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Sol Walker

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:41 am
Entry No: 666
Subject: Boba Fett
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Outlaws may claim they're a fearless bunch, but thats only partialy true. If theres something that all Outlaws fear, its Boba Fett. Fett is every Outlaw's Boogey man. To look upon that T-shaped visor is to look upon your own Death.

No one really knows where the hell Fett came from. Some say he's a Rogue stormtrooper, others say he was once a Journeyman Protector known as Jaster Mereel, still others say he's the son of Jango Fett, the guy used as breeding stock for the Clone armies.

Not that it really matters. what we do know is that some 15 years or so before the battle of Yavin, Fett showed up on the Bounty hunter Circuit and began taking down big bounties like they were worth pocket change. He soon crawled his way to the top where he's stayed ever since.

Fett's the Grim Reaper's right hand man. If you've got more than 50,000 credits on your head, your days are numbered. No matter what you do, No matter where you hide, Fett will find you. He's been known to crack into the most secure of Criminal hideouts, see through the best plastic surgery, and travel to the most a** backwards sectors and systems to get his being. I don't know how he did it, but he even tracked a friend of mine to Hoth. My pal barely escaped with his hide intact.

Fett wears a green suit of heavily battered Mandalorian armor, loaded down with more gadgets than a militant R2 unit. he's got a jet pack with an antivehicle missle attached to it and a collection of braided wookie scalps worn as trophies. usually he's carrying a rifle or carbine as well, always something top of the line. His ship, the Slave 1, is one of those KDY Pursuer ships, and is just as loaded down as his armor is. this ship can run with even the Badest of outlaw ships and blow them to all the hells there ever where.

What perhaps scares people most is Fett's personality. he rarely talks, will not accept bribes, and shows no mercy. His manner is utterly proffesional. Its rumored he isn't even human. I believe it. the guy crawled his way out of the Pit of Carkoon, a death sentance for anyone else. You simply can not kill the guy. People have been trying it for years, and always Fett has come out on top. He's A#1 among bounty hunters and I doubt that will change anytime soon.  
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:39 pm
Entry No: 724
Subject: HK-47
Status: Canon
Capsule:User Image
Proud Statement: HK-47 was originally constructed by Revan, shortly after the Battle of Malachor V, to be the quintessential assassin. While he was completely loyal–friendly, even–to those he identified as "master," he had virtually no regard for any form of life, and was driven by an unquenchable thirst for blood. He characteristically used the term "meatbag" when speaking of organic lifeforms, especially humans. This insult was originally used in passing by the droid when insulting Revan's friend and apprentice, Malak, who had asked what the droid thought of him. Revan found the insult (as well as Malak's annoyance) funny enough to reprogram HK to consider all organics "meatbags."The droid remained in Revan's possession, helping him locate the ancient space factory known as the Star Forge[1], assassinating beings who could potentially destabilize the Galaxy, until his master sent him on an unknown assassination into Mandalorian space. Though HK-47 succeeded, his motor functions were damaged, and he ended up in the possession of a Mandalorian soldier who claimed him as his "booty." The Mandalorian repaired HK-47 (rather poorly, the droid thought) to the extent he was capable of and began using him to raise his rank.

Eventually, the Mandalorian ordered HK to assassinate an unidentified Mandalore who ruled between Mandalore the Ultimate and Canderous Ordo. He failed and was captured by Mandalore, who reprogrammed him and sent him after his former master, who was successfully obliterated. Since HK-47 was programmed to shut down whenever his current master died, he deactivated himself after killing the Mandalorian, and was sold to Bochaba the Hutt, a crime lord on the planet Sleheyron.

HK-47 helped Bochaba maintain his reputation of the most feared gangster on Sleheyron, having terminated 322 "meatbags" in a single year before Bochaba was finally assassinated by his rivals. The droid shut himself down after this discovery, and was sold to a human Senator on Coruscant.

The Senator first assumed HK to be a mere protocol droid, but later one of his assistants discovered the droid's assassination functions and asked the Senator to destroy him. The Senator instead ordered HK to kill the assistant. The droid remained with his master and helped him eliminate his political enemies. The Senator was on the way to being elected as the Supreme Chancellor, but things did not go as planned.

