The past doesn't pass away so quickly here. You could be dead for a long time.
Meaning of (name): Bastianna is the female form of Bastian, which is taken from the name Sebastian. This comes from the Greek word sebastos, meaning "respected".
The family name Casquette heralds their lineage back to the "fille à la cassette" ancestors-pure and virtuous females sent to marry.
The rest of the title means "of the cemetery"
Aliases: Gravedigger, Gravekeeper
Date Found: February 9, 2018
Found: CYO

Date of Maxing:
Temper: Lurid - (of a description) presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms, especially giving explicit details of crimes or sexual matters.
Breed: CYO Plush
Breed Appearance: Mini-corn and Putti
Height: 7.3 hands
Diminutive in stature, Bastianna is not lacking in character. Everything about her is dramatized. Though she practices Santeria, she is not as devout or as powerful as she would have everyone believe. She wields her words and her powers as more of a shield than a weapon. Keeping herself as mysterious and dangerous seeming as possible without going into details, is what's allowed her family to flourish in this business for so long. She cloaks herself in the supernatural and makes even the non-believer's hesitant to mock it.
Bastianna knows how to keep a secret, her family has been doing it for centuries. Completely trustworthy unless crossed, she "buries" the secrets of her clients until they want them dug up or until she deems it appropriate to bring up the past.
She is the first of her siblings to come to this graveyard which she named, Bonaventure, Ville de Mort.
Quirks/Character Traits:
✶Can summon gusts of wind and summon objects 25 lbs or less. She also does some healing.
✶ Matriarch of the Family since death of Grandmother
✶ Practicer of Santeria and sacrifical or blood magic.
✶ She exaggerates her accent and her family's faith in a move of power.

Bastianna's room is to the left of the welcoming area. It is made of ebony marble shot through with white streaks. As matriarch of the family, her room is the most lavishly detailed.
Born into the infamous Casquette family, Bastianna left shortly before the death of her grandmother to make her bones. It was she who founded the Bonaventure, Ville de Mort--the families new ancestral grounds. She's waiting on her siblings to join her.
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