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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:49 pm
Keeping the dead alive and preserving their memory is a purley western concept? You mean the Japanese don't use ancestor worship in their religion? Gosh! That's a shocker! And I guess all those old traditions and focus on the family's good name and all the ghost stories are purely western things too.

As for old ninja, on average, all the ninja are young. Most of them are under forty. A few are older, but they're rare. Shikamaru's lifespan is pretty much guaranteed to be damned short, especialy considering the random invasions by other ninja countries, possibilities of missions gone bad, plain out war, the some random Tailed Demon getting loose and going on a rampage, etc, etc. He's a fighter, and a killer, and he's going out and killing other people and getting into battles. He might survive to a ripe old age, but odds say he won't. We havn't lost anyone from the rookie nine yet. their generation is just begging for a fresh kill.

I never said his choices had to be concious. I'm just saying that his carrying on the lecay of air polution is the result. Asuma smoked. Asuma is now dead. Asuma doesn't get to smoke his last cigarette. Shikamau takes Asuma's cigarette, and starts to smoke. He's smoking Asuma's last cigarette for him. That he's continuing to smoke, despite the fact that he hates it indicates that he's either got a really low threshold for addiction (and if that's so, someone keep the guy away from coffee) or he's doing it to keep something of Asuma with him.

Or maybe you're suggesting that Shikamaru is like a five year old, and cannot resist putting stuff in his mouth? So when the cigarette fell from Asuma, he just stuck it in his mouth? It's quite possible. Some people have strange impulses. I hadn't pegged Shikamaru for someone with that kind of childish, compulsive behavior, but you see to be certain in your facts. It's certanly in interesting idea. I wonder if he also sticks dropped kunai in his mouth? Scroll casses? Poisoned needles? Have any unscrupulous men taken advantage of this theoretical habit? Edit: Oh! Oh! Kurenai fell to the floor! Maybe he stuck her in his mouth?

I also seriously doubt Shikamaru cares about his intelligence. He certanly doesn't seem to flaunt it, and it seems more of a burden and a bother to him. He doesn't even want to try in school. But then again, we see him playing shougi durring the funeral, right? Perhaps his mental deterioration has already started, and that's why he's practicing his moves. He's starting to muddle stuff already, and needs to straighten out his brain.

Lastly, being grown up is about maturity, not age. Shikamaru is one of the most mature people in the manga, including the jounin sensei. They didn't promote him to chunin for being a child. He's going out, killing people, delivering news of other people's deaths, planing important missions with other people's lives at stake. . . he's got the responsabilities of an adult, and the behavior and thoughts of one. (Hell, if you want to base the laws of Naruto-land off Japan, he can even have sex, since their age of consent is something like thirteen! So theoreticaly, he might not even be a virgin, which adds another layer of 'adult' onto him.) He's an adult.
No, dunce. It's a mockery to do what he's doing. Ritual is far different than denial. Which is what you were all implying; that he does not want to accept Asuma's death. Shikamaru is very matter-of-fact. He is well aware Asuma is dead. Your sarcasm isn't helping you. It's only making you look like a jerk.

You don't know that. You just pulled that out of your a**. No one's lifespan is guaranteed. Not one of them. You can't predict what will happen to any of them. You don't know what future choices they're going to make. What they will go through. How they will change and grow. You don't know any of it. All the demons are dead except Naruto. He is the last one. Akatsuki has eliminated them. Those are the strongest demons of their world, so said the tale of the Kyuubi. Being a ninja does not merit a fighter. Ninjas fall under many classes. Lee and Neji are fighters. Lee could be called a monk while Neji could be called a ranger. Shikamaru would be considered a rogue, likely. These classes all fall under one major class; for all of them, obviously, ninja. Shikamaru's stats do not merit a fighter. They actually merit a scholar, but the closest to that is Tsunade, was the third Hokage. I don't know why you're saying he has to be the one who dies. Obviously a lot of rookies survive; look at how many Jounin there are. Not to mention the fact there was an explosion of ninja in their generation, so there are far more targets.

