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[J] Blackfell's Diary +Illusionist: Satin Regret+ Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:46 am
June, 2008
With Merenth

Burning Relations

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:19 am
June, 2008
With Aden(Fire Phoenix)

Spontaneous Meetings

Aden: It's been a while since he had gotten out and had time to enjoy the summer season. Aden Rethaniel, a teenager lost in thought idly sits upon a swing in an empty and peaceful park. There the clear sky, the trees, and the playground are the only things accompanying him.

"What a way to have wasted my summer..." he whispered to himself with a heavy sigh. The wind seemed to give a gentle blow caressing his gentle face adorned with gray eyes and soft short black hair.

"What am I doing...?" he continued pondering to himself...

Blackfell: He was lurking in a tree, laying across a large branch with his back propped up against the trunk. Bored. Incredibly bored.

There wasn't really a whole lot to do. Niko was off at one of her dance classes with Rysha, so he was left by himself essentially, since Aqua could entertain herself quite easily with a single stuffed doll.

So he took off for the park, his usual hangout. When he had gotten there, he'd been the only one, though not too soon after he arrived, a black haired, gray eyed boy, man, someone in between. Teenager. What else?

He sat on the swings, looking desolate and lonely. Frowning to himself, Blackfell stood up on the branch, unfurling his small wings and jumping off the branch, gliding over to the swings, landing nimbly on the bar above the boy.

"Why so glum?"

Aden: Surprised by the sudden appearance of a rather tan boy with black wings protruding from his bare back, Aden forced a smile despite how he wasn't feeling at his best.

"Me? Not really, more like just spacin' out." Aden really wanted to just be left with his thoughts, but he decided it wouldn't hurt to talk to this young boy for now.

Looking directly into the boy's oddly yellow colored eyes, he spoke with concern, "Isn't it a little unsafe for you to be talking to strangers...? I could be some kidnapper or something like that..."

Blackfell: Blackfell looked surprised for a moment, before the look dissolved into laughter. He dropped on the bar, swinging upside down so his legs were wrapped around it. "Ooh, that's good. But nah man, I don't worru about that. I've dealt with some bad stuff before." He said with a smile, swinging back and forth now, his hair looking quite ridiculous hanging upside down.

"That wasn't spacin' out. I've seen spacin' out, and most poeple don't look unhappy when they do." Blackfell said bluntly; he knew it wasn't his business to butt into this guy's business, but he was bored.

Aden: Aden was worried about this boy, it seemed like he could just get carried away by anyone with a bad intent. But seeing as he might be capable of himself, Aden disregarded that thought for now.

"Really? How would you know? Have you seen other people spacing out too?" he joked as he began pushing himself on the swing.

Blackfell: He chortled, grinning and dropping onto the woodchips underneath with a soft thud, landing on his feet and standing up with another laugh. "Well, I'm a kid. Of course I see people space out. Usually they've got blank looks like this-"

He swiped a hand over his face, his expression changing as his hand passed to reveal an incredibly bored expression, eyes unblinking.

Aden: Staring at the odd expression that had come upon the boy's face, he couldn't help but give a simple yet sincere smile. It was no use lying or trying to hide it, especially to a kid... Aden suddenly wished he was as carefree as this child. No, he was but he had just lost that feeling from being falling to the grasps of loneliness. He had wish he hadn't distanced himself from his friends...

Feeling a bit more lighthearted, he joked again. "Wow... they must look really dead if they looked like that!"

Blackfell: He gave the teenager another grin, shrugging slightly. "Aqua, my sister, is usually pretty lively. But when she gets really bored, either she starts vibrating with energy or just sits there with this glazed look."

Hopping onto the other free swing, Blackfell stuck his hand out to the man. "My name's Blackfell, by the way." The kid said with a friendly smile.

Aden: His eyes immediately fell upon the hand that extended towards him. Trying not hesitate, he extended out his own firm hands and gave the boy's hands a good shake.

"Blackfell? I see, well, I'm Aden." he grinned. "So you have a sister huh? What's it like living with your sister? Do you love her?"

