Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:27 pm
August '13 Workload smile -PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC = 50 + Monthly credit = 52
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC = 19 + Monthly credit = 21
Stats: Nisshou H (-1 credit for freebie upgrade) 1. Stat update 2. More work on raffle 3. Opened bonus questions 4. Answered a whole lot of questions 5. Updated SC list 6. MCCL 7. RP Qualifications list
Nisshou's SC = 7 + Monthly credit - 1 (upgrade) = 8
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu 1.
20th August --Updated Lady Kiya's Teepee --Updated Akuma's Teepee --Updated II--Gen3sis--II's Teepee --Checked tursi's teepee for a broken link --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee --Updated Tirokio's teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Updated [IC] =DBZ2004's Teepee= --Updated Vistada's Teepee
Syaoran's SC = 6 + Monthly credit = 8
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade 1. 2 New Certs - Will drop when I get pb information again ^^
Wyntre's SC = 26
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen - 7 credits for purewalker 1. 8/2: Dropped 4 updated breeding certs, 1 updated cert 2. 8/6: 1 new cert, 4 updated certs 3. 8/18: 4 updated certs, 5 growth certs 4. 8/25: 4 updated certs, 1 new cert 5. 8/29: Dropped certs done by Wyntre Throughout month: Answering questions, finding uncerts, etc.
Roniel's SC = 9 + Monthly credit - 7 (custom) = 4
Guild: Reeve 1.
Reeve's SC = 44
RP: Uta Cashed in Breeding -4 Credits 1. Stalked RPs 2. Worked on Project: Bagel 3. Answered questions via PM & AIM 4. Updated the Lifemates Listing 5. Updated the Broken Lifemates Listing
Uta's SC = 19 + Monthly credit - 4 = 17
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC = 24
RP: Tirokio
Tirokio's SC = 6
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:28 pm
September '13 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC = 52 + Monthly credit = 54
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC = 21 + Monthly credit = 23
Stats: Nisshou H ((Taking credits as payment. No gold.)) 1. Stat update for August 2. Stat list
Nisshou's SC = 8 + Monthly credit = 11
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu 1.
Teepees: 1.
Syaoran's SC = 8
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen 1. Deleted old posts from LR 2. Answered some questions
Roniel's SC = 4 + Monthly credit = 6
RP: Uta 1. Answered Questions 2. Set up and created New Soquili Gmail and Mule 3. Started setting up the New Soquili Front Page
Uta's SC = 17 + Monthly credit = 19
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC = 24
RP: Tirokio
Tirokio's SC = 6
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:29 pm
October '13 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC = 54 + Monthly credit = 56
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC = 23 + Monthly credit = 25
Stats: Nisshou H ((Taking only credits this month. No gold.)) 1. Stat update for September (no one made it on the list) 2. Stat list for October
Nisshou's SC = 11 + Monthly credit = 14
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu 1.
Teepees: 1.
Syaoran's SC = 8
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen (-4 for twisted breeding) Note for whom it may concern: Mind has given permission for me to get 3 credits instead of gold pay. Don't give me gold! 1. 10/20/13: Dropped a ton of Troll familiar certs/kalona certs. Too lazy to count! Throughout the month: Answering questions, finding stuff, etc
Roniel's SC = 6 + Monthly credit - 4 (breeding) = 5
RP: Uta 1. Answered Questions 2. Finished making the Mock Front Page Setup 3. Made the Soq Thread & Opened It 4. Resumed the Kalona Event / Ran Games 5. Followed Up/Poked Colorists about Future Ponies & Event Stuff
Uta's SC = 19 + Monthly credit = 21
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC = 24
RP: Tirokio
Tirokio's SC = 6
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:29 pm
November '13 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC: 56 + Monthly Credit = 58
General Manager: malhith 1.
Malhith's SC: 25 + Monthly Credit = 27
Stats: Nisshou H I will also be taking the 3 credits in lieu of payment this month. Do not pay me. 1. October update 2. Wrote and opened bonus questions 3. November list 4. SC update 5. RP qualifications
Nisshou's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 17
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu 1.
Teepees: 1.
Syaoran's SC = 8
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen -1 for kalona freebie upgrade to Viserys Targaryen Note for whom it may concern: Mind has given permission for me to get 3 credits instead of gold pay. Don't give me gold! 1. 11/1/13: 4 kalona certs dropped! 2. 11/4/13: 4 soq certs, 1 familiar cert (for something colored by me!) 3. 11/9/13: 3 breeding certs, 1 familiar cert, some more self-colored certed familiars 4. 11/11/13: Dropped Riri preg certs 5. 11/12/13: Dropped some uncerted Mind growths 6. 11/15/13: Dropped 6 certs I helped Mind out with 7. 11/19/13: Dropped Riri basket uncerts 8. 11/19/13: Also dropped 10 kalona certs 9. 11/21/13: 11 Riri breeding certs dropped 10. 11/21/13: Dropped some DD growths! 11. 11/22/13: Dropped some more Riri breeding certs and things 11. ALSO 11/21/13: Dropped growth series certs for 3 DD soqs 12. 11/27/13: Dropped Riri growth uncerts, 1 cert update 13. 11/29/13: Dropped Riri growth certs, 2 new certs Extra stuff: Helping run kalona event games, deleted a ton of old posts off the LRs
Roniel's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit - 1(upgrade) = 7
RP: Uta Will take 3 credits instead of Gold -- do no pay gold! -4 for Breeding from Ririka 1. Answered Questions via PM & IM 2. Answered Mule Questions 3. Set up Hiring Mock Up Thread 4. Finished Running the Kalona Event
Uta's SC: 21 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 20
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin
Owner list: Samuel Carlin
Samuel's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio
Tirokio's SC: 6
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:30 pm
December '13 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend
Mindsend's SC: 58 + Monthly Credit = 60
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Malhith's SC: 27 + Monthly Credit = 29
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits (-5 credits for custom for friend) 1. Stat update for November 2. Wrote and opened bonus stats for December 3. RP qualifications
Nisshou's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit - 5 (custom) = 15
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu (Sorry, I hadn't realized that it was back to business as usual until I was poked.) Payment Type: Credits (-4 Breeding) 1.
3rd December --Updated Dawns_aura's Teepee --Updated Nikkichomp's Teepee --Updated Andranis' Teepee --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee --Updated Nikkichomp's Teepee --Updated NovaCracker's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Created Hoshi Lockhart's New Teepee --Archived Hoshi Lockhart's Old Teepee --Updated Teepee Listing --Updated Mameha Otome's Teepee
8th December --Updated Cajmera's Teepee --Created -Diamond-Elephant-'s Teepee --Updated Teepee Listing --Updated Baby Pandah's Teepee --Updated Ryuukishin's Teepee --Updated ~Twilight...Angel~'s Teepee --Updated Rhyleigh's Teepee --Updated XBlind-DarknessX's Teepee
27th December --Answered Cypran's question --Updated Nikkichomp's Teepee --Updated Thalea's Teepee
28th December --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee
30th December --Updated Pixel-x-Bunny's Teepee --Created Cheyriddle4's teepee --Updated Teepee Listing
31st December --Updated Lady Argentum Draconis's Teepee --Updated Cypran's Teepee --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Syaoran-Puu's Teepee
Syaoran's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit - 4 = 7
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits -3 credits for Jorah Mormont custom for -Diamond-Elephant- 1. 12/1/13: Dropped 2 growth certs, 1 fam cert, some of my own stuff 2. 12/5/13: 3 growth certs! 3. 12/9/13: 2 breeding certs, 1 fam cert, 1 new soq cert, some of my stuff dropped 4. 12/15/13: 4 updated certs dropped 5. 12/16/13: 6 breeding certs updated, 3 other certs updated 6. 12/20/13: 2 updated breeding cert, 1 other cert updated 7. 12/23/13: 8 updated breeding certs 8. 12/27/13: 1 updated cert dropped (and some of my own stuff) X. Did raffle list for hiring advertising Throughout month: Answering questions, deleting old LR posts, running little flaffles/games for my familiars, etc.
Roni's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit - 3 (custom) = 7
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits 1. Set up Hiring Thread 2. Set up Advertising Thread 3. Answered Questions 4. Archived Kalona Event Stuff
Uta's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit = 23
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits o1. - Read rps o2. - Watched over plot threads to make sure they adhered to the rp rules
Tirokio's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 9
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:20 am
January '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment type: Credits 1. Went through and critqued and approved new colorists 2. In guild meetings and discussions 3.spearheaded Reopening event 4. meetings and Discussions with Uta and Malhith
Mindsend's SC: 60 + Monthly Credit = 63
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Malhith's SC: 29 + Monthly Credit = 31
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits (-3 credits for Tauriel -1 familiars) 1. Stat update for December 2. Bonus questions for January 3. Stat List for January 4. Answered so many questions it's actually worth putting here for once
Nisshou's SC: 15 + Monthly Credit - 3 (custom) - 1 (familiars) = 14
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu Payment Type: Credits (-5 credits for custom (Torn)) 1. Set up Yearly Spotlight 2013. 2. Produced medals and awards for those missing. 3. Answered all spotlight and Yearly spotlight questions. 4. Judged Yearly Spotlight contest. 5. Updated old link in "Teepee Information - How to Get one" thread. 6. Tried to chase up teepee update missing requests. 7. Updated new FAQ to "Teepee Information - How to Get one" thread. 8. Sent several PM reminders to remember a stat roll link when requesting.
