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Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:23 pm

Those Living For the Light..........
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:24 pm

User Image Uncert

Name: Kanashimi Te
-Angeni of Sorrow-
Temper: Sorrowful
Obtained: Custom slot obtained April 4/10, done 05/11(well worth the wait)
RP color: Bold Dark Red
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Children: none
Mate/Breeding Partner: Belle
LM: Cameo
Friends: Nokomis
Enemies: none
Acquaintances: ----
Rp's Completed: Lost
Current RP's: lost

(has to be revised again since I deleted the post contents as a whole losing all my revisions for his history to mesh better with soquili)
Backstory/History: Te was born of another name in a far away land past the mountains and desert...an un-known land of unknown origins. They were a similar race as to the Winds you see today, but somehow different.
His people were a prosperous one until one day, the world came crashing down...A strange race appeared and waged war on the humble soquili, demons of the night, the land was destroyed. He was still young but he fought valliantly, but it seemed in vain as those around him fell one after another.....His home was gone.
He found himself waking up surrounded by blood and death and in a daze in wondered into the near by forest that was shrouded in mist. The very land seemed to scream in pain from the loss of their friend and protectors. He found his way to a still glassy lake and found himself staring at his bloody and scarred reflection..... He couldn't understand why he was the only to survive....why he was left alone.
Grief stricken he wondered the forest for days, walking till he had no strength left. He was ready to die, he had nothing left for him in this world. Out of nowhere a being with many wings appeared before him, cloaked in a black mist. He offered salvation to the young one. A chance to protect the "creatures" he loved so much, but also to judge them and kill them if need be. His mind still clouded by loneliness and pain he accepted and went with the cloaked stallion.
It wasn't until several days later that he awoke again to find himself in a strange place he couldn't describe. He tried to move around but felt searing and burning pain in his back and chest. He could see he had bright white wings now where a pair of black ones once were. He slowly moved to see his reflection in a mirror at the side of the room. His wings were now white and 4 instead of 2 and on his chest a glowing crescent moon still burned.
After a few days passed and his pain eased the cloaked stallion starting teaching him the ways of the 'hand' and he was given a new name, Kanashimi Te. He was quick to learn and was happy to have a purpose in life again. Soon things would take another drastic change and a new phase in his life would begin....
One day new servants were brought in and one was different then rest. Te was instantly attracted to her, she was beyond beautiful. She was stationed to be one of Te's personal maids so close contact was made every day. As time passed they became close friends and eventually fell in love, but it was forbidden. He wished to have his honor of oath and his true love, but his prayers went on deaf ears. His master found out and warned Te of the consequences, but he was sure he could change things....
Sadly soon after her life was stolen from her by an unknown force. Te sulked and couldn't focus on his studies for a very long time. When he finally did return it was with no feeling, but he pushed on...til the day he finally learned the truth of his beloved's demise.
HE had done it, his master had murdered her for the sake of the oath. Enraged Te struck down his master. The masters last words spoke of fate, it was as it should be. The battle wore on Te, his body and wings battered and bloody. The last thing his master said was "Fate weilds a double-edged sowrd, my son. With the end of my life yours can truly begin.....Te you are now the Hand!" The cloak faded off his masters body revealing his true looks, Red body with blond hair and white wings, the same crescent moon mark on his chest and black chains hanging over his wings.....then he disappeared within a mist.
With that pain surged through Te's chest, his mark growing bright as a new weight was added to his body, an odd feeling on his wings. He looked in the near by mirror at his old and new battle scars and now the new him. His glowing mark, his wings splattered with blood. The black chains that once adorned his master now laid on his back, a cold weight for his bound oath, but then his wings changed again. They reverted to being Black leaving the tips alone white and a second set of chains appeared....white ones, warm and light for the love he lost. He could feel the protection and security from his love lost and accepted himself for what he now was, accepting his sadness and the sorrow of the world....Will he realize it's not his alone to bear...perhaps. For now he takes his place as the Hand of Sorrow watching and judging all, but more importantly....Living!

