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Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:30 pm
Mkia x Chukua

Mkia stood on a grassy hill, and felt the wind ruffle her fur. She glanced over her shoulder at the jungle behind her and sighed. She shivered involentarily... the idea of being so alone still disturbed her, but she had been waiting for this day a long time. Expecting it really. It was time to strike out on her own. It was exciting, the idea of seeing new places... meeting enemies and friends, seeing the world. For real, not just the jungle where she had grown up.
It was time. Really time now. She wasn't sure whether she should be terrified, or so happy she was ready to run off on the spot. Still... the fear was there. It was there and it was real. Real, and she would have to deal with it, and make it go away. At least she wasn't screaming in fear anymore. Her autophobia could always get in the way...
"Okay Mkia. Time to do this thing." She told herself, her face neither forced, nor failing, to smile. It was time. She was ready. This was going to be fun, even if it killed her.

Chukua looked back to the jungle. He hadn't been in the grassy, covered area for quite a while. He had made his way back to the boarder of the jungle after he'd been on his journey for about a month. But when he looked back to his natural home, it didn't look as inviting as it did when he first left. He sighed and sat down, weighing the advantages and the disadvantages of going back home.

"Okay... here I go." Mkia nodded, and then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and ran for her life. Half out of terror, half out of wonder. This didn't get her very far though. She made it about ten feet before she tripped over someone else's paw, and fell flat on her face.
All she could think after that was 'Well... what were you expecting running around with your eyes closed?'

In his daydreaming, Chuckua didn't notice the leopard that came barreling towards him. He stumbled back when she tripped, and was quickly snapped out of his dream. He blinked a few times and looked down to see a female leopard. "Oh my, I'm sorry, didn't mean to trip you miss." He said as he leaned down and helped her up.

Mkia smiled a little and let him help her up... clearly very embaressed, "I uh... no, no, it was my bad on that one." She grinned helplessly, "I'm kind of... well... I'm really... really... clumsey sometimes." Mostly when she was alone, and thus so very terrified that she could barely see straight. Hence the closed eyes. "Thanks for helping me up." Well, at least her journey had just started and she had already met smeone new. That was a bright side wasn't it?

The blind leopard gave her a bright smile. "Well, I couldn't let you sit there in the dirt." He said, and sat down on his haunches. "My name's Chukua." He said and tipped his head lightly.

"Mkia." Mkia said back, smiling. She was suddenly feeling much better. "You're such a gentleman. Thanks for that... I'm so proned to doing things like that." She admitted sheepishly, "What are you doing out here all alone?"

Chukua blushed a little when she called him a gentleman. He had only been called that a handful of times and he couldn't help but blush. He looked around a bit at her question. "Well, I've been traveling for a while and I made my way back. Though, I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back home yet."

"Ah..." Mkia smiled a little, "I'm just... well, I'm just leaving, you could say. This is my first time going out alone." She admitted, blushing a little herself... though this was still from her earlier klutziness. Not because she thought Chukua had been a gentleman, in her opinion. She didn't know a lot of polite men... especially with her brother and father, her brother being childish and her father being... well... her father. Distance.

"Your first time huh?" He gave her a wink, "Maybe we could travel together for a while?" He asked as he stood. "That is, if you'd like Miss Mkia."

"REALLY!?" Mkia asked, practically bounding forward. She had never really been one to question others or their motives... she had never met anyone cruel before. Plus, she was far more terrified of being alone than she had ever been of others. The thought of having someome to travel with was infinatley exciting. "I would love to travel with you Mister Chukua!"

He laughed lightly at her enthusiasm, "Well then, I guess we better be going. And please, just Chukua's fine." He said lightly. He might have been older, but that didn't stop him from thinking they were equals.

Mkia grinned, "Then just Mkia for me too. If we're going to travel together, we should be friends!" That was exciting all on its own. She had never really had a single-friend who she could stay with before. Most of her friends came and went... it would be nice to have one who she could stay with.

He laughed lightly, "Alright Mis..ah.. excuse me. Mkia." He said and nodded. This might have been harder than he thought. He had never just referred to a female just by their first name. This would be a nice change.

Mkia laughed a little, "See? What did I tell you? Perfect gentleman." Her mother had said that her father was like that, when the kids weren't around. "I've never been around someone so formal and polite. I think this will be fun!"

He couldn't help but laugh again. She seemed so innocent. Like a small cub. "This will be great." He said as they started to walk away from the jungle.

