that it is not completely identical to either Imperio, Invictus, or Crucia.

Trails of soft flames and smoke should be hinted along its legs and (maybe) along the neck, similar to Imperio. Dunno, wherever some color fits in. CC all the extra markings as you see fit (runes or flames or whatever strikes your fancy!)

Eyes should be a bright fire red. .

Mane: Edited. Kind of a mix between wild and dream braid? I'd like his neck to be visible if possible, like Imperio, but for him to hair hair in front of his eyes. He's meant to have kind of a rogue-ish Bohemian carefree look. Maybe will a few small, random thin golden chains mixed in with beads or gems, but limited or no feathers. Colors should be the crazy mess of orange/red/yellow to match Imperio's.

Tail: Long 2. Black with trails of flames on them them like Imperio.

Hooves/Fetlocks: Black hooves, no fetlocks.

References : [ Dragon 1 ] [ Dragon 1 ] [ Dragon 3 ] [ Mask Inspiration 1 ] [ Mask Inspiration 2 ]
[ Imperio, who is his son with Crucia ]

~*~ Trading Post Items ~*~
Dream Catcher :: CC'd colors.
Dream Catcher Feathers :: Same as feathers on tag.
Splice any other items that might strike your fancy--I'm fond of chains and gems being draped in and over hair or the back or wherever!

Teh Cheryl

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

28,200 Points
  • Grunny Rainbow 100
  • Medalist 100
  • Grunny Grabber 50
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:31 pm

Entry Tag: ( Nyx Queen of Darkness | Mutant-Wolf/Ulunsuti | Mod | Solo Custom)

Torrhen Stark

Edit Category: - Moderate
Soquili Species: - Pawed Mutant Wolf/Ulun'suti
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult Only
Concept Origin: OC Contest with Permission--Mock Child of Arya Stark and Yorick
WIP Needed? Sure?

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC based on parents
Face: Possibly Worried Eyebrows, Large template fangs, those lovely template lashes. Colors your choice
Mane: I'd like her to have a shorter hair-style (but longer than her mother's--so maybe a little past her jaw with some longer braids mixed in?
Tail: The tail you showed me on your girl, or something equally long/flufy
Hooves/Fetlocks: Wolf Paws, if the fetlocks work I'd like those also
Reference Image(s): If you have any visual References, link them here.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - N/a
Wings: Describe Wings NA
Fins: Describe Fins - NA
Scales: Describe Scales - N/A
Pelt: Animal Species & Design - N/A
Other Notes: See below

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: ???
Custom Items: A weapon of your choosing, something maybe a little bit unusual? I'd like for her to have some small elemental edit to do with ice/winter. Some blood spatter on her or a blade would be good. If you can work in a cloak or something with a Stark sigil, go for it. Be inspired! Run with it
Reference Image(s) for Items: Contest

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Contest Permission

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: Angeni Only.

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: (descriptions are here: List of Elements) Water

Entry Story for Framing/Inspiration

Foal Name: Torrhen Stark

Named for Torrhen Stark who may have been the first named Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell after he bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror after the events of Harrenhal. He was known as the King Who Knelt (ultimately saving his men from dragon fire).
Temper: Presaging -(of an event) be a sign or warning that (something, typically something bad) will happen.
Her story:

What is dead, stays dead, but in the dreams it was otherwise

It was the wolf dream again. Torrhen had been having them since she was a filly, but she had not spoke of them to anyone but Astrid. It was always the same dream.

There had always been a Stark in Winterfell; it was the way of things before the Great War. Now, the herd was shattered ruins, and in her dreams, Torrhen tread on grounds she had never walked on in life. The field of battle was grey ash, and the other wolves were scavenging amongst the dead. In the wolf dream, she’d snarled, for she knew the bodies for her own kin, though she did not know them.

The grey mists and ash swirled around her until she could see nothing. She was not afraid, though; she knew, as her mother had taught her, what fear could cost you. She only ever truly feared for her siblings, Astrid most of all. Almost as soon as she thought it, she heard her sister’s voice, raised in fear. She flew through the smoke and ash without fear for herself. Fear cuts deeper than swords. The mare who fears losing has already lost. She shoved away the fear as she ran toward her sister, the mirrored half of her soul. A mare is not afraid.

Torrhen ran until she felt rough stone beneath her feet. Down, down she descended into hell as she moved closer to Astrid’s voice. The smoke and ash cleared, and she could taste the bitter salt of tears she had not known she could cry. Astrid was not there - but there were hundreds of statues. As she moved between them, she saw the name Stark inscribed at each base. These were the crypts of her ancestors, a place of legend she had never seen herself.