1st January --Replied to all messages --Updated Cypran's Teepee --Updated Tirokio's Teepee --Requested details from -MoomoolatteCha- --Updated Fatal Irony's Teepee --Updated Phail Ninja's Teepee
2nd January --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s Teepee --Assisted sesshiyasha
3rd January --Updated LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee
4th January --Updated Syaoran-Puu's Teepee
5th January No requests
6th January --Updated junglerunner's Teepee --Created a Teepee for sesshiyasha --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Faid Shadowlights Teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's Teepee --Updated Tirokio's Teepee
7th January --Updated one over three's Teepee
8th January --Updated Kaitaia's Teepee --Updated Kettyn Teepee --Created Teepee for spelldancer --Updated Teepee Listings
9th January --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee --Updated Roman Foi's Teepee
10th January --Updated Kaitaia's Teepee --Updated Mewsings of An Angel's Teepee
11th January --Updated CitrusCupcake Teepee --Requested details from CitrusCupcake --Requested details from Tweekend --Updated CitrusCupcake Teepee
12th January --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee --Updated Tweekend's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Checked stats for Nisshou H
13th January --Updated Thalea's Teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's Teepee --Updated Cheyriddle4's Teepee --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee
14th January --Updated Kaitaia's Teepee --Updated stormflower's Teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Updated Rhyleigh's Teepee --Update Lestragne's Teepee
15th January --Updated Miss Cherie's Teepee --Updated XBlind-DarknessX's Teepee --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee --Updated [Mistress Morbid]'s Teepee
16th January --Updated Kara Asumie's Teepee --Updated Nikkichomp's Teepee --Created new teepee for Nyx Queen of Darkness --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Tirokio's Teepee --Updated DraconisSiirexus's Teepee
17th January --Created teepee for Pandie Andie --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Assisted Apple Blossom19 --Created teepee for Apple Blossom19 --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated icy serenade's Teepee --Updated Of The Epidemic's Teepee --Updated Candle Wick Ghost's Teepee
18th January --Updated sesshiyasha's Teepee --Updated Etruuco's Teepee --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s Teepee --Updated Lady_Ourania's Teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Created teepee for RadientRose Midnight --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Lunadriel's Teepee --Updated dbz2010's Teepee --Updated ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee
19th January --Updated Roserain's Teepee --Updated Angelique DelaMort's Teepee --Updated LydaLynn's Teepee --Updated jinxgirl5's Teepee --Checked stats for Mindsend --Updated Tara de Draiocht's Teepee --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s Teepee --Updated FallenThroughMidnight's Teepee
20th January --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee
21st January --Updated LydaLynn's Teepee --Updated Revel1984's Teepee --Updated Kara Asumie's Teepee --Updated Kamiki's Teepee
22nd January --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Updated RockerWolfie1616's Teepee --Updated Sabin Duvert's Teepee --Updated Natelie's Teepee --Updated Bardess Ookami's Teepee --Updated Fea Line's Teepee --Checked Nerpin's stats --Contacted Nerpin about stats
23rd January --Updated Roman Foi's Teepee --Update Kettyn's Teepee
24th January --Updated Lunadriel's Teepee --Updated Thamin's Teepee
25th January No requests
26th January --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee --Updated Kyrieko's Teepee --Updated `Swirly's Teepee --Updated Bardess Ookam's Teepee --Assisted AstoriaFallen
27th January --Updated II--Gen3sis--II's Teepee --Updated ~Twilight...Angel~'s Teepee
28th January --Updated Mewsings of An Angel's Teepee --Updated SilverShieldwolf's Teepee --Updated Mameha Otome's Teepee
29th January --Updated Strawberri Stardust's Teepee --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee --Updated LydaLynn's Teepee
30th January --Updated Lady Argentum Draconis's Teepee --Updated Frey Ghreyston's Teepee --Updated Summer Raven's Teepee --Updated catmagick's Teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Updated lysia_nyteblade's Teepee
31st January --Updated Tweekend's Teepee --Checked stats for Nisshou H --Updated Cajmera's Teepee --Updated Novablu's Teepee --Updated Revel1984's Teepee
Syaoran's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit - 5 (custom) = 5
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits (-4 breeding) 1. 1/3/14: 1 new cert, 4 updated certs, my stuff 2. 1/8/14: 3 growth certs, 1 new cert, 2 updated certs 3. 1/12/14: 4 certs dropped! 4. 1/13/14: 2 new certs, 3 updated certs 5. 1/14/14: 4 new certs, my stuff 6. 1/16/14: 4 various certs, my stuff 7. 1/18/14: 8 various certs, my stuff 8. 1/22/14: 7 various certs, my stuff 9. Also 1/22/14: 4 more certs 10. 1/26/14: 7 various certs, my stuff 11. 1/29/14: 13 various certs Total: 67? I think? Throughout month: Answering questions, finding uncerts, deleting old posts off LR, etc.
Roni's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 6
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits -4 for Custom Kalona 1. Updated Lifemates Listing 2. Updated Broken Lifemates Listing 3. Answered Questions in Thread & via PM & AIM 4. Approved Staff Credit Usage for NCS 5. Stalked some RPs
Uta's SC: 23 + Monthly Credit - 4 (Custom) = 22
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits 01. 1/28/2014: 10 new certs 02. 1/29/2014: 12 new certs 03. 1/30/2014: 4 new certs 04. 1/31/2014: 4 new certs Misc: Managed Lunar New Year Flaffle ticket list
Nyoko's SC: 0 + Monthly credit = 3
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 24
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits o1. - Read rps o2. - Watched over plot threads to make sure they adhered to the rp rules o3. - Answered Questions of Patrons o4. - Helped find Certs/Uncerts o5. - Judged Yearly Spotlight contest
Tirokio's SC: 9 + Monthly credit = 12
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:22 am
February '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: 1. Oh god so much stuff. @_@ (Also credits over gold)
Mindsend's SC: 63 + Monthly credit = 66
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Malhith's SC: 31
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits 1. Stat update for January 2. Wrote and opened bonus questions 3. Stat list for February 4. Archived old threads 5. Cleaned the MCCL 6. Opened elders 7. Judged elders 8. Updated elders information thread and elders lists
Nisshou's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 17
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu Payment Type: Credits (-4 Breeding for Rita and Faid) 1. Helped Mal with list for flaffle
1st February --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee --Updated Apple Blossom19's Teepee --Updated ladyfirefox89's Teepee --Updated Tamiko_kitten's Teepee --Updated AislingJuno's Teepee --Updated Ryuukishin's Teepee --Updated Lady Aria Starstone's Teepee --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee
2nd February --Updated Pandora Talie's Teepee
3rd February --Updated Cajmera's Teepee --Updated Divena's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Updated Phail Ninja's Teepee --Updated tefla's Teepee
5th February --Updated Summer Raven's Teepee --Updated LydaLynn's Teepee --Updated Ishtanballa's Teepee --Updated Natsuko-neko's Teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee
6th February --Updated zephira738's Teepee --Updated Nymphalidae's Teepee --Updated Amira Keller's Teepee --Updated Kettyn's Teepee
7th February --Updated Roserain's Teepee --Checked stats for Nisshou H --Updated kaliskanny's Teepee
8th February --Updated Kamiki's Teepee --Updated Sabin Duvert's Teepee --Updated Kiara Lime's Teepee --Created a teepee for AstoriaFallen --Updated Teepee Listings
9th February --Updated LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee --Updated one over three's Teepee --Updated Kara Asumie's Teepee --Updated Kamiki's Teepee --Updated Azael_Rose's Teepee --Updated tefla's Teepee --Updated AislingJuno's Teepee --Created a Teepee for Huntress_Silverwing --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Fatal Irony's Teepee
10th February --Updated Huntress_Silverwing's Teepee --Updated Milady Emerald's Teepee --Created Teepee for Lollipop x L u x u r y --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee
11th February No requests
12th February No requests
13th February --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's Teepee --Updated JetAlmeara's Teepee --Updated dbz2010's Teepee
14th February --Updated Mameha Otome's Teepee --Updated icy serenade's Teepee --Updated bella dea's Teepee --Updated kaliskanny's Teepee --Updated Angelique DelaMort's Teepee
15th February --Checked stats for Nisshou H --Updated Cricket2008's Teepee --PMed Cricket2008 about stat rolling methods --Updated [+Katch+]'s Teepee
16th February --Updated Snow_Leopard_Anthro's Teepee --Updated bella dea's Teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's Teepee --Requested stat correction from Nyx Queen of Darkness
17th February --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's Teepee --Updated Kaitaia's Teepee --Updated stormflower's Teepee
18th February --Updated Tweekend's Teepee --Updated Celestial Requiem's Teepee --Updated -Diamond-Elephant-'s Teepee --Updated SylverStar's Teepee --Updated Lestragne's Teepee
19th February --Updated Feydrah's Teepee --Updated Lestragne's Teepee
20th February --Updated Faithofthefallen's Teepee --Updated Lady_Ourania's Teepee --Updated Azael_Rose's Teepee
21st February --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee
22nd February --Updated II--Gen3sis--II's Teepee --Updated Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee
23rd February --Updated ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee --Created a Teepee for SwordOfTheDarkOnes --Updated Teepee Listings
24th February --Updated Bardess Ookami's Teepee --Updated one over three's Teepee
25th February --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee
26th February --Updated Lestrange's Teepee
27th February --Updated Divena's Teepee --Updated [X]Natty-Chan[X]'s Teepee --Updated AislingJuno's Teepee --Updated Thamin's Teepee
28th February --Updated magnadearel's Teepee --Updated Uta's Teepee
Syaoran's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit - 4(breeding) = 4
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits (-1 credit for event freebie upgrade. -5 credits for mutant suti) 1. 2/2/14: 2 new certs, 5 various updated certs 2. 2/3/14: 3 new certs, 1 cert update 3. 2/8/14: 2 new certs, 13 various updates, my stuffs 4. 2/11/14: 10 cert updates, my stuffs 5. 2/19/14: 14 various updates, my stuffs 6. 2/25/14: 14 soquili certs, 6 familiar certs, my stuffs 7. 2/27/14: 1 growth cert, 1 updated cert Total: 72 certs?! Throughout month: Answering questions, finding uncerts, deleting old posts off LR, etc.