Personality: For Te, time is an endless sorrow, a bottomless hollow hole of emptiness. He shows no emotion other then a Solomon solitude, loneliness, an emptiness and extreme sadness that he believes can Never be filled. He is bound to his fate to watch and pass judgement over those he sees- in other words he can "see" the good and the evil that is in all, but it's how you act on these thoughts and feelings that determine your fate.

Te is a somber soul, but he is not blind to beauty and happiness though he may cut himself off from it. He'd rather take a childs sorrow then to see them in pain, but he knows that pain, regret, and sadness are a necessity to life. From his past he does not see himself finding love and happiness again, but with time all wounds heal. For now he watches and protects the innocent in the best way he can. He has killed and will kill when necessary, but he has seen too much bloodshed and felt too much pain.....still he lives on bearing the weight of his chains.

Ever Ever After x Kanashimi Te

Entry Code:
Ever Ever After ('Swirly) x Kanashimi Te (stormflower)

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Swirly & storm

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: Yes!!

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure?
---Templates to Avoid: anything other then Angeni wings?

---Link to previous Generations: Ever's line:
Mom Dad, GrandmotherGrandfather


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:01 am

User Image Uncert

Amaranthe Yori
Temper: Peace Bringer
Obtained: Nerp LL breeding 2015?
Parents: Kanashimi Te & Belle Morte
Siblings: Asher-Half Brother, Noir, and Arcturus
Mate/Breeding Partner(s): possible LM in works but open to a fling or 2
Breedings Open:
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: Amaranthe stayed solely with her mother growing up, her father and brother not having been successful in rescuing her. She is raised in her mothers image and for time knows only as her mother said and did as her mother did, but as she gets older her views of her mother become skewed. Her brother, Asher finds her away from her mother one day. She didn't know who he was but she felt a pull towards him she couldn't explain. They had several encounters before Asher divulged his identity to her. When she learned the truth she knew she had to escape from her mother. The only problem is she doesn't know how

Amaranthe is a closed off mare slightly when with her mother, she is quiet and very obedient and very much a lady. She feels a little closed off and when her mother isn't looking she finds a release in flying and singing to the wind. When she free of her mothers vines she is a very soft-spoken and gentle mare with a great resolve to bring peace to others. She will go out into the world wanting to heal in whatever way she can. She will be a bringer of peace to those in need much like her father helps ease those suffering in Sorrow.

Though she is soft-spoken she isn't a push over, after standing her ground with her mother and leaving(how ever this is done) she'll have a great since of justice and if she pushed to it she can be aggressive and her soft voice goes stern. She would never say anything hurtful to anyone, but some have thicker skulls then other to where she wont be heard. This also ties in with her family, once she is reunited with her father and siblings they will come first to her and anyone threatens that she will tell you whats what. She isn't a fighter but through her father she has learned to defend herself and those she loves as much as she doesn't condone violence at all.

Overall she is kind and loving mare who has nothing but good in her heart and the desire to help others find peace in whatever way they need. She is very polite in her words and its said her singing could soothe the meanest demon to sleep, but she wont be going out to try and test that xD

Side note: Amaranthe is the name her mother gave her, but when she reunites with her father as a young adult she and him choose the name Yori. She wont discard the name her mother gave her as she still loves her mother and respects in her in some ways, but she will start to go by Yori when she is older as she will identify more with it.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:02 am

User Image ADULT Wingless

Funfact: Her butt says "Demon Horse" xD

Name: Rayne
Temper: Tormented
Obtained: 2013 Winter CYO
Color: Blue
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Mate/Breeding Partner(s): LM-Vood
Breedings Open: 4/4
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:

