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Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:31 pm

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:52 pm

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Name: Celendria (pronounced ~ Cel-len-dri-a)
Meaning: Unknown
RP Color: Teal
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth
Element: Ice
Temperment: Serene
Obtained: 12/13/05 || 05 Christmas raffle -XxX

Mate: Thorleif Rose || Agreement

Likes: Friends, Family, Kawani Desserts, Spring Grasses, Foals
Dislikes: Idiocy, Hatred, Hot Summer Days, Sadness

Personality: Celendria known as the ice mare is a very laid-back individual, mostly taking time to observe the sky and the changing of the seasons. Her wise words make her ethereal seeming to flow as the wind does when it is gentle and not harsh. Her mind is very open and curious about new friends and companions. Anyone she sees close to her heart she vows to protect keeping them safe from harm. If need be she will go out of her way to help anyone should they be in peril or trouble.

History: The ice Mare found herself within the Kawani lands perhaps by dream or reality to which she never knew. Opening her eyes to the world she met Amadahy alone, a she-wolf that bonded by her side. Her travels carried her toward a sound one day and introduced her to the most amazing creature ever. She could never speak the language of the natives but, she could understand certain things. Choosing her fate she opted to stay with Tirranna; her Kawani guardian. It was the most amazing thing that ever happened to lead the curious mare into a deeper path than she realized.

Along the way, she met many of her kind both big and small. Some were open and affectionate while others were mistrusting and downright ignorant. It was quite discerning at first but the Ice mare learned there was more than a simple glance. There was so much to learn of her kin both docile and wild.

Her mate warmed her heart as did her children. Along with Tirranna, she opened her heart to those who were abandoned and her own. Anyone with an open heart and mind became the ice mare's loved one. Each soul-warming hers, even more, made Celendria realize her true path in the reality of life itself.

As she grew deeper in her years she felt a calling, a voice that enveloped her with a deep feeling she could not deny it. From that day on she had become an elder, a seer, and a voice for future generations. She had taken on a Kalona once to protect her friends and loved ones which only proved her strength of heart and mind was much more than she ever realized. Walking proudly with her head held high she faced the future and that which lay ahead.


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Celendria's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Celendria (Elder)

Parents: Isolda (Deceased), Frost (Unknown)
Aunt: Lady Arendelle aka Winter Soltice
Siblings: Frosta, Celenduin, Avalon
Half Siblings: Aspen, Celcius
Mate: Thorleif Rose heart

Breeding 1: (Euphoria)Kohana , Safi
Breeding 2: (Euphoria)Cerylia, Amarantha, Ecstacy, Caius
Breeding 3: (Euphoria)Eira, Cella Luna, Kelvin, Celendrium, Corentin

Adopted: Samedi , Glory, Kazekage
Lunathiel x Kohana ~ Amoena, Kawahu Lesharo
Great Grandchildren:
Azula x Kwahu Lesharo ~ Roxy, Eira, Balthazar, Lazuli, Emeros
Amoena x Emmett ~ Sullivan, , Dita
Roxy x Klei ~ Naimh, Nyx, Neo


12/13/05 ~ Welcome Celendria from the 05 Christmas raffle!
12/22/05 ~ Celendria arrived
03/16/06 ~ Cel's sons emerged from their baskets
05/29/06 ~ Cel Helps Halona in the Apple Quest
09/14/07 ~ Celendria became an elder
09/16/07 ~ Cel's elder cert arrival
09/24/07 ~ Cel has a confrontation with Inc and Samedi
01/01/08 ~ Shaylee & Cel's 2nd Preggo drops
01/20/08 ~ Cel welcomes four new baskets
04/23/08 ~ Cel welcomes 2 fillies and 2 colts
11/04/08 ~ Cel watched Cerylia and her siblings step into adulthood
11/17/10 ~ Celendria got elderfied on new lines ~ XxX
06/05/16 ~ Cel and Euphoria won the Prehistoric breeding raffle
06/07/16 ~ Cel's preggoz cert and uncert were dropped off.
10/29/16 ~ Cel and Euphoria welcomed five new baskets
11/06/16 ~ Cel and Eu welcomed four fillies and a colt main thread
11/12/16 ~ Cel's kids were dropped in main thread certed
11/26/16 ~ Cel's kids grew into amazing adults whose certs and uncerts dropped in Main thread
01/26/20 ~ Celendria & Euphoria have gone their separate ways
11/26/24 ~ Celendria chose her lifemate ; Thorleif Rose || XxX


