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Envy: It runs in the Family (Spoilers. :3)(Now Open) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:20 am
Erin sat there, excited and nervous for some reason- she guessed it was because of the fact that she hadn't actually talked to anyone for months. She held the card in her hands, looking at it. But again, she was troubled by the difference in his aura that she'd felt earlier- he didn't feel like a precisely bad person, though. It was more like he was troubled himself about whatever it was he did. Looking up, Erin realized that she'd already missed her job interview. She sighed, "Oh well, at least I met Enigma..." Standing, she slipped the card into her pocket, and headed out, knowing that she would have to perform her dark job in order to exist- she had to hunt. While she walked she sang a wistful song,
"Touch my skin and tell me what you're thinking,
Take my hand, and show me where we're going
Lie down next to me,
Look into my eyes and tell me,
Oh tell me what you're seeing"
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:01 am
"Erin... Nice name..." Enigma thought as he arrived at the tower with time to spare. As he looked around, someone tapped... Whirling around, he saw a familiar face...

"Cyr..." Enigma whispered... surprised since his old partner from SHIELD had age... They would have been the same age if Enigma didn't turn into a chiroptera... but past was past... Cyr Welver was now high ranking SHIELD member but still gave Enigma info on where rouge chiroptera could be found... but it was the first time they ever came face to face again after so many years...

"You looked surprised Enigma, is there something on my face" Cyr asked him jokingly, noting that the wasn't any bit of change from his long time partner...

"No... it's just that... you look different" Enigma said slowly... knowing they lead different lives now...

"It's a normal thing for a human..." Cyr said unexpectedly then clamped his mouth...

"Don't worry, no damage done..." Enigma said bitterly... suddenly hating himself for what had become of him... A monster... living off humans when he was once dedicated to eradicating them...  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:29 am
Erin leaned casually on a wall across from a bar, the scent of her newest prey, freshly drunk. She knew that the buzz he had wouldn't affect her ability at all, but his blood would be filling- it was Erin's favorite kind. She couldn't quite describe what her type was, but it was a natural sense that guided her to the best tasting humans. The target headed out of the door, a bunch of his drunken friends supporting him.
"Hey there pretty," he breathed, the acrid smell of his breath present from across the street. "Wanna join me an' my friends?" he asked, taking another sip of beer, the group around him chuckling darkly. Erin smirked wickedly, "No, I won't join your group, but would you like to come with me?" she asked, alluring, walking over with a gaze particularly for him. "Sure, sugar." he said, his breath becoming annoying while he wrapped his arm around her. She fought to hide the shiver that went down her spine as this ugly old bachelor's blood made her's fizzle. They walked dwon the street, into the shadows, his pals whooping after they'd left sight, never to know what was soon to become of their comrade.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:45 am
Walking out of tokyo tower, Enigma had a serious look on his face as he replayed the conversation earlier

"So, why the heck are you here? Usually, it's one of your underlings that usually meets me here in the tower." Enigma asked sarcastically, still feeling bitter for the comment he received earlier

Cyr nervously tapped his right foot as he gazed at central district of Tokyo...
"Believe me, I won't be coming here even if my life depended on it... But... The stuff your asking for is so hot that head office doesn't even know that I'm meeting you here today." Cyr sighed, thinking he had really gone nuts just to give this new found info to him. But since, well, Enigma was Enigma, and he knew he can't trust him with the info.

"What your hunting now isn't human... or to be precise... isn't really a human being" Cyr said to him a directly

"Idiot, I know that. Of course Chiropteras aren't human..." Enigma said to him, thinking the man had to be nuts to tell him that well known info... "Wait, isn't originally human?" Enigma thought as he looked at Cyr with new found interest

"Well... you have heard of artificial humans right? The story of how failed human alchemy produced this beings... Well, we got evidence that the story is true but an artificial human being turned into a chiroptera is a new twist. When you sent us some data about the elusive target you've been hounding, there was a tell tale sign it's a new breed..." Cyr muttered, clenching his right hand tightly...

"Oh, here's the evidence of the new breed your following... I'm sorry, but it's a single photo of your target... I gotta go... See you..." Cyr said as he waved at Enigma, walking slowly to the exit

"A new breed huh?" Enigma thought as he once again looked at the photo took 4 months ago... The target he was following was female... but since it was black and white... He really couldn't make her well... But she really seemed familiar to him...

"Wonder where I have seen her..."  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:56 pm
Erin cringed as the stench of liquor on the bachelor's breath hit her sensitive nose. 'Ugh, he reeks!' she thought, wishing she could just kill him now and drink his sweet blood. But there were too many witnesses- the hookers and other drunks on the streets. Suddenly, Erin felt the man go limp, gladly diagnosing that he had alchohol poisining. Though he no longer stank as bad, his blood would soon lose it's flavor and warmth. Knowing that, she broke into an unoccupied store and smashed the alarm system, hopefully turning it off. "Now we'll have some time alone..." she mused somberly.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:55 am

Enigma was back at his apartment, scanning for some recent news about weird attacks and strage creatures... Surprisingly, the news had died down, which made it strange...

