Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:05 pm
  Name: Ulysses Sex: male Parents: Lothatio Siblings: Azure, Hilaire Temper: Pimp'n Lifemate: none Breed: Wildlife - Blue Mountain Butterfly Familiar: none Herd: none
Colorist: Nerpin Co-Owner: Sabin Duvert Obtained: Raffle - 2008 Spring Event Sig Image: Roleplay Color: darkblue
Personality: Ulysses makes a scene wherever he goes. He is over the top and knows just how awesome he is. He is meticulous about his appearance, not hesitating spending a lot of time grooming to make himself look perfect. He was born beautiful, but that doesn't mean that even the soquili with the luckiest genes can be even better with the right styling. He is overconfident, cocky, but manages to pull it all off. He is more boisterous than his brother, Azure, and over the top. More than even his love of mares (which is his brother, and even his father's focus), Ulysses loves the attention. He likes all eyes being on HIM, and leaving an impression wherever he goes.
History: Ulysses is the brother of Azure, and the son of Lothario. Like his father and his brother, he is a player and loves the mares.
Breeding One: Anachel Children: Odyssey, Jeremiel, Jupiter
Breeding Two: Reserved for Sayerauho Children::
Breeding Three: OPEN Children::
Breeding Four: - co-owners discretion - Children::

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:13 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:13 pm
  Name: Vesuvius Sex: male Parents: Shinoma x Firestorm Siblings: Yamika, Firestarter Temper: Destructive Lifemate: Breed: Wind-Kalona (4th Gen) Familiar: Herd:
Colorist: Ameh Co-Owner: none Obtained: Breeding Sig Image: Roleplay Color: red
Personality: Vesuvius is accident prone, but revels in the destruction he causes. He isn't exactly 'evil' as most of his endeavors have been small scale: bee hives, ant hills, birds nests, etc. He likes to knock them over or pester them, and watch the chaos ensue. He's not well spoken and comes across as stand-offish.
History: Vesuvius is the foal of Shinoma and Firestorm. Firestorm left his herd to be with Shinoma, determined that Balrog and Stormwild and the rest had become weak in their inactivity and complacency. Firestorm was impressed with the freewheeling demoness, Shinoma - she made him feel more alive, daring, and dangerous. He told Balrog and Stormwild where to stick it, determined to prove himself superior through his good genetics with Shinoma, especially in light of Balrog and Stormwild's new arrival. When Firestorm expected to be missed and for his parents to come after him, instead they directed their attention on a new arrival, stealing his thunder. Between Shinoma's incenting him and Balrog and Stormwild's indifference or outright conflict with him, Firestorm sees his offspring as potentially the begining of a new era... kicking off a conflict with his former herd. If he can't join them, beat them..
...however after a failed attempt to take over Balrog's territory, the Vesuvius left his father and has struck out on his own.
Breeding One: Reserved Zosime - Agreement Children:
Breeding Two: OPEN Children::
Breeding Three: OPEN Children::
Breeding Four: OPEN Children::

Roleplay LogTo Light a Fire - Firestorm, Shinoma, Firestarter, Yamika, and Vesuvius The Prodigal Son Returns - Firestorm, Shinoma, Firestarter, Vesuvius, Balrog, Stormwild, Thunderbird, Stormcloud, and Maeltrom & Cataclysm {PRP}I Bump You, You Bump Me {Vesuvius and Zosime}
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:17 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:23 pm
 Name: Zesiro Sex: female Parents: Kit-N-Kaboodle x Dichali Siblings: Chowila Temper: Impetuous Lifemate: none Breed: 3rd Gen Familiar: none Herd: none
Colorist: King Inversitle Co-Owner: 3rd and Long Obtained: Breeding raffle (1st Try!) Sig Image: Roleplay Color: #00CED1
Personality: Impetuous and fun-loving, Zesiro is a stallion that's hard to bring down.
History: He is the result of a whirlwind romance between his parents and was raised by his friendly mother.
Breeding One: Tsukurika Children: Unnamed, Mawuli
Breeding Two: - co-owner's discretion - Children::
Breeding Three: OPEN Children::
Breeding Four: OPEN Children::