Suddenly he realized, he had sputtered out rather imposing questions. His eyes shifted to the side with uneasiness unsure why it came out of his mouth. Maybe it was his curiosity of having a sibling or a form of family? Maybe.

Blackfell: "Nice t'meet'cha, Aiden." He said, the easy grin still in place. His smile didn't falter at Aiden's odd question; he merely shrugged. "Sure, I love her. She's annoying sometimes, but what sibling isn't? I've got two older sibs, but they live together in some apartment in Durem I think. Can't remember."

He swung his legs underneath him, urging his body forward and back on the swing. "Do you have siblings?"

Aden: "I see." he chuckled with ease. "It sure sounds like you have tons of fun with them though."

Smiling to himself, he stared off for a bit trying to imagine what it would be like to have one. To his dismay, he couldn't. His mind only came to a blank. Giving up, he didn't want to strain his brain for the impossible anymore.

Shaking his head, he finally gave an answer, "Not sure if I do really, but I'd imagine it'd be fun if I did."

Blackfell: He snorted, laughing softly. "Maybe not TONS of fun, but yeah, I guess so." He said, kicking his legs back and forth in stronger bursts, feeling the swing go up and past the bar he was standing on just a few moments ago.

"How can you not know if you have siblings or not? Were you adopted?" Blackfell asked, slowing down now to watch Aiden, a curious look on his face.

Aden: "I was an orphan. They said my parents died in an accident. But it was a lie." he started to kick himself on the swing again as he fell silent.

The day he had learned of his inheritance came back flooding in his mind. It wasn't that long ago. Having lived all by himself from day to day since he had started attending the public school in Barton, not even once did any of his parents decide to tell him who they were before they died. He felt betrayed as if they had just abandoned him and left this world. Yet he has been given riches from those very same people... it didn't make sense. It seemed everyone just wanted to leave him alone. Friends, family...

Blackfell: He went quiet, not entirely sure what to say to that. He definitely didn't want to pry into that, that was NOT his business, and he wasn't bored enough to try.

Deciding a topic change would be good, Blackfell stood up on the seat of the swing, holding onto the chains. "So, uh, do you come here often?" Crap. That totally sounded like a pickup line.

Aden: Getting up from the swings, he decided to stretch from having sat there for hours. Lifting both his arms up to the sky he gave a groan.

"Well, I haven't really gone out all summer because my aunt doesn't really allow me to go outside. But I do sneak out every now and then." he laughed reminiscing the times he would try to be as stealthy as possible to escape his prison. "It's such a rush!"

"Do you come here often yourself?"

Blackfell: He felt his mouth stretch in a smile, knowing the feeling pretty well himself. "Yeah, seriously. I sneak out just 'cus I can, it's entertaining doing something you have to be sneaky about, and not getting caught. It feels great." He said, letting out a please sigh while reminiscing.

At Aiden's question, though, he grinned. "Mmhm. This is where I usually lurk, for lack of anywhere much better. Good place to meet people, too."

Aden: "So is this right? You talk to strangers often without any regards of what they might be capable of?" he spoke calmly having his back completely turned on Blackfell.

Aden just couldn't help but think what would happen to to such a nice kid if anyone decided to harm him in any way. Honestly... why does this kid easily trusts anyone?!

Blackfell: He shrugged his shoulders, his wings shifting with the motion. "Eh, I guess so. Never said I'd trust them with my bodily safety or anything, but how else do you make friends? Throw a tennis ball at someone and expect a phone number?" He asked with a crooked grin.

"You'll never meet anyone if you don't take a little risk." Blackfell said; it was sound advice and made sense to him, at least.

Aden: Feeling a bit annoyed, even he knows that not everyone in this world was good. They might even just abandon you for no damn reason at all. There are people out there who will hurt you in many ways, no matter what.

Clenching his fist tightly, he quickly turned around and sent it flying with less than a centimeter away from Blackfell's face.

"Do you see this?" his voice attempting to remain calm. "Anyone could have done that to you. Even I could have. Didn't anyone tell you that this world isn't only full of good people, but bad people too? What would your siblings think?"

