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Shut up Furry, that's not funny!
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A what now?
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Total Votes : 19

Katrina SaDiablo

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 6:56 pm
(OOC: I'm gonna assume that new towns have started to crop up since AC/DoC)

Kit had been running for almost three hours, and was deep into a forest when she stopped. The faint call had been silent since about the time she had fled the town. Standing under a tree, the Remnant lowered her head and opened the sense that showed her other Remnants, to see if there were more within her range. She knew the town she had just fled was south of the Ancient Forest, and as such, doubted she would be able to sense any Remnants. Kit just wanted to make sure. If she could sense anyone around the Forest, she would head for their location.  
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:23 am
"I bear many names my child." Jenova said with a sweet smile. "But you can call me Mother..." she replied to Korei. To Thalon, she smiled entreatyingly. "Now is not the time for battle, indeed, I am greatly in need of a rest, but I do not feel we are in safe surroundings, all around us come whispers of our adversaries, if I remain they will find me, and I have not the strength to defend myself, while I do not doubt your prowess my Son, I fear I cannot allow the risk at this time, now we must leave." Indeed, she looked greatly wearied and greatly in need of the rest she spoke of.

OOC: She's really not exaggerating, she's probably liable to keel over from exhaustion soon, she's also shut off all sendings to her 'children' as she knows that Sephiroth can here it too.

"ungh, n-no, get, off me Sephiroth." Cloud forced, his face snarling. With what little strength he had recovered he resisted Sephiroth literally tooth and nail, trying to beat at his captor only to be hefted over a shoulder nonetheless, dragged literally kicking and screaming as he continued pounding at Sephiroth's back and shoulder. He bit back grunts of pain while doing so, the man's back unusually unyeilding. Unbidden came the thought of I know they talk about muscles of steel but this is ridiculous!

Sephiroth dont you DARE mess with Cloud any further I mean it! The poor guy's already had enough he's about to snap and ... Oh gods that's a terrible pun... She muttered mid-rant at Cloud's unwitting comment, knowing full well that what Cloud was hitting was indeed, the metal plating still in evidence on Vaizeph's back.

"What, can't you take a little punishment?" Dawn queried in a tone that booked trouble. The former remnant was feeling rather left out of the action, and being a spectator had never been one of her favored positions. However to the dread of the others, she did have quite a repetoire of such corny and lame jokes. "Why is the lifestream so far under ground? Because people are DYING to get in. Or how about, What kind of dog did Hojo keep?... A LAB! Ooh ooh, this one pertains to the current situation... Why couldn't Aeris go to the party? Because she had NO BODY to go with! Y'know 'cause now Jenova has it..."

"Dawn, those aren't even funny, Vai tell her to stop it... STOP LAUGHING SEPHIROTH! You're dead TOO you know!"

"Oh, and what do you call a will? A DEAD giveaway... And didn't you know that if you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed?

OOC: And remember kids, Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects!

Sephiroth couldn't help chuckling aloud at the communications he could hear through the spiritual connections. Though he had to relay some of it to Vaizel, his counter-part had not yet mastered listening through the flows of life-stream yet. "People are Dying... Heh" He snorted mostly to himself, unwittingly fueling a certain Blonde's panick.
Vaizel groaned mentally, Not more puns...
Don't you like puns? Sephiroth teased, I think they're great! Maybe I should relay some of them to Cloud, do you think?
No, not really... I think we should get... Vaizel's train of thought was interupted by a sharp gasp from behind them.
Sephiroth turned, unconcerned by the fact he had been spotted prematurely.

Sure enough, Tifa had wandered back to find out what was taking Cloud so much longer than usual. Her gaze traveled over Sephiroth in shock, and then locked on Cloud's limp form. Her eyes hardened suddenly, and with a cry she launched herself forward, "Sephiroth you Base-born MAGGOT!"

Sephiroth started to smirk, but Vaizel was so startled that he slid back into control before the Ex-General could stop him.
"Wait, Tifa... it's not..." The cyborg stammered, but was cut short by the Martial Artist's fist. Backwards he flew his wings hindering more than they helped, and Cloud went flying off in another direction to land with a pained grunt and a groan. Vaizel slammed painfully into the ground, "Curse HOJO and SHINRA and the spawn and Scourge of RUFUS!" Vaizel spat angrily as he picked himself up. "That was uncalled for!"

