It was a steam explosion. Hundreds of gallons of water instantly flashed to steam. There was nowhere for the expanding steam to escape, so it MADE a route by ripping 3" thick bolts in half and putting the 2,000 ton reactor head through the ceiling. There was no fire involved at that point. The fire began when superheated radioactive carbon from the control rods spattered all over the walls, floor, ceiling, and roof. Flaming radioactive carbon chunks are not something you want to ******** with.

Yeah, steam explosion.

So what were the firemen called there for? An explosion or fire?
Flaming carbon chunks. Think napalm, but hotter and more radioactive.

Oh ok.
Yeah I heard that when they were taking a break or when they first arrived, some of them warmed their hands over the carbon chunks.

Also, in the video I saw, some of the firemen reported pain as if needles were poking them in the face.

Apparently that's what, "You're seriously ******** now." levels of radiation indicates.
I'd believe it. It's been twenty years and the reactor room is still to radioactive to enter AT ALL. They can't even go in the hallway.

From what I've heard they shouldn't get close.
Something like the radiation exposure of 50 chest Xrays a second.

Wasn't that just outside of the Sarcophagus?

Maybe my data is old.
Ah ok, it's still 30 times the norm for humans, 300 microroentgens.

Only thing that has entered since then is, I think a robot to take pictures and stuff.