Exactly. Carrying on a legacy is a choice. A very concious one, honored with pride. Your joke is irrelevant; it isn't about polluting air, either. Asuma did smoke his last cigarette. You don't have to drag it to the butt to have smoked at all. That flashback didn't happen in an instant; there was a few moments of silence in which Asuma took his last breath. If it was instant, the transition would not have been faced, but would have been represented in dashed lines. It was not a flash of memories. Shikamaru hates smoke. A lot of smokers hated smoke before they started. Smoking it, and having someone else's smoke blown in your face is different. And you don't understand. Smoking is very addicting fast. A lot of smokers will deny it, but it is scientifically proven that nicotine is one of the most addictive substances you can just go out and buy.

I never said anything about him putting anything in his mouth. I would never degrade him in such a manner. I already told you how I felt about him. I wish not to repeat it. It is evident Shikamaru has several compulsive behaviors, but no, he was going through an emotional experience. Guess you haven't. When I'm overwhelmed with emotion, I take desperate measures. It's what he did. With concequences. You're being a b***h by adding in all these random things. I don't care how much you think you love him; you're not properly "defending" him. All you are doing is disrespecting him. Leave out s**t if it is irrelevant.

Caring and flaunting are different. He takes the initiative to learn something on his own when desired. This chapter proved behavior that I claimed he would do on a regular basis; reading. People said over and over he would never pick up a book. His room is full of books, for one, and second, this most recent chapter proved it. He sat down and studied for what could have been a couple hours. Trying in school; which is doing shitloads of grunt work, and learning, and two different things. I learn things quickly when they tell me. But for weeks after we will go over it again and again. So yes, I am unmotivated. In the way that Shikamaru is unmotivated. I know I'm not exactly like him but on this I know I am exactly like him. So are a lot of people I know. A good third of everyone I know at least.

Wow, you must be dense. You don't know Shikamaru at all if you think Shogi is a mental exersise for him. First of all, since I've learned more about the game, it is VERY simple. The trick is reading the kanji letters... But really, it's hardly a game of skill. It's like chess. Very, very simple; a small child could play it. Shikamaru's brain definately isn't straight at the moment. But a goddamn game isn't going to fix it. He's going to be that way for days; no... months. Maybe even years. When someone we love dies, it doesn't feel right. It comes often; we want to speak to them, but they aren't there. There's a hole in our lives. We need to defrag. But it's hard. Because we are human.

Being grown up is about maturity. Shikamaru is FAR from the most mature person in the manga. Naruto surpasses him in maturity. Being collected and introverted does not make one mature. Shikamaru has a serious problem with women. I will give him credit; he has grown. But I won't kiss his a** like you are. All of the ninja have the responsibilities of an adult. They pretty much take care of themselves, their friends, and their nation. Every shinobi does what he did. What made his any different was that he was in the circle of people who loved eachother. Shinobi always report who dies, who they kill. Every last death is recorded. So Shikamaru was hardly any different, except it was someone he loved. Shikamaru's behavior may be impressive, but being a pokerface does not determine the mind. His mind is better than it was. But he is still not wise. Before he met Asuma he was one of the most repulsive out of the bunch; hardly anything good about him. His mind was untamed and he was unmotivated. He did not do anything so no one saw his strength. All chuunin do what he does. What makes his "special" is that he was a chuunin sooner, and that he is a leader. Being a leader does not make someone more adult. If that was the case, I would've been an adult very young. I have always been the commander of my circle of friends. It's just the type of person I've always been, yet at the same time I am modest. Never have I used that ability to harm anyone.