Tifa was staring at him and rubbing her knuckles. Vaizel was heavier than Sephiroth, and had a very distinctive set of curses. "Vaizel?" She queeried in disbeleif, she hadn't seen the cyborg in years... and he certainly looked VERY different...

Great... Just great... you're ruining everything! Sephiroth growled,
She HIT me! Vai snapped back,
I sympathize with her... Look, She wouldn't have if you hadn't started blabbering useless nonsense at her... Sephiroth rolled his eyes mentally,
Why would she hit me? I've known Tifa for years! Used to stop by her bar for a drink fairly regularly...
Um... gee. I dunno... maybe because you look like ME? Sephiroth drawled sarcastically,
........ Oh..... right... I forgot... Vaizel admitted sheepishly,
That you haven't seen any of the goody-two shoes since the Father incident? Yeah that might be a good reason. Sephiroth snorted, That's the only reason this whole Joke with Cloud works...

((If someone wants to take over Tifa for this one, just let me know, 3nodding ))  

Ermak Lorde


PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:59 pm
OOC: *giggle* Sephiroth saying Gee=teh win

Finally SOMEONE with some sense in their head. Aeris grumbled once Tifa showed up. And Vai, why the Planet did you decide to go allong with Sephiroth's mad scheme to begin with?

Because it was funny. Dawn giggled. Anywho, I figure I should go round up some of my old Remnanty friends, mayhap someone will have a better word of what's up. I'll drop the kids off with someone too. Then she went off rummaging through items to pull out her old and battered cell phone. While she'd had the thing for years with several options of upgrades, she'd always had a kind of fondness for her original device. She scrolled through the extensive numbers list, several of whom she'd forgotten before coming to the number she was looking for. The phone was irritably answered after only half a ring. "Why hello Shinrei, I gather by your tone you already know what's happening, have I disturbed your ninjaing already, look I was wondering if I could drop my kids by your place to play with your litter and have the hag look after them whilst we go out to dig up our old accomplices.... well My old accomplices, but you're better at the lookings." There was a giggle. "I don't know who'd kill you first My husband or your wife for that comment... Aww, but Kuroi loves to adventure with us all and the dog is well without fleas thank you very much..." The talk continued in very much the same manner for some time while the woman gathered the various belongings necessary for the kids to spend the night over, as well as arming herself in a more subtle matter.

OOC: Indeed, I can only hope to aspire to be the kind of wretch and villian that the Great Captain Jack Sparrow would be proud of. (I stil need to see Pirates 3 crying we're watching the Black Pearl right now.) If I were playing a less black hearted creature, I would spare poor thalon, but alas Jenova is a user.

"Thank you my son..." Jenova carefully lay herself across Thalon's aching shoulders. Though she was well aware of his pain, she knew she needed his strength, and also that when her energy was regains, so too would his.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:36 am
"Why hello Shinrei, I gather by your tone you already know what's happening, have I disturbed your ninjaing already, look I was wondering if I could drop my kids by your place to play with your litter and have the hag look after them whilst we go out to dig up our old accomplices.... well My old accomplices, but you're better at the lookings." There was a giggle. "I don't know who'd kill you first My husband or your wife for that comment... Aww, but Kuroi loves to adventure with us all and the dog is well without fleas thank you very much..."

Shinrei was packing all of his gear in stealth preparing to leave without alerting anyone as to his departure, and then, of course, his phone had to ring. He glanced at the caller id even as he picked up. "What do you want Sabel... I'm sure the madwoman will watch the brats.....They weren't MY friends... Actually better than just us looking around, call Ruo, she's kept up with everyone I"m sure, and not only that will have their locations and contact information on file. I'm surprised you didn't call her first, or did you just miss having me around?" He could never resist a slight flair of the old days. "Oh Dahry would flay me first and then Vai would beat me to a paste to grease his wings with. And don't bring that cranky bird of yours or the flea ridden mongrel." She chattered away in the usual manner and he replied in the same manner seeking out his wife to give her the low down as he was now honor bound to do, after all there were children to think of now. Oh how I miss the old days... He sighed.  



Generous Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:01 am
Morhighan sat in her study, contemplating writing another set of journals, when she felt the stirring in her mind. Not just any, though. It was the one that she had felt constantly just a few years before.
She frowned. Hadn’t she and the insanity that lurked in her mind merged? Or was there something else that Hojo had done to her? She had been sure that she was cured once Jenova had disappeared.
Well, almost disappeared. Morhighan stared down and her arms. They were covered constantly in wrappings due to the Geostigma she still harbored.