Roniel's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit - 1 - 5 = 3
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits 1. Stalked RPs 2. Answered Questions In Thread/Via AIM & PM 3. Found Uncerts 4. Updated Lifemates List 5. Updated Broken Lifemates List
Uta's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 25
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits (-5 Custom Mutant Hippokirin) 01. 2/2/2014: 1 new cert, 1 cert update 02. 2/3/2014: 5 new certs 03. 2/9/2014: 3 new certs, 6 familiar certs 04. 2/11/2014: 1 new cert 05. 2/12/2014: 3 new certs, 2 familiar certs 06. 2/13/2014: 5 growth certs 07. 2/15/2014: 7 familiar certs 08. 2/16/2014: 1 familiar cert 09. 2/17/2014: 1 familiar cert 10. 2/18/2014: 8 new certs 11. 2/19/2014: 9 new certs 12. 2/23/2014: 1 new cert 13. 2/24/2014: 2 new certs Misc: Rolled Lunar New Year Flaffle and notified winners; Managed Drunken Cupid 2014 Valentine's Day Mixer ticket list; Finding certs and uncerts
Nyoko's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit - 5(custom) = 1
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin (back in at Uta's invitation) February 24: Sorra, Dante Quinn-Dupre, Caym Quinn-Dupre, Mizuki, Nemesis Dazbog, Avia, Nereus Lelamos, Tenebros, Vergil Quinn-Dupre, Malachai, Seto, Caelferys, Raziel, Taylor, Jin'Kari, Xersis, Rui, Cadence Amachi, Galactious, Kallisti, Falsetto Amachi Feb 25: Jehzara, Knightmare, Tumble Bug Airay, Arianwyn, BW Wisp, Remiel, Thatcher, Fletcher, Vanya Caladwen, Khonvoum Pakhe Feb 26: Dante, Mahdi, Grayce, Jabez, Eyther, Aether, Zeath, Coique, Elvira, Rifted Nereus, Bobbi, Feiurce, Berceuse Chopin Amachi, Hari, Hocus Pocus, Uturuncu'Aya, Eternal Sonata, Solace, Vincento Sinclair Feb 27: Jade Primrose. Sithis Padomay, Keiren, Kararti, Artemis, Lay Still, Anatra, Pato, Symric, Tanzi, Lilium, Fumeina Namae, Ushinawareta Namae, Persephone, Diablo, Synder, Allaminar, Mudsprocket Dustwallow, Wyrmbog Dustwallow, Alarion Total: 70 added to the new OL Payment Type: Credits
Samuel's SC: 24 + Monthly Credit = 27
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits 1.Read Rps 2. Stalked plot threads
Tirokio's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 15
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:25 am
March '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: Credits 1. SAME STUFF AS EVERY MONTH + MANAGE THE WISHING STAR LIST PRE ROLLING/organizing signup for it
Mindsend's SC: 66 + Monthly credit = 69
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Malhith's SC: 31
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits 1. Stat update for Feb 2. Wrote and opened bonus questions for March 3. Stat list for March 4. RP qualification update
Nisshou's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 20
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu Payment Type: Credits 1. Hosted/judged games. (1) Firefly catching (2) Rebirth Wordsearch (3) Riddle me this! (4) Deep in the Labyrinth (5) Spring in Bloom (6) RP contest
1st March --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's Teepee --Updated Niyaru Delacroix's Teepee
2nd March --Checked stats for Mindsend --Updated Moxxiie's Teepee
3rd March --Updated one over three's Teepee
4th March No requests
5th March --Requested more details from xXToxicIllusionsXx --Updated Insane Butterfly's Teepee
6th March --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee --Updated -MoomoolatteCha-'s Teepee --Updated I Lady Kiya I's Teepee --Created a Teepee for xXToxicIllusionsXx --Updated Teepee Listings
7th March --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee
8th March --Updated MoonRazor's Teepee
9th March --Updated Sabin Duvert's Teepee --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Updated Syaoran-Puu's Teepee
10th March --Updated XBlind-DarknessX's Teepee --Updated Ryuukishin's Teepee
11th March --Checked stats for Nisshou H
12th March --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Created New Teepee for Nemesis Valkyrie --Requested details from Nemesis Valkyrie --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated Kamiki's Teepee
13th March --Updated Nemesis Valkyrie's Teepee
14th March --Updated Ririka's Teepee --Requested correction from Ririka --Updated Roniel Targaryen's Teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee
16th March --Updated Elfstar89 and Geyser Eelborn's Teepee --Answered Elfstar89's Question --Updated ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ 's Teepee --Requested details from ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ --Answered SwordOfTheDarkOnes' Question --Updated Pinkdog's Teepee --Created New Teepee for Yushika --Updated Teepee Listing
17th March --Updated SwordOfTheDarkOne's Teepee --Updated ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~'s Teepee
18th March --Updated Cheyriddle4's Teepee --Updated Pinkdog's Teepee
19th March --Answered Apple Blossom19's Question
22nd March --Updated Snow_Leopard_Anthro's Teepee --Updated Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee
23rd March --Updated Apotropaics' Teepee --Answered ATHeart's Question --Updated Evening Night's Teepee (lilmissy4205) --Created FrostyPeaches' Teepee --Updated Teepee Listing --Answered SwordOfTheDarkOnes' Question --Updated StarieMichie's Teepee --Updated SwordOfTheDarkOnes Teepee --Updated Angelique DelaMort's Teepee --Answered Brosephiine's Question --Updated Infinities' Teepee --Answered Infinities' Question --Updated Lady Argentum Draconis's Teepee --Updated Faid Shadowlight's Teepee --Updated Malikztiah Ankhere's Teepee --Created new teepee for ATh e a r t --Updated Teepee Listings --Created new teepee for Brosephiine --Updated Teepee Listings
25th March --Checked stats for Nisshou H --Updated SwordOfTheDarkOnes's Teepee --Updated Lady in the Golden Wood's Teepee --Updated -Diamond-Elephant-'s Teepee --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee --Updated mistalina13's Teepee --Created teepee for Noga Eldritch --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated one over three's Teepee --Updated Sabin Duvert's Teepee --Updated Kamiki's Teepee
26th March --Updated Tirokio's Teepee --Answered Noga Eldritch's question --Updated stormflower's Teepee --Updated FrostyPeaches' Teepee --Updated Mahogany Sunset's Teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness --Created a Teepee for Draconian_Peacock --Updated Teepee Listings --Updated lysia_nyteblade's Teepee --Updated Noga Eldritch's Teepee
27th March --Updated xXToxicIllusionsXx's Teepee --Updated Cheyriddle4's Teepee --Updated Apotropaics's Teepee
28th March --Updated o-Elixir-o's Teepee
29th March --Updated LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee
31st March --Requested information from Celestial Requiem --Updated Infinities' Teepee --Updated saedusk's Teepee --Updated Bardess Ookami's Teepee --Updated FrostyPeaches' Teepee --Requested information from Snow_Leopard_Anthro
