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Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:02 am
The gravity spell hit perfect, it ripped the guns right out of the grunts hands. They started to scream and most turn and started to run away as fast as they could screaming for reinforcements. Only two grutns remained, both to ignorant ot run. They both charged at Whisper who to over take a fragile girl. They ran at her and pulled out knifes as they got out of the gravity feild and raised them down to bring them back down in an arch motion down on Whisper.

Jade picked up the stolen gunblade and messed with it enogh that he didn't hear the appoarching squad of men from behid him, where they had thrown the commander. This squad was another 12 men, these men where more experienced and would run as easily, in fact 3 of them where elite soldiers who would be on more or less parr with Jade and Whisper.

(Remember the gun blade is out of ammo)  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:10 am
There was a dark creepy sound coming from inside the cave, they heard somthing stomping there way towards them as thunder boomed outside the cave. When it died they realized that it was a lot closer now. Soon the creature came out into the fire light, it was a gnolls a hyena looking humaniod. Gnolls where savage beasts that killed anything that entered their lairs for food, and this gnoll looked hungry. He had a wodden log thing that nearly resembled a makeshift mace of some kind.

He howled at them with drool dripping down onto the front of his fur with a animalistic look of hunger deep in his eyes. With another feral growl the gnoll ran towards Perl with the log raised high in the air as if to strike her.

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:19 pm
Barlic was tossed from the back of the truck onto the dirt floor. "Get up you bloody flith" a guard said as he kicked Barlic up. Barlic struggled to his feet when a new guard grabbed him and shoved him forward in line. The slave trainer Perio walked over and smiled, "Good good you guys are getting them unloaded in a good time. Keep it up lads and don't be afraid to get ruff if someone starts to act up." He spun around and started to walk away.

Barlic was only clad in a leath bottom that where rather short and tight. The guard prodded them with their butts of their guns. Their where 7 other prisoner's being brought into the arena with Barlic. Once inside the arena building they where hearded to cells where indivually they where locked up until they where ready to fight or train or had a summons.

Barlic sat back on the damp mat in the corner of the cell.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:18 pm
Things continued to get even dirtier as more and more drunkards fueled the mass of fighting. At this point there was no clear line between enemy and friend. The brawl extended to every one with no control or bias. The only three that seemed to hold any sanity were the girls that technically started it all.

Selina was forced in the toughest situation compared to her other two sisters. Although Margo had impeded the flanking ork’s use two more where on her and relentlessly beating her from all over. None of the cuts dug deep but their pure strength hit hard. Margo turned to help but was cut off from her other two sisters by a wave of drunks that had moved in the way.

The lizard man fighting Vivian berserked at the cut. With a quick combo he was able to get in close to Vivian, smack her in the side with his tail, and then bit down hard on her right shoulder. The speed of his attack and unusual one at that happened so quickly she wasn’t so sure what to do. Vivian however was no push over and sized the opportunity to finish off her opponent. While his fangs where attached to her, Vivian stuck him in the side stomach and shoved her sword deep into his inner body. The Lizard man weakened his grip until finally falling limp to the ground. Some of the observing groups saw what happened and fled form the bar.

((I know this is probably one of the worst post I have ever done, but I just want to keep things moving))



PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:44 pm
Muez’s mind seemed to scramble with the woman’s words. He had a hard time keeping up with everything she was saying and he really wished she would just shut up. With her mouth running a mile a minute he couldn’t focus and figure out what she was saying. By this time at least he had put down the wall and leaned in closer to her. His massive rock like body hovered just over top of the small woman who was now jumping up and down with anger.

“Muez sorry, Muez fix.” He said shaking his hands wildly at the woman, hopping that the gesture would some how clam her down. “Muez know what he do. I go and get someone who fixes your house.” Muez said with excitement in his plan. He lifted his head away from the noisy old woman and stuck it high in the sky. With a few sniffs of the air, Muez could detect other life, somewhere out there, there had to be someone capable of rebuilding a home.

“You better be doing something about my house big boy. Don’t you think mama gonna let you off the hook.” The little old woman said while wagging her finger.