As always, though, it was the cold that came biting, and not long after came the creak of moving stone. “Astrid?” Torrhen called out, her heart racing as she bared her wolf fangs. But it smelled like death here, as though there was rotting flesh that had been uncovered, and somehow it grew closer. “Astrid!” she screamed, but the cold bit even deeper until her wolf bones were chilled. Then she was there - Astrid, with her worried eyes and distraught look. She saw Torrhen through the wolf dream, as she always had, knew that the wolf that stood in front of her was her sister.

“It’s coming.” Astrid looked at her with fear.

Torrhen's wolf voice failed her when she tried to ask what Astrid meant. Did she mean winter? Did she mean something even worse? But Astrid was not looking at her anymore; she looked down the dark corridors where there was a great shuffling sound. “Dead is dead.” Astrid looked at her again with those big eyes.

Then she woke, as always. She did not know what it meant. Were the legends true? Was her dream a prophecy? A warning? Or just a bad reoccurring dream? As she lay beside her sister, she could feel fear racing in her veins. It should mean nothing, but somehow it felt as though something was coming for them. She wished it was only winter... but then winter was always the metaphor, wasn’t it?

Do you do familiar customs in addition to familiar slots? If so, I'd be interested in a wolf.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:32 pm

Entry Tag: (Andranis | Mutant Regular | High-end moderate | Solo Custom)

Edit Category: High-end moderate?
Soquili Species: Mutant Regular
Body Build: Draft
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original concept
WIP Needed? No

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: See refs! You can have a little fun with his markings, stylize it a little if you like ~
Face: See refs! His eye marking and ear should continue to follow the same pattern as his toes - Left eye marking dark red, right black; Left ear black, right ear dark red
Mane: Either Punk Rock mane, OR a custom mane(Of your design) fitting in the edit level, see specifically the equine-based pets for how his mane coloring should be colored
Tail: Custom tail, and let's see how well I can describe this, ROFL... Like the original Canine Walker pelt tail, but raised, like the alt wolf feral form, with the markings and colors like the original Galahad
Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine mutant paws, with alternating toe marking colors like the original ref!
Reference Image(s): Original Sir Galahad CYO Galahad in Dragons of Icarus Galahad from another shop I forgot the name of Galahad from After the Thaw(?) Galahad of Chincoteague - Go with this tail Galahad in Rammalin Galahad in B'alam Shadows of Galahad (And at least one cert to show that yes, he is mine!)

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: Up to you, within the edit level!
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A


Sweet Kitten

15,100 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Grunny Grabber 50

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 12:53 am

Entry Tag: (Dea and #Teddy# | Mutant Triwing Clawed Ulun'suti/Kalona/Hippogryph | Unedited-Moderate | Twins)

Edit Category: Unedited-Mod (Up to you, really)
Soquili Species: Mutant Triwing Clawed Ulun'suti/Kalona/Hippogryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Both males
Starting Stage: Adult Only
Concept Origin: Original design based on plushie by Wasteland Wyvern
WIP Needed? Would be loved if you would, but only if you want, is not a need <3

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC, based on plushie and your own imagination (any glow would be awesome though)
Face: CC, based on plushie and your own imagination
Mane: CC, based on plushie and your own imagination
Tail: Suti tail, but CC based on plushie and your own imagination other than that.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Claws on all four, other than that CC based on plushie and your own imagination
Reference Image(s): Dragon Plushie Dragon Plushie (wingless version)

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC, based on plushie and your own imagination
Wings: Triwings based on plushie and your own imagination (transparency and glow would be cool though)
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: I love glow and any transparency, so any of those two things would be loved. Other than that, have fun with my twin dragons! Also whatever ways to make them identical, but can be told apart, would be wonderful (such as color change or whatnot)

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Capes and hoods would look good on them with a starry night theme. Also anything glowing or semi transparent would be cool. As for anything else, it is up to you and what the plushie inspires for you.
Custom Items: Same as trading posts, if you would like to make more custom capes/hoods for them. Or anything starry, glowy, or semi-transparent, whatever plushie inspires
Reference Image(s) for Items: Just the plushies above

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: It was a plushie done by Wyv- Certed Plushie

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: Only part Suti
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:02 am

Entry Tag: (AislingJuno | Mutant Ulunsutiti halfbreed| low-end moderate | Solo Custom)

Edit Category: - minor
Soquili Species: - Mutant Ulunsutiti halfbreed
Body Build: Regular leg down
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: OC, which I made inspired by a TLN story contest. Has an interesting backstory torn between two siblings that I also have been questing in the shop . They are part of my solar set OC.
WIP Needed? yes

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: body color and design based on the planet Neptune look at main ref . It would be cool if the fox walker ears could be used splicesd if not then the stand ears. Body can have semi transparent bits or not- should basically be ice inspired.
Face: Scalloped Nose Scales, big dramatic eyes might need to be custom in shape. Dragon inspired eyes with a slit pupil. Mouth standard but with unedit fang showing.
Mane: pulled back in a clasp blue/black mane medium length .
Tail: unedit fox walker tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: feline paws non bulk alt version
Reference Image(s): main ref, No glow, neptune, mane

