And yet the overall effect was haunting, inhumanly beautiful.
Meaning of (name): Tessasilmë is the combination of Tessa with the elvish word for "starlight". It's literal translation is "to reap, to harvest the starlight." Tessa means fourth born (she is the second born daugther of Galla and Adrian, who both have two girls each previously making her the 4th born and the 4th born daughter)
Aliases: Tess, "Jolene"
Date Found: April 14, 2017
Found: Drop
Date of Maxing:
Temper: Enthralling (capturing and holding one's attention; fascinating.)
Breed: Gen 4
Breed Appearance: Harpy
Height: 14 hands
In many ways, she takes after her father in his flirtatious ways. In the Flock, that comes off as an asset. She shares a special relationship with her younger half-sibling Vanraumolírë. Often Tess can come of brass and crass but she has a good heart underneath, at least for those she loves. Though she is a siren by nature. She’s never met a male who she hasn’t grown bored of, which is in part of her father’s demeanor. She reminds her mother of Adrian very distinctly. The way she wields the cleaver that Vanraumolírë made her. The way she laughs, the way she flirts. She is young and wild and free, not feeling the constraints that her other sisters have. She likes to keep a pretty little harem and to be honest, she’s a siren luring them in with her beautiful voice and words.
She is full of life, always smiling. Boisterous. Competitive.
She works in the Artisian Guild, specializing in Brewing Mead, etc.
Quirks/Character Traits:
✶ Often trades with Vanleote for spices to brew her mead, etc.
✶ Is a maneater, she's never met a male she didn't want---just because.
✶ The Song Jolene is basically her.
She never knew her father who had been too much of a free spirit to be allowed to remain in the Flock. Her mother Galla had loved him very deeply, but not enough to leave.
The Continuing Story...
quote it here
The Continuing Story...
Doing FLock Stuff