The next target the Senator ordered HK-47 to kill was his own wife, who, as he discovered, was cheating on him. As HK approached the wife and her lover to terminate them both, however, his master suddenly regretted his order and dived between HK and his intended victims. Having accidentally terminated his master, the droid had no choice but to shut down. The Senator's wife later sold him to a low-ranking commercial officer of Systech Corporation.

At first, the officer used HK-47 as a protocol and bodyguard droid, but in two months he found out about the droid's assassination protocols. After that, he sent HK on a mission to eliminate workers of a competitor company that was developing a product which, if launched onto the market, would ruin the officer's career.

What the officer did not know was that the "competing company" was, in fact, another branch of Systech Corporation. By the time he realized this, HK-47 had already terminated 104 Systech employees. HK assumed that, being the only officer remaining, his master would be promoted. Instead, he went insane and attacked the droid. While doing so, he pierced one of HK-47's actuators with a writing utensil, resulting in an electric shock that killed him and destroyed the droid's assassination protocols. HK again deactivated himself.
After that accident, HK-47 was sold to Yuka Laka, an Ithorian droid dealer on Tatooine. There, he was encountered by his original master, Revan, who had suffered memory loss and was ignorant of his true identity. He purchased the droid for his knowledge of the Sand People dialect, as he intended to negotiate with the local Sand People chieftain about ceasing attacks against Czerka Corporation personnel. Revan was quite taken aback to discover that HK had, indirectly or otherwise, been the cause of death of all of his interim owners.

Eventually, when Revan discovered the truth about his own history, this proved to be the stimulus necessary for HK-47 to recover his earliest memories. The droid remained with him until the end, following him to the Battle of Rakata Prime and to Malachor V, where, along with T3-M4 and the Ebon Hawk, Revan left him before departing for the Unknown Regions.

Somehow, HK-47 was severely damaged and almost entirely dismembered. He was partially repaired by an unknown party, though several of his components found their way across the Galaxy. Moreover, his schematics were acquired by G0-T0, who used them to produce HK-50 droids, clones of HK-47. When the Jedi Exile reactivated HK-47, using parts retrieved from the imitation HK-50s and a junk dealer on Nar Shaddaa, the droid was enraged to discover these copies of himself. He decided to use the sonic imprint sensor possessed by the Exile to track down the factory where these HK-50 droids were produced.

Later, the HK-50s allied with HK-47 to destroy their creator, G0-T0, during their final showdown on Malachor V, helping Bao-Dur's remote to destroy the planet.
He was last seen on Mustafar by a group of spacers when he tried to create an army of Hk droids useing an old CIS Droid Factory the factory was shut down and HK himself remains at large  


Sol Walker

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:25 pm
Entry No: 685
Subject: Booze of the Galaxy
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In every Cantina and Bar in the galaxy you'll find it. Booze. The Outlaw's liquid ingestion of choice is Alchohol, ususally the stronger the better. And just so you don't look like a coreworld pansy when you're out there on the fring boozing it up, heres a brief list of the most comon Outlaw drinks. take note this list is incomplete but these are the drinks I felt one should know.

Jet-Juice: Smuggler Moonshine, usually brewed in the engine room of a tramp frieghter. the quality usually varies by the ship and the guy brewing it. word of caution though: never try jet juice from any sentinent who can rip your arms out of your sockets. You'll end up on the floor and probably not long for this world.

Lum: The favorite of spacers across the rim. This stuff is strong for a Beer, almost akin to whiskey in potency. Lum originated in the Corellian system and within the Corellian sector is where you can usually find the best Lum.

Lomin-Ale: Rogue squadron's Drink of choice, this bitter, spicy ale produces a foamy, green head when poured. Best served Cold.

Bantha Blaster: Mix Pop Rocks and beer and you got a rough Idea of a Bantha Blaster. Its a green and pink alcoholic drink that fizzes and pops as it goes down your throat.

Mad Mrelf: Strong Corellian whisky named for the man who invented it. problem was, he drank so much of it he was pissed 24 seven.
The stuff is known for making you do wierd stuff while under its influence. Spacers on Mad Mrelf binges often wake up the next morning with a splitting head ache working out a sentance in an Imp labor camp.