12/18/05 ~ Celendria Meets Alona (Dec 18, 2005)
12/29/05 ~ Cel's First OOC Pt.1 (Dec 29, 2005)
12/31/05 ~ Cel's First RP (Dec 31, 2005)
01/01/06 ~ [In Thread} Cel's first outing Pt 1 (Sun Jan 01, 2006)
O1/01/06 ~ Cel's First Outing Pt. 2 (Jan 01, 2006)
01/04/08 ~ Cel OOC RP (Jan 04, 2006)
01/07/06 ~ Celendria Meets Cyrus ( Jan 07, 2006 8:04 pm)
01/16/06 ~ Celendria Learns what Consequence is (Mon Jan 16, 2006)
01/06/06 ~ Celendria's First Two-Legger (Jan 16, 2006)
01/16/06 ~ Cel and Shaylee RP Catori & Dyami) (Tue Jan 17, 2006)
01/25/06 ~ Celendria Meets Chepi (Jan 25, 2006)
01/26/06 ~ Cel, Shaylee, Chepi, and Dyami (Thu Jan 26, 2006)
01/28/06 ~ Celendria Meets Rowanok (Jan 28, 2006)
01/31/06 ~ Cel - Dyami- Kanti - Chepi (Tue Jan 31, 2006 )
02/26/06 ~ Glory's Outing (Sat Feb 25, 2006)
02/27/06 ~ Glory & Tori (Mon Feb 27, 2006)
02/28/06 ~ Celendria Chats with Catori (Sat Jan 28, 2006)
03/02/06 ~ Cel Meets King (Thu Mar 02, 2006 )
03/04/06 ~ Celendria's Baskets (Mar 04, 2006)
03/08/06 ~ Celendria, Glory, Chepi (Mar 08, 2006)
03/16/06 ~ Cel, Kohana, Chepi ( Mar 16, 2006)
03/22/06 ~ Cel, Kohana & Safi (Wed Mar 22, 2006)
05/23/06 ~ Celendria Contemplates (May 23, 2006)
05/24/06 ~ Euphoria & Celendria (May 24, 2006)
05/29/06 ~ Cel , Chepi, & Halona's Apple Quest (May 29, 2006)
06/28/06 ~ [prp]A night of thought(( Rahu and Celendria ) Calendria
10/11/06 ~ {PRP} Mom... I'm going to be a dad (Celendria and Kohana) Celendria
10/11/06 ~ {PRP} As light Appears ~Rein Herd introductions~
11/12/06 - [PRP] Shadows and Ice - Celendria and Samedi + Celendria
04/05/07 ~ [PRP] A Mother Knows Best (Ever Sacrifice x Celendria) Celendria
04/06/07 ~ PRP Meet My Adopted Daughter (Celendria, Glory and Euphoria)
06/25/07~ Semi-Open: a summer outing with the whole family? Celendria
09/17/07 ~ [prp] Dyami and Cel (( for Samus and Rein))
10/20/20 ~ [PRP] Respect your elders. ( Misfortune + Celendria ) Celendria
11/27/07 ~ [PRP] Snow Meets Ice [Frosta and Celendria] Celendria
04/26/08 ~ {PRP} Little things well worth waiting for *Cel & Family* Cel etc
06/27/08 ~ {PRP} Hell Hath no Fury.... (Cynder & Spyro)~Fin Cynder
03/12/10 ~ {PRP} Eternal Ice and Sand (Celendria & Euphoria) Celendria
04/06/10 ~ {PRP} Desperate Measures (Celendria & Kunai)
04/08/10 ~ {PRP} Memories within the Storm (Celendria & Kazekage)
07/12/16 ~ [PRP] Seasons Changing~ (Celendria & Cerylia)
08/11/17 ~ [PRP] After the Storms *see cast inside*

Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1: (Euphoria) Kohana, Safi
Breeding 2: (Euphoria) Cerylia, Amarantha, Caius, Ecstacy
Breeding 3: (Euphoria) Cella Luna, Eira, Kelvin, Corentin, Celendrium
Breeding 4:
Breeding 5:

Celendia x Thorleif Rose

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes

Entry Code:
Celendria (Rein_Carnation) x Thorleif Rose (Rein_Carnation)

Parent 1:
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Parent 2:
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UNCERT | Markings

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Rein_Carnation

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. 1. https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=25644198#396960726- Sweeny's Schools Out For Summer Tiki Twisted Breedings!
    2. https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=25660248#397556631 - Leave an Offering for the Pantheon - Soquili Edition
    3. https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=25644198#396960726 - Sweeny's Schools Out For Summer Tiki Twisted Breedings!
    4. https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=4&t=25665288#397652253 - What Baskets Are These?! (Winter Twist Breedings Dec 2024)

Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes
---Templates to Avoid: Eagle Wings, Curved horns, baldness

Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes
---Templates to Avoid: N/a



Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:14 pm

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Name: Shaylee (pronounced ~ Shae-lee)
Meaning: Meadow Princess
RP Color: #7A378B
Gender: Female
Breed: Flutter (Sugarplum Fairy)
Element: Air
Temperment: Naive
Obtained: 12/21/05 || (cowed with Farland/Parue) - XxX

Mate: Torn || Agreement

Likes: Sweets, Attention, More Sweets, SWEETS!!! Sugar Plums
Dislikes: Sour Apples, Meanness, Scorching Hot Summer Days

Personality: Shaylee is a sweet Soquili, but often very child-like in her actions. She isn’t very innocent but often mischievous in her own way. She seems to be oblivious to the dangers around her, not seeming quite to understand that not everyone is nice. There are possible chances that some may try to hurt her if she’s not careful.

