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Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:32 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor.

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Rosalie scanned Gregory’s face to make sure he’d sincerely meant that. His slight chuckle seemed to support the statement, so she let her expression change to one that was a bit more pleasant. Of course, her mum popped back into her head, her and her beauty tips. She wanted to roll her eyes, but restrained herself, unless either of the two mistook it for her boredom because of them. She wasn’t sure why her mother tried so hard when she was already beautiful, she had a little help anyway.

Rosalie’s gaze snapped up to the door, as another student came in; she had a different air, one she knew full well with her mother being a Veela. Bred and born until she married out of it. She hummed curiously, and then glanced at Gregory, whether he realized it or not his expression shown with a couple emotions. They weren’t the ones you’d expect when a Veela, or part, just walked by. Then again, no one ever looked at her differently but then, no one knew that she was part Veela; she wasn’t exactly Veelarific. This also questioned why she went to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbaton, considering her mother had gone there. “Don’t like Veela’s?” Rosalie asked before she could stop herself. That was what he expression showed, a hint of distaste, dislike if you will. “Oh…sorry, never mind.” She murmured afterward, it wasn’t her business to know whether or not he did or did not. Not that it mattered, as long as he didn’t hate her, she’d be fine. Maybe.

Rosalie smiled at his answer. Sure, she knew of a lot of magical creatures, but the owl was the most common pet. Not that it was technically a magical creature. What was she getting at? Oh yes, just because these animals were ordinary didn’t mean they should be sold short! “I like owls, they’re great companions…depending on how you define companion I guess….” She commented softly. Then again she liked a lot of things; she could make a list if she wanted to! That would bore them though.

Rosalie was startled to hear Cage ask her about her free period when she took out her schedule. She wasn’t sure exactly. She nodded quickly until he shrunk back a bit; her eyebrow arched in confusion. What had he done wrong exactly? She didn’t terribly mind if he looked at her schedule. Or did she? She couldn’t really tell she was too nervous over interacting; nothing else was easy to read. Had she even stopped to look at the guys? Actually look? Did she want to? She’d probably experience more metamorphmagi trouble. Her gaze shifted to Cage’s face once more and she fiddled with her quill a bit. “I’m not sure, it was either the Library, Lake, or Common room I guess…where I’d go at least” she managed to mumble. Now she’d done it. She was noticing everything now! Every facial feature, she observed all of them; which caused her to avert her gaze and down to the book. Her quill scribbled words across the piece of parchment she had laid out in front of her; her writing suffering a bit because of her nervousness. She would’ve liked to have banged her head on the desk out of stupidity. He was…cute, too cute.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:11 pm
Will we lose it someday?
I want to protect you and that disappearing smile
The ringing voice that calls me dries out
Even if it gets erased by the wind along time
I will find you...

User Image Gregory Leo Wood User Image

Gregory glanced down at his book when he noticed the teacher scan the classroom in order to check if everyone was on track. Usually, Professor Collier was relaxed and not to alert to what was happening in his class. But today, the teacher seemed irritated by their actions and about ready to break down. Maybe it would be a wise choice to settle down and actually try to read the pages assigned to him. The sixth year held up his book with one hand and raised it up in front of his face. Then he leaned back in his chair and flipped through the pages, only somewhat paying attention to what knowledge the sentences were giving him. Leo hoped that this would fool Collier into thinking he was on task, so he could continue his conversation with Rosalie and Cage. The procrastinating Ravenclaw titled his head towards his Hufflepuff friend in order to here her better. Everyone had quieted down when thy noticed the teacher's aggravated expression, so he would have to strain to hear what everyone was saying. "No, I don't mind them," Gregory explained when he heard her comment. His feelings must have shown on his face, or Rosalie was good at reading people. "I just can't seem to trust people with the ability to make men look like drooling house-elves when their master gives them a new pair of socks. I guess I had a bad experience when I was small." Hopefully his explanation would do and he wouldn't seem like a total Veela-hater. If Rosalie had noticed the dislike in his eyes, then what if anyone else saw it? There were a few people out to get him, so they might be inclined to tell the Beauxbaton girl about him. That was the last thing he needed, foreign girls out for his neck! "...And I don't like girls who throw themselves out there." Leo made sure to whisper this to Rosalie, so he wouldn't be overheard, as he jerked his head in the direction of Bridget and David. The two of them had been flirting with each other all class period, but that was to be expected since the Yule Ball would soon be approaching.