“Still hurts a lot, huh?” A voice in the back of her mind called.
She opened her mouth in shock. “I thought that you had…”

“What, merged with your mind? That’s why your sane right now, my dear. All of the little memories I took are with you again, so you're strong now because you remember the hardships of your past. When I was using you, you were certainly weak because I drained you. Still, since I should be controlling you, parasite that I am, your body prevents me from doing so because of its advanced nature. Other than the memories there was nothing of mine to reunite with your mind." The voice paused.
"Enough of that. Anyway, I thought I’d tell you that my Mother’s back and it’s time for a reunion. A real one, too.”

The real Morhighan sighed. “Not this again… I’m not going.”
“You sure?” The voice in her mind called. “I mean, come on. A reprieve from the boredom? I bet you can’t wait to chronicle it, deep down.”
“No that’s just you, wanting me to go for your own insane reasons, you thing…”
“But if we have a reunion you’ll get rid of me. We might be able to see…them. I'm a person too, you know? I have a name.”
“I’d love to but not at the cost of myself. Who—What?! Are you, now? Who...What would you be without me? When’d you up and decide to give yourself a name?”
“A second ago.”
Morhighan sighed. “What is it?”
“Mo. Or Mako, I can’t decide.”
“You aren’t going to have the name ‘Mo’.” Morhighan growled. “Mako will have to do. You’re not very original you know that?”
“Neither are you, my dear, neither are you.”
Morhighan received the image of her Sephiroth cloned self sticking a tongue out childishly.
She sighed.

((Guess who got inspired by Sephy and Aerith? :B Now there’s a third person with voices in her head.))  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:57 am
OOC: I'm curious, is this voice someone we might know... And Ermy pointed out I am indeed responsible for Cloud in this RP...

"T-Tifa!" Cloud stammered his eyes wide with shock and worry more than releif. "Look...oof!" As Vaizel went down so too did Cloud. "Ungh." The blonde stood up and backed away with a groan, not yet realizing he was standing, albeit on shaky legs. "Wait... Vaizel?... We haven't seen him... Wait what's going on!" Cloud demanded, standing over the fallen warrior. "Uncalled for, what about all that stuff that you just did!? Was any of that really even happening?" Cloud looked remarkably confused now and put a hand to where Jenova had injured him. "And why the planet are you drerssed like THAT?!"

OOC: I say Tifa be NPC'd until further notice....

"Vai, we need some answers here, what's going on?" The martial artist asked, equally if not more confused than Cloud was.

I hate to say it, but you guys had this coming. Aeris muttered to Vaizeph.

Dawn was only half listening to the conversations aroound her, trying to round up the children and gear while talking to the old death ninja and listening in on the voices in her head. "Ruo? Oh yeah that' a great idea, I'll drop her a line." She agreed. "See you in awhile, then. I'll try to get ahold of some of the others too." She continued scrolling up the list of names and then selected Ruo's from the list. It rang.... and rang again... and again Huh, kind of unusual for Ruo not to pick up her phone... When it went to voice mail, Dawn hung up and started looking for other numbers.

OOC: We haven't made it happen yet in any rps but at somepoint Ruo's going to get mangled from the waist down and Alina will turn her into an addditional feliscentaur in one of the other timelines.

"Freyr.... I don't think I want to have anymore children." Ruo said somberly with a heavy sigh. She stood, and straightened to look her husband in the eye. She'd always been a little surprised how things turned out. Though she'd never admit it, getting her lower torso mangled in that fight had been the best thing that had ever happened to her. Of course, Freyr was still an idiot. And could still outrun her... though she was a swifter sprinter, he just had better coordination and skill in his body... hers would never amount to that and she worried more as time went past that it would start to degrade. Alina had done well, but she was not on par with what Gast had done.

OOC: Ruo worries too much...  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:46 pm
"Uh..." Vaizel wracked his brain for an answer,
You could always just be honest... Sephiroth suggested wryly,
Just tell them you wanted to mess with Cloud's head... that some dead people told you he was here.
Then they would think I was completely nuts... Vaizel protested,
.... Um... Vai?
You ARE completely nuts, off your rocker, cracked in the head, gone of the deep end...
I am NOT!
You're talking to me aren't you?
But You're real!
Am I? Can you prove it?
..... I hate you...
"It... I was trying to help?" Vaizel offered weakly,

Tifa stared at the cyborg, he had taken quite a while to answer, and his eyes had glazed over strangely for a few moments, "What happened to your wings Vaizel?"