Shaylee lives in the forest clearing with Celendria’s herd and enjoys more than anything the rare treat of a sugarplum. Luckily, she is not at the complete mercy of others, her familiar, Everly... Who may look soft and fluffy, but will often keep her out of harm's way.

Needless to say, Shaylee knows what sadness and heartache are, but tries to cover her uncertainty with a friendly smile or childish guise. She’s quick to fall in love then regrets it thereafter. A certain stallion has piqued her curiosity and brought out a side that even the chipper little flutter doesn’t know she possesses.


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Shaylee's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: Torn

Breeding 1: (Azure) ~Ashling, Chitsa
Breeding 2 (Torn):Limdur, Eiko, Seelie

Grand Children:
Chitsa & Roka~ Alston, Linnea, Kanoa, Aeife, Seollya


12/21/05 ~ Farland/Rue won Shaylee in an auction and co-owned with me biggrin
03/06/06 ~ Shaylee is Preggorz
03/07/06 ~ Shaylee's baskets arrived
03/12/06 ~ Shaylee's baskets opened
08/20/06 ~ Shaylee won the struggle match winning Stitch the ferret
01/01/08 ~ Shaylee & Cel's 2nd Preggo drops
01/22/08 ~ Shaylee welcomed three baskets
04/27/08 ~ Shaylee's baskets produced a filly and two colts
07/23/15 ~ Shaylee & Torn became lifemates heart


Romance & Breedings

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Romance & Breedings

Breeding 1: (Azure) Chitsa, Ashling
Breeding 2: (Torn) Limdur, Eiko, Seelie
Breeding 3: (Torn)
Breeding 4: (Torn)

Breeding Attempts #1

01. + Hiru's Thicket Thread Feb 2006 Grats Shaylee & Azure! heart

Breeding Attempts #2

01. mer's october breeding 2007
02. Hiru's November Slots 2007
03. Ende's November Slots!! 2007
04. mer's november breeding thread 2007
05. Ameh's November Breeding Slots 2007
06. Lils November Breeding thread 2007
07. [ Nerpin's November Breeding ] 2007
12/28/08 ~ Parue Gift Bribe Gift heart Grats Shaylee & Torn!!!


PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:18 pm

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Name: Amadahy (pronounced ~ Am~Ah~dah~e)
Certs Cert | Uncert
RP Color: #8B8989
Gender: Female
Breed: Wolf
Temperament: Quiet
Obtained: 03/10/06 || First Familiar Custom || XxX
Bonded: Celendria
Personality: Such a timid little creature and so very compassionate. Finding herself in the company of the ice mare Celendria, they traveled together till they found themselves living near the teepee owned by Tirranna.

Mate: Single || Agreement


Offspring:~ (Kori) Kasumi, Balanos, Tallulah


02/10/06 ~ Amadahy & EverlyArrived
01/21/16 ~ Amadahy & Kori won Odet's Familiar Snow Day Breeding Raffle
02/04/16 ~ Amadahy & Kori welcomed three pups into their lives
02/13/14 ~ Amadahy and Kori's pups have been certed along with Cerylia


Romance & Breedings

User Image

Breeding 1: (Kori) ~ Kasumi, Balanos, Tallauh
Breeding 4:
Breeding 5:



Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:23 pm

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Name: Everly (pronounced ~ Ever~lee)
Cert: Cert | Uncert
RP Color: #00868B
Gender: Male
Breed: Fox
Lineage: N/a
Temperament: Caring
Obtained 03/23/05 || Familiar addition to Shaylee || XxX
Bonded: Shaylee
Personality: This little fox has had more of his share of bruises, bumps, and the whole charade. Bonded to the flutter Shaylee he leads a perilous journey to keep vigil over her. Constantly running into trees, rocks, and other obstacles he tries desperately to keep up with the spastic flutter.

Mate: Single || Agreement



02/10/06 ~ Amadahy & EverlyArrived


Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1:
Breeding 2:
Breeding 3:
Breeding 4:
Breeding 5:


PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:26 pm

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Name: Glory (pronounced ~ Glor-re)
Meaning: MLP Unicorn
RP Color: #820BBB
Gender: Female
Breed: MLP Cosplay Unicorn
Element: Air
Temperment: Ambitious
Obtained: 02/14/06 || 2006 MLP Event Auction || XxX

Mate: Kahaina || Agreement


Personality: Glory from her youth has always believed she could fly. No matter what the odds or obstacles she was determined to overcome them. The only thing that always frustrates her is not being able to leave the ground for any time. Glory has met many Soquili ranging from young to old. She's open to anyone who accepts her for who she is deep inside.