Syaoran's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 7
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits 1. 3/2/14: 3 new certs, 5 updated certs, my stuff 2. 3/4/14: 6 various certs, my stuff 3. 3/9/14: 10 various certs 4. 3/13/14: 2 certs 5. 3/14/14: 8 updated certs 6. 3/21/14: 14 various certs, my stuff 7. 3/25/14: 5 various certs 8. Also 3/25/14: 4 new certs, my stuff 9. 3/28/14: 6 new certs, my stuff 10. 3/29/14: 4 various certs, my stuff Total: 67 Throughout month: Finding uncerts, deleting old posts of LR, locking old feedback threads, answering questions, running games in the event, etc
Roniel's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit = 6
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits 1. Stalking the RPs 2. Answering Feedback Forum Things 3. Answering Questions via PM & IM 4. Updating LIfemate Listing 5. Updating Broken Lifemate Listing 6. Being a Soq Janitor :3
Uta's SC: 25 + Monthly Credit = 28
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits (-1 Event Freebie Upgrade) (-2 Unedited Custom Wind/Kelpi Hybrid) 1. 3/3/2014: 1 new cert 2. 3/9/2014: 2 new certs 3. 3/12/2014: 1 familiar cert 4. 3/14/2014: 1 new cert, 1 familiar cert 5. 3/16/2014: 4 familiar certs 6. 3/19/2014: 2 new certs, 1 cert update 7. 3/22/2014: 3 new certs, 1 cert update 8. 3/24/2014: 4 new certs 9. 3/29/2014: 3 new certs, 1 familiar cert Misc: Managed Re-Opening Achievement Raffle ticket list; Ran Mountain Trail CYOA event; Ran Google Scavenger Hunt event; Finding certs and uncerts
Nyoko's SC: 1 + Monthly Credit - 1(upgrade) - 2(custom) = 1
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin (-4 for breeding) Ran: Leap and Hop dice game Judged: Spring in Bloom, 2 RP contests
March 2: Lyric, Alexander, Boris Airay, Taharial, Galious, Maexxna Dustwallow, Lelandi, Thelchtereia, Paavai, Keira, Hanami Li, Sephora Querida, Hugo, Kamon, Miira, Omaka, Kaze Li, Lambert, Sabishii Namae, Vioo, Kaiaraiu, Syd&n, Akurai Namae, Hal O'Ween, Adella, Fayette, Juniper, Frost, Kohana Li, Calla March 3: Sugarquill, Pixarella Candituff, Mae, Zopyros Bones, Bakkenefi, Solys, Desdemona, Arkesh Coppertak, Claudette Sinclair, Vodadragan, Sakari Seiko, L&thien Tin&viel, Dark Side, Dima, Ren'ai Keri, Saxon Sinclair, Trent, Liberty March 4: Emerson Gray, Albedo, Ezili, Edelweiss, Nidaw, Sable, Caoimhe, Nessie, L'inglesou, Anzu, Letitia Grace Whitlock, Hatza Dragonmoon, Cherry Sweetiepie, Reflexion du Soleil, Vedis, Green Prince, Darius Mattius Cullen, Sulo, Proserpina, Dardanos, Misaki, Aleemah, Mi Ren Ko March 5: Retro Jethro, Reese Lightning, DD Butters, Artemesia, Mauja Seiko, Brishen Stargazer, Poisson l'amour, Amor Locheart, Dija, Jacare, Aislyn, Styx, Sengdroma, Fathom, Purnoma, Tuulikki, Spock, A Reckless Affair, Zade Dragonmoon, Niaram Dragonmoon, Umeko, Ishtar, Loddigesia, Mirabilis, Royce March 6: Mar'liel, Asmodeus, Flael, Nerissa Katalin, Terror Incognita, Azazel, Lorelai, Shunsui Kyoraku, Lilel, Hakkar, Zenoskelis, Jushiro Ukitake, Elijah, Xecir, Tok'Kal, Darling, Tsalar, Fellithysaar March 7: ??, Dzigits, Qiao, Vibrance, Bittersweet Lullaby, Himitsu Namae, Napoli, Pizzly, Bear, Arlequin, Qing, Daithi, Francesca, Nashide Namae, Dagan, Aurora Canon, Nova's Harmony, Nukpana, Alestra Saito March 8: Mingzhu, Powhatan, Gulzar, Sykes, Emichou, Blossom, Patina, Joey March 10: Maevlynn, Tanakh, Samsara, Noah Relandori, Asariel, Pembroke, L& B&i, Aesop, Innsmouth, James Tiberius Kirk, Luke Relandori, Xiaodan, Muna Relandori, ??, Arabella Nox March 11: Mariposa Vorhees Blackcape, Caiyne, Grizz, Bear, Valkyrie, Delft, Dr. Hooves, Zeru de Chiel, Avada Kedavra, Aeowyn, Inequity, Laurel, Glacier, Legend March 13: Kosjenka, Bastien, Cassius, Atal'ai, Casual Pendulum, Ru'Zah, Light, Lyra, Hai'Watna, Rhea, Shatha, Madison, Jase, Lluvia, Nicoletta, Danute Vykatys, Arcadeamiss, Ahmri Enzi, Poco A Poco, Marcus, Ohanko, B'Ellana, Abraxas, Labyrinth, Luno Atigrado, Sebastian March 14: Chinook, ???, Nellene, Tristan, Saffron, Kuusamo, Anushka, Giconi, Joseph, Void, Alkiear, Connor, Samhain, Anastasia, Honor, Baron Ogoun, Cael, Priyanka, Herbacea, Roarian Aloysius Beuregard, Acilino, Macklyn, Duncan, Yngvarr the Viking, Alder, Alora, Rephaim, Vesper, Cassitaya, Rosenem, Pali Zindelo, Giuseppe, Zavis, Evea Dove, Minali Azzara, Justice, Moto Maji, Rosalie, Thranduil, Pythagoras, Zana, Meridah, Lil' Stitch, Dele'niore, Carlisle, Fawn, Algernon, Corisande, Akuma'Nacht March 15: ???, Dragon, Winter Sakura, Dimitrii, Eino, Adela, Evelyn, Amon Murray, Regret, Akos, Timpani Forte Amachi, Arcturus Lucifus, Nai'a Aa'liha, Claves Forte Amachi, Adrian, ???, Makenzy, Rashka, Growlithe, Koora, Maleperduis, Storm Horizon, Jadeite, Quinlan, Lyric Amachi, Marlowe, Chalcedony, Akuma March 18: Lord Kaipo Solana, Phantom, Hepyial, Colette, Teni'i Shinbi, Pheobe, Ereshkigal, Meredith, Vevina, Hr&svelgr, Frerin, Cyanide Stardust, Viveka, Anevay, Siavash, Everley, Beastie, Thanos, Buddy Wiser, Malum&, Enchant&, Ginger, Black Beauty, Dibe, Callistus, T&r Cuauht&moc, The Prince Walt, Zerua Jaio March 19: Sherlock, Sunsong, Luana, Vilkas Black, Taronyu, Gatsby, Kalea, Auden, Shika-Nijiino, Badgey, Kay, Moonsong, Leonardo, Abyss, Maeryn, Jon Snow, Klementine, Tribou, Amaterasu, Tyrin, Amenophis, Naranbaatar, Pan, ???, Garland, Arya Stark, Tierehl, Ophion, Howl Black, ???, Naja Lallida, Ramirez, Cin&ed, ???, Volaille, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Rhodesia, Lantian, Indian Paint March 20: Sans Merci, Amberly, Drakaina, Kyran, Sybaris, Euterpe, George, Stommerd, Wish, Mycena, Arianna Roseheart, Chanterelle, Lamia, Vanilla Swirl, Yara, Canter, Elysia
Total: 359 added to new OL Payment Type: Credits
Samuel's SC: 27 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 26
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits -Return from haitus on 18th -Read rps and plot threads -Managed and held two guild games for reopening event Payment type: Credits
Tirokio's SC: 15 + Monthly Credit = 18
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:28 am
April '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: just credits no gold. NEVER GOLD 1. Teepees 2.meetings 3. Setting stuff up 4. Organizing 5. Answering questions 6. Asking questions 7. Forwarding questions 8. Herding Cats 9. Same stuff different day EVERY MONTH IS THE SAME THING XD
Mindsend's SC: 69 + Monthly credit = 72
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: Oops. I forgot about these. >.> 1. Flaffles (familiar and soqs)
Malhith's SC: 31 + Monthly Credit = 33
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits (-22 for megamutant custom) 1. Stat and bonus stat update for March 2. Closed bonus questions 3. Stat list for April
Nisshou's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit - 22(custom) = 1