Rosalie had always been a fan of Care of Magical Creatures, Gregory had noticed this fact a few years back when their houses got together for that particular class. It was obvious that she knew a lot about magical creatures and adored most of them. A smile came to his face when she told him that she liked owl's even thought that wasn't too surprising. An image of his large barn owl, Ryo, popped into his mind and then he replied, "Yeah...he's one spunky little owl! I don't know what I'd do without him." He let out a small chuckle before the teacher could hear him and tell him to take a seat somewhere else. That wouldn't be good, since he would probably have to sit on the other side of the room with Bridget and David in between him and his friends. Not good at all!

History of Magic seemed to be taking forever today. Maybe it was because Gregory used to sleep through it last year? Whatever it was, He sure couldn't make the time go any faster by staring at the hourglass on the professor's desk. Leo then returned to listening to all the conversations around him. The Beaxbaton girl and Rose's cousin were talking about going to see a Quidditch match together while Bridget and David flirted with each other in the process of relaying information to each other. The other people in the class were either listening intently to what the teacher was saying or writing notes to each other or people outside of the class. Leo watched as one girl used her chewing gum to stick a heart shaped note on the underside of her desk. Then he noticed Rosalie and Cage talking about schedules again. Rosalie had been talking fine with him, but whenever she said something to Cage she became timid and quiet. Was that how he and Ros acted like around each other? actually it was the other way around! He was the mumbling and stuttering one while Rose was perfectly fine and as great as always. Then a bright idea hit him, and he just had to ask his new friends. "Since we all don't have classes until tonight, why don't we all go down to the Quidditch pitch for a little practice? Unless you two have something better to do..."

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Even though I keep on falling,
You laugh and help me up every time
As I board the vacant back of the bus
You flash me a small smile
I must place my trust in you...


Beloved Conversationalist

Misses Prongs

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:23 pm
{D.a.v.i.d.} {C.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n.} {H.a.l.l.}

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David looked over at Briget once more. "So, you've been at Hogwarts for long, no?" He said, a little french in his accent. "I hear the theyre gonna host the Yule Ball again this year. Do you have a date..." he said casually.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:47 pm
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Briget May Grant
Briget smiled. "I've been here since I was eleven" she said to him with a small laugh. "What about you? It's funny because we are in the same house,same year and we have never spoken before or even noticed each other.." Briget pointed it out. "Oh I love dancing!" she said cheefully. "No I don't have a date yet..well at least I don't think I do. What abour you do you ahve a date?" she said looking over at David flashing him a flirty smile and givign him a small wink.  

Domina Incognita

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Misses Prongs

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:08 pm
{D.a.v.i.d.} {C.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n.} {H.a.l.l.}

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David smiled at her. "Yeah, it is a bit strange, that I have never noticed your ravishing beauty before." He said waggling his eyebrows. "No i dont have a date...but I would love to aquire one." David said casually.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:05 pm
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Briget May Grant
"Aw thanks cutiepie" she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Pulling away slowly she smiled again. "I would love a date aswell.." she paused again. Thinking about the Yule ball made her think abotu The Goblet of Fire which made ehr think about the Tri-Wizard turnament which she really wnated to be a part of. She was really hoping to get chosen for it.  

Domina Incognita

Shy Sex Symbol

11,400 Points
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Kiki somoko

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:46 pm
Rosalie. Marie. Taylor.

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Rosalie peered at Gregory curiously, a bit anxious to hear his answer, but why? It didn’t matter. She listened to him, relieved to hear him say he didn’t mind him. And he had a good reason. She knew exactly what he was talking about, she saw how idiotic men could be around a Veela, and her mother was full blooded Veela. Hopefully she didn’t fit into that category; actually, she was pretty sure she didn’t. The only attention she got was when her Metamorphmagi abilities were triggered, and those weren’t exactly nice responses, they were from guys and gals alike. She nodded her head slowly. “I know what you mean…my mother’s a full blooded Veela.” She murmured warily. So many men, she hurt so many of them. She was curious as to what had happened to him when he was younger, but this time she managed to stop her mouth from forming words. Rosalie was surprised to hear him mention a girl that was throwing herself at some guy; she followed his jerk of the head. Two other Hufflepuffs? Oh dear, she knew one of them as well, one was the other beater on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Rosalie frowned faintly, in a way; she admired the girl for being so confident, confident enough to actually flirt with a guy. She had to admire that, she had to admire it because she herself couldn’t do it. If she every got close enough to actually start liking a guy she’s probably spas. Weird. “Guess she’s comfortable with herself…” Rosalie mumbled, barely above a whisper, it wasn’t really meant to be heard at all. She pursed her lips together, well; it would certainly get the girl a date to the Yule Ball. Rosalie planned to just not even bother; it was either show up with no date or spend a nice night in the library, or her common room. She wasn’t going to be asked out, she would stake her life on it, then again, maybe that’s a bit to extreme.