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:54 am
 Name: Tiki-auaha Sex: male Parents: n/a Siblings: n/a Temper: Lonely Lifemate: none Breed: Tiki God Familiar: n/a Herd: n/a
Colorist: Mobster Goose Co-Owner: n/a Obtained: Tiki Summer Raffle Sig Image: Roleplay Color: #663300
Personality: Tiki is a lonely creature. Thinking himself as a God and generally considering himself an island - while also physically living on one - has made him sad and lonely and generally feels as if he is singular among all the world. He rarely interacts with other Soquili; a self-made hermit who has convinced himself through his own delusions that he will never find love.
History: His history is shrouded in mystery, though he goes live on a small tropical island off the coast.
Breeding One: OPEN Children:
Breeding Two: OPEN Children::
Breeding Three: OPEN Children::
Breeding Four: OPEN Children::

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:22 pm
  Name: Darshan Sex: male Parents: unknown Siblings: unknown Temper: Articulate Lifemate: none Breed: Pied Peacock Hippogriff Familiar: Herd:
Colorist: Mobster Goose Co-Owner: none Obtained: IRL Bribe (Transferred from Sirenz) Sig Image: Roleplay Color: darkgreen
Personality: Darshan is a friendly, charming, fearless, and adventuring Soquili. He is constantly traveling and learning about cultures and collecting stories, legends, and folktales from all over the world. He speaks with a strange affect, but is extremely articulate and engaging. There is hardly anything he won't try at least once, and has a particular fondness for exotic animals and spices.
History: Born in the mysterious East, but quickly traded the the white two-leggers of the North when he was just a colt, Darshan considers himself a child of the 'world' more so than one particular culture. He has made hid way West, and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon.
Breeding One: Reserved for Lhuysii Children:
Breeding Two: Reserved for Shikoba Children::
Breeding Three: Reserved for Vanya Children::
Breeding Four: - closed - Children::
Mockbreeding: Vanya Children:

RP Log

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:38 am
 Name: Baron Ogoun ("Ogu") Sex: male Parents: Forza x Baron Samedi Siblings: Algernon; Moto Maji Temper: Lifemate: Breed: 2nd Gen Voodoo Mutant Familiar: Herd:
Colorist: mindsend Co-Owner: none Obtained: Credit Breeding from slimycrow Sig Image: Roleplay Color: #CC0000
Personality: History:
Breeding One: Reserved for Falsetto Amachi Children:
Breeding Two: Children::
Breeding Three: Children::

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:39 am
  Name: Narcissus Sex: male Parents: Siblings: Temper: Vain Lifemate: none Breed: Wildlife - Peacock Familiar: Echo Herd: none
Colorist: Kamiki Co-Owner: none Obtained: Colored for self Sig Image: [x] Roleplay Color: darkgreen
Personality: Vain, nacissistic, and comepletly sure of himself. He is beautiful and he knows it. He does not let his small size daunt him, and he loves to strut himself to the ladies - any lady. History: Narci was born to a ground Soq mother in a sothern herd. She was young her mate, Narci's father, was a free-spirited flutter who had left her lands long before she knew she was pregnant. She was not part of her a herd, and being completely on her own (her parents had long ago been killed by wolves), she struggled to raise her son. Much to her distress, Narci looked almost exactly like his father, a bitter and painful reminder to his mother of the mate that left her. These combined factors eventually led to Narci's mother's bitter resentment of her son. Of course she loved him and did her best to take care of him, but she grew cold and detatched from her maternal instincts before Narci was ever old enough to have an idea of why. The moment Narci could flap his wings and fly long distances on his own, he left his homeland and never looked back, seeking new adventures in a new home. He tries not to let anyone get too close, but he does have one good friend, Azure. He also has a familiar named Echo, a little lost bunny who fell instantly in love with Narci and has yet to ever leave his side. She is extrememly jealous of any attentions he gives towards mares.
Breeding One: Viola Children: Nymph, Fennel, Zayn
Breeding Two: Itse Children:: Versailles, Cassanova, Favrile
Breeding Three: Aiyana Children:: Daysn, Satine, Rohannon
Breeding Four: Reserved for Temperance - Agreement Children::
Breeding Five: OPEN Children::