Rayne was raised by another name in another land. This land was a desolate one and the strong only survived. Her father was a proud Kalona with a secret he thought he would take to the grace, but in his last years his mercy and 'soft side' was shown. A wounded Uni stumbled upon their clan, her horn broken and instead of shunning her a way he talked the elder into into letting her stay, as a slave. She knew of what the stallion risked for her and a love bloomed. When the clan elder died and passed the title to him he thought it safe. He slowly brought to light their relationship since she was now with child, but she was not well received. Before she was to give birth the clan revolted and threw the stallion out of power and chased them further into the desolate wilds.
The couple survived and the mare went into labor, but their complications and she died almost taking both fillies with her, but the grace of the gods they survived. The stallion vowed to return to his rightful place so his children would be protected. A kind wanderer came and helped him with the girls and helped plan his return. He did return and challenged the new leader and the second and none questioned him. He brought his daughter in and they were protected, reluctantly.
Rayne was groomed to be the next leader, but when her father suddenly died everything changed. They were beaten and chased out, her and sister were both badly injured but her sister had been ganged up on. She was weaker and looking more like their Uni mother she was hated more. She did not survive her wounds.....now Rayne has found her way to the land her father said her mother spoke of...she is tormented by her past and thinks she could of done more and she now searches for her purpose and place in these new lands

She abandoned her birth name, feeling unworthy of it. As she crossed into the Kawani lands rain began to fall and she felt as the rain did, fallen and broken as she hit the ground so she took it on as her name. Will she ever see the rains true purpose?

(Her given name was Usha *Female Hindi myth name of a demon princess, daughter of heaven, and sister of night, meaning "dawn."

Her sisters name was Lilith as desired by her mother Lilyana.
Father was Doros)

Personality: Rayne is gruff and may appear hostile and solitary on the outside. She is tormented by her past, especially the recent past and her anger she may express outward is more anger she has at herself. She feels she brings her father shame for being unable to save her sister. She still grieves and longs for revenge but is unsure how to start and she knows she will need help. She does occasionally hunt small game for food and hates fish and loves berries. She has a soft side for kids but right now she sees her happy past in them and it pains her greatly. She really is a lost and tormented soul wandering without a purpose in this strange, new, yet beautiful land.

Rayne x Vood

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Rayne//stormflower
User ImageUncert Markings
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Vood//Syrius Lionwing
User ImageUncert

Co Ownership?: n/a
Lifemate?: yes
Low Luck?: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: here
Teepees: Storm Syrius
Throwbacks?: Yes please
Link to previous Generations:
Rayne is Gen 1
Vood's Lineage:

Growth stage omission


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:03 am

User Image
Name: Mekaisto
'red crow'
Temper: Noble
Obtained: In-thread twin game-gifted by bella dea <3
RP color: Teal
Parents: n/a
Siblings: Kitkun
Mate/breeding partners: Current Fling-Kila
Breedings left: 3/4
Enemies: none biggrin
RP's Completed:
Current Rp's: Kindered in Kindness w/Ciela
A New Practice

Backstory: Originally from a far off plains where he and his twin brother Kitkun. The land wasn't overly harsh and their family close-knit but the brothers not as much. Mekai was always more outgoing and 'lucky' let say and he always seemed to be the one in the spotlight and his brother though technically the older of the 2 was in his shadow. One day Kit left wanting to find his own way, his own life and find his light in the world. Mekaisto shortly trailed his brother and they both made their way to the Kawanii lands.

Personality: Mekaisto is very kind a noble and seems to have luck always being in the right place at the right time. Ever since he was a colt he was always helping others in need. He always happened to be passing by when someone needed help and a few times even rescued. This gave him the reputation of being a 'knight' even though he doesn't see himself as one. He simply sees it as doing the right thing, he won't leave one injured and if he is called upon he will answer the call if at all possible. He has a very kind heart and can't stand anyone to be sad or crying, this may make him a little gullible and naive though. He cares very much for family especially his brother and he strives to help his brother in any way and tries to help him out, but if more times then not it only makes things worse but his heart is in the right place

Kila x Mekaisto

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Kila//Death Resurrected
User ImageUncert-need to hunt down-
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Mekaisto//stormflower
User ImageUncert

Co Ownership?: n/a
Lifemate?: no
Low Luck?: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: here
Teepees: Storm Death
Throwbacks?: Yes please
Link to previous Generations: n/a

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:06 am

User Image ADULT

Name: Niamh
Temper: Equanimous
Obtained: April Crackship
Color: Seagreen
Parents: n/a
Siblings: Adrastea Calypso
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
1. Ravi-almost LL
2. Open 1 more fling?
3. LM
4. Open
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: Nia is very calm and collected, but she is kind as well. She knows how to defend herself and if threatened or any loved ones are threatened her claws will come out without hesitation. Outside that she isnt much for violence. She loves young ones and looks forward to having her own, but it isnt in the plan. She defends and helps those she comes across in any way she can. She is a tad like a knight in her sense of honor and duty especially to those she cares about.

