Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:32 pm
Soquili Name: Talia Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Talia is a gentle, sensitive soul with a kind and compassionate nature. Despite this, she has fairly thick skin and isn't the sort to get all broken up over trivial little things. What is your soq looking for in a mate? ICly: no evil or vicious-tempered Soquili need apply! Other than that, she is very accepting and is open to anyone. OOCly: I'd prefer pastels or light natural colors but am open to anything that looks good. Hair edits are a must, the prettier the better. No Skinwalkers or fullblooded Kalonas please. Breeding slots left: 3/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Fling How do you want others to contact you?: PM. If they do get a slot, I'd like to do a bit of plotting then. Please note that this is Master CC list only for now. If in the future either of us has space in regular breeding slots, we can discuss our agreement.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:21 am
Soquili Name: Estrella Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: She's sweet and comes from a nice family. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Definitely someone nice, but I don't really RP so I don't mind 8D; Preferably someone who will go well with her, pretty patterns and such <3 She's got lots of blue and purple in her family. Breeding slots left: 3 Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate How do you want others to contact you?: PM
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:28 am
Soquili Name: Nestor Image of Soquili:Describe your soq's personality/interests: Nestor isn't a particularly nice Soq, but at the same time he isn't completely evil. He's very selfish, and always likes to make sure he gets his own way. Bossy, he's a bit of a brute, and isn't afraid to throw his weight around. He's determined to be the strongest, and anyone and anything that gets in his way will quickly be dealt with in the easiest way possible. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone weaker than him, who he can manipulate. Depending on the other owner's wishes, he can either pretend to love her, or let it be known right off of the bat that he doesn't love her and never will. Nestor won't allow himself to fall in love, viewing it as a sign of weakness. Breeding slots left: 3/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Fling (Backstory/plotted, perhaps a little rp) How do you want others to contact you?: PM, then we can move to AIM to do the plotting ;3
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:19 am
Soquili Name: Nikita Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Ever since foalhood, Nikita has never been the filly the dreams of being some kind of princess, being someone who finds their prince and gets swept off their feet and running off to live the perfect life. She was never one to surround herself with friends and giggle about whom is cute and what they want for their future.
Nope, Nikita was more like the filly that rumbled with the boys and ran about rough housing and going off on adventures to discover new things.
Since hitting adulthood Nikita still holds some of those same quirks. While she isn't exactly running around with the boys and rolling around in the dirt, she still isn't someone who goes around thinking about love 24/7, and still has never seen herself as a "princess" or sorts, maybe mostly because she has never been treated in such a pampered way, and doesn't see herself as having those princess qualities. Basically, the whole idea is foreign to her thanks to living with such a loud family and being raised amongst two brothers.
At first meeting Nikita may seem like she is a bit of a "b***h" thanks to her nature. She is known for being someone who can be a tad sarcastic at times, and also someone who enjoys her little moment of throwing around little playing jokish "insults" from time to time, so she also enjoys the company of those who can take the jokes, and even more, those who know how to throw jokes of their own. While it gets her blood pumping with anger, it also fills her with a fuel of excitement and entertainment.
Along with that, Nini is also someone who holds a competitive nature thanks to her parents. She is someone who enjoys taking one and flinging bets and challenges. This is cause she is someone whom doesn't want to come off as weak and being a chicken, and also cause she just enjoys having bragging rights and the feeling of winning. Though if she loses, yeah she will be a bit mad, but she won't get all depressed about it and become a sore loser. It is more for the fun than anything else, though she can have her hot and hard headed moments during the course.
Besides all that, Nikita is pretty laid-back, determined, protective, sassy, and just wants to have moments of having fun and just living her life, no matter where it will lead her. Whether it is going on great journeys or just leading a quite slow life.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Appearance wise, anything is welcome since I believe in personality over appearance, though something that matches her colors would be nice.
Personality wise, maybe someone who can be just as hot and hard headed at her would be ideal and amusing since the stallion in question would have to be someone who can handle her personality and nature, while also being someone who can grab her attention and basically keep a hold of it. Maybe someone who would annoy yet intrigue her, and also mess around with her. While I want someone with some spunk in them, I don't want them to be someone who will be highly abusive towards her.
The second thing that can work out would be someone who can bring out a softer side to her by maybe teaching her what it is like to be "treated like a lady". She would not be comfortable with it at first, but she might grow to it. Just note, this will not be a "let me change you" type of thing, just a different way to catch her attention while confusing her at the same time.
