Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:02 pm
Happily Ever Cadaver's Family
-Family Tree Image Coming Soon-
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:04 pm
Cadaver's Family History
This family's beginnings start off very somber.
As a young foal, Cadaver lived happily with his family in the distance planes, near the eastern mountains. Along side with his only brother, he lived a life of joy and adventure.
But even happy times come to great ends.
One fateful night, a large pack of wolves descended upon their little home. Though they seemed more like dogs from hell. An odd and disturbing air surrounded them. In a panic, Cadaver's parents quickly hurried him and his brother away. Trying to get a head of the pack as fast as they could. But it was difficult with two small foals.
His father told his mother to take the two foals ahead with her and he would give them a few minutes of time to get away. Joining them later at a pre-determined spot. It was a death sentence to say the least. Cadaver's father was over run by the wolves and taken down.
Unknowing to her though, Cadaver's mother quickly moved the two foals away. Closer to the mountains. There she found a small hole in which to stash her sons away in. They begged her to come inside with them, but the hole was too small for even her to fit in. As the wolves drew closer, determined to keep her children safe. The mare stood her ground. But it was a fruitless effort.
And there in the light of the moon she fell to the snarling jaws of the wolves as two wide eyed and frightened foals watched their mother ripped to shreds. Cadaver's brother in his panic left their little shelter. In a state of shock to what he just witness and soon he too was slaughtered. Too scared to move and shaken from the sudden passing of his family, Cadaver watched in horror the scene before him.
Though getting too close to the entrance of the rocky hole did not come without it's consequences. One of the wolves started to dig at the hole. Swiping and clawing away as it tried to get to the young foal. And in an instant everything seemed so clear. So pristine to Cadaver that in one quick claw to his eyes everything disappeared in a blur.
And for two nights the young colt stayed in that little cave. Still frightened and shaken, Cadaver soon left as he was sure the wolves had moved on. The smell of blood, his families blood flooded his nose and quickly the colt made his way away from the area. Blood caked his face as he blindly made his way through the forest. Collapsing in a small clearing of trees. Exhausted and hungry. Tears mixed with blood as he curled up into a little ball. Wishing that it was all just a nightmare, that he would wake up.
Hours seemed to pass. And soon the sound of foot falls coming closer shocked Cadaver out of his daze. Lifting his head, he tried to peer around but could see nothing. A soft, muffled voice came to his ears but it was hard to make out what it was saying. But it seemed so soothing other wise. A warm, tingly feeling came to his face.
Soon the blood was gone. The slashes across his face healed. Cadaver never knew who or what it was that had healed him. But the last words he had heard before passing out once more were "I'm sorry, but this is all I can do."
Months seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. And a few years later Cadaver found himself still alive and now a full grown adult. Though still blind to an extent, he could still see enough in a sense to make it around on his own. What he saw were mere swirls of color that each living and non-living thing gave off. The objects essence of life, one might say. And soon he found that different Soquili were made up of different colors. Which easily provided him with the information to get a basic, general read into whoever he was looking at. Their emotions. Each one a specific color and different intensity.
But in this time, Cadaver seemed to grow an ever driving hatred of the two leggers. No one is quite sure why and it always seemed to have just suddenly sprung over night. Only Cadaver could tell you why.
Soon, he came upon the mare Spice. They had an interesting relationship with one another. Which soon ended in tragedy and both parted ways. It seemed as though the pair was not meant to be.
Along came Alora. The feisty little flutter mare who seemed to drive his passion and hatred towards the two leggers even further. And there they began their plotting. But their plans were not without kinks. Two other Soquili that they had recruited, friends of Alora's, were having problems of their own. And soon the little band went different ways.
And Alora disappeared. Only to one day be found once again by Cadaver. Broken, battered and being lead around by a strange stallion. Who, after a bit of a rough confrontation, soon left the pair. Though this strange stallion, Dinyan, was not to blame for Alora's state. Physically or mentally.
Cadaver's thinking was soon brought into light. Alora had gone on a rampage and been brought down. Her mental state was all that mattered to him at this point and time. And all that silly planning to destroy the two leggers was forgot. Though the thought of the strange creatures still left a nasty taste in his mouth. His mood soon mellowed. And the coming winter soon approached. He sought out a shelter for Alora and himself to stay in during the frozen months. And it was not soon after that they were welcoming three little lives into their world. Two boys and one daughter. Memphis, Lucky 13 and an unnamed female.
And as all children do, the three grew. Heading off on their own. Leaving their parents behind but still in their thoughts. After much growing and many meetings with other Soquili, Lucky 13 soon had a chance encounter with the unicorn mare Azn. And this fateful meeting soon produced him three sons. Unnamed, Taigi and Nikolai. The three colts currently reside with him. Their mother Azn makes frequent visits to the little band of males every now and again as her journeys bring her into the little area that they live.
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:07 pm
 Name: Happily Ever Cadaver Type: Spirited Gender: Male Height: 16 hands Temper: Morbid Mate: Alora Agreement Children: Lucky 13, Memphis, ??? Grand Children: Lex, Taigi, Nikolai Bio: Ever since he was young, Happily Ever Cadaver has been quite the morbid Soquili. As a foal, his parents were attacked by a group of wolves and killed right before his very own eyes as they tried to protect him. After the wolves were done with them, they soon turned on Cadaver, but he escaped though his eyes were permanently damaged but not to the extent to where he was totally blind.
After time, he soon developed a weird and strange thing with his eye sight. He could see the colors of a Soquili or two leggers aura and depending on what color that aura was would give him the knowledge of how to confront that being. Even in inanimate objects he can see their aura so that he is able to avoid them when walking about. Though sometimes his eye sight gives him a terrible glimps into the future of what could happen to whatever creature it was that he looked at.
As he became an adult, he drifted farther away from the Soquili who lived around him, other times he drove them off with his morbid personality and strange predictions of their deaths or injury. So he's never really had any true friends that would stay with him through the trying times.
Breedings: 1 - Used w/ Alora 2 - Alora 3 - " 4 - " 5 - "

Rps Current:
Past: And So He Appears.... [Cadaver, Rahu & Moki] An Unexpected Meeting [Cadaver & Jeevita] Out of Sight [Cadaver & Spice] Faceing Death [Cadaver & Death] - Manic Monday [Cadaver & Cassandra] In the Moonlight [Cadaver & Shadow] So We Meet Again.... [Cadaver & Spice] Who's Eviller? When Dark Souls Meet [Cadaver & Alora] A murder she wrote [NightShade & Cadaver] Hello Again... [Cadaver & Spice] For The Cause (Cadaver & Arro) The Plot Thickens... [Cadaver, Alora, Rahu & Zira] [PRP]The Aftermath. [Cadaver & Midnight Shadow] [PRP] Well Hello There... [Cadaver & Helaku] Wha happened? Oh my head...Who are you?(Alora, Cad & Dinyin)
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:08 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:09 pm
 Name: Nikolai Type: 3rd Gen Gender: Male Height: ??? Temper: Impulsive Mate: Jasinda Agreement Children: None Parents: Lucky 13, Azn Siblings: Lex, Taigi Bio:
Breedings: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -

Rps Current:

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:10 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:15 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:15 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:24 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:26 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:27 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:28 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:29 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:30 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:31 pm