Having sex does not make one an adult. That is ridiculous. Adulthood is defined phyiscally. There is no arguing that. neutral The adult body, scientifically, is actually at 20, and the adult brain is at 25. According to American law adulthood is at 18. In some places adulthood is based off responsibility. These are purely blind human concepts that are really irrelevant to the physical truth. I remember when I was 15 and I was far from an adult. I know a boy who had a beard at 15, but that didn't make him any more a man. Shikamaru is no man.

Kishimoto bases Naruto off of Ancient Japan, with modern additions. The true life of the Ninja is very strict sexually. Shikamaru, nor anyone else, is to have sex until they can concieve a child. At the moment, he, and probably anyone else he would CHOOSE to have sex with, is in no position to raise a child. Shikamaru's dad would probably be pro; since he works with deer horn as medicine, but Shikamaru's mother, like I've stated before, would probably be tempted to beat him. He has a life ahead of him. Money obviously isn't an issue in Konoha, nor is honor, or social class, but Shikamaru has a job to do. His interests do not fall under women at the moment, so to question his virginity yet again shows me you don't know two-shits about him.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:54 pm
Look, I just don't want to argue about this. Whatever it is, I just... I respect Kishimoto's plot. He writes things this way for a reason. Your allegations are fallicious and pretty rude. I am sick of how freaking emotional everyone gets about Shikamaru. On top of that, I have mood swings over him. So with your emotional rampage, for whatever reason, plus my... well, honestly love for him, all we get is stupid bitching for hours on end. And that is ridiculous. It's like two girls fighting and screaming over a boy in class. I'm sick of it. You don't treat people you love or like like that. In fact, you don't treat anyone like that. He may not be real, but if you regard him as much as you act like you do, then what you are doing is purely hypocritical.

Which is why I'm putting an end to this.

He is not a weapon of torturing people. So stop using him to be rude to someone. Stop using him as an excuse to treat others badly. Because that is completely against his nature. And mine. I'm done here.

(Unless anyone else wants to post something relevant to this chapter, and this chapter only. I will talk to them. I will even talk to him if you stop kissing his a**. You're obviously a rampant fangirl.)  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:46 am
Look, I just don't want to argue about this. Whatever it is, I just... I respect Kishimoto's plot. He writes things this way for a reason. Your allegations are fallicious and pretty rude. I am sick of how freaking emotional everyone gets about Shikamaru. On top of that, I have mood swings over him. So with your emotional rampage, for whatever reason, plus my... well, honestly love for him, all we get is stupid bitching for hours on end. And that is ridiculous. It's like two girls fighting and screaming over a boy in class. I'm sick of it. You don't treat people you love or like like that. In fact, you don't treat anyone like that. He may not be real, but if you regard him as much as you act like you do, then what you are doing is purely hypocritical.

Which is why I'm putting an end to this.

He is not a weapon of torturing people. So stop using him to be rude to someone. Stop using him as an excuse to treat others badly. Because that is completely against his nature. And mine. I'm done here.

(Unless anyone else wants to post something relevant to this chapter, and this chapter only. I will talk to them. I will even talk to him if you stop kissing his a**. You're obviously a rampant fangirl.)

My goodness, you get kinda rude when you're pissed off, don't you? There's no need to call me a dunce simply because my viewpoint differs from yours.

Still if you want to back down from our discussion, it's your choice. I was having a great time. I'm not actualy a big fan of Shikamaru. He's an interesting character, but my favorites actually happen to be Neji and Iruka. It was just nice to be able to debate a character's personality with someone who's oppinion and manner of thinking is so. . . radicaly different than my own. It was a new experience. I'm big on new experiences.