Mkia took a deep breath and followed him, "So... when did you live in the jungle? When you were younger?" She asked, taking a good look at her new companion. She wanted to get to know him... after all, who knew how long they would be together?

He looked back down to the white female and smiled lightly, "Yeah, after I was seperated from my mother,
I was held in this strange facility owned by two leggers." he started as he looked back towards the horizon. "After I had grown a little, I ran away t the jungle. It was only until I felt it was safe I wandered back out."

Mkia blinked, suprised, "Wow. Really? That's so... wow... you've actually seen two-leggers?" She was amazed. She did feel sorry for her new friend, almost instantly, but she decided that it wouldn't be fair to act moopy about it. She wouldn't want anyone feeling sorry for her... and she had plenty to be ashamed of.

He smirked. "I did more than just saw them." He said. He decited not to mention to her the different type of experiments that were worked on him, including the cause of his partial blindness. She seemed to happy
*Too happy to be bothered with matters like that.

"Really!? Were they as scary as everyone seems to think they are!?" Mkia wanted to know, "Do they breathe fire and have stars in their eyes and eat the toes of leopards!?" Yes, she had heard many versions of humans. She considered herself an expert... after all, she couldn't be afraid of anything. She already had one fear too many. She had to be ready for anything... especially something everyone seemed to fear. She didn't seem to sense Chukua's uncomfortableness on the subject... she was far too interested.

He couldn't help but smile at her. She was full of questions. ONes that he couldn't help but answer. "No, they don't breath fire or eat leopard toes." He chuckled lightly. "But they do eat your soul." He whispered to her. It was an exaggeration, but he felt he lost part of it when he list his sight.

Mkia's eyes opened wide, "Really? They can eat your soul? They didn't eat yours did they?" She asked, her voice worried now as she looked at her new companion more carefully. What if the humans had really hurt him? That would be terrible! And he was so friendly... she would want them to suffer if they had. They had no right!

"PArt of it." He brought his paw up to his blind eye and rubbed it lightly. He was silent for a while, but looked back to her and smiled gingerly. "But enough about me." He didn't want to worry her. "What about you? What's made you venture out?"

Mkia finally noticed his eye and looked a bit worried. Part of his soul. Humans were evil. Now she was sure of it. She wasn't afraid of them... but anyone who would hurt someone so nice didn't deserve to exist. If she ever saw one, it would be lucky to get away without getting a serious beatdown from her.

"Me?" She blinked as the conversation rolled back to her, "Well... I... my family has always stayed in one place and..." She didn't want to say... but Chukua had been so honest with her, "And I... I have this sort of fear... that I want to escape."

He looked at er with a confused look. "A fear? A fear of what if you don't mind my asken." He was curious. It wasn't every day that he met someone who was so open. Someone he could talk to so freely.

"Well I..." Mkia whispered, "Well... it's that I... the first memory I have, you see. It's a dream. That I was all alone in a den and then I can't find anyone... or anything... and I'm all alone. And I can't find anyone... and no one comes for me. And it's my first memory... and I can't remember waking up..." She shook her head, "And so... I'm really afraid of being by myself. And I don't want to be... when I was little, it was terrible. I couldn't even let my family out of my sight, or I'd scream... So I want to be able to be alone and not be scared. Not all the time, I mean... but be able to sleep alone... or hunt alone..." She smiled a little, "It's stupid."

He shook his head lightly. "It's not stupid." He replayed as he stopped and placed a paw on hers. "I can imagine it being a very terrifying feeling. And to have it as a first memory must be earth shattering."

"A little... I guess..." Mkia whispered. She realized she had never before told anyone where her fear came from. The dream. She hated that dream... but it happened. It still happened. And no matter how hard she tried, that first dream... she never remembered waking up, "I don't know... I'm not afraid of anything... except that. And when I'm afraid of that... it kinda over-powers the fact that nothing else bothers me."

He nodded, "When I left the humans, I was able to get my strength from my mother." He said as he sat down on his haunches. "I only have one memory of her. I saw her right before everything went dark." He said he smiled at her, his hair covering his bad eye. "But I keep that memory close and I never forget it." He said. Next time you feel alone, just close your eyes, and picture your family there next to you. Then you'll gain the courage you need."

"Really? Does that work?" Mkia asked, looking over at him. He had probably been through so much more than she had... it would make sense if his ideas about fear worked better than her own. She though about her family... their smiling faces... she would miss them so much... the idea of being away from them... it was so terrifying...

