Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:01 pm
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:01 pm
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:03 pm
-Scar and Custom Item shop- Owner name: x-Ivory_feld-x Pet Name: Oathkeeper Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well): UncertedItems/services needed: Scars & 1 to 2 Items, please Description: flesh (colored) scars please (like he got in a catwalker fight; no "x" shapes please, but creative freedom is welcome!) A Paopu fruit attached to his tail on/over where the painted on marking one is (with the green leaves) and if a 2nd item is allowed, Sora's necklace around his neck! References?: Paopu Fruit [ X] Sora's necklace [ X] (OPTIONAL!) Was this gained in an RP? The scars were ~~~ Link to Rp: Dun have it on gaia yet D; I fail. Teepee: [ X] Total: Quote plz?
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:05 pm
Spots for scars Only 1. OPEN 2. OPEN 3. OPEN Open slots (Scars/Scars, Scars/accessories and accessories/accessories) 1. Etherial Requiem 2. Beejoux 3. Kamiki 4. Kuro-Mizuki
Plus some extra opens since no one really wanted scars this time around.
5.Doodle p***s 6.x-Ivory_feld-x
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:10 pm
Gah... missed it XD Congrats guys.
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:12 pm
-Scar and Custom Item shop- Owner name: Kuro-Mizuki. Pet Name: Rafah. Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well): Cert | UncertItems/services needed: Medium jewelry. Description:-- A really thick and long scarf around her neck, trailing on the ground. Preferably black in color, with some really simple designs matching her colors. Some fringe on the ends. -- Some black feathers in her tail. References?: N/A. Was this gained in an RP? N/A. ~~~ Link to Rp: N/A. Teepee: [x]Total: 20k (+ an extra 20k for the second item, since we're allowed two at a time?) If my pricing's off, or something is wrong feel free to tell me rofl. xD
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:14 pm
-Scar and Custom Item shop- Owner name: Etherial Requiem Pet Name: Kiwi Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well): Uncert Items/services needed: Accessories! Description: A thick leather collar, that is black and silver/white. In the middle a broken uni horn hanging from it, horn color golden. Blood splatter is optional c: References?: *points up* c: Was this gained in an RP? YES ~~~ Link to Rp: Currently on-going in MSN, so I dont have a total compilation yet. Sorry :c Teepee: Here Total: 20k yo~
*waits for approval before sending trade* c:
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:21 pm
-Scar and Custom Item shop- Owner name: Pet Name: Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well): Crappiest uncert ever. CertItems/services needed: Really, this is a CC as I'd like something..artisocrat/piraty for her, an accessory or jewelry.. Description: Look at her parents and do whatever you think fits. References?:ParentsWas this gained in an RP? Nope ~~~ Link to Rp: Teepee: TeepeeTotal:20K? Depending on what you do.
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:23 pm
Ohh crap I missed it. sad Are the scars only slots closed?
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:37 pm
Ooh - quick question - the idea occurred to me to get a 2nd item for him - a purple-hued peacock feather in his tail? If it's not too late/okay with you? I'll add another 20k to the trade if so :3
Thanks Mindsend! These will look beautiful!
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:09 pm
since you already got the spot I dont see why not
as for the scars.. I might as well keep them open rather then close them lol.
Three scar spots are open.
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:48 pm
Yay! Thank you Mind! heart I'd like to snag a scars only slot please~ I'm not sure how you want to handle skinwalkers since they have different certs with transparent soquili/animal forms on them, so I'll just post this one? I'm happy to pay more for whatever you're able to do. :3 -Scar and Custom Item shop- Owner name: Nymphalidae Pet Name: Tabitha Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well): Uncert | Uncert Cougar (If you are willing to do the same scars on her cougar form as well, I'm willing to pay extra) http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Vance/Tagged/tabithacursed1.jpghttp://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/Vance/Tagged/tabithacursed2.jpgItems/services needed: Scars! Description: I'd like her to have two scars over her most visible eye (like this human art of her, just ignore the eye patch) and for her eye to have that whiteish blinded eye look to it, please. Since her pelt would probably cover most of the scars around her eye I'd like the scars to be on top of the pelt. It'd be awesome of her pelt could be 'torn' where she was clawed over her eye but I thiiink that is a mutant feature, so that's fine if you can't do that. :3 Otherwise, the rest is CC; just a few other various claw-like scars over her body. Maybe across her nose too. References?: ( Optional but preferred) Was this gained in an RP? No. ~~~ Link to Rp: N/A Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11690509Total: 1.5k+?
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:24 am
I would like to snag a scar only slot if it's still open, but I can't post my form until the next time I'm on
-Sneaking on at the moment-
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:28 am
-Scar and Custom Item shop- Owner name: Lady_Ourania Pet Name: Amarant Picture of Pet (Include uncerted image link as well): Cert, UncertItems/services needed: Scars. Description: Unfortunately, I never managed to get the unclothed version from White Arsenic, so there isn't much bare flesh to work with. However, a few light, old looking scars can be placed where there's room. Specifically, I'd like at least one on his face, and possibly one that bisects his salamander tattoo without obscuring it. References?: N/A Was this gained in an RP? Has to do with his backstory, actually, though he fights in pretty much every RP he's ever been in for more than two posts. ~~~ Link to Rp: N/A Teepee: [x]Total: 800g Since I think there's still a slot left? If not, please disregard this.
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:01 am
mindsend since you already got the spot I dont see why not . Thank you so much! biggrin Adding to the trade now!