Sighing and thinking that this kid wouldn't listen at all, he let his arm drop back to his side. Even though he wasn't quite sure why he was abandoned, the feeling of having someone taken from you was full of pain.

"Just... take good care of yourself."  



PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:25 pm
June, 2008
With Chatri

Fresh Air

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:42 pm
June, 2008

Darksong's Request

It wasn't too late into the evening, it had only been dark for a few hours or so, tops. Blackfell was dozing on the couch in front of the TV, a re-run of some reality show being the only light in the room, casting shadows and his silhouette on the wall behind him. He was tired, incredibly so, and not entirely sure why. He hadn't done much today, so Blackfell just assumed he hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before.

His dozing slumber soon fell into something deeper, his breathing slowing, a steady in-and-out that went to the pace of a normal human's heart when awake, which was fairly slow for Blackfell's whose normally went several times that pace.



The name echoed in his mind, a single word that floated in the blackness in his head, it's light shining on objects inside a large room, the light slowly growing brighter till there was enough for Blackfell to see normally, though another would be blind in the dark.

The room was full of random, miscellaneous objects scattered everywhere on boxes and barrels that were piled and stacked at random. There was jewelry and other random things all around; strings of pearls hanging off a crate corner, a small pile of rings on the floor, expensive looking scarves in piles all around the room, various other rich looking things, their quality far outweighing that of their surroundings. Blackfell was like a ghost, floating above the room with no effort, no need to make any sweeps of his wings to stay aloft.

In the corner of the room lay a cot, nothing of particular value adorning it, the room's owner lying stretched out on the bed.

Darksong's eyes were shut, both his hands rolled into fists and rubbing his tired eyes. He knew what he was going to do, but he knew what would probably happen, and how Moonshine would take it.

But she was dying, and she
needed the help. Whether she and Nightwind wanted to admit it or not. And neither of them could provide that help, but Darksong could. And he was planning on it.

With a sigh, he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, his legs brushing through Blackfell's hips. Suddenly, Darksong froze, his feet balanced on the wood floor on his toes, prepared to leap up. His gold eyes were wary as he looked around. "Who's here?" He called softly, looking around cautiously. Blackfell fluttered his wings, willing his body to float higher and away from Darksong.

'Can he sense me?' Blackfell wondered idly, and his thought was answered by the theif's eyes swiveling upwards, locking on his position with a questioning look.

Before he could be answered, and before Darksong could figure out what presence he felt, there came a loud banging on the door, making the specter that was Blackfell and the theif both freeze, eyes watching the door suspiciously.

"Darksong! Come out, we know you're in there!" An officious voice shouted, accompanied by a loud banging on the door, and the sound of several booted foosteps.

Swearing a soft blue streak, Darksong immediately forgot about the strange presence as he leaped up, grabbing a leather sack and the small bits of value that were nearest his bed; a few rings, a necklace or two, as well as his leather bound dagger, which he strapped around his waist.

Not bothering to put his shoes on, he grabbed a shirt and threw it in the bag as well, making a running dive for a pile of crates, crawling under on his hands and knees while the pompous voice shouted "We're coming in!"

There was a medium sized hole in the wall, just large enough to Darksong to shimmy through on his belly, sliding out into the cool, dark night in a small fenced pasture. A horse stood nearby, wearing the minimal armor that indicated a Guardsman's horse. He must have unwittingly stabled him there, not knowing that it would now be stolen.

Smirking slightly, he ran up to the horse, whispering to it in the language of the Guardsmen, calming it down enough to let him swing himself up and onto the saddle. The whole time, Blackfell followed him, a ghostly specter capable only of watching.

Turning for a moment to look at the small building behind him, where most of his loot was, Darksong gave the horse a heavy kick in the ribs, sending it leaping over the fence with a loud whinny, before it took off running. Blackfell's "spirit" was pulled along with; he had no control over it, so spread his wings so it felt like he was moving of his own volition, instead of being dragged as a powerless ghost.