He nodded. "It helped me through my escape. And sometimes when I wake up during the night from a bad memory, I close my eyes and the image of her makes me feel warm and sometimes I feel her beside me."

Mkai smiled and tilted her head to the side, "Did you ever see her again? Your mother?" She wanted to know... she wanted to help. This was so much more than just facing her own fear! She was older now! She could help now!

He shook his head sadly, "To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure if she's still alive." He said. "But to tell you the truth, I;m not sure if I want to meet her." He laughed lightly. "I've had this image of her and I don't want to ruin that memory."

Mkia stood in front of him, looking at him in his good eye, "But... if she's out there... wouldn't she be thinking about you? All the time, I mean? Wouldn't she want to know if you're alive... or if you're dead? Or if the humans did something to you... hurt you? Or if something happened to her?" She looked down, "I know if... if something happened to one of my family and I didn't know where they went... it would... I think it would kill me. Why rely on one memory, when if she's out there, you could make hundreds more?" She suddenly blushed furiously, "OH! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... not to intrude or be rude or anything... I just... I like you. You should be happy. If humans tried to take your soul... you should get it back. You should find some way to get it back, and I think being... being happy would be a good way to do that."

He smiled warmly after her explination. "I guess your right." He said and stood back up, his tail waving behind him. "I think that's what I'll do." He said his ears perked with his new found excitement. "Thank you Mkai." He was glad he happened onto this leopardess. Maybe she would be the key to unlocking the mystery behind his mother, and behind his captors those many years ago
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:29 pm
Eupe'baridi x Chukua

Dawn...one of the holiest times of day. It was when Mkodi's Son chased away the damning Moon. And Eupe'baridi rarely missed it. The smile on her muzzle and reverence in her eyes was unmistakable. She didn't need to worry about food for Aang...they had plenty stashed; and she didn't need to worry about larger animals trying to hurt them...they seemed to avoid this grove of trees. It made her happy, in truth, to have some semblance of the life she once had...even if for a little. And now, as she face the eastern horizon from her place beneath the trees, she knew her sunrise was the same as the one her family saw...

Chukua lie in a nearby tree. His eyes slowly opened as he saw the soft light from the sunrise. He greeted it every morning, and he wasn't about to miss it yet. The blue leopard stretched in his perch, his tail stretching out behind him as his paws did the same in front of him. After he was fully awake, he sat up and watched through the leaves as the sun started to peek out from the horizon.

She stood and stretched, getting back into a more serious mood. Freedom or not, food or not, she had things to take care of. Aang's safety was one. Eupe had said she'd watch out for him, and that's what she would do. As she turned to start patroling the little area, her nose and ears twitched. Had she heard something in the trees...And an unfamiliar smell...The pale cheetah looked up. "Hello."

At the sound of a voice, Chuk looked down to see a cheetah. A strange one at that. She wore strange items around her neck, paws, and in her ears. He had never seen something like that before. "Oh well hello thar ma'am." He said with a bright smile. "Didn't see ya down there till now." He smiled as he wrapped his tail around the tree branch for more ballance.

She raised a brow at the...leopard, if she recalled the build correctly. Politeness? Had she seriously heard politeness? Something inside her rejoiced. "And I did not notice you till now, either. Have you been here long?" She hadn't scented a claim in the area...so she was certain it wasn't his territory, therefore, no need to apologize for intruding.

He looked around a little as he thought of his current stay. "I've been in these parts for about two days ma'am." he said as he lept down from the branch. Neither of them seemed to feel threatened by each other's presence

Well...he was very good at staying hidden then...Eupe herself had led Aang here shortly before the sun had set last night. "We must have missed one another last night then. I am Eupe'baridi, of the Baradi-a dhati Clan. I'm a traveler currently."

He nodded his head at the introduction. "I'm called Chukua." He said as he bowed his head lightly, "It's a pleasure Miss Eupe'baridi." He said as he thought about the clan she mentioned. "'Fraid I've never heard of the Baradi-a clan, but it sure is nice to meet one of their member."

And once more...another one who had no idea who her clan was. She would NEED to fix that one day. "It is good to meet you as well, Chukua." She smiled politely. "What brings you to this area?"

He lifted one of his paws and looked at the pad. "These paws never like to be in one place for a ling time." He said as he looked back up to her. "Wandering around is in my blood." Lies. "Things get too routine it's time for me to go." He said. The truth was he didn't know what his blood carried. Half of him was looking for something, while the other half was running away.