But if you want to talk about other stuff in the chapter, that's not a problem! We can talk about how terribly pretty Naruto looks when he's angsting and dressed in funeral clothing. We can talk about how Konohamaru had better watch out since his family seems to be dropping dead at an allarming rate around him (I vote Ebisu get's knocked off next. He's not related, but the close ties are there, and I'm sure Konohamaru'd cry at his funeral. Hey, maybe Naruto'd attend the funeral with him, and we'd get to see more hot funral clothing?). We can talk about how if it takes Naruto three people to make one tiny sphere he's still screwed, because how he's gonna hit somone with that Rassengan with his clones surrounding it I don't know. We can even speculate on wether Kurenai's actualy preggers like some people think, or just bumming around the house on break! There are just so many facinatning avenues of discussion we can persue~  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:03 am
I said I'm done arguing.

But I guess it is really all a manner of opinion, and I shouldn't be so harsh with you. I just get sick of people missunderstanding him... clearly I don't know some things about him, but I know fallicious statements when I see them.

Oh, good choices, by the way. Neji and Iruka are cool dudes. surprised

Hot s**t. Naruto is getting prettier and prettier... gonk Too bad I don't like guys for their looks, or I'd be on Naruto like Chouji on cake. I feel really bad for Konohamaru. Two deaths in three years. That's pretty shocking. Especially when it's close family...

Naruto lost focus. I'm sure he can do it with two, then learn how to do it with rasengan with one hand, element in the other. Yamato displayed the action of two seperate elements; one in each hand. Naruto needs to gain that immense focus; focus was never really his thing...

Oh, if she was pregnant that would be... akward, almost. Asuma was so shy around her. Ahahah, this chapter inspired me. I want to draw a picture of Kurenai crying.  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:01 pm
I said I'm done arguing.

But I guess it is really all a manner of opinion, and I shouldn't be so harsh with you. I just get sick of people missunderstanding him... clearly I don't know some things about him, but I know fallicious statements when I see them.

Oh, good choices, by the way. Neji and Iruka are cool dudes. surprised

Hot s**t. Naruto is getting prettier and prettier... gonk Too bad I don't like guys for their looks, or I'd be on Naruto like Chouji on cake. I feel really bad for Konohamaru. Two deaths in three years. That's pretty shocking. Especially when it's close family...

Naruto lost focus. I'm sure he can do it with two, then learn how to do it with rasengan with one hand, element in the other. Yamato displayed the action of two seperate elements; one in each hand. Naruto needs to gain that immense focus; focus was never really his thing...

Oh, if she was pregnant that would be... akward, almost. Asuma was so shy around her. Ahahah, this chapter inspired me. I want to draw a picture of Kurenai crying.

He'll probably go to emo farm with Orochi and Parrot-head (a.k.a. Sasuke)

poor Kurenai, how she broke down on the floor in tears made me sad gonk

They never showed what other element he had (he isn't Jounin level yet I guess) besides wind, but if you mean Yamato used both elements to explain how to fuse two natures together (by two natures I mean shape and nature manipulation) and create a jutsu then you got it right  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:41 pm
I said I'm done arguing.

But I guess it is really all a manner of opinion, and I shouldn't be so harsh with you. I just get sick of people missunderstanding him... clearly I don't know some things about him, but I know fallicious statements when I see them.

Oh, good choices, by the way. Neji and Iruka are cool dudes. surprised

Hot s**t. Naruto is getting prettier and prettier... gonk Too bad I don't like guys for their looks, or I'd be on Naruto like Chouji on cake. I feel really bad for Konohamaru. Two deaths in three years. That's pretty shocking. Especially when it's close family...

Naruto lost focus. I'm sure he can do it with two, then learn how to do it with rasengan with one hand, element in the other. Yamato displayed the action of two seperate elements; one in each hand. Naruto needs to gain that immense focus; focus was never really his thing...

Oh, if she was pregnant that would be... akward, almost. Asuma was so shy around her. Ahahah, this chapter inspired me. I want to draw a picture of Kurenai crying.