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): smooth horns
Wings: spread style wings semi-transparent. I want him to be ice inspired
Scales: back scales and any scales you want to add to fit main ref image
Other Notes:

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: I think the giant critter lizard might look cool with him but I'll say CC since I'm not sure
Custom Items: glowing orbs, headdress can be cc in design but I'd like a blue stone in the middle of the headpiece and no strings on the side like ref 1. Or if you want to add any crystal or ice things feel free.
Reference Image(s) for Items: headress inspiration, anouther headdress inspirationmain ref

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:n/a

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: water-though halbreed


Geared Gatekeeper


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:09 am

Entry Tag: (tefla | pawed angeni tri-wing | Minor to Moderate | Solo Custom

Edit Category: - up to Moderate
Soquili Species: - pawed angeni tri-wing
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: gaian avatar
WIP Needed? Yes

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Cream to bronze coloring starting darker at the paws and progressing into a cream color by legs end and rest of body.
Face: Soft white blaze. Soft expression in her eyes. Cream color.
Mane: Edited. CC on length. If it could be sleek in appearance and maybe be in a fancy braid. Cream at top going to white at the ends.
Tail: Edited. CC on length. Sort of fluffy in appearance. Cream at the top working to white at the ends.
Hooves/Fetlocks: canid style paws please. dark bronze, white talons.
Reference Image(s):
User Image
User Image

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Wings: angeni style #2 please. color being cream on top and white underneath.
Other Notes: n/a

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: just diamond chains wrapped/dangling from the wings, like a fancy chain
Reference Image(s) for Items: could you do fine diamond chains draped over her wings?
Use from the item Adamant Vault pose that is shown with avatar.

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Gaia Avatar
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:44 am

Entry Tag: (Epine de Rose | Purewalker | Unedited | Twins

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Purewalker (Charmed)
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Commercial Cosplay
WIP Needed? Not required, but can be sent if necessary!

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Mostly CC taken from the reference picture.
Face: Mostly CC taken from the reference picture.
Mane: None, they don't have one!
Tail: Standard stubby bear tail.
Hooves/Fetlocks: N/A
Reference Image(s): Akali 1, Akali 2

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Pelt: Bear
Other Notes: They're identical twins, don't feel pressured to make any minor adjustments as these aren't required!

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Please place the charm where you feel it suits best, if it's possible to custom the colour to make it compliment the rest of the design as well that would be perfect!
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

Epine de Rose

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:42 am

Entry Tag: Excited Apathy | Uni-Angeni | Minor to Moderate | Solo Custom

Edit Category: Minor to Moderate
Soquili Species: Uni-Angeni
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult Only
Concept Origin: Original Design - Pet Memorial. Based on my dad's old mare Lady, who recently passed on somewhere around the ripe age of 30 (exact age unknown). We had her for around 20 of those years.
WIP Needed? It would be appreciated, yes. <3

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Bay roan with a white sock on the right hind foot. There's some leeway in exactly how roan to make her, because her winter coat had more white hairs than her summer coat. Most refs are of her summer coat. Her butt was always whitest, though still a bit "roany" (see: Appy).
Face: Eyes...likely a pretty dark brown or brown-black. "Pissed" or "Miffed" eyebrows with the default mouth, or otherwise some expression that designates she's up to something and/or calculating while Watching You.
Mane: A mix of white and silver and black best described by refs. Forever Foal stock or an edited style. If edited: her mane was thin and not very long, and it didn't help that she was a huge fan of rubbing on trees. Her forelock was very short.
Tail: A mix of white and silver and black best described by refs. Cropped stock or an edited style. If edited: her wispy Appy tail was always a source of amusement, especially since she'd flag it like an Arab when her blood was up! Flagging...not required. xd
Hooves/Fetlocks: Rounded hooves. I'd love if the feathering could be edited to be similar in style to the mane and tail, and not as long as the default. The hoof with a sock was pale, but the other three were dark. Maybe sans the little feet-wings on the hind legs?
Reference Image(s):
Lady 1
Lady 2
Lady 3
Lady 4
Lady 5

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Uni horn. Silver, grey, or black (CC which).
Wings: Style 1 Angeni wings. CC color and pattern, if you like you can extend the way her roan 'silvered' transitions between colors to them.
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: No feet-wings, if possible. Overall there's a large amount of CC for the exact expression of traits and edits.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC
Custom Items: CC
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

-- Angeni --
Desired Domain: If her traits qualify her for a domain, Tenacity.
(Why Tenacity? Well...if "Ladybug" didn't want to be caught, it wasn't happening. She literally walked me into heat exaustion once. Needless to say, she "won" that day.)

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