“I knows what to do. You wait right here.” Muez said as he swiftly picked up the old woman and placed her on top of her ruble home. Once she was carefully placed he turned and ran forth towards the city. On his way there he thought he might of heard a gun shot and a few grenades go off.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:02 pm
In the mass of confusion and fear, many of the warriors opposing Victor and his zombies were caught off guard and easily slain. Some stood there ground well and fought off many of the hordes attacking them but with there current state, it was only a matter of time until they made a mistake and killed over. Not to mention the exponential growth of the number of zombies. Every Vince loyal killed was just another zombie added to Victor’s quickly growing army.

There was however a group of sober men that had pulled together and now held up on the upper levels of the building. More zombies flanked from all around the outside, forcing everyone to stay inside. Without any reinforcements, the groups holding the castle faced a grim situation.

“Stand your ground men. Do not be afraid to kill your old lord, Lord Victor, Duke of Vince, is no longer human and poses a threat to the state. Kill him and your rewards will grow tenfold compared to the one we where scheduled to celebrate this very night. Let us have two feasts to enjoying this night.” A solid-handsome man called to his colleagues as he pumped a flail against a long shield that covered the entire length of his body. The armor he wore had been passed down for generations and this particular set had been worn as a holy knight of the Omega Alliance as his father wore it. It was a honor for him to be fighting in it.

Those that held up the higher floors prepared to be attacked. They covered all entrances with many numbers. They had also prepared barrels and other things to roll down the stairs should anything try to come up. The few that remained down stairs fought for as long as they could before finally dying. Knight to G4.



PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:35 pm
Specter was astonished. It was an uplifting image to Specter. Here he was, feeling down and hating all of life while these guys embraced it for what it was and saw hope. They wanted to rebuild where all Specter wanted to do was destroy. Specter brought himself further into the room and watched as there ceremony continued. He almost laughed at first when he saw the small dwarf get up and yell his cheers. All the happy faces lit up. They spoke of his mother as some saint to sing too. He did love his mother. Gloria was probably one of the most amazing people any one could ever meet. There was possibly no way you could ever dislike her. He liked these guys more every second.

A smile almost came to his face until the dwarf continued speaking. It’s not the ideas and hopes that he spoke of that made him angry. Specter did that well himself.

“Does this pork face not get it? That was the end. That was the end of the creators and the end to the demons. We are like lost souls ever drifting into the darkness.” Specter said to himself, the anger building again. He was quite the hot head. “He can want good things, sure that’s fine, but how can someone be so stupid. Oh and of course, here he goes about the spirits and souls. Forget it you dumbass. They are gone. If they where still with you I would know. I am a spirit.” Specter yelled. He was practically inches from the dwarf’s face but still in pure ghost form. If any of them was catching a glimpse of anything he was doing it meant they where either trained for this or could catch the slightest glimpse in color change.

“Hmm, I could use this to my advantage. If these are any Omega followers like they should be, they ought to at least know who I am. Now we just wait for the right moment.” He thought to himself as he laid back down against the center piece of the table.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:47 pm
Tocan squeezed himself he was so excited. He looked strangely around as if being watched by someone far off in the distance and leaned over to the vapard in secrecy.

“Can you keep a secret Dilmongo?” Tocan asked with a cracking voice it was almost too hard to hear. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Tocan yelled as he jumped back. There was a sudden long awkward pause as Tocan itched at his butt until finally he came back to life.

“It says Roderick is very put togetherish. Tocan can build anything. You doubt me, give me anything you want, anything that can be held in a hand, and I’ll whip it up out of anything and do it so fast you wont even know what happened.” Tocan said with a stern face. He hopped that the vapard would believe him and was very sure in his own capabilities that he would prove him wrong. “Come on, give me anything!”



PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:02 pm
As soon as she had sure sign that her gravity spell had worked she kicked at the ground and a flare exploded form the end of her wand. The flame blew past all of the startled grunts and lit up the fleeing hall side into a wall of fire, cornering them between sure death and a wall of fire. Instead of finishing them off in a quick and simple way, just small flicks of her wand would do it, Whisper instead approached them with her hand out stretched.

