Crimson: xD

Kisa: Sponges? o.O;; Like, bath and shower sponges and pumice sponges and the like?

Yah... and CrimsonRequiem, I don't know...

Drixer I love your siggy! xDDD That guy drawn in green looks like Brookie.... razz Or Mystel, or Miguel or well at least one of those xDD

@Kisa: You can't be serious? All those sponges for showering with? Damn I buy one and it last me aw hile....and I take long showers xp I've even fallen asleep while I was in the shower..... sweatdrop

Woh, this topic is deeeeeeeeed. o.O;

xD Sankyou. It is Calintz from Magna Carta. But he does look like Brooklyn. o.O;;;

More food experiences:
I got a Pringle stuck in my mouth the other day. I tried to shove it all in there in one piece and it jammed my mouth open. xD;;

[/sad attempt to revive]