Corellian whiskey: There are two things the Corellians make better than anyone else. Ships and Booze. Corellian whiskey is just that, whiskey from Corellia. usually of very good quality ist also used in several Traditional Corellian confections. When looking for the best of Corellian Whiskey, you need only know one name: Whyren's Reserve. This stuff is hard to get outside of Corellia but trust me, its good liquor.

Wookie-Wango: Funny name, serious drink. Its a mixed drink with its primary component being Sullustian Gin. Generally served stirred, not shaken, though Intelligence operatives on both sides of the Civil war prefered to have it shaken.

Reactor Core: The name is apropriate for this mixed drink. its about as powerful as its namesake. Mixed from Spice liquor and Blue Tonic, many sentinents think this drink should be available only as a prescription.

Renan Irongut: With a name like this, you know its gotta be strong. The name comes from the fact you need an Iron gut to choke this down, otrherwise it comes back up. Trandoshans and Gamorreans are fond of this potent mixed drink.

Sith Scorcher: one of the more popular drinks going around nowadays. Its a mixed as well, and is served flaming. the coloration is almost a glowing red, said to be the color of a sith lightsaber.

Outer Rim Rum Drop: An Old Rim Favorite, usually drunk by seasoned spacers whove long gotten out of the buisness. it was popular back during the Fall of the Republic. The Drink had a redish color to it which shifted and changed while it was being consumed.

Flameout: A Favorite in the Corporate Sector and of Han Solo. When mixed properly the drink burns the tongue while freezing your throat.

Old Janx Spirit: This stuff is a wookie strength distilled liquor Found in most cantinas in the Rim. Good for stripping hull paint.

Elixir of Infatuation: Stay the Hell away from this crap! Seriously do not accept this drink when offered! This is High grade Zeltron wine which, when distilled for non Zeltrons, Causes whoever drinks it to become rather..."Affectionate"... for whomever served it to them. The potency of the crap dosent fade when mixed into drink or food.

Cometduster: This is a new one to the drinks of the Galaxy. It's getting popular in the Rim. when the drink is mixed up and the molecules of the concoction excited, it'll jolt your tongue when swallowed.

Corellian Spiced Ale a pleasantly seasoned brew thats popular with Outlaws of all stripes, from smugglers to pirates to bounty hunters. A Bar that dosent serve Spiced Ale is a bar that should be walked away from. Quickly.

Besbin Port: This is a big export on Besbin due to its fame as one of the finest Port wines in the galaxy. a spacer with a fast ship and the right connections can make a tidy profit off shipping this stuff. A smuggler with a head on his shoulders can make an even bigger buck smuggling Tibana gass in a few of the wine casks.

Ardees: A very common drink made by the Ardees Brewing company. you can find this stuff in almost every vending machine in the galaxy.

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster: the Best drink in the galaxy. Deserving of its own entry.

whats my favorite poison you ask? if you want to get on my good side you better spring for the good Corellian whiskey. but most of the time Im sipping Jet juice or slinging back Corellian spiced Ale. and when I want to get towed up, I'll reach for a bottle of Old Janx. Mixed drinks are dandy and all, but its not my usual fare. I guess I got old fasioned tastes.  
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:51 am
Entry No: 690
Subject: IG-88
Capsule: User Image
Assassin droids were banned even before the Empire came to power, even though it continued to use them. The very nature of their job necessitated highly adaptive, autonomous programming that unfortunately made them frequently turn on their masters. The droid programmers at Holowan Laboratories, however, developed new programming methods that they felt sure would keep their new line of assassin droids in check. Thus, the development of the IG-series assassin droids—also known as the Phlut Design Systems Project Phlutdroid—would become well known as an idea that went wrong with disastrous results.

Evolving from Phlut's contract with the InterGalactic Banking Clan (hence the "IG" prefix), IG-88 was a natural design evolution from the IG-100 and IG Lancer Combat Droids that had made their mark during the violent Clones Wars. While these creations were subservient to their masters, when IG-88 was activated, he inexplicably gained sentience almost immediately. He then proceeded to slaughter his makers with his bare hands, copy his programming into three other IG-88s, kill the majority of the guards in the Holowan Labs complex, and escape. Before making his escape, he also freed the droid designated IG-72. It should be noted that he did not copy himself into the IG-72's programming, whereas the other three droids had empty memory cores.

