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Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:03 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross
Ermak Lorde
In a motion which could only be used by one mindlessly terrified, Vaizel Bolted down the street, except the motion wasn't so much of a run as a desperate scramble in which any movement which could conceivably propel him further away from the deranged and supposedly dead JENOVA clone was utilyzed with a speed that was mind-numbing. Once a reasonable distance from the Clone and the kibble, he leapt to his feet in one ungainly motion and tore through the crowds with a face whiter than death. For a being who was supposedly slow he moved blindingly fast to escape the fate which awaited him in the hands of Sabel.

((Note to Zaber: I'm not certain if you picked up on this,... but just to make certain you know, you don't have to play your character as he/she was originally designed, feel free to exagerate, and tweek any character or NPC you control. The more rediculous the more fun you will have...I promise! ^.~))

" You're wel.... WOAH!" Fenrir shouted as Vaizel dashed over his head, followed by a spray of wolf chow into the street. The young man lost his balance colliding with JENOVA clone. This was not aided by Romulus who at this momment decided both Fenrir and Sabel had dirty faces. The huge wolf leaped on top of the forms of Fenrir and Sabel creating an effective "wolf pile" as he enthusiastically licked both Sabel and Fenrir's faces.

" Romulus!!!" Fenrir sputtered between licks, unable to dislodge the large animal.
Chii screams and looks around and she finds more paper under the kible. She runs and picks up the paper and looks at Eskaver she drops her papers and jumps to his side and she trys to pull the wolf off of him. "come her wolfy."Sees the girl who annonced she likes pickles and she looks up and tilts head and trys to pull the heavy wolf of of its master still.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:04 pm
((My cat loves yogurt and melons, LOL ^_^))

Saerenna thought about the man's question for a minute, "Dill I suppose." she replied, staring rather longingly at the rest of the spilled dogfood, knowing that she wouldn't have another chance to eat some without someone seeing her. She was suddenly very jealous of that large dog, who would get to eat all of it without someone looking at it strangely. Ah, the woes of being different species. But then again, if everyone was alike, it wouldn't be as fun to ride Chocobos. Not that Chocobo's had to do with anything. "Have you ever tried Chocobo meat?" She asked suddenly, wondering if it would taste like dogfood or pickles, or something else.

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:08 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross
((My cat loves yogurt and melons, LOL ^_^))

Saerenna thought about the man's question for a minute, "Dill I suppose." she replied, staring rather longingly at the rest of the spilled dogfood, knowing that she wouldn't have another chance to eat some without someone seeing her. She was suddenly very jealous of that large dog, who would get to eat all of it without someone looking at it strangely. Ah, the woes of being different species. But then again, if everyone was alike, it wouldn't be as fun to ride Chocobos. Not that Chocobo's had to do with anything. "Have you ever tried Chocobo meat?" She asked suddenly, wondering if it would taste like dogfood or pickles, or something else.

" Hmm Chocobo meat? Naw, I like them too much. Fenrir might've. He and Romulus eat anything," a calm voice announced from Saerenna's side. Standing beside her was a mirror image of the man underneath the wolf (unphazed by either his master's or the gir's attempts to budge him).

" What have you gotten yourself into this time little brother?"

" LITTLE!" Fenrir retorted, " I'm older and you know it! How about a little help Garm! OAF" Fenrir exclaimed as a second wolf joined the first in the pile. Garm's face wore a long-suffering look.

" All right, FLOAT." He said as he cast the magic. He was looking pretty smug until the entire party began to levitate, vampire, JENOVA clone, wolves and all.

" GARM!!!!" Fenrir roared.

" Oh....... oops...... it was linked to All...... how silly of me."
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:09 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross
((My cat loves yogurt and melons, LOL ^_^))

Saerenna thought about the man's question for a minute, "Dill I suppose." she replied, staring rather longingly at the rest of the spilled dogfood, knowing that she wouldn't have another chance to eat some without someone seeing her. She was suddenly very jealous of that large dog, who would get to eat all of it without someone looking at it strangely. Ah, the woes of being different species. But then again, if everyone was alike, it wouldn't be as fun to ride Chocobos. Not that Chocobo's had to do with anything. "Have you ever tried Chocobo meat?" She asked suddenly, wondering if it would taste like dogfood or pickles, or something else.