Glory has learned how to become a better individual and raise a charming family through many escapades. Her mother’s love for her is what saw this young unicorn through to what she has become today.

Background info and/or History: Glory is based on the MLP G1 character from "Escape from Midnight Castle." She is also a collector toy released in 1983.


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Glory's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Parents: Adopted by Celendria
Siblings (Half): Kohana, Safi, Samedi, KazekageCerylia, Amarantha, Ecstasy , Caius
Mate: Kahaina

Breeding 1:Mythril, Silvance, Agate,
Breeding 2:Orihalcum, Levantine, Gemma

Grandchildren: Gabriella x Mtythril ~Muse, Vohamanah, Zohah, Inspiration, Wispix, Gypsi
Great Grandchildren:
Sohalia x Vohamanah~ Vatsa, Morgan, Quiandiah
Muse x Tooki ~ Shi'kala, Rovaer, TeĂ­uivae
Great Great Grandchildren:
Starweilder x Morgan ~ Mani, Cade Estrellas
Tirla x Vatsa ~ Ananda, Ives, Xynia


02/13/06 ~ Glory's winning bid
03/14/06 ~ Glory grew to a gorgeous adult!
09/04/06 ~ Glory & Kahaina became mates via RP heart
04/23/07 ~ Glory is Preggorz with Kahania
05/07/06 ~ Glory welcomes three new baskets
05/14/07 ~ Glory's baskets dropped certed
05/23/07 ~ Glory's baskets revealed two colts and a filly
09/29/08 ~ Glory chats with Muse and Lickety Split
02/06/10 ~ Glory & Kahaina and Sweet Stuff & Spearmint became mates heart
03/31/10 ~ Glory and Kahaina got rolled in Mind's breedings ~ XxX
04/07/10 ~ Glory's Pregnancy cert drop ~ XxX
04/12/10 ~ Glory and Kahaina welcome 3 baskets -XxX
04/15/10 ~ Glory's basket cert drop ~ XxX
04/19/10 ~ Glory welcomed two daughters and a son ~ XxX
05/02/10 ~ Glory's kids grown adult cert drop ~ XxX
07/13/21 ~ Vis rolled Glory for a brand new makeover! ~ XxX
03/05/22 ~ Glory's re-custom stepped proudly from the talents of Vis - XxX
04/11/22 ~ Glory's official Recert cert drop in thread ~ XxX


Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1: (Kahaina) ~ Mythril, Silvance, Agate
Breeding 2: (Kahaina) ~ Levantine, Orihalcum, Gemma
Breeding 3: (Kahaina) ~
Breeding 4: (Kahainia) ~

Breeding Attempts #1

Breeding Attempts #2

Breeding Attempts #3



Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:48 pm

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Name: Lady Saissis (Pronounced: La~dy Sai~is)
Meaning: OC MLP Name
RP Color: #00008B
Gender: Female
Breed: Flutter (MLP cosplay)
Element: Water
Temperment: Tranquil
Found: 03/11/06 || 2006 Bithday Gift from Meeki || XxX

Mate: Kyo Yagami || Agreement

Likes: Water, Spring, Children, Strawberries, the Ocean, Meditation
Dislikes: Liars, Heavy Snowstorms, Briars, Sweet Foods

Personality: Saissis is quite laid back when it comes to most everything. She's not fond of large crowds or places she is unsure of. She's extremely intelligent and knows many things about the environment around her. Coming from a distant land she like Kimimela is unsure of most things. Her familiar is by her side helps to lessen the strangeness she feels when she travels alone.

Raising her family with her guidance, Saissis felt forlorn when her beloved set off to see the world with their only son. Leaving in a moment of failed hesitation, Saissis uncovered alone basket and raised the hatched filly. She now takes much responsibility for her charges, hoping someday another will value her love and not squander it away.

Background info and/or History: Lady Saissis is based on my personal OC created when I was little. She was later made into a patchwork pony by the MLPTP.