He'll probably go to emo farm with Orochi and Parrot-head (a.k.a. Sasuke)

poor Kurenai, how she broke down on the floor in tears made me sad gonk

They never showed what other element he had (he isn't Jounin level yet I guess) besides wind, but if you mean Yamato used both elements to explain how to fuse two natures together (by two natures I mean shape and nature manipulation) and create a jutsu then you got it right

Yeah. I wasn't expecting her... She's always seemed strong to me. Though death is hard... I don't know. I just never realized she could get so sad.

What other element who had? I was talking about Yamato. xd  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:15 pm
I said I'm done arguing.

But I guess it is really all a manner of opinion, and I shouldn't be so harsh with you. I just get sick of people missunderstanding him... clearly I don't know some things about him, but I know fallicious statements when I see them.

Oh, good choices, by the way. Neji and Iruka are cool dudes. surprised

Hot s**t. Naruto is getting prettier and prettier... gonk Too bad I don't like guys for their looks, or I'd be on Naruto like Chouji on cake. I feel really bad for Konohamaru. Two deaths in three years. That's pretty shocking. Especially when it's close family...

Naruto lost focus. I'm sure he can do it with two, then learn how to do it with rasengan with one hand, element in the other. Yamato displayed the action of two seperate elements; one in each hand. Naruto needs to gain that immense focus; focus was never really his thing...

Oh, if she was pregnant that would be... akward, almost. Asuma was so shy around her. Ahahah, this chapter inspired me. I want to draw a picture of Kurenai crying.

He'll probably go to emo farm with Orochi and Parrot-head (a.k.a. Sasuke)

poor Kurenai, how she broke down on the floor in tears made me sad gonk

They never showed what other element he had (he isn't Jounin level yet I guess) besides wind, but if you mean Yamato used both elements to explain how to fuse two natures together (by two natures I mean shape and nature manipulation) and create a jutsu then you got it right

Yeah. I wasn't expecting her... She's always seemed strong to me. Though death is hard... I don't know. I just never realized she could get so sad.

What other element who had? I was talking about Yamato. xd

sorry I got confused, I tought you meant somthing else ninja  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:51 am

Yeah. I wasn't expecting her... She's always seemed strong to me. Though death is hard... I don't know. I just never realized she could get so sad.

What other element who had? I was talking about Yamato. xd

sorry I got confused, I tought you meant somthing else ninja
It's all good. xd  


Captain Verd

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:17 pm
Crabapple - I agree with you that Shikamaru is keeping Asuma alive by carrying on the things he did. However, I also think he's accepted the death.

Shikalee - I doubt the Naruto world is very strict about sex, considering what happens even in the first few chapters with Naruto, Iruka, Sasuke, and Sakura.

Also, I wouldn't really classify ninja under any others besides the three mentioned in the manga (not counting elementals). That is long range, short range, and medics. All other categories can be measured in those.

I wouldn't agree with Naruto being more mature than Shikamaru. They both care about their teams, they've both taken ninja training and what have you, but when they're rushing off to save Sasuke, Naruto's the one who goes out too quickly. He's the one who almost sets off the trap, wants everyone to get together to defeat an enemy, and is generally hot-headed about the entire situation. He loses control very quickly without thinking or considering what could happen. Shikamaru is much more calm and level-headed in the situation. He thinks through the actions, makes the plans, and does what he has to do despite personal feelings. And no, I'm not kissing his a**, that's just what happened.

I agree with you that sex doesn't make an adult by any means. However, I think Shikamaru can be considered a man by means of his actions and choices, despite not actually being a physical adult.

Also, I believe honor plays a very important role in their society. Honor for ones family as Sasuke, Neji, Hiashi, etc. are concerned about, and honor for yourself and the village, which Sakumo killed himself over.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:55 pm
Captain Verd
Crabapple - I agree with you that Shikamaru is keeping Asuma alive by carrying on the things he did. However, I also think he's accepted the death.

Shikalee - I doubt the Naruto world is very strict about sex, considering what happens even in the first few chapters with Naruto, Iruka, Sasuke, and Sakura.