Spotlights/Teepees: Syaoran-Puu Payment Type: Credits 1. 4th April --Updated Snow_Leopard_Anthro's Teepee --Updated Celestial Requiem's Teepee --Created new teepee for Lady Evelon --Updated Teepee Listings --Requested more information from Laroawan --Updated Gl!tch~'s Teepee --Updated SwordOfTheDarkOnes' Teepee --Answered SwordOfTheDarkOnes's Questions --Requested more information from Nyx Queen of Darkness --Updated .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s Teepee --Updated LydaLynn's Teepee --Updated Rhyleigh's Teepee --Requested more information from techabyte --Updated Angelique DelaMort's Teepee --Updated CitrusCupcake's Teepee --Updated bella dea's Teepee --Updated NovaCracker's Teepee --Updated Brosephiine's Teepee --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's Teepee --Updated Laroawan's Teepee --Updated techabyte's Teepee
5th April --Updated dawns_aura's Teepee --Updated XxXPandamoniumXxX's Teepee --Updated RockerWolfie1616's Teepee --Updated Faid Shadowlight's Teepee --Requested information from Moxxiie --Requested information from Rita Zyon --Updated Nymphalidae's Teepee --Updated tefla's Teepee --Updated ArashiX's Teepee --Requested information from Phail Ninja
6th April --Updated Moxxiie's Teepee --Updated Phail Ninja's Teepee --Updated Rita Zyon's Teepee --Updated Gl!tch~'s Teepee
7th April --Updated mangshra's Teepee
8th April No requests
9th April --Updated Rita Zyon's Teepee --Requested information from Vistada --Updated Nyx Queen of Darkness's Teepee --Updated Wasteland Wyvern's Teepee --Updated Teepee Listings
10th April --Updated Vistada's Teepee --Updated Kettyn's Teepee --Updated xxx Yuki Bear xxx's Teepee
12th April --Updated Cajmera's Teepee --Updated Mameha Otome's Teepee --Updated Fatal Irony's Teepee
Syaoran's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit = 10
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits (-4 custom cerynei-flutter for Mahogany Sunset) 1. 4/2/14: 2 certs, 1 breeding drop! 2. 4/4/14: 12 certs 3. 4/5/14: 5 certs 4. 4/9/14: Dropped Whisk x Vesia foals 5. 4/10/14: 4 certs dropped 6. 4/14/14: 5 various updates 7. 4/17/14: 2 updates 8. 4/22/14: 3 certs 9. 4/25/14: 3 certs 10. 4/29/14: 1 cert, a bunch of my stuff Total: 38 certs Throughout month: Deleting old LR posts, freezing old feedback threads, answering questions, etc...
Roniel's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit - 4(custom) = 5
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits (-4 for Custom Kalona for Spelldancer) 1. Updated Lifemates List 2. Updated Broken Lifemates List 3. Added Tepees 4. Answered Questions via PM & IM 5. Stalked RP Plot Thread 6. Did Co-Own Management Things
Uta's SC: 28 + Monthly Credit - 4(custom) = 27
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits (-4 Breeding) 1. 04/01/2014: 1 new cert, 4 cert updates, 1 familiar cert 2. 04/09/2014: 4 new certs 3. 04/10/2014: 6 new certs 4. 04/13/2014: 4 new certs, 1 cert update 5. 04/17/2014: 2 new certs, 1 cert update, 4 familiar certs 6. 04/18/2014: 3 new certs 7. 04/29/2014: 4 new certs, 3 cert updates, 3 familiar certs
Nyoko's SC: 1 + Monthly Credit - 4(breeding) = 0
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin (-4 for Custom (Niobet) )
April 1: Orix, Legato Goldst?, Trielae, Artax, Iregi, Fynn, Iona, Nori, Daniel, Supernova Overture, Enox, Delia, Poponi, Rishi, Rajiv, Orrin, Shadena, Abigail, Ranger, Ceriana Faye, Westley, Jumana, Kayode April 4: Arturo Dragonkin, Amasis, ???, Tyria's Requiem, Dacian, Romeo, Aberdeen, Celegras, Brendah, Verity, Hikari, Gypsy Rose, Rembrandt, Destry Rose, Sahaja's Reverie, Delmaria Windrose, Scythe, Syri, ???, Sylarvil, Onora, Sharada, Kalila, Br&nach, Atticus April 5: Aquilo, Demara, Hetienne, Dyumna, Hikaru, Shangukeid&, Iphegenia, Kaimana, Abolyn, Altsoba, Wren, Victoriana, Destati, The Name Thief, J&rngr&mur, Pyralis, Imani, Noel, Nanaea, Xquic, Jesenya, Zar'roc, Aedan, Nevara, Mercy, ???, Tigren, Moncerrath, Kusuma, Aka Manah, Peccavi Gravis, Finlay, ???, Elpidius, Oranb&s, Charon, Drucilla, Lord Misaki, Finny, Elvira, Akeldama, Virgil, Axelle, Odin, Phury, Payne, Pankratios, Thales, Azazel April 6: Cerridwen, Vulpine, Adria, Douma, Caelen Xyre, Ipswich, C&n Annwn, Loriana, Tizona, Shamshir, Adagio, Claymore, Kaskara, Inugami, Moira, Kaila Kalani, Eadric, Macaria, Yevadah, Hresvelgr, Killian, Jacklynn, Sahaqiel, Casimir, Lyra, Angus, Gareth, Kailum Loren, Alder, Ast&cia Protecció, Nemain April 7: Voshell Lieven, Surrender Black, Arook, Indilwen, Harlequin, ???, Lynnesse, Kali Lillian, Ga&l, ???, Magnus, Ciyana, Sophie, Aneurin, Nanda, Lucinda, Drako, ???, Aiko, Camilla Draculesti, Elisabeta Draculesti, Semira, Gwydion Arwel, Lady Viviane Pendragon, Chaldene, Kalea, Awahi, Schuyler Addison, Chidi, Mimiteh, Nicolai Draculesti, Revien, Kaelin, ???, Morgella, Sir Taliesin Pendragon, Growl, ???, Tryphaina, Zeilvar, Tatiana, Alexiel, Chosovi, Aleda April 8: Cetioscolopendra Aeliania, Lanich, Bindi, Nebula, Ayumi, Ravana, ???, Bl&&n, Tethys Ceto, Kye, Rhylee, Hypatia Alexandra, Black Death, Iskra, Mato, Kaimana, Claudia, Brighid, Eclipse, Athena Alexandra, Tyger, Cygnus, Roxana, Yeter'el, Lemmiwinks, Castiel, Porfirio, Aso, Rentier, Shaelyn, Galaxia, Sydnei, Kuri, Cepheus, Ibrido, Brightrayne, Ambryn Rose April 9: Aodan, Luciferin, Safyr, Angra Mainyu, Strife, Risasi Nyota, Isi, Isaiah, Blaine, Anatolia, Royal, Sebastian, Reina, Tian, Mariko, Khamisi, Precious Hope, Odhr&n, Fallon, Helix, Irridessa April 10: Princess Rajani, Thaddeus, Bilbo Baggins, Rayne, Amarice, Sita, Raina, Trystan, Twilight, Aiyana, Viktor, Skah Achak Shen, Iphis, Ky& S&ma, Ir&, Amaluna, Maeve, Amaranth Amora, Tropo Ex?, Bonacieux, Leesa Meadows, Ziriel, Sikkhar, Artaxes, Harper, Opeyemi, Kristoff, Yuuka, Silver Mist, Rhydian, Ciela, Vasu, Lady Eirwen, Tallulah, Rhaegar Targaryen, Caspian, Tikit, Merlin, Winona, Isolde, Argyris, Seline de Papilio, Jonna Baker, Mosh, Batibat Lili, Njola, Tytain April 11: Dorielle, Bunna, Valerian, Sati, Lucien, Eliora, Tiana, Aiyana, Alhana, Lin, Cyclone, Asura Vritra de Sangre, Tsuki Sachi, Thorim, Roshashan, Philip Thackery Perfetto, Artaius,Tallulah, Vervain, Solaris, Xyshren, Mimir, Felicity, Gekko'rhi, Light, Keegan Flynn, Inanna, Alaka'i, Kalidasa, Felicia, Esmi, Fracas Mephit?, Riley, Carefree, Angelita Calavera, Leq'eyleq'ey, Tygress Nadine, Psyche, Amelia, Arryna, Kren, Tazi, Colby, Dakota, Ryuukai, Lilith, Khalilah Raya April 14: Amadahy, Conleth, Alis, Crisant, I'mani, Yoo Baek, Keflee, Calavera, Zephyr, Sibbi, Cecilia, Finale, Nebula, Sophistry, Wynne, Aelithe, Wretch, Sciath, Bing Bang, Garlon, Zenstar, Candy Corn, October, Pyrrhus, Taliesin, Stormy Night, Lykke, Walla Walla, Bracken, Sora, Annushka, Kili, xander, Ignatius, Neave, Nimet, Cefin, Viserys Targaryen, Atlas, Rein, Erasto, Raven, Alauli, Victor, Hunahpu, Yiska, Xolotlcoatl, Electro Nilla, Al sa'd al