Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:45 am
Soq's Name: Zillah Soq's Picture: 
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Zillah's personality is Dark.She doesn't really like to play around.She just wants to talk.But if the stallion gets her to play she will.She sometimes gets on the point were she is sweet towards the stallion.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Zillah is looking for someone like her.But we want someone to cool down her personality.She wants someone to relate to her.Zillah likes stallions that are cold and heartless.
How do you want others to contact you?: Pm!
RP or non-RP?: Roleplayed.But if you wanted we could work something out with Non-roleplayed
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: possibly flirt.And Serious.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:24 pm
Soq's Name: Swift Wind Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Swift Wind loves to be a flirt though he can be serious at times. He'll always try to cheer a mare up no matter what! He is rather loyal and caring to anyone he meets. He might come off rather flirty and somewhat a bit of a goof. But he is brave and will defend anyone. Some of Swift Wind's interests are flying, enjoying the sight of stars, and listening to tales. What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Someone who can put him in his place. A mare that is very strong minded and has a good sense of direction. Though shy mares he always enjoys flirting around with! How do you want others to contact you?: Through PM RP or non-RP?: Either works. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Either works fine with me.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:28 pm
Soq's Name: Kama Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: His history is that he's the son of Yukio and Daveigh. A little about his parents: basically she's a very smart mare, down to earth, and totally loves her mate...who's in turn very innocent, niave and sweet, has a bit of bad luck and is a bit clumsy at times. Kama got his mom's smarts, but his dad's clumsiness/bad luck which is most apparent when he wants to show off to impress someone (He's actually very sweet, just tries too hard to make himself look "cool" I guess you could say so that others accept him since he has very low self-confidence). First impressions (and subsequent ones) usually end up going bad for him as he looks like an utter fool prancing around and then face-planting into the ground....or getting a feather stuck in his nose as it blew by on a windy day only to end up looking like he's doing some sort of war dance as he sneezes/snorts it out and then falls in a river at the feet of the mare the feather belonged to (that's what happened in his current RP)... xd What is your soq looking for in a mate? He's looking for someone who won't laugh at him...meaning they can laugh, but help him to learn the difference of someone laughing with him versus at him (and subsequently teach him to laugh at himself and get some confidence). She's gotta be easy going and sweet-tempered, smart and mature, yet very playful. How do you want others to contact you?: PM please RP or non-RP?: RP most definatly as I want there to be a history between them, and also to make sure they work well together. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious/Lifemating
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:18 pm
Soq's Name: Adamu Soq's Picture:
 Describe your soq's personality/interests: Compared to some of my other Soquili, Adamu is relatively underdeveloped in character. However, what I do know about him is that he is kind, caring, and loyal. His day is made better by making others' days better. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone that he could care for, love, and protect. A decent mesh in roleplay is a must, as his character still needs to be worked out. I would love for the potential match to complement his coloring, as well. How do you want others to contact you?: PM, please. If interested by the PM, I will send you my IM addresses. I will be very picky with him, so please don't be offended if I don't reply within a week or so. RP or non-RP?: RP, period. Non-RP is not an option with this one. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious lifemating. One night stand=no.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:49 pm
Soq's Name: Mugen Soq's Picture:

Describe your soq's personality/interests: Fighting, eating, mouthing off and fighting. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone attractive. He's really typically very shallow. How do you want others to contact you?: PM would be just skippy. =3 RP or non-RP?: I'd love to but I just don't have the time. So sorreh, no. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Definitely a flirt.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:26 pm
Soq's Name: Neva Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Neva is a really sarcastic, stubborn, and very independent mare. She does not take to kindly to anyone and very rarely ever says anything nice. She will state her mind and isn't afraid to offend anyone by it. She also hates being wrong. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Anyone that can handle her ways and isn't afraid of the challenge of bringing her down of her high horse. Though they should be prepared to deal with many sarcastic remarks. How do you want others to contact you?: PM's, AIM, or MSN RP or non-RP?: RP please Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Flirt or Serious it doesn't matter.^^
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:43 pm
Soq's Name: Torey Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: He has a thing for anything beautiful, female or male. Big on looks, and doesn't like anything that's easy to get. His favorite part of the game is the chase. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone who can keep him guessing and always wanting more. How do you want others to contact you?: PM plz. :3 RP or non-RP?: A bit of both. I'm too lazy for a hardcore RP thing, but MSN/AIM silliness is always fun. C: Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious. P: It's his last breeding, so I'd like it to be with his mate.
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 10:09 am
Soq's Name: Lyra Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Lyra is kind and loving but no pushover. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone with a similiar nature who won't be put off by a strong female who has her own mind and is proud of that fact. How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: Either (I do like the idea of RP but I can take quite a while to respond sometimes so it would have to be a journal RP if that is acceptable.) Flirt or Serious Relationship?: (If RPing I would prefer for her to be in a serious relationship.)