“Come soldiers. I do not want to kill any of you. What I have done so far has only been out of self defense. I want to free you as I have done my friend. Please, help us get out of here and your lives will be spared.” Whisper said in a comforting way. Her voice as well as facial expressions played well with her attempts to persuade the enemy grunts.

“Not to rush you or anything Whisp but we have more company. These guys are more colorful too so if you could hurry…uhh…that would be appreciated.” Jade said as he looked for cover while taking a few shots with his pistols to keep the soldiers at bay.

“Need more time Jade, use the flash thing I taught you.” Whisper suggested as she yelled over her shoulder. Her words reminded Jade of a very useful spell she had taught him with his bullets. He took aim very quickly and powered a bright light into his next gun shot that broke against a wall that the new group of soldiers where advancing form. The burst opened up an extremely bright light that was the equivalent of a flash grenade.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:14 pm
Roecaw felt the same sensation as his ears too stood up. As soon as the gnoll appeared, Perl leaped from her place in the cave and over to Roecaw as quickly as she could. The lioness barely dodged the hungry beats until Roecaw had smacked it across the side of the face, buying her some time. Perl brought herself to a safe place against the wall of the cave as Roecaw kept the creature between the gnoll and his sister. The gnoll staggered for a moment but was back to it with anger and hunger blurring together. The thing jumped at Roecaw and bashed downward on his halberd making it hard to return an attack as the ting got even closer. Roecaw side stepped and then bent down to let his double halberd swing around his body in a helicopter motion to again strike the gnoll across its torso. Perl’s only contribution at this point was lighting up the rest of the cave with a light spell and placing a halo against the ceiling.  



PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:31 pm
On the way in Barlic noticed the tightly secured channel of guards they passed just to get there. His eyes glanced onward, toward the town where the sun was shining, the last beautiful sun he would see for a few days, and noticed a young woman just along the town out skirts. From what he could see she was beautiful. It brought a smile to his face.

That smile was torn away quickly as another bud of a sword and the occasional gun hit him in the side or back, rushing Barlic to move faster forward. With the rest of the slaves moving in, which he noticed where all human except for one ork, where placed not adjacent cells and then locked up. The guards left with their threats and profanities. Finally silence for the first time in awhile.

Next to Barlic to his left was the huge ork. The tall ork was a thick dark green color and only had one eye. His other was covered over by a patch with the Dark Hand symbol placed in the middle. He had many missing teeth and the ones that he still had come to sharp points. The thing didn’t seem much for talking, only slumped in his corner with the occasional grunt. On the other side was a smaller man who seemed to be assessing the cells. He moved around a lot and tasted samples of each separate material. The thin human didn’t make much eye contact either, mostly kept to him self.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:53 pm
The whole bar was in chaos, almost everyone in the room was fightnig or fled at this point. People where dropping dead left and right, and no one was there to stop it.

Vivian ripped the dagger from the lizardman's body spraying blood onto her pale white skin. She smiled ravishing in it as she scanned for the next assailaint.

Margo dodged left and right, blocking and parrying hits from everyone at this point, "I'm not sleeping with any of you at this point. You filithy pigs!" She screamed angered by the men's actions, and slightly disapointted. She kneed a human in the balls before turning to dodge a sword slash from an elf. She was doing her best to keep from getting hit, though she was the worst fighter out of the three.

Selina despite the wounds was generally unharmed by them. She had dulled her body to pain long ago with relentless training at her home manor. She smiled and parried blow and blow from the orc who had double teamed her. All other fighters had moved away from the two, seeing that these two where the best in the fight and no one wanted a piece of either of them. Selina smiled and laughed as he countered slicing lightly into the lower leg of the orc.

Vivian seeing Margo's distress bashed her way over through the crowd till she was by her sister. "Touch a hair on her head and I will skin you alive!" she screamed stabbing a goblin in the back snapping his spinal cord.

Soon the fight was down to just the best, experienced, and sober fighters. it was slowly losing numbers as some fled or died but the fighting was getting more intense as true warriors took the spot light.