Darksong twitched, turning to look at the area that Blackfell was floating in, his yellow eyes holding a mixed look of surprise, suspicion, and wonder. Shaking his head, he muttered to himself. "Probably just imagining things... The bomb should go off any second...."

And just as he said that, there was a loud BOOM from behind them, from what had been his hideout. Reigning the horse into a stop, he turned it around to watch the fire and smoke curling into the night sky, blocking the stars from view.

"I don't know who you are, but I don't think you mean harm. Otherwise you'd've done something already." Darksong said with a twisted smile. For a moment, Blackfell couldn't tell who he was talking to. Then he realized that Darksong
could sense him! Looking for a way out, Darksong looked at where Blackfell hung, weightless, in the air.

"Do me a favor. Go back."


Blackfell shot up from the couch with a jolt, his breath coming in rapid bursts as his gold eyes took in the room, his surroundings, the credits of the re-run rolling up the screen.

Letting out a gasp, he held a hand to his brow, wiping the sweat from it as his breath slowed down. "What was that?" He wondered aloud. Darksong knew he was there. That was a dream, wasn't it? It had to be!

Shaking his head, he hopped off the couch, recalling as many details of the dream as he could. And Darksong's final words, "Go back."

What had he meant? 'Go back' as in go back to the burrow? Or 'Go back' to here? Maybe he meant both? Because the boy had a sudden urge to try and find the burrow, see what was left of it...  



PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:43 pm
June, 2008
Journal Post, Blackfell's POV

Hopping up the stairs, jumping them two at a time, Blackfell made his way up to his room. Completely awake, not the least bit sleepy now. After a dream like that, who wouldn't be wide awake? Fairly uncertain what he could do about it at the moment, he decided to just hit up his journal. He hadn't touched it in awhile, so he might as well.

Grabbing the little book, he stretched out on his bed, laying on his stomach with a plain bic pen, flipping to an open page.


Uh, yeah, so it's been awhile since I've written in here. Right. Anyways. I had the WEIRDEST dream earlier, no joke. I went to sleep on the couch watching a re-run I can't even remember the name of. Basically, I fell asleep(What a surprise. Re-runs suck, majorly.), but it wasn't a normal dream or anything.

I've dreamed about this guy before, his name is Darksong. He's got this sick sister, right? Her name is Moonshine(Illegal booze? What?) and an older brother named Nightwind. Darksong is like this master theif or something, I think.

This time I only saw Darksong. He was in his hideout, I think, cus there were tons of crates and jewelry and stuff. Like, way better quality then anything I've nicked before.

Anyways, I was watching him, right? And well, he kinda, uhm, this is gonna sound MAD WEIRD, but he
looked at me. And I don't think that's supposed to happen in a dream, is it? Like, he honest to god LOOKED at me, even asked "Whose there?" an' all. It freaked the crap outta me, and apparently him too 'cus the next second someone started banging on the door demanding he come out.

Well, Darksong took off out a sweet hole in the back, hidden by some crates, and stole the Guard person's horse. SAH-WEET. But he looked at me again. And I KNOW he knew I was there for real, cus I was zooming next to him, all invisible and ghostish, and moving alongside a running horse, and he focused on me.

He even talked to me. He said "I want you to do a favor. Go back." Or something like that. I can't figure out what he meant by it, 'cus I woke up when he said that. Did he mean go back to my body, 'cus that's what happened. What I think he meant, though, was go back to his hideout. I haven't got a clue where it is, though, but when I woke up I felt like I really needed to.

...His face looked like mine...
PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:02 pm
June, 2008
Journal post, Nik's POV

"--been acting really strange lately. He keeps looking at maps, and looking up someone named 'Darksong' on Google. He won't talk much about it, either, only when he needs permission for something.

It doesn't make any sense. I got curious and looked at the history tabs in Firefox, and I think he's doing some sort of treasure hunt, or maybe a study on myths or legends? The keywords he used were Darksong, Nightwind, Moonshine(Is he drinking?), thief... It's hard to figure it out, but I feel like he thinks it's important, since his bed is also covered in maps as well...

I at least hope he'll tell me about it, because whenever I've tried to ask, he avoids the subject, sometimes subtly, other times just straight up changing the topics...