-Niamh is a very alluring mare with mystery around her. Her auroa at times may seem foreboding but in reality she is a very silent and strong soul. She is quite for the most part, very calm and collected to where you may never know what she is thinking or what her intentions are. She lives off mostly meat she is a proud and efficient hunter but she is picky with her game, she analyzes and monitors her food source determining when its 'ripe'. She doesnt hunt too old or too young and she has a 'sweet tooth' for birds such as robins as they give her a challenge, but luckily she is a nimble mare with a slightly smaller stature then some.

She is a bit of a loner and likes her solitude but she also longs for a true companion.

Niamh x Ravi

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Niamh (stormflower)
User Image UNCERT with items
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ravi (Leez0rz/o-Elixir-o)
User Image With Items
Low Luck?: No

Co Ownership?: Link, Elixir doesn't have rights in this breeding.
Teepees: Leez0rz | stormflower
RPed couple?: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Agreement


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:09 am

User Image ADULT

Name: Aldebaran
Obtained: CYO 2015
Parents: n/a
Children: Phile Amores & Esmeralda Amores
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
1. Valentine Amores-DONE
2. Lailah-Uta
3. Open
4. Open
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: Aldebaran is a flirt, he loves to love. He isnt a womanizer but he does love the ladies and maybe some stallions. He appreciates beauty where that is and in whatever form it comes in. He is a protector of love, he will fight for love till the end of his days. He doesn't care for violence but you threaten his family who will see his horns. He isnt one to discriminate on looks and will get to know you before he forms a final opinion. He isnt manipulated but can 'manipulate' in his own way....he is a charmer through and through.

Lailah x Aldebaran

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Entry Code:
Lailah ( Uta ) x Aldebaran ( stormflower )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: storm Uta

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: Yes/No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: sure
---Templates to Avoid: n/a

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: Cassiel,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:33 am

User Image ADULT

Name: Phile Amores
Obtained: Valentine Mixer
Parents: Aldebaran & Valentine Amores
Siblings: Esmerelda Amores
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: Carefree, Valiant, Defender of Love. In a nutshell this is Phile in a nutshell. She is very kind hearted and goes with the wind, if she had wings she would literally go where the wind took her. She is a knight wanting to protect the love in the world, spread love and kindness in its many forms. She may seem a little ditzy at times, but she is very bright and likes to smile and have fun. If she sees one in trouble or spots a romantic catastrophe then call her the love doctor xD She will be your guide to finding true love and happiness if you let her. This may not leave her time to find love(loves? xD) for herself but she is okay with that. Though she does travel a lot she makes the time to visit her family as they are her world and though she may not have much physical strength you try and harm ANY of her family, she will do what she has to with her little horns to protect them. She is protective and can be a little feisty, but overall a very loving and independent mare.... She knows there are many faces of love and will not discriminate against it.


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:42 am

User Image Uncert

Name: Kachina Amachi
Temper: Truthful
Obtained: HG custom
Parents: Mecho Amachi & Melody Forte
Siblings: A BUNCH lol Opus, Rondel, Allegro, Rhapsody, Echo, Baroque, Mezzo, Farruca, Cabriole, Fermata, & Minuet
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
1. Izumi
2. Open 1 more fling?
3. LM
4. LM
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: She is a bundle of energy, but has a very kind soul and this is always reflected in her eyes. She is very caring and is hates to see any in pain, whether that pain is physical or mental she wants to try and ease their pain and bring the light back to their eyes. In her kindness she doesn't like to tell things falsely, she refuses to lie unless it truly is the RIGHT thing to do. She will always speak the truth, but never harshly. She tries not to sugar coat it too much as it can have an adverse effect, but she doesn't want to be cruel about it either. She cares deeply about every living things soul and to damage that in any way, the let their light dim is an unspeakable and in severe cases an unforgivable act.