"Ah...Such freedom must be a wonderful thing." She dreaded the day her Travel ended and she had to return to her betrothed...."I myself am just on a Travel before settling into my duties to my clan." She chuckled. Not that there was much in store for her besides 'looking pretty'.

"I could say the same for you." He chuckled lightly. "To be around family and friends is a luxury all in it's own." True he didn't have many friends, and he had never met his family, but he dreamed of one day having both.

She nodded. "I suppose. I do enjoy meeting new creatures though, especially when they have some semblance of manners." Her smile turned into a smirk. "And it is always a pleasure to meet someone else who seems to enjoy the sunrise."

He nodded lightly. "Every mornen I wake up to greet it. Can't do anything without the sun. Grass can't grow, and then the wildebeest can't eat." He said as he laughed lightly. "Would you listen to me...Tellen ya the way of the land as if ya didn't know it. Sorry Miss." He said as he brought a paw up to rub the back of his head nervously.

Eupe simply laughed. "It's alright. Listening to you is far better than listening to many of the priests of my clan. Mkodi's Sun is also always a good thing to talk about. Strong and life-giving...He sheds a little of Mkodi's love on us every day. The night however..." She shivered at the thought of the moon. "The night is nothing but trouble."

He blinked a few times. "Trouble?" he remembered his meeting with the nocturnal leotah, and how she loved the night. "What makes you think that, if ya don't mind my asking."

"The Moon seduced the Sun in order to steal some of his light. She is the source of all evil...and the night is her domain..." She closed her eyes, remembering the teachings of the priests. "To be out in her influence...is to call evil upon yourself."

He blinked in surprise. He had never heard the story before. It was both intriguing and a little frightening. "Well.. I'll be sure to stay away from the night." He said whole heartedly. "Thank ya ma'am for tellen me."

Eupe opened her eyes and looked up to Chukua, a light smile on her muzzle. "It is no problem. I know there are those who can walk unharmed by the moon...but I know I am not one of them. And it is always better to be safe then sorry." She laughed softly.

He laughed lightly, "I'm sure you wouldn't be harmed by it." He said as he looked her over. "I'm sure the moon would bak in the light that is made by your beautiful white coat." He winked lightly. "The moon would be jealous of you."

Eupe couldn't help but blush. The only one so far who had been so forward was Aang...and he was a cub! Well...a juvenile, but still a cub! "I...uhm..." She laughed a bit nervously. "T-thank you." She hated it when she was put in a situation she didn't understand. "But wouldn't that give the moon have more reason to hurt me if she's jealous?"

He shook his head. "Of corse not Miss!" He said as his tail swayed from side to side. "Being a child of the Sun, if the Moon were to harm you in any way, it would only cause harm itself." He said smiling lightly. "For the Sun would then come after the Moon."

He...made surprising sense. Eupe blinked in an almost dumbfounded way (certainly not looking lady-like) and nodded. "I...suppose you're right." She regained her poise and gave another soft laugh. "You are a most interesting conversation partner, Chukua. I'm glad I looked up this morn!"

He nodded pleasantly. "Well thank you Miss. Eupe'baridi. I am glad I woke up this morning to meet you."

Eupe gave a pure smile this time...an awkward one, but true nonetheless. "There is no coincidence...A priest told me that once. And lately, I'm starting to think he was right." She shook her head lightly, as if to herself. "Well...I must continue making sure nothing harmful is around, then go wake my silly traveling partner up. He'll sleep past mid-sun at times!"

He smiled brightly. "They might be right." He said as he stood lightly and nodded his head. "It was a pleasure Miss Eupe'baridi." He said as he winked lightly. "Hopefully I shall see you farther on on our journey's."

Eupe nodded and trotted off. "I hope so too." She would keep her Travel as long as possible. She wanted to savor this freedom she had, wanted to see Aang grow old enough to be on his own...Wanted to meet more like Chukua. She smirked. This was HER life.

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:52 pm
It had been a few days now since the birth of Elua's cub and the little group was on the move again, though slowly. They took turns carrying their new smallest member and several of the other adults had been detailed to hunt for the new mother so that Elua wouldn't have to worry about food.
Eisheth had volunteered to go hunting today and so was ranging far enough out ahead of the others that their scent wouldn't alert any prey that she might find.