Matar, Israfel, Yazoo, Uhra, Greer, Dragoona, Mirat, Phosqere, Corvus Mortuus, Corrigan, Kuma Pau'a, Wynter Fury, Inferno, Smaug, Heikili, Kadenze, Tohma, Liam, Marshmarrow, Fire Brande, Linnea, Vartan, Kneecap April 15: Mae, Dhavan, Nebula's Hymn, Tenzin, Merete, Coralia, Corwin, Kayo, Narcissus, Allidaine, Lucian Al'Noire, Perdita de Helcegaear, Oriana, Devicius, Belvanire, Syrrin, Ruadh&n, Pembroke, Fresa de Chocolate, Meme, Heart, Artemis, Karei, Yukine, Lihi Xiang, Nadira, Kikokuryu, Beau, Jules, Menta de Chocolate, Nightingale, Stargazer, Lamiales, Kaneonuskastew, Belvedere, Mauhur, Kun Bai, Jia Li, Peregrine Took, Xiao Xing, Zyanya, Sari, Trent, Trevor, Mansi, Apollo, Fanaqua, Milosh, Maverick Ross April 16: Kitkun, Tullius, Funa, Namir, Zaika, Cassini, Lunitari, China, Bright Eyes, Tristan, Keelin, Miyuki, Octane, Aruna, Yvona, Yakinoru, Bulena "Bob" Stronghammer, Jordinet, Treyhsin, Boum'ba, Kahanu, Arbutus, Cyanide, Tramonto, Mekaisto, Nidhug Cimctiere, Yikwatin, Xiuying, Taran Zhu, Thaddeus, Moam, Noxious, Dun Bao, Aldavar, Aquilo, Jorah Mormont, Severin April 17: Elysia, Cherish, Xue Fang, Bliss, Arithyl, Kyad Encantador, Ichiou, Eliora, Gao Feng, Lorimer Encantador, Phantasm, Strawberry Panic, Heha-Nimsup, Fionn, Calamity Jane, Uriel, Powder, Minx, Erynion, Eoghan, Rosenkruez, Fang Hua, Darcy Lord Adair, Fili, Dis, Asmodeus, Ëala Liant&, Gael, Kaiko, Soleil, Prince Pinkie, Aellai, Bacillus, Mornidian, Daimhin, Rennigan, Chuay Gahn, Mahlar, Meru, Parthenia Moon, Thanatos, Jarn Ragnarok, Stasya, Hydro, Thundara, Armelle, Dalanis, Palila, Taelia April 18: Horus, Ceto, Ishtar, Cadenza, Chanterelle, Gainesh, Wretch, Taran, Arundhati, Pyper, Zaine, Xanthus, Austin, Arianna, Chayse, Gunkan, Bedford, Cordelia, Acacia, Lament, Aella, Icarus, Cher Ami, Faunus, Nariko, Io, Lyric Willow, Caledon, Ravindra, Rallie, Kundan, Lokesvara, Flynn, Ichisumi, Hearse Macabre, Matlalihuitl, Sugar Pie, Vesper, Gabriel, Hania Shen, Zachariah, Astraea, Vesta April 21: Cynder Song, Faustine, Gypsy, Alianna, Bastion, Ember Heart, Radha, Pyrros, Sugar Skull, Cirein-Cr&in, Jareth, Tourmaline, Maesyn, Taranis ElÇin, Wohali Usti, Thelchtereia, Z'en Gruk, Acionna, Croatoan, Oterma, Duliidsdi, Tabetha the Swamp Witch, Shinsei, Kerr Irvine, Nantosuelta, Kalila, Edwin Flew, Comply or Die "Hastings", Inola, Aodhag&n Cathair Ruznetsou, Zuleikha, Aurora, Teague "Flurry" Tiarn&n, Antheia, Sujieko, Sadalsuud, Misae, Vivietta, Kyriakos, Waka Waka Bang Splat Tick Tick Hash, Nenetl, Leilani, Maverik, Arathorn, Lux Flamma, Volare, Yvaine, Nastunye, Antonio April 22: Sara, Illareth, Tia Dulce, Crimson Petal, Eyota, Brighton, Nicodemus, Danica, Hero, Elanor, Florian, Zimri, Riidkii, Killian, Shania Leigh, Lucia, Starling, Illarion, Falsetto Amachi, Vanya, E&ryend&, Vasilissa, Eden, Hohkmah, Maucie, Zeldin, Enoch, Amadahy Tadewi, Orpheus, Marigold, Zamiel, Merrick, Pyrothraxus, Macalania, Ny'alde Steelfeather, Y&lie, Yggdrasil, Laeh, Eiryn, Ur&vion, Erythrite, Irissa, Tanzanite, Aleksy, Chitsa Wakan Catori, Tai'Qiang April 23: Adalind Sangfroid, Perenna, Pyralis, Huan Qing, Yumiko, Lysander, Koi, Lyonesse, Akis Sangfroid, Bryden Rivers Bloodraven, Naamah, Ember, Lor&an, Sonata Requiem, Skipper, Thraxata'rymara, Euterpe, Teagan, Bondi, Duka, Nakoma Chetanluta, Eoin, Amadeus, Amit'zeru, Myrllin, Vestarian, Kestrel "Kes" Delacey, Parthenos, Brishen, Yngvar, Seterah, Mazatl, Rouxe, Kaliq, Isilm& Taur&, Sohca, Moana, Charlotte, Lalita, Paku'iku'i, Lin, Blight, Rhamiel, Lissianna, Pumpkin Spice, Umbra, Fairin, Hermes, Nadezhda April 24: Aphrodite, Algedi, Axelrodi, Antigua, Asha, Anomaly, Alcyone, Alcyone 2, Atsadi, Aquamarine, Apoletta, Atlantis, Atlantis 2, Amphirica "Chica", Architeuthis, Alailiel, Anguis, Amitola, Amphitrite, Ashen, Adriatic, Andromeda's Nocturne, Aizure-e, Ayane, Alohilani, Apatite, Ashutosh, Aviel, Ahote, Argus, April Showers, Aqua, Aku'mai, Alophiidae, Amara Pearl, Amaya, Asilia, Acquanetta, Ameline, An'Jeli (40) April 25: Epitaph, Vezian, Yanamari, Ollie, Anchovy, Cyrwrynn, Babet Sejour, Bacardi, Bastian, Calder, Carcharias, Bonaventure, Chatura Adri, Cuifen, Castellan, Carthage, Calfuray Arrats, Burgle Eye, Catfeesh, Blue Mystique, Chance McKinsey, Cee, Coviello Cassiel, Beijing, Cyllene, Beryllos, Conall, Caspian, Bmurglebrm, Belena, Blithe, Culatis, Clover, Cergen Telbran, Cade Milotic, Cadora Solace, Calder Nereus, Charon's Allemande, Catori, Benn'Joon, Bayard, Char, Barinthus, Cora, Caprice, Corralus, C&sar (47) April 28: Eveleen-Seancha& Duliisai, Daakara, Terra Nova, Desiderio, Darmilion, Evelyn, Feeding Frenzy, Djavan, Flotsam, Auster, Denika Lynn, Izefiah, Vasilisa, Ravyn, Unnr, Atiya, Eetu, Evangeline, Enipeus, Flatline, Enipeus 2, Davey Jones, Doc, Finn, 'Enakai, Eublephar, E&rwen, Fleming, Fiala, Fid&le, Emaera, Dellinger, Draco's Rhapsody, Dulcinea, Emilian Lovel, Domani (36) April 29: Glyssa, Ilex Blackthorn, Isma, Hedva, Hynne, Ikura Raukura, Gurky, Gahz'Rilla, Guen, Hirame Sakana, Godiva, Isoba, Guo Nian, Gealach, Itzcali, Forbidden, Relic, Haizea, Orpheus, Alouette, Sky-Lit Fire, Sangria, Zamphyr, Zacharael, Ysandir, Therru, Nimueh, Quasar, Jiayi, Daimh&n, Ha'aheo, Ianthe, Hoax, Ilyrana, Gorgan Osiris, Isadora, Hannaloa, Ithiel, Guppy, Glamour, Ginx, Ikaroa, Hideaki, Ichthian, Iara, Hanon, Hachi, Inko, Guionetti, Hali'a Kikakapu (50) April 30: Kazeno Uta, Cerelia, Jaws, Joy, Keanu, Kane, Duga Couleur, Iziah, Kaito, Keilani, Kelsa, Kali, Onshell, Jordach, Jackknife, Ksajral, Keeva, Ukiah, Firesong, Koralo, Kura, Kanaka O Kai, Kisu Taonga, Kurage, Joey Tempest, Kalypse, Chane, Cole, Duer, Euthyphro, Ilum, Mencari, Saskia, Keiko, Kai, Kalani, Kyra, Midnight, Kaia, Gambit Winter, Eostre, Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Keleptis, J-Dawg, Kuya, Cassidy, Kimaea, Jetsam (4 cool
Total: 743 added to new OL Payment Type: Credits
Samuel's SC: 26 + Monthly Credit - 4(custom) = 25
RP: Tirokio .o1 - Stalked rps Payment Type: Credits
Tirokio's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit -1(freebie upgrade) = 20
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:30 am
May '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: credits no gold 1. REPEAT EVERYTHING THERE IS NO BREAK
Mindsend's SC: 72 + Monthly Credit = 75
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits (-3 for a custom for Caj) 1. Stat update for April 2. Stat list for May
Nisshou's SC: 1 + Monthly Credit - 3(custom) = 1
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits (-3 for custom uni for Summer Raven -1 for double bear familars ) 1. 5/3/14: 2 certs 2. 5/7/14: 1 cert 3. 5/9/14: 1 cert 4. 5/11/14: 8 certs 5. 5/15/14: 4 certs 6. 5/16/14: Dropped basket poppings for HG 7. 5/19/14: 5 certs 8. 5/26/14: 5 certs 9. 5/28/14: 5 certs 10. 5/39/14: 6 certs Total: 37 certs Throughout month: Cleaning out LR, freezing old feedback threads, finding things in the PB for people, answering questions... etc!
