Entry Tag: (HoneyTeaTree | Cerynei | Unedited | Solo Custom)
Edit Level: Unedited
Soquili Species: - Cerynei
Body Build: Regular
Leg Up?: Yes please
Bent Neck? No thank you
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: A sibling to a Soq I already own
(WIPs will be sent)
-- Colors & Markings --
Body: For the overall color, I picture her having a lighter tone from her brother. Still on the gray side, but closer to white and with the similar kind of gradient that Thaddeus has going on. Her marking pattern is similar to her brothers, feel free to change the spot variation up as you like, but I see it as being still pretty simplistic in terms of the amount of overall spot markings. Her spots are also the same shade blue that Thaddeus has.
For colors maybe the overall base of her body could be the same tone as the color on Thaddeus' muzzle and then her gradient would be lighter than that? Honestly, feel free to CC colors within the cream range? Overall she should be lighter in color than her brother.
Face: Light Lashes template, the Raised Brow Template, and Open Smile Template.
Mane: I would love for her main to probably be more shoulder length. I don't have particular style in mind, but something that makes her feel kind of soft and dainty, I guess would be the best way to describe what I'm going for. Feel free to splice something up. These are templated options that I like, and you can pick from them for what you want to splice (if you desire), or just to pick for her overall mane style.
Fabio, Windblown, Curly 1, Wild, Warrior's Braid, Dancer Tuft, Bob Tuft, Wayward Tuft, Any of the Tucked Braids, Draped Large Loose Braid, Swaying Small Loose Braid, and the Suspended Small Loose Braid.
If the Fabio Style is picked, I would love if there was a way for both of her eyes to be shown, but I get if trying to splice or achieve that is hard with that templated style. Ideally I want both of her eyes showing, but I totally understand if that isn't possible.
Tail: Delicate tail template.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Sturdy Footed Template with Fetlocks. Her legs would have that same kind of gradiation that Thaddeus has on his, just with the light tones that she has.
Reference Image(s): Her brother Thaddeus Item Uncert Armor Uncert Itemless Uncert-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): The Three Point Rack Template. Her antlers also have that same faint touch of blue that her brother has, and the main base color is following the trend where it is lighter than her brother's. Again feel free to CC this within the realms of gray but closer to white over all.
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A
-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: I would love if you could get some of the loose flower template options in her mane or on her in some fashion. I'll list some of the templates I like and you can feel free to CC from them to do whatever you feel looks good. I think overall I don't want her to be too busy, but having something of a light amount of flowers for her.
1, 6, and 7 from the Rose templated options, all of the Generic Flower templated options, and all of the Plumeria templated options.
Feel free to CC anything else in terms of accessories or items so long as she isn't give weapons. I pictured her as caretaker kind of persona, she's quiet, soft, stays with their mother and gather food and supplies to help them survive where they live. So anything that fits that kind of vibe.
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A