Name: Damaris Owner: Nuclear Noxi Date Received: 11/4/24 Temper: n/a Method of Obtainment:Catch a zodiac
Dropped 12/30/24
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 10:59 am
Hi storm - the event items will need to be certed as an item addition via the General Certing Thread once the event cert is available and I can cert this guy. Hopefully soon! -maho 11/28
Pony cert, please!
Name: Arun Owner: stormflower Date Received: 11/06/2024 Temper: Regal Method of Obtainment:Catch a zodiac
Date Received: 11/06/23 Method of Obtainment: I can't find where we got them but here is the Drop Parents: Tamanna Calavera x Vida de la Muerte x
Name: Purnima Calavera Owner: Dragon Berri Temper: Protective
Name: ??? Owner: Snowbelle Thundara
When I first contacted Snowbelle in January of this year, she said she would pick a basket and get back to me. I never got a response. When I came back to Gaia after my own semi-hiatus, I contacted her again in August and the PM is still in my outbox.