Chukua wandered around. After his meeting with Muli he found he had a better view of life than he had before. He wasn't depressed or anything, but for some reason he felt better about everything around him. His head was clearer, and his body felt lighter. As he walked, he started to hum a small tune to himself. He didn't know what he was singing, he just felt that he had to, must have been something that rubbed off from the bard.

Topping a small rise, Eisheth's ears perked at the soft humming and she looked around, tail tip twitching. Well... that probably meant there wasn't going to be much prey in the area, but it was always nice to meet new people too!
Finally spotting the source of the sound, she loped down the slope and called out quietly, "Hello there!"

Chukua looked over to see the source of the voice. A smile came across his maw. "Hello." he said, taking a few steps closer to the cheetah to meet her. "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" It wasn't every day someone new came over to talk to him, he was mostly scolded for scaring something away or waking cubs.

Eisheth shook her head slightly at that. "Not really. I'm supposed to be hunting, but if you've been through here there's probably not much prey anyway." She smiled at him. "And there are others out as well, so it doesn't all depend upon me."

He chuckled lightly. "Heh, sorry about that ma'am, I guess I couldn't help myself. It was bound to come out sometime." She seemed nice. That was a good change of pace for him. Too many times had he rubbed someone's fur the wrong way. He hated confrontations.

Eisheth also laughed softly at that and sat down, curling her tail about her paws. "So what brings you in this direction? Are you part of a group of some kind or just a lone wanderer?" she asked curiously, ears pricking toward him.

"Naw, it's just me." He said as he sat down in front of her. "Never been one to take on a pride or anything." He said as he laughed, "Never had it in me. Always going where my paws take me." Deep down though he wondered what it would be like to be with other people. hunting in groups, being able to talk to someone on a regular basis, and just lazing about with the ones he loved.

"Aah." Eisheth nodded at that, smiling at the other. "There seem to be a lot who feel that way. I'm traveling with a group myself, but we all kind of ... wander together." She tilted head a bit, watching him. "One of our number... my cousin actually... just gave birth to a new cub, so we're a little slower for a while now."

His eyes widened when she mentioned the birth. "Congratulations." He said with a large smile, "That must be exciting." He always wanted cubs of his own, but never ran across someone who was pleasant. Unless he counted Muli, but they had only known each other for such a small time.
"Indeed," Eisheth purred happily, glad that he seemed pleased by the news, even though he wasn't a part of their group at all. "The cub is a little bit strange... he's not all cheetah, really," she said then, speculatively. "But it's all right, any new life is worth celebrating."

He nodded, "That is true." He had never met anyone who despised the thought of half breeds, and didn't understand how they could act so cruelly towards them. He had heard stories of them being abused, ignored, and even killed. He didn't understand what made them so different that they should be treated that way. Then again somethings he knew he would never understand.

Eisheth smiled at that and nodded, glad that he saw nothing wrong with it. The old group that both she and Elua had left had been one of those that despised hybrids and thought them bad luck. They had abandoned Elua as a cub to die because she had been related to hybrids herself. Standing up with a little purr, she asked, "Would you like somewhere to rest for the night? I'm sure you'd be welcome and with several of us out hunting for Elua, there should be plenty of food."

"Well that's mighty kind of you ma'am, I'd love a place to stay, if it won't cause a bother of any kind." He said, his strange southern accent showing in his words. He shook his head to one side, his hair getting in front of his good eye.

"I'm sure that you won't be a bother! Everyone likes meeting new faces, you'll see," she replied brightly, ears perking toward him. "I left early this morning so I could get out ahead of them but they will have caught up a little now. They should be just back this way..." So saying, she started off in a particular direction, making more light chatter as they went.

Chukua smiled and followed, "As long as I'm not getting in the middle of anything, I guess I could stay." He smiled as he followed the cheetah. Moments like these were rare for him. Normally the females he ren into wanted to kill them over a 'stolen' meal. He treasured moments like these. "Thank you Eisheth."

She smiled back at him, looking over her shoulder. "It's not a problem," she replied. "After all, one of the main credos of our group is this: Love as thou wilt." It was said in a tone like it was very important, truly one of the center points of her life, and that of those around her. "So we welcome all who want to visit, or even stay."

"Thank you ma'am." He repeated again. A warm welcome and happy faces. This would be a moment he'd never forget.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:53 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:57 pm
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:58 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:59 pm
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:00 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:01 pm
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:08 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:10 pm
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:11 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:12 pm
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:13 pm

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

Summer Rain 07

Tipsy Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:15 pm
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