Rosalie fiddled with her quill a bit more, writing down the notes as they came to mind. She looked at Gregory and smiled, then glanced back at the board, letting a slight laugh escape from her lips. She actually didn’t have an owl, so she wasn’t sure how they acted, her father had one but she didn’t live with him. Sad, maybe she’d get one eventually. Her mind drifted to her Crup Basil. He was adorable and absolutely hilarious. He was her best friend at the moment, though she hoped to make some human ones. Could she count Gregory and Cage as her friends? She wasn’t really sure, but she wasn’t going to ask, that was embarrassing. As you may have noticed, she doesn’t ask a lot of questions.

Rosalie continued on with her notes until Gregory spoke once more. Quidditch eh? That could be fun. “Sure, well maybe, or on the weekend.” She commented. After that she continued on with notes until the class ended. She left, telling the two a simple goodbye, saying she’d felt ill. She did feel a slight feverish but it was probably just nerves, either way she went to the Hospital wing to make sure. The day seemed to go by pretty quickly, even the week. Before she knew it, it was the weekend…

((To the common room > .<))
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:34 pm
Will we lose it someday?
I want to protect you and that disappearing smile
The ringing voice that calls me dries out
Even if it gets erased by the wind along time
I will find you...

User Image Gregory Leo Wood User Image

"Maybe a little too comfortable..." he murmured as he decided that he should try to right down some of the notes that the teacher had took the time to put on the board for them. Gregory couldn't find any pieces of parchment on him, so he would just have to write it on his arm and copy it down later. Fortunately, he wouldn't get into any trouble since he didn't have any more classes today. It did hurt a little though, so he let out a chuckle so nobody would know he was in pain. Good thing it wasn't one of those punishment quills that carve it into your hand so you get the point of your punishment. Leo had heard some nasty stories about those wretched things, they had been banned from usage at Hogwarts a few years back. Some sadistic teacher liked to be a little too hard on his students and he got the boot. McGonagal wouldn't tolerate such horrific treatment to any student under her watchful eye.

The class had finally gotten quiet for the first time today since everyone was rushing to copy down the notes before class ended. The two Ravenclaw girls that had been sitting in front of him were know passing notes to each other since they had finished a long time ago. Gregory's attention was turned towards Rosalie again when she smiled at him after his comment about Ryo. She had finally started to get used to talking with him, which was a good thing. Maybe now Rosalie wouldn't be so nervous around him and he could have an enjoyable year with her in his classes. Then she answered his question about playing Quidditch. Leo noticed how she had seemed excited at first but then became hesitant. "The weekend would be fine!" he stated with a little too much excitement. The professor looked up at him and then shook his head in disappointment. The thing was Gregory really was excited to play Quidditch with her and a few other friends this weekend. The matches always took forever to approach and then they were over in a flash. To be honest, practice with the Ravenclaw Team could get somewhat boring too. Everyone else practiced with each other since their positions counted on the other players. Being the seeker was a solitary role, even though it was highly respected and seekers usually had the most fans.

Finishing up his lecture, Professor Collier slammed his book shut with one hand and adjusted his glasses with the other. A few of the students in the front were startled by his sudden stop since he usually rambled on until they had to leave. "That is all fro today since most of you did not even hear a word I said," he stated bitterly before walking over to his desk and putting the text book down. He sat on the desk with his arms crossed and his piercing eyes scanning each and every face in front of him. All the students were staring at him with confused expressions on their faces. One simple disruption had thrown most of them totally off track. If he could do all this by simply closing a book, imagine what he could do with the power he had been granted. Nothing would be able to be done to these sixth years since they had already developed minds of their own, but first years were a different story. Casting away such thoughts before his face could give away his sinister motives, Professor Collier stood up and let out a sigh. "Class dismissed, you all may leave. It would please me if you all tried to show up to class on time this Wednesday..." His voice trailed off as many of his students had rushed for the door. They had obviously had enough of his boring class.