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Lady Saissis' Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Lady Saissis

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: Kyo Yagami

Breeding 1: (Nathaniel Christopher) ~ Nitika, Tansy, Chevyo

Adopted: Feena
Grand Children: Nitika & Hatake Kakashi~ Kunai, Kaeda, Konoha
Feena & Yuuri Shibuya~ Isamu Shibuya, Kamui Shibuya, Ehren Shibuya, Angelou Shibuya, Laine Shibuya, Eilidh Shibuya
Great Grandchildren:
Kunai x Uchiha Sasuke ~ Uchiha Chidori, Uchiha Min Mae, Kunoichi


03/11/06 ~ Saissis arrived on the shores of the Kawani lands with Istas
05/14/06 ~ Saissis meets Nathaniel Christopher
06/19/06 ~ Saissis was found heavy in foal
07/19/06 ~ Saissis gave birth to 3 gorgeous baskets
08/05/06 ~ Saissis baskets produced two healthy female winged and one male flutter
08/18/06 ~ Lady S received her keyblade
06/15/06 ~ Lady Saissis and Nathaniel won in the breeding raffle
12/07/08 ~ Lady Saissis & Nathaniel Christopher have parted ways due to irreconcilable differences
02/14/18 ~ Lady Saissis & Kyo Yagami became lifemates heart



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Romance & Breedings

Breeding 1: (Nathaniel Christopher) ~ Nitika, Cheveyo, Tansy
Breeding 2: (Kyo Yagami) ~
Breeding 3: (Kyo Yagami) ~
Breeding 4: (Kyo Yagami) ~
Breeding 5: (Kyo Yagami) ~

Breeding Attempts #1

Breeding Attempts #2[
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:51 pm

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Name: Ahyoka (pronounced ~ Ah~yo~ka)
Cert: Cert | Uncert
RP Color: #FBBBB9
Gender: Female
Breed: Bear
Lineage: N/a
Temperament: Cheery
Obtained: 03/23/06 || Gidt from Sirenz
Bonded: N/a
Mate: Single
Personality: Ahyoka is a kind and loving little soul who goes out of her way to help others when they are in need. She's a sweetheart who always puts herself before others.

Mate: Single || Agreement




Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1:
Breeding 2:
Breeding 3:
Breeding 4:
Breeding 5:



Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:54 pm

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Name: Istas (Pronounced ~ Is~tas)
Cert:: Cert | Uncert
RP Color: #8968CD
Gender: Female
Breed: Raccoon
Lineage: N/a
Temperament: Contemplative
Obtained: 03/23/10 || 2006 Birthday gift from Sirenz
Bonded: Lady Saissis

Personality: From the dawning of the young familiar's birth she was bonded to Saissis in their homeland. Constant and determined she will stop at nothing to figure out solutions and queries as much as she can. Almost like Sherlock Holmes, she thinks of herself as a detective of the herd.

Mate: Single || Agreement




Romance & Breedings

User Image

Breeding 1:
Breeding 2:
Breeding 3:
Breeding 4:
Breeding 5:


PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:00 pm

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Name: Kimimela (pronounced ~ Kimi-mel-a)
Meaning: Sioux for butterfly
RP Color: #878787
Gender: Female
Breed: Ring Tail Lemur
Element: Earth
Temperment: Social (but backwards)
Obtained: 04/05/06 || Custom dropped via PM

Mate: Andre || Agreement

Likes: Bananas, Fruits, Socializing, Rolling in the grass
Dislikes: Sour Apples, Mean spirits, Rainy Days

Personality: Kimimela is a Soquili who was born in a foreign land very far from here. Her language seems odd to most Soquili as it sounds like she speaks backward. She grows discouraged and sometimes tries to fit in. Thankfully she has a willing guide by the name of Glory to help her around. Kimi is learning about the Kawani village and its surrounding land. She's met many wonderful individuals who are nice and supportive. Deep inside all Kimimela wishes is to be accepted and dance under the full moon's light.

Haunting memories of her past gnaw constantly at her, but she's trying to cope and live with her losses. Many friends have listened to her odd words, and some have supported and made her feel special. Her main problem that is hard to break is, of course, her language. Many see it as backward or odd, but she herself has known her tongue from birth. Quick to trust she sometimes gets brokenhearted seeking a shoulder to cry upon or a heart that will listen to her.

Background info and/or History: Kimimela is based on a Ring Tailed Lemur of Madagascar.


User Image

Kimimela's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: Andre

Breeding 1: (Thokya) - Atheya, Delsin, Masichuvio

Grand Children:
Masichuvio & Mara~ Awinito, Awendeo


User Image

04/05/06 ~ Kimimela dropped off via PM
01/06/08 ~ Kimi and Hsien win their first breeding raffles
01/25/08 ~ Hsien & Kimi welcome thier first baskets
02/10/08 ~ Hsien & Kimi welcomed thier first foals
02/25/08 ~ Hsien and Kimi's foals grew into amazing adults
01/05/16 ~ Kimi is now a model for Marzi's Market of Mayhem sporting her new blanket
03/24/17 - Kimi and Andre accepted one another as Lifemales heart || XxX


Romance & Breeding

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Breeding 1: (Thoyoka) ~ Atheya, Delsin, Masichuvio
Breeding 2: (Andre)
Breeding 3: (Andre)
Breeding 4: (Andre)
Breeding 5: (Andre)

Breeding Form

Entry Code:
Kimiela (Rein_Carnation) x Andre (Kesmi)

[b]Parent 1:[/b]

[b]Parent 2:[/b]

[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] nope
[b]Teepees:[/b] [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24750319]Rein's[/url], [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=22593453]Kesmi's[/url]

[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=302&t=23696151#37990666701][ X ][/url]
[color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes

[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No

[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No

[*] list of attempts

[b]Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes
[color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] Eagle wings please.

