Raff: -Eyeballs her youngest sibling and smirks at him, tossing her head- Not everyone is a complete cad like you, little brother.. some of them have sense. You run along and play now and leave us grown-ups to handle serious business.Soquili Name: Raffaele
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Raffaele, alternativly called Raff or Riff-raff by her boisterous friends and 'Ele by her more refined sister and mother, Raffaele is a mare who knows who she is, what she is and how shes going to live her life. A playful rogue and a Lady Knight, she will swoop in to save the day then sweep the lovely damsel in distress off her hooves, all with a graceful and honorable air of course. She loves to play rough with her brother and her friends, expecting herself to match up to the boys because, well they all have four legs, two ears and a tail, why on earth would she be different to them? Her manners are impeccable when needed, and she has a relaxed and graceful air, while still being a complete tomboy.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Raff isn't really looking for a 'mate'.. but she certainly wont avoid the chance. She is open to both male and female, if male, either a guy who needs her protection and who will look to her to 'wear the trousers' in the relationship, or a guy who can be her equal but will not try and force her to be more feminine, with whom she can grow and develop. The stallion should compliment her colours and have equivalent level of edits.
If her partner is a mare, they would be in need of a Knight, someone sweet and delicate who Raff can protect and care for. Personality will be more important than looks, though someone who doesn't clash too much would be preferred.
Breeding slots left: 3
Fling or Lifemate?: Lifemate
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
What is your soq looking for rp plot mate wise?: See above
Is this a Fling plot or a Lifemate plot?: Lifemate
If chosen fling is this rp plot or background plot?: n/a. But plots are loved as time is limited, would adore rping out specific sections though.