Also, I wouldn't really classify ninja under any others besides the three mentioned in the manga (not counting elementals). That is long range, short range, and medics. All other categories can be measured in those.

I wouldn't agree with Naruto being more mature than Shikamaru. They both care about their teams, they've both taken ninja training and what have you, but when they're rushing off to save Sasuke, Naruto's the one who goes out too quickly. He's the one who almost sets off the trap, wants everyone to get together to defeat an enemy, and is generally hot-headed about the entire situation. He loses control very quickly without thinking or considering what could happen. Shikamaru is much more calm and level-headed in the situation. He thinks through the actions, makes the plans, and does what he has to do despite personal feelings. And no, I'm not kissing his a**, that's just what happened.

I agree with you that sex doesn't make an adult by any means. However, I think Shikamaru can be considered a man by means of his actions and choices, despite not actually being a physical adult.

Also, I believe honor plays a very important role in their society. Honor for ones family as Sasuke, Neji, Hiashi, etc. are concerned about, and honor for yourself and the village, which Sakumo killed himself over.
Sex hasn't been mentioned in Naruto... are you confused with a doujishi?

Curious; where did I contradict such? If you mean when I mentioned a paladin, there are classes, and sub classes. You can decide not to consider them, but that does not cease them from existing.

Depends on what you're talking about. My point, really, which you all conviniently ignored, is that maturity is not based on behavior. It is based on mind. Behavior is a physical thing. Caused generally by emotions and chemicals, sometimes driven by thoughts but self control prevents that. This proves thought has little to do with it.

Haste is not immaturity. This is where wisdom and knowledge lies. Naruto was unaware of traps. Shikamaru thought ahead. This is not a maturity issue. Naruto was mature throughout the situation. But he was dumber than Shikamaru. Maturity is not defined by intelligence, either. They do not go hand in hand. It is only considered smarter to act mature by general society. This does not make it so. It does make things run smoothly, but it also sweeps issues under the rug. Because being mature in most cases is being some sort of politically correct (not only the Americanized version of the word).

Naruto was emotional. Like I said, behavior is not the line which crosses maturity. Both of them, Naruto and Shikamaru, had common goals. Goals which were reasonable, mature. But what made Naruto less mature in this situation is that he expected rescuing Sasuke would be a simple task. Evidently, Shikamaru was certian that Sasuke's rescue would fail. By a streak of luck could it succeed with one chuunin and four genin against 5 elite ninja.

Thinking things through also does not define maturity. What most people fail to realize (and what makes them immature) is that maturity falls under compassion and wisdom. A racist is not immature because he is obnoxious; he is immature because he refuses to understand. He is stubborn. And he is stubborn because he is not wise. The behavior definately indicates what is going on in his mind. That is how we make that connection, but most comedians are complete fools on stage; that does not mean they are not thinking through every last joke, punchline, movement, sound.

You are kind of kissing his a**, though. Giving him way too much credit. Shikamaru did what he was supposed to do, "despite personal feelings," because he had none for Sasuke. Naruto loves Sasuke like a brother. Shikamaru actually dislikes Sasuke. He is convinced Sasuke has a mask over his face; an invisible facade. This is something about Shikamaru that I consider very immature. He refuses to understand Sasuke's situation. Proof? Well, he crosses Ino at least 3 times about how Sasuke is fake and not all that.

*Sigh* To be honest, he's always been a man to me. But stupid crushes blind the truth. I can think he is totally perfect in my eye, but that doesn't stop his flaws from existing. Being a man is not taking responsibility. That is expected everywhere else in the world (meaning America is the only place in the world where adulthood is reached when a man can pick up his own panties).