"Guess those guys have been busy... Sigh... With no news on attacks... I don't have a clue where my elusive target would appear again..." Enigma growled as he looked for the nth time the photo of the mysterious girl he was following...

~wait a minute... Why the heck am I getting obsessed with catching her?~

~Is it because Rin-sama?~

~Or because... he was attracted to this peculiar being?~

Letting out a sigh, Enigma took out his phone and checked if she called... Seeing no missed calls, he let out another frustrating sigh and went back to work...  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:57 pm
Sneaking out the back entrence, Erin sighed, wondering if she would be doomed for the rest of her life, however long it would be. She shoved her hands deep into her pockets, when she felt a small paper card. Pulling it out, she rocognized it as Enigma's. She hadn't forgotten about him, but he just hadn't come to mind before now... She sighed again, but for different reasons. "Okay, so I've finally met a nice guy I can talk to, but I'm a blood-drinking creature of the night- and day, I guess, but how am I ever going to make a relationship around my need to kill?" she whispered... "What an unusual question for a teenager to have to ask themselves!" she whispered sarcastically.
Following the route of backstreets, she was no longer in the dark part of town, so she emerged onto the streets, only to be knocked back into a wall by something unexpected. She looked up into the eyes of three men, and looked down onto a small knife at her throat. "You've got to be kidding me!" she grumbled. "Oh, we're not kidding, honey. Now act nice and we might not hurt you... as much." and the two goons behind him laughed. Erin was ticked now, and she didn't care if half the crowded streets on the other side could see them. Her fury overtook her, she herself became soomething else entirely, knocking the goons to the ground, then smashing them up against the wall behind them around the second story. She could hear screaming in the background now...
PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:24 am

He kept staring at it as he held his scythe, deep in thought for a moment... It was the following night and he was in favorite place, staring at the crescent moon that seemed to hang in midair...


It wasn't his favorite time... Since whenever he sees that phase of the moon... It meant for him...



To feed...

Enigma loathed this side of him... To him, this time represented everything he hated... "I would have better dead..." Enigma thought darkly as he caught sight of a prospective prey, a young woman... Even though he hated it, a smile crept into his face, his eyes turning blood red as he leaped off the building, skillfully dragging down the girl into an empty alley then slashed her throat with his scythe... At the sight of that warm blood awakened his chiropteran nature and hungrily drank all the poor girl's blood...

By the time he was finished, his wild nature had died down, his senses coming back to him... Looking down at the lifeless husk of the woman, he silently put it in a trash compactor and left the scene quickly, a pained look on his face as he muttered over and over again...

"Sorry... sorry... sorry..."  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:29 am
Erin was miles away now, having run the roofs going as fast as she could. Her dress was shredded at the arms and trim at the bottom, and she was crying hard- she repeated in her mind exactly what had happened after she'd slammed the goons to the wall...
She'd been provoked, her eyes turning bright with bloodlust.
People screamed- she'd laughed, dragging the men down the wall slowly, using her sharp nails to claw their throats open so that they left blood trails down the bricks.
They reached the bottom of the alleyway, and she bent from one to the next, draining them of every drop they had in them. Shaky people had stopped to watch her, and she'd looked up at them.
With a flash, she was over there too, draining all the blood they had.
Once it was finished... and there were sirens in the background... Erin had finally come to her senses... She'd screamed, and run away.

She was now crying inside of a building that was supposed to be demolished in a few hours. No one was there, and it was only other buildings nearby. "I fullfilled exactly what Endar and Lehana had prayed for!" she punched the floor, and not suprisingly, it broke through, the peices clattering down to the floor below. "Damn them..." she sobbed, the taste of all those innocent people's blood fresh in her mouth.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:35 am
Jumping from building to building, he tried to forget the incident that just happened earlier, a strong scent of fresh blood triggered his senses again...

"Damn it, not again..." Enigma growled out at his blood thirst got the better of him and quickly jumped into a nearby building... From the ledge, he could see some commotion on going down below... What he witnessed erased the feelings of hunger and his personality s a hunter took over...

The scene was a bedlam of people going to and fro, police directing people away from the crime area, medics, detectives looking at the crime scene... But what Enigma noted was that extent of damage in the surrounding area. Walls puned with blood marks, 2 unidentifiable persons, theirs heads crushed that it was unrecognizable, and a number of dead bodies with their chest, throats slashed, devoid of blood... It reminded him of his first time... his hunger for blood... his maniacal devour that had hunted him in his dreams...

And most of all...

