Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:06 am
I've noticed that every time a slot opens, there has been no real notification of when they have closed and all hopeful players can stop waiting.
Suggestion: Some way of notifying the players when an artist has selected their slots. May be a post saying "Thank you everyone, these slots are now full."
Every time slots open there are questions on the thread by players asking if the slots have been picked and the front page isn't always updated as fast as the slots. Since only a few have access to the mule, perhapse some other way. Even if just the colourist's themselves posted a notice? Im sure it would be appreciated.
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:36 pm
I'm in total agreement with more colorists doing the Soquili hair styles. I was looking at it just today, and I've noticed how it seems like quite a few amount of people haven't gotten their hairstyles done yet, even though they've been up for some time now. I myself would like to get that done to one or two of my own Soquili, as they just change overtime and such. :3
I also agree with the colorists maybe being able to somehow post or let people know that their slots are full or taken or whatever. I've seen a few people wondering about if the bribe slots were chosen yet, but no one had a real idea, even though they've been closed for two days now. Just one of those ideas that I think everyone would like.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:45 pm
I think I posted this idea in the wrong forum, so I'm posting it here now. xD; ~~~
I was thinking of a kind of breeding raffle, where the only couples entered could be ones that are both owned by a single owner. (Ex: Lord Soth and Angelique.) And then, the winners get to keep a basket, but the other basket (Or baskets, in some cases) must be given to newbies. That way, the winner gets a basket, and gets to chose a newbie to give it to.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:56 pm
Though that's ideal for newbies, Shadow, it just doesn't seem fair to those who do breed two of their own Soquili and have people in mind they want to give the spare baskets to, newbie or not. n__n''
I'm in complete agreement about the public saying that bribe slots are closed.
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:36 pm
I see your point raze. That was kinda selfish of me to say. ^^;
But, I have another suggestion that maybe people would agree with?
More flaffle based FS's. Because really, speed isn't exactly the most fair of methods, especially for those with bad connections/ slow computers. After all, not everyone has has an Alienware computer. xd But really, my point is that the flaffle is a lot more fair of a method. With the a window of time, even people with slow computers/bad connections have a chance to enter.
Now I know that an unfortunate staff member would have to make a, most likely, long list. But, if this suggestion is taken into consideration, I'd be glad to make the lists, since I suggested it. xd
So, that's just my idea. Thanks for listening. 3nodding
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:02 am
Yeah, it's not fair to even consider forcing people to give a basket to newbies. Some of us really love our families and are very.. very specific on who gets to be a part of them. We don't want the kids of our beloved pets going to people that would not roleplay them retardedly or worse, run off and enter them in a breeding raffle with some strange pet just for the chance at another soquili. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I look for people that I can trust to bring into my family lines. I put over 150-200mil into this shop, both for pets for myself and others. I think that gives me the right to choose who my baskets go to.
We already have more Flaffle based things than speed. I like flaffle more too. I think they should be shortened though. Like five-eight minutes. That's long enough for someone on dialup. I know.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:55 am
Letting item shop personnel do custom items/warpaint/HAIR. More flaffles, but shortened to five minutes, tops. I've been on dialup too, and it's more than enough time to get your post in. And with the demand Soquili is in, that'll give MORE than enough posts to wade through and list. Elders. There have been TWO opportunities in the history of Soquili to get them. One where you simply had to make a post, and some Soquili that weren't exactly 'elder material' might have slipped in. Another that was an application process. Two opportunities, two years...this is a sad thing indeed. More free/cheap events as opposed to the gold-raking customs/bribes/auctions. I know the colorists don't get it all, and I am NOT attempting to insult them in any fashion. Still, it seems that there's an awful lot of auctions and bribes.
Did I mention elders?
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:29 pm
I would be cool/helpful to have a list of all the cosplays that have already been done or are in the making or that are off limits for whatever reason... ^_^
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:11 am
Alanna the Pirate Queen I would be cool/helpful to have a list of all the cosplays that have already been done or are in the making or that are off limits for whatever reason... ^_^ Indeed~ :'D Or at least maybe getting some more people to update the Owner's List, which is terribly behind! D':
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:31 am
I don't post who won because it freaks me out but I have no problem posting that slots are closed? I mean, i stay up and send letters out usually within ten mins of it closing (i've been watching them all day)
But yes, I can post when mine are closed if that helps.
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:29 pm
Can I make a suggestion that we perhaps have more opportunities to acquire familiars? I noticed that the shops that usually provide them have been closed for a while and I'd really like to get a few for my Soquili.
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:32 am
I'm in agreement with everyone's suggestion on the hair salon, but I feel it would be better and easier to maybe hire someone who can do those changes as well as the cert background changes that were once offered as well. I know that a lot of the colorists are all extremely busy as is with breedings and customs, so I don't feel it's fair to them to add onto the pile a hair salon for each of them.
Also, maybe hire someone that can add scars and such so people who want them on their can do that. The only problem I see with that is some colorists add scars to offspring (ie: Vidia and Tsis'Dihi's eye scar from Tawali), so the scars would have to be noted as that, not just part of their pelt color?
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:16 pm
I suggest that there should be a more conveniently placed MLP/Cosplay list. I know that there is already a MLP list out there somewhere but it takes me a whole lot of asking around to get to it.
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:19 pm
I agree about the familiars, there are a few I'd like to get done at some point as well.
For the hair salon, I agree that it'd be a good idea to maybe hire a colourist devoted entirely to that.
Along the lines of lists, I think it would be nice if someday (either throughout the owner's list or somewhere else) there was a list of which themes have already been done for the Angeni's. I doubt anyone would think of the theme I'm considering using but you never know. I have been able to know some of the Angeni theme's from the owner's list (either by clicking on the cert link or by the little text in the last column) but not all have that information.
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:28 pm
Personally, I'd like to see something done about the male/female ratio. Currently, there are a lot more female Soquili than male, which isn't too big of a problem for some, but for others, it is.
Some people actually like to keep their pets with one mate, myself being one of them. And with an off male to female ratio, it's hard to do that. Now, you could say "Well, suck it up and just mate your Soqs with more than just one." But, like said before, there are people who don't like that, especially if that Soq or pet is close to them, and they'd rather not have their pet go around and have kids from three different parents.
So, here's my solution. In the next FS, sell one to zero females. I know this wouldn't help much, since about five or six Soquili are sold per FS, but it would still help. This could be continued at the Colorist's digression, but I do feel that these are needed.
But, that's just my little bit.