[b]Other Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes
[color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] -

[b]Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] -
[b]Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] -

[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes Please
[color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Andre's Parents

[b]Breeding Attempt #1

01. Ende's December Breeding Raffles! 2007
02. Ameh & Nerpin's January Breeding 2008 *Grats Kimimela!!!

Breeding Attempt #2


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:17 pm

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Name: Takoda (pronounced ~ Ta-ko-Da)
Meaning: Sioux for friend of everyone
RP Color: #8B4513
Gender: Male
Breed: 2nd Gen son of Ardia and Sheridan
Element: Earth
Temperment: Sensible
Obtained: 04/28/06 || Gifted from Shar & Saiyuri - XxX.

Mate: Brisi || Agreement

Likes: Dancing, Showing off, Sunny days
Dislikes: Dung Beetles, Sour Things, Bad Coordination

Personality:Takoda, the proud son of Sheridan and Ardia has always from foal hood followed his father's passion. Like Sheridan, his only first son longed and strived to learn the steps known by his family as "dancing". Each stride, turn of the head, or simply the way one presents oneself takes practice and moments of trial and error. Many a day he still spends perfecting his passion he knows so well.

The only thing that makes this handsome stallion stand out from others is his severe liking for beetles, especially the dung beetle. No one knows if it was the ugliness or just the fact of their routine "dung rolling" that disgusted the painted male. The only thing we do know is he'll throw a royal fit in the presence of one.


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Takoda's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%



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04/28/06 ~ Sheridan and Ardia became parents. Takoda was gifted to me whee
05/05/06 ~ Takoda emerged from his basket
05/27/16 ~ Takoda grew into a handsome stallion
06/16/09 ~ Ascoscoi & Takoda won King's Breeding raffle
06/19/09 ~ Takoda and Ascoscoi won King's breeding slot
06/20/09 ~ Ascoscoi & Takoda welcomed three baskets
06/25/09 ~ Ascoscoi & Takoda welcomed three fillies
11/18/16 ~ Brisi & Takoda finally accepted each other for life heart
01/03/16 ~ Irisi's cert, Paloma's cert, and Bonding cert to Takoda arrived


Romance & Breeding

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Breeding 1: (Ascoscoi) Prinsona, Azura, Kodai
Breeding 2: (Brisi)
Breeding 3: (Brisi)
Breeding 4: (Brisi)
Breeding 5: (Brisi)

Breeding Attempts #1

01. Celestial's August Breedings 2019

Breeding Attempts #2
PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:42 am

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Name: Zaribe (pronounced~ Za-ri-bay)
RP Color: #CD0000
Gender: Male
Breed: Scarlet Macaw Parrot
Element: Air
Temperment: Flamboyant
Obtained: 06/01/06 || Gift from Meeki || XxX

Mate: Single || Agreement

Likes: Showing off, Plucking wing feathers, making others laugh
Dislikes: misplaced feathers, Cold Winters, Crabby personalities

Personality: Zaribe like his twin sister has an interesting outlook in life. They both seek out the fun things that their adventures have to offer. While his sister was the comical one, Zaribe was more of the performer showing off his appearance and outlandish ways to get attention. He despises unruly feathers, plucking them out by the handfuls if need be. Easy to charm he’ll pine up to someone for a bit of a handout when Zaribe’s hunger cravings kick in.

He has however by Celendria’s quest found himself to become a better individual. More sure and very gentlemanly in his approach to strangers, he’s learned he’s not as annoying as most whisper he is. Speaking with good grace and politeness, Zaribe has found others are quick to not judge and willing to help in any given situation. He still does harbor that outgoing attitude but that’s what his mate loves best about him, so why would he ever change that? He’s a proud father willing to go out on a limb for his family, and that’s all that counts past his foolhardy shenanigans.

Zaribe also learned life isn't what it seems. Something dark and sadistic even tragic threatened his very existence with the love of his life and family. A dark time loomed about which seemed like an eternity eventually passing to a lighter future. Now he can stand proud deeply in love with his mate and watch over his children and grandchildren.

Background info and/or History: Zaribe is a twin set along with his sister as a Scarlet Macaw.