I guess I can't really do a whole lot at the moment. Maybe it's just a sudden interest, with how kids get a sudden urge to do something, then drop it within a few days.

Anyways! Well, Rysha asked me to bring him to dance class at some point soon, and Blackfell said he was interested in it as well, he seemed incredibly eager. Not that I'm complaining, since Rysha doesn't generally have pockets for slippery hands to find, but yeah. Blackfell's just being odd--"



PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:46 am
July, 2008
With Anala
To be Young, and Directionally Challenged

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:06 am
July, 2008
With Aure

Beach Bumming




PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:41 am
July, 2008
Journal post, Blackfell's POV

[Entry about beach and Aure]  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:35 pm
July, 2008
With Rysha(Solo post)

Tips and Tricks, Improved Moves

Sunny, afternoon, almost 3:00pm. Niko was walking towards Rysha's dance studio, Prone to Dance, Blackfell following along behind her. She was going for her weekly class, and he had decided to come with to "See what's up," in his words.

So, laughing, she agreed to take him along to see Rysha, and maybe learn a few things.

When they arrived there, Rysha was just finishing up another class, dressed in a sports bra, leggings and spandex shorts. She gave them a smile when they came in, waving them over to sit and wait. A few minutes later, she approached them with a puffy towel around her neck, dabbing at the sweat that gave her skin a sheen.

"Yo Niko, Spawn." She greeted them with an easy smile. "I'd offer a hug since I haven't seen you in awhile, but I'm all sweaty and gross. So yeah. What'd you want to go at today, Nik?" Rysha asked, waving goodbye to her other students.

"Well, Spawn, aka Blackfell, wanted to take a look today. So he can have my lesson today instead of me. Just show him some basics I guess, unless he has something specific he wants." Nikomas said with a laugh, squatting down and pushing Blackfel forward, who had a wide grin on his face.

"I'm good with that. Can you help with flexibility?" He asked, watching the brunette as she wiped off with a towel. He was wearing a plain t-shirt with board shorts and sneakers, his wings folded in against his shoulders.

Rysha eyed him thoughtfully, before her lips pulled up in a crooked grin. "Sure can, buddy." She crooked a finger for him to follow, and obliged, progressing with her through various simple stretches, which she explained would help lengthen and loosen his muscles, encouraging them to go to new postures without complaint.

"Granted, you'll have to do stretches alot until it doesn't hurt when you do something weird." She said when they finished stretching. By this time, Blackfell had shed his t-shirt, his dark skin gleaming with bits of sweat.

He gave her a smirk. "Yes ma'am. We done with stretches now?"

She raised an eyebrow at him before laughing. "Yes, Imp, we're done with stretches. Now for the exercises."

Rysha led him through basic gymnastics and dance moves, moving from doing a handstand and being able to maintain it, to doing slow walkovers. Throughout, Rysha grew steadily pensive, watching Blackfell carefully as he executed all her commands almost flawlessly. There were a few times he fell over, mostly when he tried to rush the walkovers and wound up falling on his tail bone.

"Huh. You're pretty flexible for someone who hasn't taken classes or doesn't do a whole lot of physical activity." Rysha said, taking a sip of water while watching Blackfell lay on the floor, splayed out like a five pointed star and sweating profusely.

He grinned up at her, giving her a mock salute. "I'm just good like that." His words startled a laugh out of the dancer, and she dumped her water cup on him, to his loud protests. Holding a hand out to him, she helped him stand up, giving him a shove towards the bathroom to get some water.

When the door shut, she turned to the angel, who had sat in a chair set up against the wall, watching the whole time. Approaching Niko, her smile disappeared, a serious look on her face. "You're sure he's never had a class or anything?"

Nikomas watched Rysha's face for any hints, confusion etched in her violet eyes. "No... Why?" She asked, frowning.

Rysha merely shrugged, pulling her hair out of it's ponytail, wrapping the tie around her wrist. "Well, it's nothing bad or anything. He's just madly flexible, and incredibly coordinated..." She trailed off, running a hand through her hair, and rubbing the back of her neck. "It's just... Surprising, I guess. Kinda odd. Not bad though!" Rysha held her hands up in her defense, a playful smile coming back.