Kachina Amachi x Izumi

Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure

Twins okay?: No
Triplets okay?: No

Entry Code:
Kachina Amachi ( stormflower ) x Izumi ( Niyaru Delacroix )

User Image
pregnant stage: I want one

User Image

Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: storm Niyaru

Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
---Lifemate?: No

RP Approved?: No

Low Luck?: No

  1. list of attempts

Same Breed Variants: no
---Templates to Avoid: no default wings as he has mutant/edited wings

Throwbacks?: Sure
---Link to previous Generations: Kachina is a custom mock-child but here are her parents
Mom-Melody Dad-Mecho and Mecho's customed parents Almase and Sabras Amachi and Sabras's customed Father Fallo Amachi

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:43 am

User Image ADULT

Name: Themei
Obtained: Gifted by Malik
Parents: Ini-herit & Fee Marraine
Siblings: Heka-miel & Abella-ami
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
1. Ravi-almost LL
2. Open 1 more fling?
3. LM
4. Open
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: She is very mysterious and can be very quite but she has kind eyes and a gentle soul. She travels looking for those to heal and maybe even bring them a little magic as well. Her goal is to a fairy god mother of sorts to those in need just like her mother. She thinks the world is magic, life itself is magic and she honors it and in return magic leads her a hand from time to time...and her mothers 'magic dust' helps too. She loves foals and is mostly a big foal herself and though she longs for love she isnt really looking for it, nor would she necessarily realize it when it stares her in the face. She puts others before herself, especially family.


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:44 am

User Image Uncert

Name: Rydia
Obtained: Deej Semi-custom
Parents: n/a
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
1. Fling-Avery
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: Rydia can be very spirited and before coming to the Kawani lands she had been through quite an ordeal. Her family was killed in a 'demon' attack, she was still rather young when this happened and was forced to run and survive on her own. When she was a teenager she found a loving couple that took her in and became her father and mother. They helped her grow strong as they were knights traveling the lands to help those in need. She now has struck out on her own seeking her own adventures. She has a strong-will and great determination as well as a strong since of justice. Even having a 'knight mentality' she likes to have foal and tap into her inner foal.

Rydia x Avery

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Rydia//stormflower
User ImageUncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Avery//Dollfie
User ImageUncert

Co Ownership?: n/a
Lifemate?: No
Low Luck?: no
Link to Breeding Agreement: here
Teepees: Storm Dollfie
Throwbacks?: Yes please
Link to previous Generations:
Avery's Mom & Dad

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:44 am

User Image uncert Markings

Name: Alesdair Mahoney
Parents: n/a
Mate/Breeding Partner(s):
Breedings Open:
1. Fling Micah
2. Open 1 more fling?
3. LM
4. LM
Rp's Completed:
Current/On-going RPs:


Personality: Alesdair is a kind stallion with the desire to protect others. He has a calm demeanor and enjoys meeting others along his travels. He is a skilled fighter but would rather use his brain then he brawn unless it cannot be avoided. He has the manners of a gentleman and always puts others before himself. He can play the 'big kid' role when around foals and looks forward to being a dad in the future. He is very loyal and a stallion of his word, never breaking a promise.

2:  Micah x Alesdair Mahoney

Desired Gender Ratio for two baskets: cc
-- Genders if three are rolled: 1m and 1 female at least
Is it ok if I livestream the breeding?: Yes
-- If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/The baskets are even dropped?: Sure

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Micah /Fatal Irony)
User ImageUser Image
Full || Without cloak || Wingless
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Alesdair Mahoney / Stormflower)
User Image
Wings || Wingless/Markings
Co Ownership?: n/a

Lifemate?: No

Low Luck?: No

Link to Breeding Agreement: Here

Teepees: Fatal Irony and Stormflower

Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: n/a


Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:45 am

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:45 am



Fanatical Shapeshifter


Fanatical Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:47 am


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