Roniel's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit - 1(familiars) - 3(custom) = 4
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits 1. Answered Questions 2. Updated Breeding Permission Front Page 3. Updated NCS Worklog Pages through December 15
Uta's SC: 27 + Monthly Credit = 30
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits 1. 05/12/2014: 4 new certs, 5 cert updates 2. 05/23/2014: 3 cert updates, 10 familiar certs 3. 05/29/2014: 7 new certs, 2 cert updates, 1 familiar cert
Nyoko's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin (-1 to give event angeni a domain; -4 for a breeding)
May 1: Miyu, Love Charge, Miloc, Melinda, Minali, Mano, Linden, Magnificent, Leauthea, Marion Requiem, Murky, Loch, Menthe, Lihua, Mian, Maristela, Lucid, Maritza, Marlea Requiem, Leucothea, Lola, Lake Fate, Lir, Lazulite, Meri, Marlowe, Mari, Marius Lazare, Melusina, Mrgl, Mayim, Magma, La Sirine, Luau Isle, Melusine, Mola Mola, Miracle, Meifeng, Molokai le Mahina, Lady Luck, Marley, Maeniel, Mariabella (43) May 2: Nuniel, Phycophyta, Nuerilia, Nenmau, Nori, Amaltheia, Pushmataha, Pez, Pelagius, Breath of Life, Ksiyemoshun Sikteqqiye, Precious Coral, Porphyra, Pelayo, Paikea, Neptune, Peigi, Pontas, Psamanthe, Naj'entus, Bedwyr, Calixte, Tin&viel, Ithill&n, Lynnea, Kalypso, Enaran, Paeva, Palaemon, Panlong, Nigiri, Mahuatl, Pamuya, Roslyn, Priscilla, Portokali, Primaveran, Opal, Faun, Chromaggia, Nerina, Oceania, Neri, Nikolai, Harbinger, Puakai, Phenomenon, Pukka, Osda Adanedi, Pavati Sik'is, Odaira (52) May 13: Rualie, Razzi Papparazzi, Stefanie, Andrus, Davros Skaro, Bryony, Sabine, Skald, Sashimi, Ro'I, Ren, Seibel Chirma, Frost, Amaya, Denji Haru Li, Rosylone, Rushlight, Arkifex, Qu Yuan, Epsilon, Weasley, Evolv, Genesis Rose, Corrado, Severi, The Necromancer, Swimdeep, Ayako "Tenshi", Ostara, Chroma, "Swamp Eye" Jarl, Blues, Miela, Gunnar, Sedna, Harper, Nad'daer, Rusalka, Keir Drexel Airay, Aurora, Sabrina, Quinta, Reila, Sahirah, Slipsand, Sharra, Shaeran, Citlali, Rosalina, Shui, Sidion, Sakkah, Sazhera, Ronga, Ricaran James, Kaeya, Steven, Sunhilda, Sverre, Jacilyn, Sawyer Mason, Malenki, Ziliaris, Athela, Revenant, Samebito, Sunarali, Sounansha (6 cool May 14: Zephyr, Tamveilen, Vegas, Veldaron, Uroko Banggai, Tamu, Tazanna, Zahavah, Vincent, Tytain, Vorpal the Frumious Snapper, Tank, Toby, Valencia, Ziv, Tethys, Varun, ???, Zelfrax, Tangaroa, Yongliang, Whisper, Umi-chan, Takida, Taro, Tukaitaua, Yanyu, Zuriel, Takali, Valentony, Trida
Samuel's SC: 25 + Monthly Credit - 1 (upgrade) - 4 (breeding) = 23
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits .o1 - Stalked rps
Tirokio's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit = 23
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:40 am
June '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: credits no gold 1. REPEAT EVERYTHING THERE IS NO BREAK
Mindsend's SC: 75 + Monthly Credit = 78
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits 1. Stat update for May 2. Stat list for June 3. NCS credit list update
Nisshou's SC: 1 + Monthly Credit = 4
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits 1. 6/2/14: 8 certs 2. 6/5/14: 4 certs 3. 6/8/14: 3 certs 4. 6/10/14: 6 certs 5. 6/14/14: 7 certs (throughout two drops, because I'm forgetful!), my stuff 6. 6/18/14: 3 certs 7. 6/22/14: 9 certs 8. 6/30/13: 3 certs Total: 43 certs Throughout month: Cleaning out LR, freezing old feedback threads, finding things in the PB for people, answering questions... etc!
Roniel's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 7
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits (-5 Domained Angeni Custom: Luck) 1. Answered questions via PM & IM 2. Updated the Broken Lifemates thread 3. Updated the Lifemates listing 4. Answered RP Queries
Uta's SC: 30 + Monthly Credit - 5 (custom) = 28
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits (-4 Breeding) 1. 06/14/2014: 1 new cert, 6 cert updates, 4 familiar certs 2. 06/29/2014: 2 new certs, 7 cert updates
Nyoko's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 2
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 23
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits (-4 for a breeding from Sarei!, -1 for 2 familiars from Mind) .o1 - Reading rps and checking on the plot threads .o2 - Grabbed uncerts from the photobucket
Tirokio's SC: 23 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) - 1 (familiars) = 21
Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:09 pm
July '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: 1. Did the teepees, got things set up for my leaving, and then flew out on the fourth. Additionally made Map and wrote information about the Kawani Gulf.
Mindsend's SC: 78 + Monthly Credit -10c for 20 familiars = 71
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits 1. Stat update for June 2. Stat list for July 3. Fixed the May workload list because what happened there? 4. NCS credit update
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 7
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits (-1 credit for custom items x2, -7 for purewalker and yearly cosplay) 1. 7/1/14: 2 sets of 2 growth certs 2. 7/6/14: 3 certs 3. 7/16/14: 4 certs 4. 7/20/14: 3 certs 5. 7/22/14: 11 certs (plus 4 undropped growth series certs) 6. 7/25/14: 7 certs 7. 7/29/14: 5 certs 8. 7/31/14: 3 certs Throughout month: Cleaning out LR, freezing old feedback threads, finding things in the PB for people, answering questions... etc!
Roniel's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit - 7 (custom) - 1 (upgrade) = 2
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits -4 for kalona breeding from Mind (Maeryn & Milosh) 1. Answered Questions via IM/PM/In-Thread 2. Monitored some RPs 3. Updated the Broken LIfemates Listing 4. Updated the Lifemates Thread 5. General Co-Owner Stuff & Maintenance
Uta's SC: 28 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 27
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits (-3 Custom Kelpi) 1. 07/20/2014: 3 new certs 2. 07/23/2014: 6 new certs, 1 cert update 3. 07/30/2014: 1 new cert, 2 cert updates
Nyoko's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit - 3 (custom) = 2
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 23
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits
.o1 - Stalked rps .o2 - Stalked plot threads .o3 - Managing teepee thread while Mind is away, all updates in red I have done in comparison to Mindsend's green. Will be doing this until she returns or there is an official hire?