"Uh.... well... uh... I don't know what you're talking about..." The cyborg evaded,
Oh yeah... GENIUS answer there...
If you're a figment of my imagination, then stop talking...
Now whoever said I was imaginary?
But... you just...
They've all seen me before right?
............... You're a real pain in the-
can your children hear through the life-stream yet?

"Vaizel," Tifa's voice dropped an octave warningly, "Answer our questions..."

"Uh,.. well... you see... about that..."
NEVER say that phrase again! Sephiroth suddenly snarled,
That is Freyr's phrase...
Never again!!!
Yeesh! Fine! Whatever....
"My wife, uh... Dawn... kinda likes the black leather..." Vaizel finished,

"That doesn't explain the wings Vaizel,"

"There's nothing wrong with my wings." The cyborg insisted stubbornly,
Just tell them the truth! We wanted to torment Cloud because he killed me three times! Sephiroth sighed mentally
Didn't he only killed you twice?
THREE! He killed me in Nibelheim too!

"Well... You see.... About that... " Freyr began shifting nervously, but his face was all smiles, between his paws he gently held his son, barely 3 years, sleeping curled with his various limbs entangled with one of his father's massive paws. the boy's twin sister was napping against his side, a stuffed animal tucked under one arm, and another wrapped in a paw. "It might be a little late..." He explained, smiling fondly at his wife. "You remember that ... um... late-night beach romp? The one we had a month or so back?" He was happily interupted by the sound of Ruo's cell phone, "Oh... you might wanna get that! It might be important!" He insisted, grinning broadly at the other adult Felitaur.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:56 pm
Korei looked at the two as she frowned and turned away from them. She looked to the dark sky and smiled as she picked out the stars that would act as a compass.

"We should go. You two aren't up to fast travel, so we need the head start on those who are following. I'll try to scout ahead some and keep the rats to our backs."

With a nod toward the two, Korei began to move through the forest, her bare feet hardly making nosie and kept her ear open for others. She looked at the two to make sure they where following and looked to the shy to keep herself on track. With no one around to see, she moved the eye patch to her forehead and blinked as her pink cat eye picked out the trail before her.

"Let me know if you need to stop. I don't want to run you two down trying to get away. I'm not a good fighter andI'm not that strong."  


Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:52 pm
Thalon Winced as Mother placed his weight upon him but the pain was soon replaced with a strange joy that can only be felt by those truly devoted to something and bear the knowledge that in some way they are helping that being. Thalon let go of mother with one arm to replace his dropped objects onto his person. and wrapped his arms around Mother making sure no injury could come to her he tried to cushion her with his cloak and began following Korei. "Mother is this speed comfortable I can change if you desire" he spoke in a whisper to Jenova.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:35 pm
Sephiroth instead of messing with Vai's head, you might want to help him come up with a valid explaination for what you guys are doing there. Aeris pointed out. It was an extremely stressful existence dealing with keeping the living world in order. She could only heave a sigh as the got into a debate of sanity and reality. Sephiroth you have no point to talk about anyone being insane, if I recall a few years back you thought a certain body-snatching tentacled mutilated space monster corpse was your Mother. She paused for several moments in silence after the comment about the black leather before on reflex pointing out, Twice Sephiroth, you were only mostly dead at Nibelheim. Mostly dead and all dead are two different things.

"You're wearing it because..." There was a decidedly uncomfortable silence and facial grimaces as Tifa assimilated that the former Jenova clone probably did in fact have a fondness for that style of outfit. "Okay be that as it may, why is it that your wings are feathered and organic. They were METAL before, and that is a pretty drastic change."

"And WHY were you trying to make me drink the Lake water!? And... and you even SOUNDED... like... like HIM. Why, why would you do that?!" Cloud ws getting upset. "And after... after... that.... that ... what was it that stabbed me, it... she.... looked like Aeris but... the eyes... were like HIS and the Remnants... What is going on? What do you have to do with it Vai? What do you know about this, are you helping HIM now?" The blonde's hand was reaching for his sword in an unconscious gesture.

Ruo was curiously calm, blinked a few times, looked bemusedly at the sleepign children and in a hushed tone replied. "One of these days Freyr, I swear, I'm going to get a pair of hedge clippers and..." She looked at the ringing phone. "It's only Dawn, she'll leave a message if it's important." She cracked her knuckles threateningly. "Now.... what to do with you..."