" Hmm Chocobo meat? Naw, I like them to much. Fenrir might've he and Romulus eat anything," a calm voice announced from Saerenna's side. Standing beside her was a mirror image of the man underneath the wolf (unphazed by either his master's or the gir's attempts to budge him).

" What have you gotten yourself into this time little brother?"

" LITTLE!" Fenrir retorted, " I'm older and you know it! How about a little help Garm! OAF" Fenrir exclaimed as a second wolf joined the first in the pile. Garm's face wore a long-suffering look.

" All right, FLOAT." He said as he cast the magic. He was looking pretty smug until the entire party began to levitate, vampire, JENOVA clone, wolves and all.

" GARM!!!!" Fenrir roared.

" Oh....... oops...... it was linked to All...... how silly of me."
Chii squeals with protest and she looks at the papers hoping they dont fly. She lets go of the wolf and looks at Garm her eyes look like they will melt as her body goes limp a little.

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:11 pm
Saerenna looked confusedly between the two men as she floated. "Whoa, can you clone yourself?" she asked, doing her best NOT to look down. Her fear of heights was starting to kick in, so she closed her eyes. "Umm...can we get down now?" she asked rather nervously, wishing there was something solid to hold on to.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:13 pm
"Wow what a mess"said Xuriel,"Can any of you point me to 7th Heaven?" He looked around looking at the massive amount of wolf chow thinking, That bag contains that much?!, then noticed that he was now shorter than the guy who had casted Float. Xuriel looked at his feet and saw that his legs were sinking into the kibble,"Did anyone lose these?" he held up the papers that had brushed against his hand, he was sinking slower now but it was up to his waist. "Any help?" he looked around hopefully.

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:17 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross
Saerenna looked confusedly between the two men as she floated. "Whoa, can you clone yourself?" she asked, doing her best NOT to look down. Her fear of heights was starting to kick in, so she closed her eyes. "Umm...can we get down now?" she asked rather nervously, wishing there was something solid to hold on to.

"Clones? Yes, well technically Fenrir and I are clones, natural clones. Although there is some dissagreement to who is actually a clone of who." Garm said, unphazed by his magic gone awry. He blinked when Saerenna mentioned getting down, " Hmm...... down....." Garm muttured as he floated past. " I don't think I have DeSpell with me now....." Fenrir who had originally been glaring daggers at his well meaning twin suddenly realized it was kind of fun to play around while floating.

" Hey, watch this!" he announced with true child-like glee as he sumersolted. " Come on try it!" he urged chii. The wolves floated about playfully nipping at each other and their masters.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:19 pm
"Wow what a mess"said Xuriel,"Can any of you point me to 7th Heaven?" He looked around looking at the massive amount of wolf chow thinking, That bag contains that much?!, then noticed that he was now shorter than the guy who had casted Float. Xuriel looked at his feet and saw that his legs were sinking into the kibble,"Did anyone lose these?" he held up the papers that had brushed against his hand, he was sinking slower now but it was up to his waist. "Any help?" he looked around hopefully.
Chii sqeals and glomps the man. "MY PAPERS!!"

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:21 pm
Saerenna cracked an eye open to see the man sinking in dog food, and was very much wanting to switch places with him. She looked at the not so solid air she was standing on and squeezed her eyes shut again. "Eep.... I don't like heights...." she mumbled, searching vainly for some way to get down.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:25 pm
Chii sqeals and glomps the man. "MY PAPERS!!"

"AHH!!!" Xuriel exclaimed as as the girl drove him deeper into the kibble. This was not the 'help' he was thinking of. He concentrated for a moment and dissolved and reappeared on solid ground, "Hey I forgot I could do that!!!" there was a moment of silence. "Er... here's your papers"

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:27 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross
Chii sqeals and glomps the man. "MY PAPERS!!"

