Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:07 pm
Name: Alistair Gender: Male Theme: Second Gen. Temperament: Quixotic.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:08 pm
Full Name: Alistair. Meaning: Protector/Helper. Gender: Male. Breed: Angeni. (IC) Age: Young Adult. Status: IC single.
Cert: Stages: Basket Foal Adult Adult Uncert: X
Mate: Parents: Winston and Isabliss Siblings: Wystan Herd: None. Friends: Chandra and Nadia
Notable Features:
Likes: Traveling, Sunny weather, Spending time with friends. Dislikes: Getting his hair wet, Stepping on pine cones, His crown falling off of his head.
As a foal, Alistair's evenings consisted mainly of watching the star slowly appear in the darkening sky. He often held the dream that somewhere, his close friends would be looking up at the same stars that he gazed upon, thinking of him. Alistair traveled with his mother and brother, never staying in a place long enough to call a single area "home". Alistair had never met his father, and Isabliss didn't talk much of him- it being a rather sad subject for her. All he knows of the Stallion, is his name.
When he came of age, he started wandering further and further away from the only family that he knew. Eventually, Alistair gained the courage and curiousity to bid a fairwell to his loved ones and left for good- leaving promises to one day see them again. His travels brought him back to one of his closest foal hood friends- Chandra. Meeting her again, brought a new emotion with it- one that Alistair later discovered as love. He decided to stay with Chandra, living close to her herd and visiting her almost daily. As it was, when he had left her when they were both still very younge, she had found another friend to replace him with. The stallions name was Sonnet, and Alistair knew that he'd have to put in his all to even stand a chance at winning Chandra's heart. As the fates would have it, in the end, Chandra confessed her love for Sonnet. Alistair took the news as best as he could, treasuring their friendship above his broken heart. He wished the new happy couple the best of wishes before setting off again.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:09 pm
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:10 pm
-Lifemated to Rajni-
Breeding Slots: 1. Reserved for Rajni. 2. Reserved for Rajni. 3. Reserved for Rajni.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:11 pm
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:12 pm