"Hehe yeah it does look really good on him..." Sabel chuckled to herself in a far too suggestive undertone. "Okay kids, we get to take the car today, how about that?" The kids were mostly happy, the car in question was a convertable and got considerable speed, but they were a little disappointed they couldn't take the faithful old dog and chocobo out. "I'll need someone to wa..." She started to mutter when she remembered who else she was intending to call. The number was speed-dialed and she started relating as soon as she heard a voice "Hey, Fenrir, Garm, whichever or both of you gets this, there's a little issue up, we're meeting at Shinrei's to drop the kids off with Alina and then were having a ... Reunion..." Her choice of words would hopefully clue them in that something was up.

"We are fine at this pace. The Traitors are fighting among themselves at the moment." Jenova said with a hint of what could only be called glee. "But we must not let that advantage go untaken. We must hurry to cover before they assemble themselves. Already I feel them gathering...But do not worry too much, I feel that help will be coming to us soon"  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:59 pm
I was dead... He stabbed me. Sephiroth insisted stubbornly.
Who cares how many times he killed you?
I do! It's pertinent to explain how many times I can thoroughly mess with his head without consequences.
"I don't know what you're talking about..." Vaizel repeated, folding his wings quickly behind his leather-clad back as he dusted off Sephiroth's trenchcoat.
Oh for the love of.... Let me talk! Sephiroth growled,
How will THAT help?
Just shut up and let me explain... you're a HORRIBLE liar...
I am NOT!
Fine, you're right, you're not horrible, you are misinformation impaired.
You are deceptionally challenged,
excuse me?? Vaizel was quickly growing indignant,
Incapable of untruths, lacking in inspired falsehoods, unable to forge evasions...
I GET IT! Vaizel roared mentally,
Will you let me speak? or need I elaborate further?
FINE! Fine! ... The cyborg mentally grumbled under his breath.
"Don't think about it too much Cloud." Sephiroth informed them, smirking with sardonic amusement, "The answer is quite simple.... 'Three times'. I owe you for that still.... three times...." He started to chuckle and suddenly his face froze and he cocked his head as if listening to something only he could hear. "It was THREE!!" He growled over his shoulder.
Vaizel snickered in the back of his head.

Freyr grinned almost slyly, "Careful honey! The children are present!" He insisted, gesturing at the small six-limbed forms." But in his perceptively health preserving understanding he was already extricating himself from the mess of bodies. In mere moments he was free and swiping up Ruo's cell phone he sprinted hurriedly across the clearing, a hasty "Don't wake them!" called to his wife as he raced away. In moments he had redialed Dawn, hoping the ex-clone could provide a distraction for his no-doubt irritated wife. "HAALLLOO!!" He called excitedly into the receiver when it picked up, "Ruo is slightly bits occupied rights now... what can I help ya with?" He queeried, even as he trotted, while keeping an eye over his shoulder for a certain female Felitaur.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:48 pm
OOC: I'm changing Tifa's color to brown, the pinks are too painful

As far as I know I am the only one who actually died after being stabbed. You keep taking other bodies, and Cloud has been stabbed shot exploded and fallen great heights on several occassions and still isn't dead. And Seph, no one really cares what you think. And it is two. TWO. TWOTWOTWOTWOTWO! TWO! Aeris didn't even know why she was shouting anymore. But it just seemed to be the principle of the matter.

"Vaizel... you are.... a really TERRIBLE liar..." Tifa said giving the man an extremely peculiar look. His eyes kept flickering in their particular mako glow from a more steady green to flares of brighter turquoise.

"SEPHIROTH!" Cloud roared, sword coming from his sheath with a clank. "I knew you were there, what are you doing to Vaizel you b*****d!"

"Wh-what?" Tifa looked between the two men in shock as Cloud charged forward. "You mean Sephiroth is possessing him?"

"And they have Aeris' body too!"

Wow, Cloud actually figured something out on his own... Aeris muttered, too worn out to show much enthusiasm for the blondes epiphany.

"Wait what?" Tifa asked bewildered.

"She attacked me an then HE showed up!"

"Oh wait hang on a sec someone on the other line.." Dawn muttered as she switched from Fenrir and Garm's line to the waiting Felitaur. "Oh why hello Freyr. I was trying to get ahold of Ruo to see if she still has some information on all the old remnants... and.... you sound kinda out of breath, am ... I calling at a bad time?"