If your stallion doesn't fit in to these you can still talk to me about them. I am okay with getting to read up on your stallion's personality and seeing if something can still work out, if not, I am sorry.
Breeding slots left: 3/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Either can be worked out, though lifemate would be preferred. If a fling, a "tricked" or "leaving" plot would be preferred.
I would like this this pair to have some sort of RP whether is be guild, AIM, MSN, PM or Thread RP. I'm not really one who enjoys a hit and run unless I agree to 'no interaction' breedings. If RP can't be agreed upon, the back story plotting may work.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM Please.
Note: This will be Master CC only for a bit since I have 2 main couples that are trying at the moment and one that is sitting on the back burner to jump in once one of the first two couples wins.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:34 pm
Soquili Name: Estrello Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: She tends to watch and learn, she thinks she is part monster due to her kalona heritage What is your soq looking for in a mate? she loves ones that look confusing, dark colors are loved, she likes horns, the more the better. wings are also a plus. can be vicious but not wanting to kill or maim her, no skinwalkers, mixbloods are loved she also loves cute and naive soquili Breeding slots left: 3/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Fling How do you want others to contact you?: PM. is ok to bit of rp, but is not needed
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:25 pm
Soquili Name: Adelyn Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Adelyn is a bubbly, outgoing young mare. She is full of energy and can seem kind of ditsy at first but behind that she is actually rather insightful. She has never really had a fatherlike figure in her life due to the fact that her father left before she was born just as her grandfather did when her mother was born. The two closest men in her life are her brother Aryon and her uncle Dasyn who have made her feel like a little princess. Due to the fact that there are not many males in her family she has grown up around strong females like her mother and grandmother and has learned that she does not need a man in her life making her independent though that does not mean she wouldn't like have a stallion around every once and a while. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone who can handle her bubbly nature. Someone with either a strong personality or perhaps a more shy nature that wouldn't mind letting her be the center of attention. Appearance-wise I would like someone that compliments her colors. Edits are a plus as there are edits in her family lineage from her grandmother. Breeding slots left: 3/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Either How do you want others to contact you?: PMP.S. I am slow with rp but I would love to atleast create a background story.
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:00 pm
Soquili Name: Aiyana Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Aiyana is a mature soquili, she has been through a lot in her life. She has mothered five beautiful foals that have grown up and started families of their own and she is proud of all of her family. She is an easy going mare that has taken everything life has thrown at her and made the best of things. Though she is not very vain she does take good care of her appearance because her flowers are very important to her, they are all she has left of her family that she left behind when she came to these lands. Now that her kids are all grown up and don't need her anymore she is ready to start focusing on herself again. She would like to find someone to spend time, she has been alone for long enough. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Well it would be nice if she could find someone to stay with and perhaps become lifemate with. I know that would be rare since she has already used two of her breedings and only has one left. It would not bother her if the male had children with another mare. She would like someone that treats her right, she has already been with someone who treated her like an object and she is not looking for that again. Appearance-wise edits are important as this is her last breeding and I would really like her edits to be pass on to the next generation. Colorwise I would like someone that goes well with her coloring. Blues, silvers, whites, blacks and metallics would go well as well as some others. Breeding slots left: 1/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate or serious relationship prefered but fling is okay. How do you want others to contact you?: PM P.S. I am slow with rp but I would love to atleast create a background story.
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:45 pm
Soquili Name: Cambria Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Cambria is a very adventurous, brave and loving Soquili. She has an absolute love for children, and a taste for adventure. Her love doesn't just extend to foals, however. If she sees any other Soq, no matter the nature of him or her, evil, good, lost, or confused, she'll make sure to stop and lend an ear, try to be a friend. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone who is a friend to her. So many times the Soquili's that Cambria tries to help, turn on her, or take advantage of her kindness, she's looking for someone who gives back, so all of the rest of the giving is cut in two. If not that, then she would look for someone who is broken, and who she can really make a difference for. OOC- I'm not picky at all. =D Just someone who somewhat compliments her color scheme. I like blacks and whites, and lots of other colors~ =D Breeding slots left: 3/3 Fling or Lifemate?: Either. =D How do you want others to contact you?: AIM or PM, please. AIM- D0nth0ldmeup