Tag Please! Owner: Melomar Familiar Name: Alexandrite Familiar Uncert: Alt Familiar Uncerts: N/A Date Dropped or Won: 07/09/19 Familiar Species: lizard; Mwanza Flat-headed Rock Agama (Agama mwanzae) ♂ Temper: Changeable
Bonded to: N/A
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:16 pm
edit: sorry i went through all dropoffs posts and couldn't find it. i didn't know that there were certs already. thanks odet.
Tag Please! Owner: Mahogany Sunset Familiar Name: Sol Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 12/25/16 Familiar Species: Pronghorn ♀ or ♂: ♂ Familiar Temper:
Bonded to:
Hey Odet! I originally posted the above here. However, I have not been able to locate a solo or group cert for Sol, and his certs were not posted with Lasselanta's (whose request was in the same post). Help?
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:56 am
Tag Please! Owner: Fayt_of_Redemption Familiar Name: Makobe Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 07/13/19 Familiar Species: Pundamilia Nyererei Cichlid ♂ Temper: Harmonious
Tag Please! Owner: AislingJuno Familiar Name: Crystalline Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 07.09.19 Familiar Species: Mutant Sea Turtle ♀ Temper: bedazzling
Geared Gatekeeper
Dangerous Shapeshifter
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 1:22 pm
I removed the pieces of information regarding the their bonded as it wasn’t related to my request. I hope this is okay!
We Need an Update or a fix! What are you Changing or Correcting: Updating Username Owners Name: Nayci Familiar Name: Sansa
Familiars Cert: Familiars Uncert:
We Need an Update or a fix! What are you Changing or Correcting: Updating Username Owners Name: Nayci Familiar Name: Ilaria
Familiars Cert: Familiars Uncert:
We Need an Update or a fix! What are you Changing or Correcting: Updating Username Owners Name: Nayci Familiar Name: Zypher
Familiars Cert: Familiars Uncert:
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:48 pm
Tag Please! Owner: Kaya Wolf Moon Familiar Name: Gojira Familiar Uncert: Alt Familiar Uncerts:X Date Dropped or Won: 07/24/19 Familiar Species: ♀ Temper: Assertive
Tag Please! Owner: Kiara Lime Familiar Name: Tsuki Familiar Uncert: Date Dropped or Won: 7/26/19 Familiar Species: Hariwake Koi ♀
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:26 am
Tag Please! Owner: Naru_Uchiha007 Familiar Name: Death Popper Familiar Uncert: Alt Familiar Uncerts:X Date Dropped or Won:11/24/18 Familiar Species: Baloon Rider Lizard ♀ Temper: Excitable