Gregory slowly got to his feet while letting out a yawn. Since the teacher had just dismissed them, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. The only thing stopping him was that it wouldn't be polite to just leave Rosalie and Cage in the dust. Leo pushed his chair in at the desk next to him, and gestured for his friends to leave before him. Rosalie told him goodbye since she was feeling ill, and then headed towards the hospital wing. Gregory turned to see what Cage's reaction was, but he seemed to be in his own little world at the moment. Muttering a simple goodbye to his fellow Seeker, the Ravenclaw sixth year headed towards Ravenclaw Tower. All he needed right now was a quick nap and then maybe a trip to the library. Almost each day had been like this, and luckily the weekend crept up on all of them really quickly.

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Even though I keep on falling,
You laugh and help me up every time
As I board the vacant back of the bus
You flash me a small smile
I must place my trust in you...


Beloved Conversationalist


Beloved Conversationalist

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:18 pm
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Prof. William Collier

Will Collier rushed into his designated classroom and immediately shut the door as he came in. He was in such a hurry that he had forgotten to lock the door like usual when he didn't want anyone walking in on him. A sinister plan had come to him, with the help of his secret allies of course. It was genius and he could not keep his mind off of it all morning. The ecstatic professor headed to the front of his class and stared deeply at his chalkboard. The problem he was unfortunately faced with was how to get the person that he and his companions needed to acquire to come to Hogwarts. This person would be way to busy to visit the school he gained his powers from. But if he did not come, then how would their master return?

There was only one sure way to get him to return to school, and that was to get a hold of his children. Brilliant! If the children were put into a situation of extreme danger, then the plan would surely work! Professor Collier brushed a hand through his untidy hair while letting out a faint chuckle. This plan was going to work, and with the tournament as a distraction the children would be easy to deal with.

((Short, but thats all I got...))

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:56 pm
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Prof. William Collier

Professor Collier paced back and forth in front of his empty classroom. Usually it was filled with loud-mouthed students that didn't give any attention to the education he was freely giving them. Today was different, for it was the first weekend of the school year and they all would be down in the Great Hall for breakfast or wasting their time in their house common rooms. If he was in their shoes, then he would spending what little time they had left wisely. A sly grin spread across his slender lips when he remembered that they did not have the same information as he did. They did not know of the evil that was sure to come shortly. All Collier needed was the distraction of the tournament for him to initiate his part of the master plan.

That little fact caused the History Professor to recall one little important fact he had come across while eavesdropping on one of the headmistress's. It had been revealed that the announcement of the school champions would take place tonight during supper. William found himself just as excited as everyone else at Hogwarts. His reason's were quite different and much more sinister. Collier sat on the edge of his desk as he went tossed some chalk at the bored out of boredom. William Collier had never been much of a socialite during his years attending school and as an adult, so he really had nothing to do for the rest of the day since all he had to do today was show up to supper. Tonight, hopefully everything would finally fall into place. "Your end is coming, Pot..." he began to say when the door of his classroom creaked open.

A young girl, probably a third year, had slipped through the small opening of the door and stood at the entrance of the classroom waiting her teacher's response. She held her stack of books tightly against her chest as her face turned a shade of pink. Professor Collier stared at the girl for a moment, surprised that he had forgotten to lock the door, before finally asking her what she needed. Then a wave of relief washed over the girl's face as she hurried across the class and stood in front of her teacher. "Ummm...Professor Collier?" she muttered as she stared down at her shoes in embarrassment. "I was wondering if you could tell me how Harry Potter was chosen as a fourth champion..." The History of Magic teacher let out a soft chuckle as he shook his head in pity for the girl. He then hopped to his feet as he placed a reassuring hand on the young girl's head.

"I do not want to believe lovely students such as yourself are trying to cheat the headmistress and her rules," William Collier stated as he knelt on one knee and placed a hand on the girls chin in order to gently make her look him in the eyes. "Your not trying to enter the tournament are you?" After his soft words had been spoken, the third year girl's eyes widened in embarrassment and she immediately shook her head. Prof. Collier patted her on the shoulder and the girl quickly sped out of the room. Once she was gone, a sinister smirk spread across his face. That sweet little girl would soon have a lot more on her mind then getting into the tournament.


Beloved Conversationalist


Beloved Conversationalist

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:46 pm

I have moved the date to Sunday, September 8th
Time to wake up after few hours of sleep thanks to late night celebrations!
Hopefully this somewhat of a fresh start will get everything back up and running

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