Temper/Personality: Protective - He latches onto people and tries his hardest to protect and shelter them. Until a little while ago he was totally hopeless at this until he met his best friend/maybesomethingmore??, Ellette, and they survived a winter together with a cave as a base o' operations.
He is HIGHLY directionally challenged and will take any directions he is offered...this might be a slight reason as to why since a few soq have messed with him in the past. He doesn't learn though...
Gender: Male
Acquired By: gift from Dolphingurl! <3
Family: get links later!!!
- Mate - Ellette
- Siblings - find all linkslater
- Children - none
Range: pretty much can be found anywhere except the desert
History: Aryon was born to Rayen and Milano. He never met his father, or his other sister. He left his family at a young age to explore and met a mare who he thought was 'the one'. They separated for a while and he got caught in a harsh snow storm that was the real kick-off of a rather horrible winter season. There, he met Ellette and they spent the winter helping each other survive. When the snow began to thaw, he was walking along when suddenly his hoof slipped on something hidden by the melting snow and he went tumbling over the edge of a (small) cliff. This is where he got the injury that damaged his memory. Currently he is trying to remember the way back to his family and his love before his recollections are consumed entirely.
Plot Points:
Meeting Ellette
Slipping from the cliff
The Swamp
Rp Color: Blue
Common Turn of Phrase?
Pet Peeves?
Dreams/Goals for the Future? To start a family of his own, and be a good father.
Fears? To forget more than just the landscape he's seen...
- Aryon has short term memory loss as an explanation for why he is always lost. Visual markers (landmarks) fail to return to the short term memory and help him register where exactly he is. This happens far less frequently with pretty much any other information. At best he will have a vague recollection of being somewhere familiar and probably seek out anyone he knows in the area.
If he spends a lot of time in one area, because he has repeatedly seen certain landmarks, he will remember much easier where he is and how to get somewhere.
Due to some head trauma from his past (remember to rp this with Ellette), he has a limited amount of 'space' within his intermediate visual memory and unless he spends a lot of time staring at something to make a good impression and makes a concentrated effort to remember landmarks over time, he will forget them.
((Please excuse me if I have some facts wrong, or something I wrote is impossible...basing this off of a few small articles I read on the matter. ^^;; ))