IG-88 designated himself as 'A' and the rest in activation order "B,C and D". They worked in team, while IG-72 went his own way. They traveled to Mechis III and conquered the droid factory there, killing all of its biological occupants. To throw Imperial investigators off their trail, IG-88B worked as a bounty hunter, killing various former employees of Holowan to prevent discovery.
From their base on the Mechis III, the four IG-88s began planning their "Droid Revolution", a movement in which an army of all types of droids would rise up and annihilate all the biological scum of the universe. Their bounty hunter aliases also kept them hidden.

Despite IG-88's feuds with Boba Fett, IG-88 helped Boba Fett on a mission involving the Shell Hutt at some point of his career.

In 3 ABY, IG-88 was commissioned to find the Millennium Falcon. However, IG-88 was beaten to the Han Solo bounty by Boba Fett. IG-88B was destroyed on Bespin by Fett in retaliation for attempting to track him. IG-88s C and D engaged Fett on Tatooine to attempt to steal the carbonite containing Solo, but were defeated. C was destroyed. IG-88D then launched a surprise attack, but in the end, it too was destroyed by Boba Fett's Slave I, due to a play dead trick.

The remaining droid uploaded his consciousness into a computer core destined for Death Star II. He succeeded in being uploaded, and was preparing to activate his program to take over all droids in the galaxy when it was destroyed. With his consciousness in the Death Star II, he would literally become the Death Star.

Emperor Palpatine was the only person on the Death Star to suspect something was wrong after the uploading of the computer core with IG-88 inside. Before the station's destruction, he noticed a series of doors in his throne room opening and closing sporadically. IG-88 did this to show the Emperor that he was not all powerful. However, IG-88 was utterly baffled when it appeared that Emperor Palpatine used some unseen force to push the doors open. When Lando destroyed the core, he not only helped save the galaxy from the Empire, but from the dangerous A.I. of IG-88 as well.
Years later, the IG-88A body, now inactive, was reprogrammed to serve the Thul family and protect them from the Diversity Alliance and serving as guard-coast of Tyko Thul.  


Nospai Deathous

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:14 pm
Entry No.: 46861
Subject: Falthorn Hallok
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(file holo)

Falthorn Hallok is a blackmarket creatures dealer. He usually can be found in his shop in the west district of Bespin's Cloud City, but has been known to roam elsewhere, both on the planet and throughout the galaxy, looking for rare and illegal animals to sell. Animals of the poisonous or vicious variety are often commonly found in the many cages of various sizes populating his shops. He even once sold a rancor to a gang leader after making a "business trip" to Dathomir.

Hallok started out as a big-game hunter on Tatooine, until he aquired a spaceship and ventured to other planets in search of other animals. He was a successful trophy hunter, constantly venturing further from his home planet to seek more dangerous hunts. He finally realized the money that could be made in selling his victims alive, and quickly set up a chain of stores to sell the animals he captured. His prices are usually exhorbitant, and seldom worth the cost, but if you're looking for a creature you don't think you can find anywhere, look no further than Falthorn Hallok.

Hallok is usually surrounded in secrecy, and is very strict when it comes to allowing customers into his shops. A common illegal-creatures dealer wouldn't usually be known for being so a**l, and such a suspicion would be correct. It turns out Hallok is heavily involved in the slave trade, and is very wary of letting any form of any authorities near himself.

Despite that, business is pretty steady for him, and he has yet to be aprehended.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:08 pm
Entry No:11375
Subject: Honor Among Thieves.
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what may suprise the core world pansies out there is that we fringers aren't lawless psycopaths. we have our own sets of laws that we use. It separates the Outlaws from the common criminals.

The best known fringe group to have a code of Honor are Pirates. the most famous Pirate Code was coined by Arvo Norstrag, The first Pirate King of the Phosphura Belt pirate fleet. It Goes like this:
Take only that which you have won in battle. Take not from allies. Take not from those who shield you. Respect and honor your sister and brother pirates. Respect and honor their allegiences. Respect and honor those who fight against you. Relish in the taking of the prize. Relish not in destruction for destruction's sake.
My Clan followed these words to the letter to its dying day. not only does it make us seem more heroic, its also a survival mechanism. Raiders who go around killing and lootiung at random make very few friends and get huge bounties slapped on their hides. Raiders who adhere to a code have far fewer troubles.

