Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:42 pm
Soq's Name: Syon
Soq's Picture: 
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Syon is devoid of sympathy, and stock full of stubborn pride. He always has an opinion and is quite content to give it with a sarcastic or scathing twist and carries a deep-seated prejudice for all but his own kind, hating soquili equally wether a pure or mutant. Even among his own kind he's sociably rough and hard to get along with, no matter the others personality or attempts at winning Syon over. He can be quite flightly, the only trait that connects him back to regular deer, starting at sudden touches or noises (much to his displeasure). Despite all his dislike for most he has an odd soft spot for foals/fawns, his protector instincts kicking in unwantedly.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? ICly - A purely evil inclined mare wont hold his attentions, despite how much of a all around b*****d he himself is.
Should the mare in question not be a Cerynei and persueing Syon they better be prepared for quite the challenge that would be gaining his affections and not simply his distain.
Although I'm open to alot of possibilities plot wise, I'd like to see something along the lines of both (or only Syon) outwardly hating each other. The mare would need to, at least outwardly, give back as good as she got from Syon. I'm not looking for a weepy little mare for him. Despite Syons cold-shoulders and the like, he'd still tolerate the mare hanging around him. Most of the time, at least.
Perhaps another stallion intruding in on their little dance, either being nice and chivalrous to the mare in question, or attempting to pick her off like Syon. Which would stroke up Syons possesiveness in either a 'I'm the only one allowed to hurt her' or petulance at the mare giving another stallion her attentions.
Should the mare be a flying type I can just imagine Syon breaking their wings to keep them grounded to him. Though later on in plot a strong uni can be found to heal this. (If you offer up a winged mare, you'll really need to make note of wether you'd be ok with this or not. )
OCly - I am going to be picky with him, and do want to find a mare that compliments him look-wise as well. The mare *does not* need to be black/grey/red. She could be etheriel blue/black or any other color combinations. You get the idea.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM please.
RP or non-RP?: Both. I'm terrible at keeping up with soquili RPs, so I'd like to mate the two pretty much off the bat with background plots in place. We can (slowly, on my part) RP them out at the same time.
Flirt or serious relationship?: Serious only, and mare must have all 3 breedings still.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:17 pm
Soq's Name: wicca Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Wicca is rather illusive in the since that. She stays hidden for the most part. She isn't shy, just hasn't found soquili she wishes to communicate with. Her eye and eerie horn tend to put others off her, which makes her feel like an outcast. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Halloween colors. But personality wise. Someone who wont judge her. Someone who will cherish her. Edits are optional though they would be nice im not going to be picky. As long as they have either halloween colors or look halloweenish to me. How do you want others to contact you?: pm please =) RP or non-RP?: Non-rp i have no time Flirt or serious relationship?: Either or. We can see how things lead if you like.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:10 am
Soq's Name: Djamila Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Djamila comes from a large herd/family, but is possibly the most free-thinking and independent out of them all. She broke away from her herd, looking to find herself, and has found a fling- and some confidence. She adores her children, and is very protective of her current foals [3]. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone as independent and confident as Djamila. Personality doesn't matter a WHOLE lot.. Her last two breedings will mostly be done based on looks. How do you want others to contact you? PM is fine. RP or non-RP? Non-RP, but plotted. Flirt or serious relationship? Either/or.
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:33 pm
Reposting! Soq's Name: Doomfire Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Doomfire is an impetuous brat. He is very impulsive, especially in making decisions, and often does what first comes to his mind. He is stubborn as well, not liking to listen to reason, and loves to stomp around and create havoc (with his sisters!). Doom is also a rather smug foal, and thinks that he is always right (and badass!), and others, by simple logic, are therefore wrong. He is brash with his words and rather rude, at times, often coming straight to the point. However, when it comes to friends, one can see that Doomfire is actually quite smart (in his own way) and a very protective and loyal friend to have. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Doomfire is very biased towards those who have special features (horns, kalona tail, wings, etcetc!) I would like someone whose colors would match well, preferably someone with horns? I wouldn't be adverse to dark-colored winds either >u>
Personality-wise, if it's for a mate, just someone who can put up with him, or someone that would bicker with him and eventually fall in love? If it's a fling...well, we can work that out biggrin How do you want others to contact you?: PM meeee~ (If you have my AIM, just fling me an IM!) RP or non-RP?: E-er, neither nor. I like RP but I am HOPELESS at soq RP, but I would loooveee to plot out relationships and what not. Flirt or serious relationship?: Both (Edit: One breeding is reserved for a fling with Edana)
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:03 pm
Soq's Name: Milo Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Milo is a quiet stallion of few words. He prefers to follow his instinct more then his logic. Milo has learned to be cautious in encounters especially with strangers. He has no real set territory. What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Milo is looking for someone who can put up with his lack of talking. He's looking for someone whom will help him realize that not everyone means him any harm. How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: either works for me Flirt or serious relationship?: Either works. Milo actually prefers stallions, though he doesn't know that just yet. So if you plan on rping with him, I'd appreciate it if you'd help him realize that.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:34 am
Soq's Name: Alphaeus Horatius Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Alpha has a troubled past like many, and like many he too was wrongly punished. This causes him to be a bit skittish around those he does not know, but once you get past that, hes a light hearted stallion, with a silver tongue. He is ready to move past his past, and find something worthwhile for his future. What is your soq looking for in a mate? :: Someone that connects wit him, a spitfire maybe to keep this ol' boy on his hooves, or maybe someone who too is ready to settle down. Looks and/or edits dont mean much to me, its about personality really. How do you want others to contact you?: Pm please. RP or non-RP?: Could go either way really, I want a backstory at least with a bit of ooc. Flirt or serious relationship?: Starts as just a flirt, leading to more.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:35 am
Soq's Name: Husni Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Husni is a hopeless romantic and flirt, to the point of cheesy really, but really thats a mask for a much more thoughtful and deeper souled stallion. He's got a brother, who he gets along with very well and who is important to him. What is your soq looking for in a mate? :: Maybe someone liked minded? A hidden deep soul behind a silver tongue? Or someone who seems to be immune to his silver tongue, but enjoys the deeper part of him when it slips through? How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: Could go either way, I want a backstory and some ooc at least. Flirt or serious relationship?:: Depends on the mare, could go either way.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:40 am
Soq's Name: Zindayia Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Zindayia is her fathers daughter, she is a warrior at heart, and behind her sharp tongue and her seemingly disconnected eyes, shes a sweet mare, she just has a habit of being extremely sassy, but if you know her parents, you cant blame her. xD What is your soq looking for in a mate? :: Someone to either bring out the playful side in her, or another warrior for her to connect and bond with. Or someone deeper, able to hold onto her long enough to show her, that she doesnt have to be the strongest mare out there, that its okay for someone else to take care of her. How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: Could go either way, I want a backstory and some ooc at least. Flirt or serious relationship?: Serious only, shes a one stallion kind of girl.