Soquili Name: Miki
Image of Soquili:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Miki is a playful and light hearted girl. She loves to learn and explore the world around her. She has what she calls a hobby of searching for mythological creatures using a large book she carries around on her back between her trees. Her hunts tend to be toward finding darker and the more evil types of "creatures". She also loves to collect skulls and bones when she can find them.
While she may seem rather childish and niave at times she does tend to understand the world around her most of the time and does have random burst of genius through into her daily life. And over all she is very open and understand and finds it easy to make friends. While she can make friends easily,she also finds it easy to dislike and even hate judgemental people, especially those who judge on looks.
Family wise Miki is sorta lost. While she is close to her aunt Kezia, her grandmother and she sort of knows a few of her cousins she has no real ties to her immidiate family. While raised with by her father, she was never close to him and recently she had a fight with her sister and no longer talks to her.
She currently has homes set up in several caves dotted along the soquili landscape and stays in which ever is closest to the places she's currently hunting mythos in. Her main cave is located close to a cave her aunt Kezia lives in. ( The main cave is in A-ta-lv-yi Pass (map-wise)
What is your soq looking for in a mate? nothing specific look-wise, while she'd probably go for a draft (because being a mutant she's rather tall compared to a normal mare) but being draft isn't required.
Personality wise: some one understanding and willing to deal with her constant questions and her hobby. Some one who would probably share some amount of interest in her hobby. Over all nice fun stallion.
Breeding slots left: 3/3
Fling or Lifemate?: lifemate
How do you want others to contact you?: pm please or AIM Sage Liln