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Zaribe's Stats
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Zikeria
Mate: Single

Breeding 1: Cocomo, Eirian
Breeding 2: Tahiti, Tropical Oasis, Cujo

Grandchildren: Coventina x Cocomo ~ Key Largo, Malibu, Jamaica
Great Grandchildren:
Jamacia x Fajar ~ Polynesia Bay, Dominica Cove


User Image

06/01/06 ~ Twin parrot arrivals.... Zaribe is here!
10/14/07 ~ TTT & Zaribe won Mer's Oct Breeding raffle
10/19/07 ~ TTT & Zaribe welcomed their first baskets
10/26/07 ~ TTT & Zaribe celebrated a filly and a colt
11/20/10 ~ Tic-Tac-Toe & Zaribe are officially mates through the pain they endured heart
08/03/11 ~TTT x Zaribe Breeding win ~ XxX
08/04/11 ~ Preggorz TTT ~ XxX
08/09/11 ~ TTT x Zaribe Baskets ~ XxX
08/16/11 ~ TTT x Zaribe Foals ~ XxX
08/19/11 ~ TTT x Zaribe's Foal Certs ~ XxX
08/29/11 ~ TTT x Zaribe's Adults ~ XxX


Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1: (TTT) ~ Cocomo, Eirian (Cait),
Breeding 2: (TTT) ~Tahiti, Tropical Oasis, Cujo
Breeding 3: (TTT) ~
Breeding 4: (TTT) ~
Breeding 5: (TTT) ~

Breeding Form

Tic Tac Toe (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Zaribe ( Rein_Carnation)

[img]http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Sirenz/Tags/tictactoe.jpg[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/buEdtR1.png]UNCERT[/url]

[b]Father:[/b] Zaribe (Rein_Carnation)

[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] N/A
[b]Teepees:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10884703]Rein Carnation[/url] - [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24844007]Caitlyn[/url]

[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=244&t=11630811#283894877][ X ][/url]
[color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes

[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No

[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No
[spoiler][list=1][*]list of attempts

[b]Same Breed Variants:[/b] Sure
[color=white]---[/color]Templates to Avoid: Eagle Wings

[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] No
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] N/A

Breeding Attempt #1

01. Ameh's August Breeding Slots 2007
02. Ende's September Breedings Slots 2007
03. September Breeding Shiz! 2007
04. Ameh's September Breeding Slots 2007
05. Ende's October Breedings 2007
06. mer's october breeding 2007 Grats TTT & Zaribe!!!

Breeding Attempt #2

01. Dawnie May Breedings 2009
02. Di's May Breeding Slots 2009
03. Vance's 1st (noobly) Breedings! 2009
04. Zoo's June (bday) Breedings! 2009
05. Kings June Breedings 2009
06. King June Breedings Part 1.5
07. Di's 24 hour, end of June, breeding raffle 2009
08. Dawnie's July Breeding Raffle!
09. King May Breedings 2009
10. Witty Banter Nerp's Feb. Breeding 2010
11. Niloufer's November Breeding Raffle! 2010
12. Beejoux's November Breedings 2010
13. Nekoya's December Breeding 2010
14. Rapid's Feb Breedings 2011
15. Jul's April Breeding Return 2011
16. Beejoux's April Breedings 2011
17. Jul's May Breeding Slots 2011
18. Ririka's June Breeding Slots! 2011
19. Beejoux's July Breedings 2011
20. Neza's Breeding Slots! 2011 Congrats TTT & Zaribe!!!!!

Breeding Attempt #3

01. Jet's April Unedit Breedings



Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:47 am

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Name: Nitika (pronounced ~ Ni~ Ti~ka)
RP Color: #27408B
Gender: Female
Nickname: Angelic Gemstone
Breed: Winged
Element: Water
Temperment: Curious
Obtained: 07/25/06 || Saissis' first born - XxX

Mate: Deja || Agreement

Likes: Learning, Acceptance, Water, Asking questions
Dislikes: Meanness, Sour Fruits, Lightning Storms

Personality: Always a curious soul, this soquili has gotten herself into many a predicament. Wearing a friendly smile and an open outlook helps her cope with those less friendly toward her. Usually, the question routine she’s followed since birth has gotten quite a negative approach. But, she’s always been born with a knack for learning and sharing things in return. Perhaps in her trial and error of life, Nitika will understand when and where she is to do things. For now, it's more of a learning phase for her.

Her path led her to a completely different route falling in love (or so she thought) with Hatake Kakashi. Bearing foals of her own she watched them all grow into fine certified Ninjas like their father. Her daughter Kunai though went down a more confusing path disappearing for a long while. Now Nitika wonders about her well-being and her sanity.