Honor plays an important role individually. I don't know if anyone noticed, but Shikamaru's parents are not typical.  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:07 pm
Smoking kills! Do not do it shikamaru! Wahhhh! emo

on another note i feel horrible for poor kurinai. she took it pretty bad.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:23 pm
asuma is dead... now they should do a "gangsta" combo... shikamaru or ino stuns while kakashi and naruto go in and........... chidori and.... new jutsu them! (or mangekyou sharingan... warp naruto behind hidan or someone... idk)  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:32 pm
Smoking kills! Do not do it shikamaru! Wahhhh! emo

on another note i feel horrible for poor kurinai. she took it pretty bad.
*smack* Get a hold of yerself, fangirl. I'm upset about his new habit, but it's nothing to cry over.

Yeah... I think Shikamaru owed her a hug. sad

@ sk8intree: Wait... wait... Yeah, you lost me. surprised  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:42 pm
Sex hasn't been mentioned in Naruto... are you confused with a doujishi?

No. I don't think they're strict about sex because they not only have giant billboards and signs for Jiraiya's porno, but they allow Kakashi to read it while teaching his students. Ino and Sakura both try to appear sexy for Sasuke, and no one minds. People poke at Asuma and Kurenai, but no one in the show is actually concerned about them having sex or anything. Besides, modern Japan isn't very concerned about sex, and many periods in Japanese history actually promote it.

Curious; where did I contradict such? If you mean when I mentioned a paladin, there are classes, and sub classes. You can decide not to consider them, but that does not cease them from existing.

You didn't. I just think it's very silly to say they're "rangers" and whatever.

Depends on what you're talking about. My point, really, which you all conviniently ignored, is that maturity is not based on behavior. It is based on mind. Behavior is a physical thing. Caused generally by emotions and chemicals, sometimes driven by thoughts but self control prevents that. This proves thought has little to do with it.

I didn't ignore it, I just don't believe maturity is based on mind alone. Rolling on the floor gurgling during a meeting has everything to do with your actions, but it still makes you immature.

Haste is not immaturity. This is where wisdom and knowledge lies. Naruto was unaware of traps. Shikamaru thought ahead. This is not a maturity issue. Naruto was mature throughout the situation. But he was dumber than Shikamaru. Maturity is not defined by intelligence, either. They do not go hand in hand. It is only considered smarter to act mature by general society. This does not make it so. It does make things run smoothly, but it also sweeps issues under the rug. Because being mature in most cases is being some sort of politically correct (not only the Americanized version of the word).

Not thinking ahead in a crucial moment can be considered immature. It suggests he's not taking it seriously enough to check, even though we know he's serious.

You are kind of kissing his a**, though. Giving him way too much credit. Shikamaru did what he was supposed to do, "despite personal feelings," because he had none for Sasuke. Naruto loves Sasuke like a brother. Shikamaru actually dislikes Sasuke. He is convinced Sasuke has a mask over his face; an invisible facade. This is something about Shikamaru that I consider very immature. He refuses to understand Sasuke's situation. Proof? Well, he crosses Ino at least 3 times about how Sasuke is fake and not all that.

Actually, I wasn't talking about that. Shikamaru proceeds with the missions despite thinking Chouji might be dead or hurt without telling the other team members. He keeps his fears inside of him, because he knows sharing them will only concern everyone when they're minds needs to be focused on what's ahead and they need to stay confident. That's maturity.

Honor plays an important role individually.
Yes it does. It's also very important to the village.  

Captain Verd


PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:43 pm
Smoking kills! Do not do it shikamaru! Wahhhh! emo

on another note i feel horrible for poor kurinai. she took it pretty bad.
*smack* Get a hold of yerself, fangirl. I'm upset about his new habit, but it's nothing to cry over.

Yeah... I think Shikamaru owed her a hug. sad

@ sk8intree: Wait... wait... Yeah, you lost me. surprised
shikamaru use kagemane or ino uses shintenshin to hold hidan/move him out of the circle and kakashi uses mangekyou to warp naruto in and out of different dimensions. suddenly... pow! naruto kills him w/ his new technique haha  
Recent Translated Manga Discussion - For those who have read the newest translations!

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