Taylor Krieger
Taylor Krieger
i still dont wanna go to jersey on thursday!
LOL, I live in Jersey!
And I'm coming home Tuesday night!
But all day Thursday, I'm going to be in Pennsylvania. :3
HOWEVER, Wednesday/Friday/Saturday/Sundayuntil9:00am, I'll be in Jersey.
:3xD i love jersey but i have to say grace :/
Understooood. :/
Well, my personal beliefs on the religion thing is that..
It's not what you say or do, it's what you think.
Like, I totally do all the Jewish holidays.
As well as I can read Hebrew and I recite all the prayers when I attend services.
But my spiritual belief is NOT THAT AT ALL of someone of Jewish heritage. XD
It's more of a belief in myself and just notevencaring about what else is out there; I love it. :]]holy smokes father black suit white collar
kiddie porn dungeon guns and 3 fingers for your daughters
caught belly up antique Nazi paraphernalia
cannot pay your bills with holy water and hail Mary luck
shucks ******** enjoy the alcatraz shower fun
and mommy's madam cliche generation X agnostic front
it ate the nifty fate the ninteen fifty eight
before the new new testament approved alter boy fistic rape
and take me to your leader long as he don't manipulate toddler fever
call me crazy but i bet that wasn't gods demeanor
sodameter peaking and (me too) on long island was Jesus and every weekend spoon fed to appease a traditional lover burning of a middle Pennsylvania s**t hole where elders movements stressed a stellar therapeutic bible cycle