Its known far and wide that Bounty hunters are scum. often portrayed as ruthless killers and trackers they don't get much of a good rap. but even back in the begining of the old republic did the Bounty Hunters have a creed. often taken more as a guidline, nonetheless there are those hunters who at least foloow part of the creed part of the time. The HUnter's Creed goes like this:
Beings don't have bounties. Only Acquisitions have Bounties
Capture by Design. Kill by necessity.
No Hunter shall slay another Hunter.
No Hunter shallinterfere with another's hunt.
In the hunt one captures or kills, never both.
No Hunter shall refuse aid to another Hunter.

and you're probably wondering what the Outlaw's code is. after all, a code of honor is what separates the Outlaws from the criminals.
the truth is there is no real defining honor code for outlaws. it varies from being to being. but there are a set group that almost all true outlaws follow.
Don't take from those who can't afford it.
Don't follow those laws that are desgined to supress dissent and control the populace, I.E. stupid laws.
Never stab your partner in the back.
Don't take sith from no one.

there you have it. three good examples of Honor among theves.  

Sol Walker

Nospai Deathous

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:39 am
Entry No.: 1873
Subject: Merr-Sonn M18 Blaster Carbine
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The Merr-Sonn M18, nicknamed "windy" for the "whoosh" sound it makes when it fires, is a powerful blaster carbine with a unique feature-it fires from two barrels. The two barrels are enveloped in coolant structures and are themselves rather short, hence the 'carbine' designation. This makes their range rather low: an optimum of 100 meters and max of 250 meters. They also drain power packs rather quickly (one is only good for 80 shots total) and gas as well (the large grip only holds enough for 1,500 shots).

However, the close quarters usefulness of this weapon should be obvious. It can fire two shots at once, or alternate between barrels in quick succession with less chance of overheating the barrels. It has a stun setting, and comes with a scope, although the latter is quite unescessary.

It is overall a fine weapon, in the right circumstances.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:02 am
Entry No.: 1942
Subject: BlasTech SO-19
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The BlasTech SO-19 was made specifically for the New Republic Special Forces in a lucrative contract/deal between the Republic and BlasTech. It utilizes an ingenious new system that minimizes the sound of the weapon firing and cools it while it fires. It can also mask the visible light the bolt gives off in its "trail" so that it is not visible on the normal, human visible light spectrum.

The weapon was required to have that capability. Aside from that, though, it is a fine blaster rifle that will probably see action in the normal NR military, granted, in a much simplified form. It has 200 shots to a power pack, and has a 8,000 shot capacity for a replacable stock/cannister. The internal chamber can hold a backup of the standard 1,000 shots worth of gas.

It has an optimum range of 275 meters, and a maximum of 600, and is equipped with a scope. Though the barrel is not particularly long, it achieves those ranges with specially created pulse adaptors that also aid in the process of hiding the more noticable properties of the bolt it fires.

The stealth unit on the barrel does require its own power source, which lasts for about 200 hours of continuous use. The unit does require 10 seconds of warm-up time to mask the bolt, and the gun can be fired with it off, though when doing so its range is reduced to a maximum of 300 meters and an optimum of 100 meters.

Most importantly, though, the SO-19 is a very, very powerful weapon, capable of blasting through a good .3 meters of duracrete with one bolt. It'll doubtlessly become a mainstay of NR forces and Outlaws alike. Some models are already available on the black market. Happy hunting!  

Nospai Deathous

Nospai Deathous

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:26 am
Entry No.: 1957
Subject: Golan Arms MB-2
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The MB-2 is Golan Arms' knock off of Merr-Sonn's "Windy" M18. It has a high-powered double-barrel design with dual or alternating automatic fire. However, instead of merely mimicking the original design, GA heavily modified and improved it. Its weight and length are greatly increased, but besides those minor setbacks, it is superior over its predecessor in every way in the long-range capacity. The power pack holds a much greater 200 shots, and the gas chamber can hold up to 4,000 shots worth of gas. The range is greatly increased: 300 meters optimum, 700 meters max. An advanced, high-powered sight that comes standard is useful for these increased ranges. Cooling has been improved, and stability has been increased. Admittedly, the short-range capability is very limited, so Merr-Sonn's M18 has a slight advantage there, but as a longarm, and general all-around weapon, the MB-2 is a wonderful, superior weapon.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:38 pm
Entry No.: 1863
Subject: Blockade Running
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Blockade running is a tricky matter, no matter what the situation. There are many reasons to make the run. Smuggling, emergency transportation, or simple escape are a few common ones. All have one requirement in common: a fast ship. You can be totally unarmed, but if you ship is fast enough to dodge turbolasers and well-armored enough to take a few lasers, you're off to a good start.