"Though I do demand you bring him with you to your classes now. I'd love to see what he can do, going by how fast he learns-" Rysha's words got cut off as Blackfell tumbled between them, doing a series of fast walkovers from the bathroom door, where they hadn't heard him finish, to just past them.

Standing up, he turned to them, a smirk on his face. "Mmhm."  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:40 pm
July, 2008

Caged Raven, the Disappearance of Blackfell

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:40 pm
July, 2008
Evening, Journal Post, Niko's POV

The dark angel wasn't present; it was hard to tell where she was, though the lump lying under the covers of the bed in the corner of the room, shoulders shaking with slow sobs, could possibly have been the distraught mother.

On her desk against the wall, her leather bound journal lay open on the warm wood, scraps of torn paper crumbled up in balls scattered about the desk and the floor nearby. Dark, inky words scrawled across the journal's pages, occasional warps of the paper betraying where an angel's tears fell.

-don't know why... But he's gone! A strange woman broke down the door and made off with him! Why now, why did it have to happen at all?

We haven't even been back that long... Why did she want him, and not me? At first I thought it was some minion of Chrysalis, but she didn't take me, only Blackfell. I don't know what to think, much less what to do...

Aqua has absolutely no energy, which is completely uncharacteristic of her. She's usually in tears because I'm basically shuffling silently around the house. I know I'm not making things any better, but honestly, what am I supposed to do?

The house feels empty without his smiling face, and coupled with Aqua's usual bursts of laughter, it seems empty and depressed. Not that it isn't, but still.

He's my first son, what can I do without him...?



PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:08 am
July, 2008

Liet's Captives

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:12 am
August, 2008
Teen Quest[1]

The Thief's Request

It was dark out, sometime past midnight. Maybe.

Blackfell was outside his house, crouched down on the balls of his feet, his balance easy on the branch of the large oak tree in the front yard. It felt odd, being back home again. Niko had gotten the front door fixed, after Liet had broken it down.

Remembering that brought a frown to his face. He still wasn't sure why the crazy woman had let them go... Shrugging to himself, it was probably best not to question her. In the time he and the others were stuck with her, she hadn't seemed to show much conscience or sanity, even.

Him being released was actually slightly helpful, though. It was easier this way to leave on his quest to find Darksong's old hideout. If he had tried to talk Nikomas into allowing him to go, she'd have had a fit, absolutely refusing. Granted, Blackfell would have gone anyways, but it was simply easier this way.

And now, here he was, perched in a tree branch, his shoes lying far down on the ground, waiting to make sure no one was awake when he broke into his own house. His maps were there, and he needed those. Blackfell hadn't quite pinned down where the hideout was, but he at least had a general idea.

Far away.

A twisted smile pulled up the corners of his lips, and he shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Clear head, clear head... He chanted to himself in his mind. This wasn't the same as just nicking a ring or two from a cheap thrift store, it was breaking and entering. Blackfell needed to stay focused.

He sat there for several hours at least, waiting till the lights were all off, and his "people sense," as he referred to it, went quiet, signifying that no one was moving; all were stationary, probably sleeping quietly in their beds.

Carefully standing up, he stretched his arms upwards, rolling his shoulders and kicking one leg at a time to work out the kinks. Carpal tunnel sucked. Major.

After the pins and needles disappeared, as well as most of the pain from tightened muscles, he crouched back down again, muscles in his leg prepared to spring as he unfurled his wings to their full, but still fairly small, extent.

"Can't get any height, gotta glide down somewhere." He mumbled to himself, eyes scanning the roof for a good place to land. Finally deciding the chimney would be best, it was almost directly across from him, just a little lower, he leaped off the branch, his muscles shoving off with the slowly gaining strength from Rysha's dance class. His scraggly feathers caught the air, and he made a jerky, gliding fall towards the chimney, hitting it about halfway down the brick siding, scrabbling for purchase to grab onto.