It's... No, her scent... Looking at the photograph again, he decided on one thing... Whether it's for better or worse... It was like he knew her feelings... This unknown type of chiroptera... Knowing Rin would have his hide for this one, Enigma took off in persuit, good or bad, he wanted to save her... His elusive prey...  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:39 am
"What the hell am I going to do?!" she moaned, hoping that some great plan for her suicide would come to mind, but she'd already tried killing herself after the first time that she'd hungered for blood. She'd crushed herself in a car, tried to drown herself in a lake, tired to burn herself in a blazing building, tried to poison herself with arsenic and all other things she could think of- all to no avail. After every single incedent, she'd only woken up, sore all over, but completely alive. Endar and Lehana had really done a good job designing their daughter as a weapon. "It's hard to beleive they took their own daughter's life to create me..." she whispered, still disgusted by the fact that she was made out of a dead girl's body. Then she hit herself on her forehead, wondering if being crushed by a building instead of a car would do the job...
She looked around at the desolate floor she was on, remembering how beautiful she'd wanted her death to be when she was human- all the time wondering if she'd ever be remembered by more than just her family. Then she frowned, knowing that her family had never existed in the first place, that the human time she'd spent in this world had disappeared from these people's memories and records from the instant she'd transported back to Ispara. Erin knew all of this, though she'd tried to live anyway, how stupid could she have been to think that the need to kill that was programmed into her brain wouldn't efferct her here? Now all she had to do was wait. Just wait until they bombed the building to peices, and maybe she wouldn't be able to cause any more death to people who had no need to die.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:57 am
You must be ready to kill them on sight...

I remembered his words as I leap thru alleys and buildings...

Kill them on sight... Chiropteras are the biggest threat to mankind... Don't let the diary fool you... It was that freaking girl and her twin who created this monsters... So don't hesitate to kill them... Do you understand?

To remember those words made me wince as I arrived at my destination, an abandoned warehouse... Taking precautions, I slowly unwrapped the chain binding my arm, watching it turn into monster's hand, a deep shade of red...

"I guess I'm a disappointment father..." Enigma whispered as he walked towards the building... "First, I became a chevalier which you detested, hunting humans just to survive, drinking every last drop of their blood just to stay sane... Well..."

You must be ready to kill them on sight...

"I won't be following orders again... Human or not... I won't let this being suffer alone..."  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:21 pm
You never really know what you'll feel when you know that death is iminent, but for some reason Erin felt relieved. Of course there were heroic reasons to feel releif, but it was a different kind- not the kind that's like, 'wow, I'm doing the whole world a favor by killing myself- aren't I special?' What she felt was a sensation that nothing around her wasn't there anymore- like she didn't have to think, didn't have to worry about whether she was a hunter or the hunted, didn't have to worry about one more night when she would kill an innocent person. She let herself go, just looking out the window, she cleansed her mind, hoping for sleep so that she wouldn't have last-minute doubts... That is, if this attempt to die finally killed her. With her mind numbed, as it was by now, she probably wouldn't even blink if a bomb went off right outside. There was nothing to lose, so she sang. But when one is in a quiet area, one is naturally quiet to match, so her voice was hushed, but still carried a bleak sorrow.
"When you see me,
Do you actually know I'm there?
Can you tell me from everyone else,
Or do I blend into the background?
Can't you understand that I'm much different?
But if you knew my secret, would you hate me forever?"
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:03 am
When you see me,
Do you actually know I'm there?

Enigma stopped dead on his tracks as he entered the building, finding it strange to hear someone singing... Asif that person was filled with grief and pain...

Can you tell me from everyone else,
Or do I blend into the background?

The voice sounded familiar... It reminded him of a person with an angelic face with a pair of sad eyes... Remembering an incident shook him...

There was a drop of blood on the ground... But when he turned to see if she was injured, there wasn't any sign of any wound...

His target was infront of him all that time... her familiar scent at the fastfood...

Can't you understand that I'm much different?
But if you knew my secret, would you hate me forever?

Enigma found her huddled in the ground, still wearing the dress she had worn the first time he had seen her, only it was ripped... This was the time he had waited for months... Confronting the elusive prey he was following for a long time... Yet... as he gripped that deadly weapon of his... He knew... He couldn't do it... Pulling his scarf down, he knelt down in front of her and said to her gently...

"Long time no see... Erin Leandra"  

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:53 am
Erin hadn't even heard footsteps, or anything at all, to tell the truth. But when she saw him kneeling in front of her, and saying her name, she couldn't believe that he was really there. "Enigma..." she whispered, both suprised and happy, though she felt traitor tears running down her face. The only thing that disturbed her was the sickle he held, and his monstrous looking hand. Stupidly, she wanted to ask if he was okay, forgetting all plans for suicide, and remembering their happy afternoon together. But it was shattered by the fresh memories of how she'd killed those people in the streets. Turning back to the window she said sadly, "You shouldn't be here..." There was no way she'd allow herself to be happy after all the grief she caused to those poor humans. "You should just leave me here." It was impossible to look at Enigma as she said this, trying to make her voice sound uncaring- though she knew it wasn't convincing. But she hoped that he'd leave.
She wasn't quite sure how he'd found her in the first place, but she'd been condemned to hell from the first moment that she'd been brought back to life... No. She hadn't been brought back to life- she had no memory of what her body had foregone before the thing known as Erin Leandra been created and forced to take the form of a girl who'd been long dead. And as something that hadn't been the intended user of this body, she had no right to be living in it. Altogether, whenever Erin got down to the fact that she was another person creature living in a dead girl's body, the disgust she already felt was taken to another level.
[Joel's Diary]

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