There are a couple kinds of blockades; political blockades and military blockades. Political blockades are a kind of "show of force" from one political power onto another, and are usually a kind of last resort measure. They're quite favorable, because chances are the pilots of the blockade force are quite hesitant to fire on anyone. Make things easy for them and don't give them a chance to fire, just zip on through.

(The best way to "zip through" is to find a weak spot and take it. It can be thin, or have the weakest/slowest cruisers contained in it. For instance, if you have a line of star destroyers and a couple Carrack cruisers, try going between the Carracks instead of the SDs, as they're not as well armed. Full speed, don't look back, you should be fine.)

However, military (strategic) blockades are a lot trickier. In a standard military blockade, a war happens to be going on at the same time. It's quite inconvenient and inconsiderate of them to have a war going on, I know, but hey, what can you do? The underlying point is that in a military blockade, they don't hesitate to shoot, and they shoot to kill. You have to have better reflexes than they do, and be able to count on them, and you have to be very confident in the defensive capabilities of your ship. As for speed, it has to be about 8 or 9 sublight units fast, which is more or less 20% slower than a standard tie, but much faster than most blockade-use cap. ships. You need a good hyperdrive too, so you can punch out as soon as you clear the blockade.

When you approach the blockade, let them hail you. Act like you're making a mistake, somehow, let them give you a warning. Two if you're brave. Three if you're insane. However, when you work up the guts to go full throttle, don't give any indication; just /do/ it. The more random the time, the less prepared they'll be, and the less prepared they are, the better your chances. Maintain your top speed as long as possible, and once you're out of their "point blank" range, you should also be out where turbolasers can't hit you very accurately. Hit the hyperdrive and you're home free.

Now, if they've got ships with gravity well projectors in the blockade, don't even try it. Just wait until the whole thing settles down so you can leave at a liesurely pace instead.  

Nospai Deathous

Vice Captain


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:51 pm
Entry No: 3894
Subject: A parsec... in lame mans terms.
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For special purposes, such as interstellar travel, there are supplementary units in use. One is the parsec, which is an astronomical unit characterising the distances between stars. A parsec is defined to be the distance at which the average separation between Earth and Sun would subtend an angle of one arcsecond (1/3600 of a degree) on the sky. The corresponding unit in the Galactic Empire would be based on the orbit of Coruscant rather than Earth. We don't yet have any way of determining what that measurement is; it could just as easily be slightly less or slightly greater, depending on the mass of Coruscant's sun. We provisionally assume that the orbital semimajor axis is the same. A terrestrial parsec equals 3.086x1016m. Han Solo boasted that his freighter, the Millennium Falcon, was capable of accomplishing a feat called "the Kessel Run" in "less than twelve parsecs". (The 'Run involves travel through or past an unnavigable region; taking a route of shorter distance requires a good ship and skillful pilot.)

A light-year is the distance travelled by light in one year. An Earth-based light-year is 9.461x1015m. However this is not appropriate in a STAR WARS context, because the galactic standard year is derived from the orbital period of Coruscant rather than Earth. As stated below in the time section, the standard year is slightly longer than the terrestrial equivalent. We assume that the standard second exactly equals the usual metric second. Therefore when a citizen of the Old Republic, Galactic Empire or New Republic quotes a distance in "light-years", the unit is actually 368/365.25 times our version of the light-year. (It is about 0.75% greater.) By the Coruscant definition, a light-year is approximately 9.531x1015m. In Shield of Lies, Lando Calrissian states that the galaxy is 120,000ly in diameter.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:53 pm
Entry number: 95764
Subject: getting parts
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When you need parts there are a coulple of general rules to follow.