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Nitika 's Stats:
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Parents: Lady Saissis x Nathaniel Christopher
Siblings: Tansy, Chevyo
Adopted Siblings: Feena
Mate: Deja

Breeding 1: (Hatake Kakashi)~ Kunai, Kaeda, Konoha

Kunai x Uchiha Sasuke ~ Uchiha Chidori, Uchiha Min Mae, Kunoichi


07/25/06 ~ Saissis' basket's arrived in three
08/05/06 ~ Saissis Foals emerged
09/23/16 ~ Saiissis' kids grew to adult
05/07/08 ~ Nitika basket cert pick up in thread
05/21/08 ~ Nitika and Kakashi won the RP Breeding slot
05/31/08 ~ Nitika welcomes her first Baskets
07/23/15 ~ Nitika chose Deja as her Lifemate heart || XxX


Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1: (Hatake Kakashi) ~ Kunai, Kaedra, Konoha
Breeding 2: (Deja)
Breeding 3: (Deja)
Breeding 4: (Deja)


Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure

Entry Code: Nitika (Rein_Carnation) x Deja (Shariea )

User Image

User Image UNCERT

Co Ownership?: N/a
Teepees: Rein teepee, Shar teepee

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only):
---Templates to Avoid: Baldness, Eagle wings

Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes
---Templates to Avoid: N/a

Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes

Throwbacks?: Yes
---Link to previous Generations:

Great Grandmother
Great Grandfather

Breeding Attempt #1

01. Dawnie's February Breeding 2008
02. Dawnies March Breeding! 2008
03. //Nerpin's April Raffle! // 2008
04. Lils april Breedings 2008
05. =Mer's April Breeding Raffle=
06. Ameh & Dawnie's April Breeding 2008
07. Antigra's April Breeding 2008
08. King and Natsu's May Breeding 2008
09. //Tigpin May Breeding 2008//
10. (Rapid) Dawmeh?! Low Luck May Breeding! 2008 *Grats Nitika!!!

Breeding Attempt #2

01. Jet's Twisted October Breedings 2016
02. Maths' November Breedings
03. Maths' January 2017 Breedings -24h-
04. Griff's Unedited August Breedings 2017
05. Sweeny's Spooky Scary Halloween Breedings Oct 2017
06. Spell's First Ever Breeding Raffle (December 2017)
07. Pan's January Unedited Breedings 2018
08. Celestial's August Breedings 2019
09. Odet's 48 hour+ Feb 2020 Pony Breeding Slots


PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:24 am

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Name: Kairi (pronounced ~ Kai~Ri)
Meaning: The sea
RP Color: #CD853F
Gender: Female
Breed: KH2 Cosplay Winged
Element: Water
Temperment: Serene
[Obtained: 08/20/06 || Kingdom Hearts Event Auction || XxX

Mate: Gwydion Arwel || Agreement

Likes: Star Fruit, Quiet Places, Smiles, Ocean
Dislikes: Blaming, Meanness, Pain

Personality: Sweet and serene this mare can become very determined if she wants to. Hailing from another land, she feels out of place and odd with a blue ferret following her around. Constantly she wishes of her homeland and the friends she left behind. Finding her old friend has led Kairi to believe this land may not be as trying as her thoughts had told her. Maybe there is a shining silver cloud that rests at the foot of the rainbow. Kairi knows there is as long as she believes things will work out.

Her only downfall in this world is the creature that followed her named Stitch. Disguised as a blue ferret he has caused Kairi much grief, setting her at the scene of a crime she didn't commit. So living with a suspicion generated by your friends from a blue scheming thief is never a plus in anyone’s book.

Background info and/or History: Kairi is based on the character from the video game Kingdom Hearts II.


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Kairi's Stats:
Strength - 100%
Courage - 100%
Speed - 100%
Intelligence - 100%
Luck - 100%
Stamina - 100%


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Parents: Unkown
Siblings: Unkown
Mate: Gwydion Arwel
Offspring: ?


08/20/06 ~ Kairi's winning bid in the KH2
08/21/06 ~ Kairi's cert was dropped
10/09/15 ~ Kairi and Gwydion Arwel became lifemates heart


Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1: (Gwydion Arwel) ~
Breeding 2: (Gwydion Arwel)
Breeding 3: (Gwydion Arwel)
Breeding 4: (Gwydion Arwel)
Breeding 5: (Gwydion Arwel)

]Breeding Attempt #1

Breeding Attempt #2



Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:54 am

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Name: Stitch
Cert:: Cert | Uncert
RP Color: #6183A6
Gender: Male
Breed: Ferret
Temperament: Coy
Obtained: 08/20/06 ~ Struggle Match Game -XxX
Bonded: N/a (hangs around Kairi)

Mate: Single || Agreement

Personality: A coy little creature with the thoughts of a thief. He can be helpful at times but is it really for his game? Stopping at nothing usually this little one will test the trust of others and turn around with a nasty result. Many things usually end up stolen and the blame will usually be put upon another



08/20/06 ~ Shaylee won the struggle match winning Stitch the ferret
08/21/06 ~ Stitch was dropped off in the KH2 event


Romance & Breedings

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Breeding 1:
Breeding 2:
Breeding 3:
Breeding 4:
Breeding 5:



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