Name: Azadlıq Owner: Das Tor Date Received: Jan 7, 2020 Temper: Free-roaming Method of Obtainment:2019 Winter CYO Colorist: Mindsend
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Rouminq Owner: Das Tor Date Received: Feb 8, 2020 Temper: Free-roaming Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:2019 Winter CYO Colorist: Mindsend
(Optional; omit when not in use.) Companion To: Azadlıq [No cert, posted for certing earlier in this post]
Pony cert, please!
Name: Zhen Ling Shenguai Owner: Das Tor Date Received: Temper: (Optional) Method of Obtainment:2016 Winter CYO Colorist: Malis Vitterfolk
vvv kovak claims vvv
Soquili Breeding
Date Received: Unknown (We were never contacted about them and I spotted them on the Ownerlist. ._,;;; ) Method of Obtainment: Unknown -- Nova and I were never contacted when the breeding was a thing so I either don't remember the slots or it was an MCCL thing. Colorist: According to the List, Samuality Parents: Shinsei Batsu x Telvladi x
In the future please use official shop URL links when posting images. If you don't have them there is a form on the front page for locating images - tori
Tori Claims
Pony cert, please!
Name: Lascaux Owner: DaerilS Date Received: 2/1/2021 Temper: Ancient Method of Obtainment:CYO 2020 Colorist: Techabyte
Name: Chelan Owner: Nyx Queen of Darkness Temper: [leaving blank for Nyx to complete upon popping]
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:02 pm
kovak claims
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Amaltheia x The Prince "Kozue"
Name: Hyakinthos (Hyacinth) Temper: Warm
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:00 pm
kovak claims
let me know if you also want the other stage uncerts! :>
Oops i forgot to ask for those as well, yes please!
Finding Old Certs and Uncerts
Looking For:Kitten, Sunyeon, Requin Colored By: Antigra, King, Vistada Additional Details: Just need offical uncert links; Kitten without the necklace if possible.
Name: Branwen Owner: Prism Shine Date Received: 01/25/21 Temper: (Optional) Method of Obtainment:January Paid Raffle Colorist: Candle Wick Ghost
Familiar cert, please!
Name: Mint Owner: Prism Shine Date Received: Temper: 01/13/21 Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:CYO 2020 Colorist: Techabyte
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:38 pm
Tori Claims
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Co-Owner Removal Existing Information: All On Cert. Colorist: Antigra / Infinite Improbability New Information: Owner: Kivras. Remove Gender line if possible. Agreement:[ X ]
Hopefully the cert can be duplicated exactly? The only thing I would be alright with being changed visually is the font on her name.
Modification Requested: Co-Owner Removal Existing Information: All On Cert. Colorist: King Inversitle New Information: Owner: Kivras. Remove Gender/Temper lines if possible Agreement:[ X ]
Modification Requested: Co-owner removal & more legible font for name "Genevieve Ann Devereux" Existing Information: N/A Colorist: Beejoux New Information: Removal of Co-owner Agreement: Don't have a co-ownership agreement, but pet was originally won by me.
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:18 pm
Some additional uncerts!
-- Calixita
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Existing Information: Colorist: JetAlmera New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Existing Information: Colorist: Roniel New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Existing Information: Colorist: Roniel New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested:Transfer Colorist: mindsend New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested:Transfer Colorist: Hanging Gallow New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Colorist: Miss Cherie New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Colorist: mindsend New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Transfer Colorist: yuki bear New Information: Owner: Theidren Agreement:[ X ]
vvv kovak claims vvv
Pony cert, please!
Name: Tobias Owner: Theidren Date Received: 1/1/2020 Method of Obtainment:mind's HH Colorist: mindsend
Pony cert, please!
Name: Declan Owner: Theidren Date Received: 1/1/2020 Method of Obtainment:mind's HH Colorist: mindsend
^^^ kovak claims ^^^
Theidren Crew
Shameless Kitten
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:10 pm
Familiar cert, please!
Name:Samoa Owner:Cheyriddle4 Date Received:2/8/21 Temper: Cheerful Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:In thread Giveaway Colorist:Phail Ninja