So far, so good. Kinda.

At the moment, Blackfell was holding onto the chimney of his house, trying to sneak in. He hadn't made much noise yet, if any.

Looking downwards, the roof was maybe two feet below him, at a gentle slant, so he let go, landing with a soft thud on the tiles, his feet displacing a few. They went sliding down the slope of the roof, falling off and into the bushes. Staying still a moment to double check that no one was moving, he inched over to the side of the roof, laying out on his belly.

Ignoring the fabric of his t-shirt getting caught on the tiling of the roof, he looked over the edge, down the side wall. The closest window was maybe four feet down from him, a window box with daisies planted in it at the base.

Aqua's room then. He thought; only she had daisies. Niko's had lilacs, and Sere's was empty since she wasn't there.

Getting a firm hold on the side of the roof, he swung himself over, turning himself at the last moment so his thigh hit the siding, the sound muffled from the fleshier body part.

No one was awake still. Good. His arms couldn't hold him there forever. He could only hope the flower box would hold him for as long as he needed.

Slowly, he let himself down, his toes digging down into the soil of the daisy box. Blackfell could hear the wood sidings of it straining under his weight, the nails pulling slowly out of the wall.

Swearing under his breath, he carefully squatted down, pulling a screwdriver out of his pocket; he'd picked it up from a random construction site on the way back, figured it'd come in handy if he had to go through a window.

Sliding the screwdriver under the windowpane, he twisted it slowly, forcing the window to open a little, just enough for him to slip his fingers underneath and pull it upwards.

Once it was wide enough for him to slip through, Blackfell silently lowered himself in, holding onto the frame so as not to make any excess creaking noises. So far, Aqua hadn't heard a thing; he could see her silhouette under the covers, curled up with one of her plushies.

Much as he wanted to, he didn't go over; she was a mix between a light and heavy sleeper. If he approached, she'd probably hear him and wake up. Sighing, Blackfell carefully tiptoed out of her room, sliding her door open ever so slowly, before proceeding into the hallway. His room was right next to Aqua's, so it shouldn't be too hard to go unnoticed.

Pausing a moment to check the "people sense," it felt like Nikomas was somewhere downstairs, asleep where she sat. Probably at the kitchen table, or maybe on the couch in front of the TV.

With that out of the way, he crept into the security of his room, moving faster once his door was shut.

His first move was to slide over to the closet, grabbing his large black messenger-style bag. Opening the drawers of the dresser that was tucked in the closet, he grabbed a sparse amount of clothes; a pair of jeans, another pair of dark board shorts, some boxers, a wifebeater shirt, and another t-shirt.

Moving from the closet, he went over to his desk in the corner of the room, the surface covered in maps and notes. Flipping on his desk lamp, he searched through the papers, taking a few of the maps, though they hadn't really helped him that much. Mostly, he grabbed all the notes he had written concerning legends of ravens and thieves, which were somewhat more helpful. After that, he grabbed one of his notebooks, stuffing all the miscellaneous papers into it.

The last thing he needed he kept under his mattress, between the sheets and the wood bed frame. Squatting down on the balls of his feet, he lifted the mattress pad up, revealing a small box, a little smaller then a shoe box. Gently taking the box out, he let the mattress down softly, putting the box on top of the bed and taking the lid off.

"Just to double check." He murmured to himself, his fingers lightly sifting through the contents; a metal square roughly the size of a credit card, a couple bobby pins and paper clips, some homemade lock picks, another screwdriver, a wire cutter, a small flashlight, a bandage roll, a small wad of cash that he had either worked for or been given as gifts over time and a small pair of super soft socks, for ultimate silence and sliding capability.

Binding it shut again with a strip of velcro, he stuck that into his back in between the clothes, to prevent it rattling too much.

Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he crept back out of his room, leaving everything else as it was when he came in. Sneaking silently down the stairs, holding on the railing and lowering himself on occasion to avoid a squeaky step, he crept down the front hallway, looking at the repairs that Nikomas had made, when he stopped by the kitchen door frame.