Roleplay Log
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:47 am
 Name: Kristoff Sex: Male Parents: unknown Siblings: none Temper: Warm-hearted Lifemate: Breed: Cerynei Familiar: Idina Herd:
Colorist: JetAlmeara Co-Owner: none Obtained: 2013 Christmas CYO Event Sig Image: Roleplay Color: #646D7E
Personality: History:
Breeding One: Children:
Breeding Two: Children::
Breeding Three: Children::

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:48 am
  Name: Marrow Bonebreaker Sex: male Parents: deceased Siblings: deceased Temper: Repugnant Lifemate: none Breed: Bearded Vulture / Tiger Griffon Familiar: none Herd: none
Colorist: Sabin Duvert Co-Owner: None Obtained: Freebie Sig Image: none Roleplay Color: #CD5C5C
History: Marrow is the unfortunately result a violent meeting between a vicious hawkwalker and his mother. Not content to just leave her with child, when the hawkwalker learned Marrow's mother was with-foal, he chased her into a deep, rocky, and baron rock quarry. He wanted to keep an eye on her while she was pregnant. Since his mother had no wings, she had no way to escape the rocky prison. Food was scarce, and was little she got was brought by her torturous captor...meager pickings to keep her alive.
Once the foals were born and put into their baskets, the hawkwalker left. Being a purewalker, his madness-adled mind couldn't see "the big picture" - his plans were to keep her alive until his progeny was born. There was a primal, instinctual drive for procreation he fulfilled, but there were no loving thoughts of fatherhood.
By the time Marrow and his sister emerged from their baskets, their mother was dead. Having never fully recovered from childbirth, and with no food or water, she perished wrapped around her babies in a last desperate attempt to bond with them before her death.
Marrow and his sister were left to fend for themselves. It wasn't long before they were at the brink of death. They watched each other waste away for days, until the deepest, most desperate vile thoughts began to creep into Marrow's mind.
Marrow tried to explain to his sister that if they had enough meat to get strong, they could use their wings to escape their prison. But the only source of this meat was the remains of their own mother. Horrified, his sister refused. In the end, Marrow did the only thing he could.
He survived, at a high cost.
Eventually, he gained the strength he needed to escape the rocky quarry. His sister, unwilling to do the unspeakable, perished.
Breeding One: Children:
Breeding Two: Children::
Breeding Three: Children::

Roleplay Log
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:52 am
  Name: Thranduil Sex: male Parents: Siblings: Temper: Superior Lifemate: none Breed: Cerynei cosplay - Thranduil (The Hobbit) Familiar: none Herd: Mirkwood
Colorist: Agneza Co-Owner: Sabin Duvert Co-Ownership Agreement Obtained: Gift from Sabin Sig Image: [x]; [x] Roleplay Color: silver
Personality: Thranduil is a fiercely proud, cunning and resilient leader, with more than a bit of a stubborn streak and a temper. He will defend his herdlands with his life, and values the sanctity of his woodland home and the soquili that live there above all else. He is quite in tune with nature, familiar with the plants, the rise and fall of the seasons, and the dangers that lurk between the trees. He is utterly at home, and fearless in his own territory. His time as ruler has given him a grand, sometimes intimidating presence (that he will lord above others). He is distrustful of strangers in his territory, and anything that should not belong in the woods. However, his position has not come without its mark of vanity on the cerynei. He knows how to make an entrance, how to lord his extravagance and disdain above strangers. If he feels as if something is not worth his time, or risk to himself or his herd, then he will not hesitate to turn his back on it. He is more than a little self-absorbed, considers himself superior (and beautiful), with a fondness for jewelry and finery... and drink. He has an (over) fondness for merriment and revelry, and is not always the calm, composed, dignified leader (but can be full of sass)). Thranduil, however, has a particular dislike of the mini races, such as usdia, and those of "dwarven" heritage. He views them as a race that cannot be trusted, inferior to his own. They certainly do not posses the class and dignity that he does. Finally, Thranduil is prettier than you. Nuff said.
History: Thranduil hails from deep in the wooded territory that he calls Mirkwood, where he has reigned as alpha-king for many years. He is fiercely protective of the territory.
Breeding One: -co-ownership description- Children:
Breeding Two: -co-ownership description- Children::
Breeding Three: -OPEN- Children::
Breeding Four: -OPEN- Children::

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:57 am
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:59 am
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:00 am