Tirokio's SC: 21 + Monthly Credit = 24
Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:11 pm
August '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: 1. Same sh!t different month
Mindsend's SC: 71 + Monthly Credit = 74
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits (-1 Freebie upgrade) 1. Stat update for July 2. NCS Credit Update 3. Updated teepee listing for changed names 4. RP Qualifications list (08/02)
Nisshou's SC: 7 + Monthly Credit - 1 (upgrade) = 9
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits 1. 8/2/14: 6 various breeding certs 2. 8/4/14: Dropped growths 3. 8/5/14: 5 certs 4. 8/10/14: 2 certs 5. 8/11/14: 5 certs 6. 8/13/14: 5 certs 7. 8/14/14: 3 soquili with a combined 9 certs between them (skinwalker growths!) 8. 8/17/14: 5 certs 9. 8/18/14: Growths and 5 certs 10. 8/20/14: 7 various certs 11. 8/25/14: 2 certs 12. 8/27/14: 7 certs Throughout month: Cleaning out LR, freezing old feedback threads, finding things in the PB for people, answering questions... etc!
Roniel's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 5
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits 1. Answered Questions 2. Wrote & Set-Up Hiring 3. Wrote & Set-Up Rule Changes 4. Stalked some RPs
Uta's SC: 27 + Monthly Credit = 30
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits (-5 Custom Mutant Regular) 01. 08/07/2014: 7 new certs, 1 cert update, 4 familiar certs 02. 08/18/2014: 4 new certs, 2 cert updates 03. 08/29/2014: 5 new certs
Nyoko's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit - 5 (custom) = 0
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 23
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits (-4 for breeding w/ Mind) o1 - Watched over plot threads o2 - Read rps o3 - Gathered uncerts/certs
Tirokio's SC: 24 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 23
Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:13 pm
September '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: 1. SAME AS FREAKING ALWAYS
Mindesnd's SC: 74 + Monthly Credit = 77 - 7 credits = 70
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits (-4 Breeding Adagio/Zamyr) 1. Set up Stat RP Log for the month 2. Updating stats via stat RP log 3. Updated rules to accommodate stat rp log system transfer 4. Back stats update 5. Updated NCS credit counts
Nisshou's SC: 9 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 8
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits 1. 9/3/14: 5 certs 2. 9/6/14: 5 certs (+ some variants) 3. 9/7/14: 2 certs 4. 9/12/14: 3ish certs 5. 9/19/14: 2 certs (and foals!) 6. 9/21/14: 1 cert 7. 9/29/14: 7 certs Throughout month: Cleaning out LR, freezing old feedback threads, finding things in the PB for people, answering questions... etc!
Roniel's SC: 5 + Monthly Credit = 8
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits -4 Breeding from Ryuu (Sayerauho x Kunal) 1. Set up Hiring Threads 2. Answered Questions 3. Found some things in PB for people 4. Wrote Rule Updates & Implemented/Announced Changes
Uta's SC: 30 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 29
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits 01. 09/02/2014: 9 new certs, 2 cert updates 02. 09/03/2014: 3 new certs, 5 cert updates 03. 09/10/2014: 8 new certs, 5 cert updates 04. 09/11/2014: 1 cert update 05. 09/15/2014: 12 cert updates 06. 09/19/2014: 1 new cert, 3 cert updates 07. 09/22/2014: 1 cert update
Nyoko's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 23
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits -4 for Breeding from Ryuu 1 - Read rps, watched plot threads
Tirokio's SC: 23 + Monthly Credit - 4 (breeding) = 22
Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:14 pm
October '14 Workload smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend Payment: credits 1. SAME SSTUFF PAY ME LOL
Mindesnd's SC: 70 + Monthly Credit = 73
General Manager: malhith Payment Type: 1.
Stats: Nisshou H Payment Type: Credits 1. Set up October Stat RP Log 2. Adding stats from running RP logs 3. Back stats (former list keeping method) 4. Updated NCS credit counts
Nisshou's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 11
Stats: Phail Ninja Payment Type: Credits 1. Helped Niss add October stats 2. Set up and re-opened the Soquili Stats Bonus Questions 3. Added October bonus stats 4. Helped check the twisted mixer lists 5. Made/updated the WS list (with Caj)
Phail's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
Tagging: Roniel Targaryen Payment Type: Credits 1. 10/2/14: 7 certs 2. 10/3/14: Growths + 2 cert updates 3. 10/5/14: 3 certs (Nyhilty transfers) 4. 10/10/14: 4 certs 5. 10/12/14: 6 certs (two drops) 6. 10/13/14: 2 certs 7. 10/21/14: 4 certs 8. 10/22/14: 2 certs 9. 10/23/14: 5 certs 10. 10/29/14: 2 certs Throughout month: Cleaning out LR, freezing old feedback threads, finding things in the PB for people, answering questions... etc!
Roniel's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 11
RP: Uta Payment Type: Credits -4 Bought an Unedited Kalona from JetAlmeara 1. Answered Questions 2. Hiring Stuffs 3. Took Care of Concerns via PM & IM
Uta's SC: 29 + Monthly Credit - 4 (custom) = 28
Tagging: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Payment Type: Credits 1. 10/15/2014: 8 new certs, 4 cert updates, 1 familiar cert 2. 10/16/2014: 7 new certs, 3 cert updates, 4 familiar certs 3. 10/14/2014: 4 new certs 4. 10/23/2014: 7 new certs, 14 cert updates, 6 variation certs 5. 10/29/2014: 8 new certs, 3 cert updates, 1 variation cert, 2 familiar certs 6. 10/31/2014: 7 new certs, 7 cert updates, 5 variation certs
Nyoko's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit = 6
Teepee: Kyrieko Payment Type: Credits
17 October - Created new teepee for Nayci - Created new teepee for -MoomoolatteCha- - Created teepee for the gothic beauty 2 - Created teepee for WitchWalk - Created teepee for [Eskimo] - Added Soq to Jaleeni's teepee - Added Soq to Phail Ninja's teepee - Added Soq to Divena's teepee - Added Soq to XxXPandamoniumXxX's teepee - Removed Orpheus from RockerWolfie1616's teepee, per granting full ownership to XxXPandamoniumXxX - Added Soq to o-Elixer-o's teepee
18 October - Added Soq to Polette's teepee - Created new teepee for Ririka + added Soq
20 October - Added Soq to Sabin Duvert's teepee - Created teepee for Ebonrune - Added Soq to Lady Aria Starstone's teepee
21 October - Updated Soq image for ~Twilight...Angel~ - Added Soq to [+Katch+]'s teepee
23 October - Added Soq to tefla's teepee - Added Soq to Kaitaia's teepee - Added Soq to Roniel Targareyn's teepee - Updated image and added Soq to Thalae's teepee - Updated image for Phail Ninja - Added Soq to Ryuukishin's teepee - Added Soq to Faithofthefallen's teepee - Added Soq to Ebonrune's teepee - Updated Teepee listing
24 October - Added Soq to Roniel Targareyn's teepee - Added Soq to [Eskimo]'s teepee - Added Soq to Kara Asumie's teepee
25 October - Created teepee for Sareibear - Added Soq to Kara Asumie's teepee
27 October - Added Soq to ~Twilight...Angel~'s teepee - Added Soq to CitrusCupcake's teepee - Added Soq to Moxxiie's teepee - Added Soq to mistalina13's teepee - Added Soq to Wasteland Wyvern's teepee - Updated image for stormflower - Added Soq to Huroggmeten's teepee - Added Soq and updated image for Nyx Queen of Darkness - Added Soq to Kettyn's teepee - Added Soq to spelldancer's teepee
30 October - Updated image for ~Twilight...Angel~ - Overhauled tefla's teepee - Added Soq to Sesshy552's teepee
Kyrieko's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
Tagging: xxx Yuki Bear xxx Payment Type: Credits 1. Making/Managing List for 2014 Twisted Tunnel Breedings 2. 10/22/14: 15 Certs from Sarei's Certing Thread [X] & 26 more from Sarei's thread [X] 3. 10/31/14: Helped Uta with 30/30 List
Yuki's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
Tagging: ArashiX Payment Type: Credits 1. 10/24/14: 8 certs + 3 updates 2. 10/25/14: 8 certs + 1.5 updates 3. Provided group images for Uta's 30for30, family contest list keeping 4. 10/30/14: 6.5 certs
Arashi's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin Payment Type:
Owner list: Samuel Carlin Payment Type:
Samuel's SC: 23
RP: Tirokio Payment Type: Credits 1 - Reading rps, Watching plot threads 2 - Found certs for customer
Tirokio's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 25
RP: Cajmera Payment Type: Credits 1 - Reviewing Plot Threads 2 - Assisted with list updating for Wishing Star and freebie thread
Caj's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3
RP: Nayci Payment Type: Credits 1 - Stalked RPs 2 - Stalked plot threads
Nayci's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 3