"AHH!!!" Xuriel exclaimed as as the girl drove him deeper into the kibble. This was not the 'help' he was thinking of. He concentrated for a moment and dissolved and reappeared on solid ground, "Hey I forgot I could do that!!!" there was a moment of silence. "Er... here's your papers"

Fenrir paused in mid summersolt. He regaurded Xuriel from an inverted position.
" Fascinating! How do you do that?" Garm floated in between them mumbling something about gravity. This seemed to forcefully recall Fenrir to their present situation, that and Saerenna's fearful comments. " Um.... you wouldn't happen to have some despll materia? We found ourselves rather.... ah stranded," he asked Xurial with scrupulous politeness, made slightly ridiculous by his inverted position and loud Hawian shirt.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:29 pm
ooc:hee 3nodding
A trench-coated individual strolled nonchallantly down the street. At the sight of the floating people, dogs, and a few pieces of kibble caught in the spell an involuntary gasp escaped her. Dahry hastily turned away and started to flee, her high-heeled, glittery shoes clicked as she tried to remain inconspicuous. She glanced at her wrist and realized she was going to be late. Rats, not lab rats, I'm going to be late to dinner! She involuntarily looked back at Saerenna, wishing that she could taunt her later without giving away that she was there. Rats, stupid rats, how they multiply, Rats, Darn Rats!!

ooc biggrin id you know that Ermak's cat also eats toys? He only plays with furry ones or feathery ones because he thinks they are prey! Ermak's other cat eats Jolly Ranchers, we discovered this after the first Halloween he had him. All the Jolly Ranchers were gone and the chewed wrapperswere under Ermak's bed.Tee hee! he still acts like a ktten at the first crackle from plastic he hears. He will only play with those too! Nothing else! Poor Ermak to have such picky kitties! xd

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:31 pm
((MY cats are picky? yours won't sleep unless he is under the blankets on my bed with his forlegs stretched up to my chin. and the rest of him in the crook of one of my arms. Anything less and he headbutts me with his wiskered face! At least my cats know how to chew their food! Yours is gonna choke himself any day now!!))

Vaizel dashed down the street skidding around corners and making mince-meat of the asphault. Only when his breath's came in wheezing gasps did he launch himself over an alley wall, to hide behind some trash cans. At some point he could have sworn he heard the warking of a chocobo, but he didn't wait to find out what it was. He couldn't recall ever running this fast or this far since before he'd been hojo's lab rat. Still gasping and clutching at his ribs he peeked tenatively from around his protective if smelly cover to assertain whether or not he had lost his stalker yet.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:33 pm
Eskevar Fire Cross
Chii sqeals and glomps the man. "MY PAPERS!!"

"AHH!!!" Xuriel exclaimed as as the girl drove him deeper into the kibble. This was not the 'help' he was thinking of. He concentrated for a moment and dissolved and reappeared on solid ground, "Hey I forgot I could do that!!!" there was a moment of silence. "Er... here's your papers"

Fenrir paused in mid summersolt. He regaurded Xuriel from an inverted position.
" Fascinating! How do you do that?" Garm floated in between them mumbling something about gravity. This seemed to forcefully recall Fenrir to their present situation, that and Saerenna's fearful comments. " Um.... you wouldn't happen to have some despll materia? We found ourselves rather.... ah stranded," he asked Xurial with scrupulous politeness, made slightly ridiculous by his inverted position and loud Hawian shirt.
Chii huggles the papers to her chest as they talk.

Ermak Lorde

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:35 pm
"Hmm...Despell? Like cancel other spells? Let me think...", Xuriel quickly thought about it, well he could cancel spells when he concentrated hard enough right? But what was materia? Was it those shiny orbs he had often found before?

"Er...ok let me try" he concentrated on breaking the magic then the magic started to break up.
"Hey there we go! I can do it!" mused Xuriel, just at that moment he notice the people were floating at least 5m up in the air, pretty higher to fall from if your not paying attention.

"Oh dear" he muttered just as they started falling.
JENOVA's Witnesses

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