#1. There are two paths through which you can get your parts, the legal way or the illegal way. When geting parts legaly expect a wait but know that when the parts arive they won't be acompainied by a coulpe Cor-sec brutes. When using the illegal method you won't have to wait long for your parts, but it's a good idea to have a blaster and a couple friends waiting in the wings incase Cor-sec decided to take intrest in your items.

#2. You can get parts in any combination of three states. those states are CHEAP, FAST, or in GOOD CONDITION. If you think you can get it all three ways, you sould stop by your local bar for some drinks, 'cause you'll need them inorder to think you middle man is laughing with you, not at you.  



PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:12 pm
Entry No: 2468
Subject: Protocol droids
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Protocol droids were a type of droid designed to assist sentients in their relations with one another, often as translators between sentients or between sentients and computers.

They also possessed knowledge about various cultures and customs, in order to advise those for whom they are working, and also so that they themselves may behave in a diplomatic and culturally sensitive manner.

Protocol droids constructed around 4,000 BBY (around the time of the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War) were frequently engineered with certain situational and behavioral shifts set to occur whenever another design-generation was reached. A number of these droids underwent radical changes with each new generation—for example, when a C7-model droid supplanted the C6 variety. Each numeric "jump" in sequence could have had wide-ranging changes in functionality and temperament during that historical period.

Cybot Galactica, the most famous and successful manufacturer of protocol droids, outfited them with SyntheTech AA-1 VerboBrains to give protocol droids personalities with emotions and the ability to learn and grow very similar to organic beings. The 3PO unit possessed a TranLang III Communications device that can reproduce over six million languages, as well as reproducing any sound it picks up. Some models, such as the pricey E-3POs, also included the TechSpan I module, making it possible to interface with Imperial networks and undocumented technologies of Imperial subcontractors.

Example units

* 4-LOM
* B-4D4
* C-3PO
* CZ-0R6
* CZ-3
* CZ-4
* E-3PO
* HK-47 (protocol/assassin droid programming)
* K-3PO
* M-TD
* R-3PO
* TC-3
* TC-4
* TC-5
* TC-14
* TC-16
* U-3PO  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:00 pm
Entry number: 95765
Subject: Cor-sec
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Cor-sec is the Corellian Security Force. Patroling the Corellian sector Cor-sec is feared by smuglers throughout the galaxy. It's been said that a smugler would rather deal with a small fleet of Imp. picketships rather than just one of those ships controled by Cor-sec. With one of the hardest training progams of any force cor-sec has acchevied its reputatiion through its members strict dedication and agressive nature. for a short period it was under imperial control, but imediatly after the battle of endor it reverted to its routes and has helped in the insolation of the sector. If your ever in the corellian sector and are carring illegal goods be prepared to fight your way out with a Cor-sec shipo in hot persuit.  



PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:09 am
Entry No: 2492
Subject: Storm commandos
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The dreaded storm commando was the Empire's answer to the increasing victories won by Rebel Alliance guerilla tactics. Rebel successes early in the Galactic Civil War forced the Imperial military to re-examine some of their methodology. While overwhelming numbers and brute force sufficed in many applications, the Empire identified a need for a leaner, more focused fighting force. The black storm commando armor is based on the lightweight armor of the stormtrooper scout, but is coated with an advanced polymer called reflec which bends light and sensor energy away from the trooper. While standard stormtrooper operations are broad in scope, storm commandos are specifically trained for anti-Rebel operations, siege-breaking, extractions and sabotage. A unit of storm commandos can range from four to 40 troopers. Typically, one quarter of these are standard commandos, while a second quarter is an assault team trained for vehicle combat and artillery. Another quarter are experts at sabotage, demolitions and stealth, while the last quarter is tech team devoted to keeping gear functioning or jury-rigging makeshift supplies. Storm commandos are the best when dealing with high ranking rebel forces standing at a height of 1.83 meters
they carry a verity of deadly weapons such as a aster carbine, blaster pistol, concussion grenades and thermal detonators.

Storm commandos were also trained to fly commando-exclusive TIE Hunters, operating from clandestine locations and escort carriers. These carriers would be under their direct command and control, as well.
One famous storm commando was Sarkli, who defected from the Rebel Alliance at the Battle of Ralltiir.  
The Outer Rim

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