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:00 pm
(incase you wanted to cross over Tocan and Muez, I wouldn't just yet. All of our characters are still new and I think we really should iron out their personality, etc before we start having them interact. and besides I already have something for Muez to do haha))

She screamed in panic as Muez lifted her up off the ground onto her house she stopped screaming and stared in wonder as he ran off. "Damn monster, ruined my house!" She said sobbing as she sat down defeated.

Muez ran to the city and searched through the town for someone to build a house but no one was able to be found. No one in the town was a builder, all of the builders in town where out on some big job for a rich profiteerer in the forrest.

As it turned to nightfall a defeated Muez slomped back to the old women to bring the bad news.

As he arrived there he saw that there was no old lady, however there was a note from her, it read....

Dear Gaint,

I would be surprised if you returned to my ruined home, thank you very much by the way, but in case you do I have went to my daughters home to stay. It is about 10 minutes east through the forrest. If you would like to recompensate me, or bring a builder please bring him or the money to that house. It is the only house around within 20 minutes so it should not be hard to fine. I will have a fire visible from the window all night so look for that.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:13 pm
"Where is he, where is he! Lord Tryle I will slay you and bare your head on my walls for this treachery!" Vicktor shouted as he walked through the crowd of men being slaughtered left and right. The battle was easy, all the men where caught off guard and easy pickings. Vicktor would take his castle, and once he did his loyal Lord would rise up under his banner. Together they would rise an army to fight the other upsurer dogs and reclaim his lands.

Vicktor saw the tail end of the guards running up stairs away from the battle. "OH Lord Tryle you clever dog. But you cannot hide from me." he said with a sick laugh. He glided through the bodies and got to the stairs. "All who follow Lord Tryle will die and join my zombies. The ones who fight for me and bring me his head will be rewarded with titles of nobility!" He called up the hallway as he began his ascent.

As he started up the hallway barrels where flung down at him. He smirked as he shot a bolt of energy into the first barrel exploding it. The explosion sent flour and sharp fragments of woods everywhere, several went into his body but they did no damage to him at all. He climb up the stairs as they threw more down.

With each barrel he simply blasted it away with pure energy, "You will have to do better than that Lord Tryle. A lot better than that if you mean to stop me!" He laughed as he neared the top of the stairs. Now his zombie horde, now double in number where beginning their own ascent up the stairs, though theirs would be much slower.

((Drew I want to explain some more of what I want to do with Vicktor...I should have made this more clear earlier. Vicktor's men would still be loyal to him. So his servants and any remaing guards, etc would return to him. I want this first little adventure/campiagn of Vicktor to be the war to reclaim his lands. I want Lord Tryle to escape this battle and raise his own army. So that would be the first couple of battles with Vicktor. Also like his humainity/sanity, Vicktor is going to start out using more human soldiers and only a very small group of undead. As he starst to be more and more corrupted by being a lich he will start to use more ruthless unhorable tactic, start to use more undead and less humans. Also just a note that always bothered me...realisticly people would reffer to a Lord by their last name, so when talking about Vicktor it would be Lord Kremely not Lord Vicktor, though in a personal chat, with like a friend or something they would use Vicktor, but just Vicktor. its not that important but it always bothered me that you did throughout all the runeseekers.))  

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

Van Dossel
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:24 pm
As the chant died down Gredic Greybeard went on to explain in more details their goals and concerns. Specter found that this wasn't the only group of Omega remnants, there where more like them in the other parts of Aeonce. They where going to use propaganda and guriellia tactic to reclaim land and the people and rise the Omega up again.

The group here consisted of around 300 members, all humans, drawfs, and elfs. Most of them where vetearn fighters, all champions of the wars. About a fifth of them where just recurits, children of old members or just people who where enthralled by the stories of the old Omega Alliance.

Gredic however was the only one of note in the group. He was a general in the Omega armies, singlehandly saving the drawfen cities from destruction at the hand of Revan at the beginning movements of the war. He had lead a small band of drawfs into the middle of the Dark Hand army and broke all supply lines and communications lines preventing the Dark Hand from substaining an effective assult on the cities. Even Specter knew who Gredic was, only vaguely though. Saving the drawf cities was his 15 minutes of fame and he only got to lead small bodies of troops under bigger name generals during the later battles of the wars.
Dark Hand role playing

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