The angel was sitting at the kitchen table, hunched over and leaning on the table, her head pillowed on her arms, her wings drooping over the back of the chair.

She looks so worn out... The thought came unbidden to him, and he quietly slid into the room, his feet quiet on the kitchen tiles. Watching his mother dozing, he leaned over, giving her a kiss on her forehead with the murmured words "I'll be back. Please wait."

And with that, he inched towards the front door, opening it and slipping out with hardly a sound, just as his mother sat up, hand on forehead, as if from a dream.


1460 word count  



PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:13 am
August, 2008
Teen Quest[2]

The Thief's Request

It was dark out, past midnight, long past now. Maybe around four in the morning, Blackfell guessed. It had been maybe two hours since he left his house, and he'd mostly been wandering, muttering to himself and thinking about how he could possibly get to Darksong's hideout. All his research hadn't turned up much in the way of geography. He had a few ideas of possible places, but nothing seemed particularly likely. It seemed as if it were from another world, if he decided to go by the very few myths he'd found that had a raven thief in them.

Sighing to himself, he sat down on a wrought iron bench, his feet having carried him unconsciously to the park. Slouching against the cold metal, he leaned his head back and gazed upwards, watching the stars.

"I need help." He grumbled to himself, not wanting to admit it but knowing he couldn't do anything on his own. "Darksong wasn't exactly helpful, either. He probably is in another world..." Blackfell trailed off with a sigh. A twig suddenly snapping, though, brought him to full alertness, and he jumped off the bench, bag around his shoulder, and prepared to run.

In the dim light of the nearby street lamp, Blackfell could see a figure slowly approaching, materializing out of the dark and the dim light that was slowly coming from the rising sun. The first thing he noticed were the glowing green eyes, and then the haughty smirk on the pale face.

"I can give you a hand, should you be willing." The man said, finally stepping into the circle of light the street lamp cast on the ground. He had very unremarkable features; mouse brown hair tied back in a short tail at the nape of his neck, pale Caucasian skin, common features. The only notable thing were his eyes...

The boy felt he could get lost in the glowing green orbs, but then shook his head, narrowing his eyes at the stranger. "Who are you?" Blackfell asked suspiciously, wondering at what exactly the man had heard him muttering.

"Does that really matter? Though if you feel the need to name me, I suppose you could address me as Walker." The man said shortly, shrugging his shoulders in answer to the boy's question. "And I do believe you need help of a certain kind, that I think I am the only one you’ll be able to find that can provide what you require." He said with a smirk, which put Blackfell on the defense.

"Whaddya mean?" He asked again, still wary, but his interest was certainly piqued despite his caution.

To this, Walker shrugged again. "You're seeking to travel through dimensions, my young padawan." He said with a smirk. "You wish to seek out the thief Darksong, correct?" Blackfell’s silence was the answer to that question. "Mmhm. I can send you back there. His world is long since gone, so without me you'd probably have a little bit of trouble getting there." He said with a smirk.

Blackfell was caught short on the words 'long since gone', which made him frown at Walker. "Where'd it go? Darksong’s world."

"Kablooey. Just like his hideout that you’re so desperately trying to find." He said shortly. "So, do you want my help or not? You'll be hard put to find a way there if you decide not to take my offer."

The boy watched Walker suspiciously, unsure if he should believe him or not. If what he said was true, then there really was no probable way of getting to Darksong, much less his world. Sighing, he felt his next words would be just as much a mistake as helpful.

"Send me back to Darksong."

Walker smiled, and the kid couldn’t say it was an entirely comforting one. "I won't say you won't regret this, since I can't presume to know the mind of a reincarnated being." He said, stepping forward before Blackfell had a chance to ask about his choice of words. Stretching a hand out, he grabbed Blackfell by the shirt, yanking him forward with a few muttered words, before shoving him back again.

"Have fun. It’s your job to get back, though there'll be a portal somewhere that’ll dump you back in Barton. You just need to find it."

As Blackfell was propelled backwards, he was expecting to hit the ground. Instead, he felt nothing under his feet, just open air. Then the sensation of falling.


745---- word count  

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