Ruo glared daggers, and tossed a few shurikens at her husbands head bemused. She knew he could dodge, so she didn't ever have to fudge her aim. She lay down amongst the children and asked. "So what does she want?" As Freyr well knew, she was always her crankiest in the first Trimester, and was usually one of the first clues.  


Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:13 pm
"It was THREE! I was fully dead at Nibelheim, and just because you're incapable of returning doesn't mean my deaths were any less-so..." Sephiroth growled aloud, he didn't dare resort to the life-stream telepathy at the moment, his control over Vaizel's body was tenuous at best, what with the confusion and upsets.
Vaizel was grumbling over Tifa's affirmation for Sephiroth's statement about his ability to lie, or lack thereof.
Sephiroth ignored his host's voice and Laughed aloud at Cloud, "Wow, that really took you a while Cloud! I thought you'd have figured it out straight off! After all... Vaizel has TWO wings now doesn't he?"
HOW is this helping? Vai choked,
Shush! I'm working on it!
At this rate I'm going to end up as your FOURTH death!

Tifa frowned, it really did sound like Sephiroth, the expression even looked like Sephiroth's but for a moment she was SURE he had been Vaizel. And then there was this Aeris thing... her thoughts whirled, everything was getting so confusing! desperately she focused on a snippet or two she'd heard, in hopes that it would help her make more sense of the situation. "Three what?"

"Deaths! Cloud killed me three times." Sephiroth explained calmly, unperturbed by the blonde's drawn blades. and once again he paused to growl "It WAS THREE!!" over his shoulder, Cloud had apparently decided to use the moment of 'distraction' to lunge at Vaizeph, but the Ex-General was ready, sliding easily out of the way and sticking out a leg to catch the still-weakened blonde, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Unfortunetally this just confused Tifa even more... Whatever had happened to Vaizel he appeared to have finally lost it. "Who are you talking to?"

"That stupid Pink Cetra girl keeps insisting that Puppet-boy only killed me twice, He killed me in Nibelheim, in the Northern Crater, and then again in Midgar! ..." then he paused, a lazy smirk drifting over his features, "I think technically I'm still dead, even though as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm sharing Vaizel's body."

"You can talk to Aeris???" Tifa gasped, and then remembered what Cloud said, "Did Aeris really stab Cloud?"

"HA! No... Not for lack of wanting to I can assure you! But no... that was Madam Matron Alien,... she's running around Corpse snatching apparently."

"Well... actually I technically called YOU..." Freyr chuckled, "And no worries, it's just a couple of shurikens, I dodged 'em, I'm good. So What's up? Remnanty silver-haired peoples huh? you want a reunion then? Can I come??" Noting his wife's glare at the stalling, he chuckled, "Sounds like some interesting stuff, do you need some help?" He added quickly before Dawn could elaborate or change the subject. He was really looking for a good excuse to get Ruo occupied, if she was busy she'd forget about his supposed 'trespasses' really quickly.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:50 pm
"Fighting is good. They will be busy with themselves and not think of us. Weak minded fools."

Korei looked to the sky again to check her heading and looked back to Mother with her, normally hidden, pink eye. It would be a hour or so until they reached a safe place to rest, but the man didn't look as if he could manage for that long. Shaking her head, she moved ahead to scout for trouble and stopped as she waited for the two to catch up. The noise the rats were making traveled throught the forest and gave her a general idea of where they were. It would just be a matter of not going in that direction and not running into any stragglers.

"Noisey rats. They deserve to suffer."  



PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:50 pm
Two and you know it. Simply cause you got frozen... Aeris muttered.

"Matron alie... Jenova? Jenova's in Aeris' body... but... wouldn't that have ... y'know.... decayed?" Tifa asked with a pained expression.

"You can talk to Aeris?!" Cloud echoed picking himself off the ground. "What is she saying?"

"Wait? How did you get in Vai's body? Wasn't he immune to Jenova's influence?"

"Oh... right... Shurikens? What are you guys doing? Um, well... Jenova's back, sort of... she's... possessing Aeris' body... And we need to track her down and destroy her before she causes any more trouble, she's hiding somewhere in the Forgotten City and I want to see if anyone else is able to get clearer sendings from her. And you're always welcome, we're meeting up at Shinrei's place so that we can leave the kids in a safe place while we go a-hunting."  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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