Name: Anakim "Dawn Treader" Owner: AstoriaFallen Date Received: 3/28/2017 Temper: Reticent Breed: Starkeeper (OR CC something that seems fitting. I know Stargazer and Starseeker were two other breeds you had posted in that raffle you did so have fun with it if you want) Method of Obtainment:Zac's March 2017 Customs Colorist: Zakit
Name: Checkerberry Owner: Whoan Date Received: 3/29/17 Temper: Practical Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:Gifted by Pollack Colorist: unknown, sorry!! Pollack didn't remember D: // Ryuu's Note: Mx Cherie, from the Tea Garden Event - A Walk Through Time
Companion To: Kinak
^ --- Ryuu Claimed --- ^
Sparkly Waffles
Dea and #Teddy#
Shy Regular
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:58 am
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Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Aiyana x Star Blayze
Name: Zahir Temper: Mystical
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:54 am
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Chamomile x Karupin
Name: Ryoma Temper: N/A
^ --- Ryuu Claimed --- ^
Rita Zyon
Teh Cheryl
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:39 am
v --- Ryuu Claimed --- v
Teh Cheryl xx
Hello! As a heads up, he won't get an element. 'Suti powers are easily susceptible to dilution and the only way someone can inherit one is if at least one of their parents were pureblooded (Kila comes close, but 'suti pures are required to have cloven hooves). I asked our RP Manager, and since mock children are basically treated as breedings (e.g. mock children are able to use their parents and past generations as throwbacks), they would still fall under the same elemental inheritance rules despite OOCly being considered first gen.
You don't need to change anything in your post; this is just a notice that his element won't make it onto the cert.
Thank you so much for your time! - Ryuu
Pony cert, please!
Name: KataigÃda Owner: Teh Cheryl Date Received: 1/13/17 Temper: Volatile Method of Obtainment:2016 CYO Colorist: Yumitoko II
Element: Fire Miscellaneous: Mockbreeding: Kilauea x Polaris
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:36 pm
Ririka xx
Hello, my gentle love! Cypran no longer works for the shop; as such, their requests should go to the Retired Colorists Recert Thread (we always keep a directory in the first page of this thread as well, if it'll help). The recert thread uses the same forms, so it'd simply be a matter of reposting.
Thank you so much! ;w; <333 - Ryuu
Ririka Crew
High-functioning Hellraiser
Aged Codger
Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:59 pm
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Soquili Breeding
Date Received: March 20th 2017 Method of Obtainment:Breeding Raffle Colorist: Eskimo Parents: Ishtar x Kileyo x
Name: Chrysiridia Owner: JetAlmeara Date Received: March 15th Temper: Please Leave Off Method of Obtainment:Griff's customs Colorist: Grifferie
^ --- Ryuu Claimed --- ^
Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:42 pm
v --- Ryuu Claimed --- v
Soquili Breeding
Date Received: 3.20.17 Method of Obtainment:Breeding Raffle Colorist:Eski // Ryuu's Note: The top basket and all of its stages (basket#2 in file name; predominantly purple) were colored by Mx Cherie. Parents: Shahar x Arae x