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Devil NightShade

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:12 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Eirdois
Uncert and Certs: Cert. Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Removing Sabin Duvert as co-owner. xXx
The colorist of the pet: Felmino
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure
PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:13 am

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: xXx
Name of Familiar: Tök
Name of owner: ~Twilight...Angel~
Date of arrival: 12/16/14
Gender: Female
Temper: Sweet
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Solo
The colorist of the pet: Roni!! x3
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? if you would like! :3


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Thy Reaper

Unforgiving Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:30 pm

Wasn't sure if I needed to post each one in a different post, so I put all of them in the same post.
Sorry if I misunderstood something.

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Blair
Uncert and Certs: Basket Cert - Basket Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): I would like to have the ownership of these horsies changed over from my old main to my new main XxSilverxShadowxX. Both these accounts are mine.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No, thank you.

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Blair
Uncert and Certs: Foal Cert - Foal Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): I would like to have the ownership of these horsies changed over from my old main to my new main XxSilverxShadowxX. Both these accounts are mine.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No, thank you.

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Blair
Uncert and Certs: Adult Cert - Adult Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): I would like to have the ownership of these horsies changed over from my old main to my new main XxSilverxShadowxX. Both these accounts are mine.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No, thank you.

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Vasilis
Uncert and Certs: Vasilis Cert - Vasilis Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): I would like to have the ownership of these horsies changed over from my old main to my new main XxSilverxShadowxX. Both these accounts are mine.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Deejaye
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? No, thank you.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:50 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Rosabis
Uncert and Certs:
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Changing ownership fully. Also, updating name/temper per the rules and with Tebiki's encouragement/desire for me to do so.
1. Please change the name of the soquili from Rosabis to Shamsiel
2. Please change ownership from Tebiki to Uta per agreement here. Given this cert was never updated, here is proof that Tebiki had been given full ownership here
3. Please change temper from Hyperactive to Joyful
The colorist of the pet: ~Infinity..Trust~
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Just dropping it is fine.


Shy Mage


Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:09 am

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt355/greyenigma1386/d375ff04318dec111acedd3eda1250e8_zps41070926.jpg
Name of Familiar: Wynn
Name of owner: AllSummedUpNJazz
Date of arrival: come and get it cooking contest
Gender: male
Temper: Reserved
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? solo
The colorist of the pet: Targarian
Cert Type: CC smile
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you?drop off mule is fine
PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:58 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: [ X ]
Name of Familiar: Talía
Name of owner: Nymphalidae
Date of arrival: 12/21/14
Gender: Female
Temper: Confidant
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Solo for now
The colorist of the pet: Roniel
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please

If there's an itemless version could I get a cert/uncert of that as well, please? ^^



Wild Creature

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Illuminated Apparition

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:16 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Ballad
Uncert and Certs: Cert & Uncert. Familiar Uncert: Mistrel
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): add CoOwner: DarkenWoodWolf
*Note: Feel free to abbreviate my name as ~LDLC~ or Latonia if this is easier for certing.
Agreement Here
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Endejester
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:09 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Birdy!
Name of Familiar: Geist
Name of owner: Cajmera
Date of arrival: 1/10/15
Gender: Male
Temper: Pleasant
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both please; he'll be with Hayalet
Parents: N/A
The colorist of the pet: Roni!
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure!


Ruthless Phantom

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:39 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Here
Name of Familiar: Aysu
Name of owner: Lady Aria Starstone
Date of arrival: 01/10/2015
Gender: Female
Temper: Playful
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Solo
The colorist of the pet: Roniel
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:16 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: Gatorrrr
Name of Familiar: Seaweed
Name of owner: Kyrieko
Date of arrival: 1/11/14
Gender: Male
Temper: Prickly
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both please! He's gonna be Teagan's familiar!
Parents: N/A
The colorist of the pet: Roniel <333
Cert Type: CC
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure! <3


Hilarious Werewolf


Toxic Grunny

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:34 pm

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: XxXxX
Name of Familiar: Jaina
Name of owner: Kaliskanny
Date of arrival: (i got her in the spring, forgot to get a cert sweatdrop )
Gender: female
Temper: protective
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Both. She'll be paired with Reedknot
Parents: n/a
The colorist of the pet: Roniel (i think...)
Cert Type: 013 Muddy Swamp by Ameh
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? please and thank you.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:21 pm

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Crest and Acionna
Uncert and Certs: Crest: Cert, Uncert. Acionna: Cert, Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Adding Crest as Acionna's familier.
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Acionna - Pandora Taile. Crest - Roni
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure

Devil NightShade

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:04 pm

Reposted here as requested. Sorry about the wait!

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Cereus Zeridae
Uncert and Certs:
All stages please!Basket Uncert
Foal uncert
Adult Uncert
Old Cert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above):Change of Ownership
The colorist of the pet: Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Funa
Uncert and Certs:
Old Cert :: Uncert
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above):Change of Ownership
The colorist of the pet: Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure

This one was done but not the others so I'm striking it instead of removing it so you don't think something is missing. --Nyx
Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Haxan
Uncert and Certs:
Old Cert :: Uncert and teen stage too! http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q489/ddsoquili/Uncerts/Haxan-foal.png Thanks!
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above):Change of Ownership
The colorist of the pet: Ririka
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Sure
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:19 am

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Demara and Alk'dor
Uncert and Certs: [Cert] [Demara] [Alk'dor]
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Add familiar
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Agneza

Changing Cert
Name of Soquili (and/or familiar): Ewa'kepi and Duti'wa
Uncert and Certs:[Cert] [Kepi] [Duti]
The change you are requesting(must be the 4 things above): Add familiar
The colorist of the pet (found at the bottom of the tag): Tooaya
Also: I made an error with Duti's cert form. She is supposed to be a girl. I can re-post in the familiar thread if you'd like. So sorry about that.

Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? I can check back here.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter


Tiny Explorer

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:57 am

Familiar Cert App
Uncert of pet in need of cert: X
Name of Familiar: Maddix
Name of owner: BelaLucina
Date of arrival: 1/12/15
Gender: Male
Temper: Loyal
Tagged solo or placed on a Soquili's cert? Solo.
Parents: N/A
The colorist of the pet: Roniel
Cert Type: One of the violet ones - CC.
Would you like to have your new cert PMed to you? Yes please.

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