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Kawaii Fairy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:52 pm

Foal Update
User Image
User Image
Name: Quiyahuatl
Temper: Hesitant
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:30 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: [x]
Name of Familiar: Squeaker
Name of owner: Nayci
Date of arrival: June 2 2013
Gender: Female
Temper: Playful
Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both please. With Ephyra
Parents: N/A
The colorist of the pet: Selalusia
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No thanks, just link me in AIM :3 Thanks Roni!


Dangerous Shapeshifter


Fandom Supporter

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:22 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Orpheus
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Full ownership was given to me HERE
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Mobster Goose
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes c8
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:19 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Betula
Uncert and Certs: Betula Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Ownership has changed from Darkmoon Dancer to Sbuggy166. The link the this change is here: Link
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sabin
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? yes please


Dapper Dabbler


Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:20 am

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Sullivan
Uncert and Certs: Unfortunately, Tebiki couldn't find his uncerts; however, here is his current cert: Sullivan Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Two things; one, please change ownership to me, Cajmera (see here for the change of ownership); also, could you please locate uncerts of his foal and adult stages? Thank you!
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Niloufer
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Thread drop is fine ^^
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:28 am

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Wakka Wakka
Uncert and Certs: Cert - Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): I'd like his owner changed to myself please - Rehoming agreement here
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Dihydrogen
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Dropping in thread as normal is fine with me. Thank you.


Friendly Shapeshifter

16,200 Points
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High-functioning Cultist

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:21 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Chu'mana Pauwau
Uncert and Certs: cert uncert foal uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Biki has transferred ownership to me. <3
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Sabin Duvert
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Naw, a drop is fine. <3
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:47 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Yasei - Mad( I can't read the rest of it )
Uncert and Certs: Uncert / Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Owner change to myself.
Link to change over
And I'd like to shorten his name to just : Yasei
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Natsube
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure~


ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:26 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Saffron
Uncert and Certs: Cert || Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Owner change! Biki gave me her! ouo
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Felmino
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure ouo
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:32 pm

Roni note: This is a lot of certs with a lot of variations. I'll be working my way through these, but it may take some time. I will list updated certs in this post as I do them.
Chessur (alt)
Avada Kedavra (alt)

The rest will be completed by Nyoko!

Ryuu received permission to do Zarita!

Gunkan (alt)
Ikura Raukura (alt, foal, basket)
Sans Merci (feral)

And Roni dropped the last ones here!

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Gunkan (and Bubbles)
Uncert and Certs: Uncert | Cert | Cert with Fam | Bubbles Cert | Bubbles Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Adding Nori as mate: Agreement in red if possible. Removing Cheshire as co-owner; Nyx Queen of Darkness is full owner: agreement. I need a cert with and without his familiar.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Beejoux
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Chessur The Great Glasgow
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Uncert | Items Cert | Items Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Removing co-owner; Nyx Queen of Darkness is now the sole owner: Agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneza
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (items and itemless, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Ikura Raukura
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Adult Uncert | Adult Maskless Uncert | Foal Uncert | Basket Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Darkmoon Dancer
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (all stages, items, and itemless if possible)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Avada Kedavra
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Bare Uncert | Clothed Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Darkmoon Dancer
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (items and itemless, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Sans Merci
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Unpelted Uncert | Feral Uncert | Pelted Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Darkmoon Dancer
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (would like a cert with her feral form as the focus, as well, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Boi-tatá (and Nefarious)
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Uncert | Nefarious Cert | Nefarious Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Rapidashtrainer
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (would like certs with and without Nefarious, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Banzai (and Paparazzi)
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Uncert | Paparazzi Cert | Paparazzi Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement and addition of mate Acacia: Agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Mobster Goose
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (would like certs with and without Paparazzi, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Arden (and Calm Winds)
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Items Cert | Cert with Fam | Items Uncert | Uncert | Calm Winds Cert | Calm Winds Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Removing co-owner; Nyx Queen of Darkness is sole owner: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Felmino
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (would like certs with and without Calm Winds, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Zarita (and Alexander)
Uncert and Certs: Cert with Fam | Uncert | Alexander Cert | Alexander Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): [ Lady Kiya ]
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes (would like certs with and without Alexander, please)

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Cabaret
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Felmino
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Knochen
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Change of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): [ Lady Kiya ]
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Haxan
Uncert and Certs: Cert | Uncert | Foal Cert | Foal Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Changing of owner to Nyx Queen of Darkness, both stages: agreement
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:26 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Rhyme
Uncert and Certs: [Cert], [Uncert]
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): I would like a version of his cert where his tail isn't cut off, please. heart
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneza
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Posted is fine, thank you! heart
PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:40 am

Breeding Cert App

Parents: Echo's Song & Dradneos

User Image
Owner: the_scowling_cat

User Image
Owner: tefla
Name: Castor's Lament
Temper: Shrewd


Enigmatic Star

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Benevolent Duck

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:12 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Here
Name of Familiar: Aesara
Name of owner: Lunarflowermaiden
Date of arrival: 07/15/2014
Gender: Female
Temper: Outgoing
Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both. Rastus Rastus Uncert
Parents: N/A
The colorist of the pet: Roniel
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:03 am

Foal Update
User Image
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Don't have the foal uncert, sorry but if you still have it can I have it please?
Name: Twinkle
Temper: Awkward

Adult cert
Adult uncert

Faid Shadowlight

Versatile Phantom

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Mameha Otome

Eloquent Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:31 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Here
Name of Familiar: Narrok
Name of owner: Mameha Otome
Date of arrival: 09/15/2014
Gender: Male
Temper: Rambunctious
Tagged or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both please, Telaar Cert and Telaar Uncert
Parents: N/A
The colorist of the pet: Azael_Rose
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Please

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