Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:29 am
Your Username: Dixie Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Dardanos UncertEntered Relations: Non Short Personality Blurb: He's a killer to the bone. Period. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He and his new hunting partner have recently attacked the Miakoda herd. Unsuccessful in killing their target though. unentered Relations: Non Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Io UncertEntered Relations: Chandra (Her sister) (Syaoran Puu on page 2) Short Personality Blurb: She is a sweet understanding mare. She wants to help those that she can in any way possible. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has recently finished her training as a shaman and has found a stallion to become her mate. unentered Relations: Mother, Father, Brother
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:31 am
Your Username: saedusk Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Grindery UncertEntered Relations: -- Short Personality Blurb: Grindery is an inventor by nature, very intelligent despite his 'bad boy' appearance. Using his mind and mouth, he is able to formulate primitive things like traps and toys. He's often just a quiet observer in any social situation, believing everything must be taken into great consideration before action and speech are chosen. Due to his intellect, he can get a big head and thinks he's better than less intelligent Soquili. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Years after migrating to the Kawani lands, he discovered that his mother, who he left behind and hasn't seen since, passed away. He's also come to the conclusion that his 'brother' still holds a grudge against him. unentered Relations: -- Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Doan Vien UncertEntered Relations: -- Short Personality Blurb: Doan is an older mare with a caring personality. She acted as a tutor to the other horses in her family's stable back home and knows when to bring the gentle hoof and when to bring the firm. While she may seems delicate, she actually has a very strong personality and will not let people walk over her. She enjoys the feeling of mentoring those who need her and will not abandon someone unless she fears for her life. Short Blurb of Recent Events: It's been a while, but she traveled to the Kawani lands from her homeland while leaving her underage daughter, who was to be sold to help her family through the hard time they were experiencing. More recently, she's settled and looking for someone to tutor in the Kawani language or mentor through a hard time in order to return a semblance of normalcy to her life again. unentered Relations: --
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:32 am
Your Username: mouselet Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Wyrsa Uncert UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: Wyrsa is a genuine "get-the-hell-away-from-me-or-suffer" Skinwalker. She takes a twisted pleasure in sneaking up on other creatures from the darkest midnight shadows and leaving them scarred in body and mind. She wasn't always such a night demon though...a cursed Soquili who remembers her previous life, though at a distance. The stallion who knew her best in those halycon days would have been her mate if not for the curse and he alone can see the ruin of the mare she was. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Wyrsa's been keeping her hand in by tormenting one of her sons, watching and approving the mutilation done by the other son, and now believes it is time to turn back to her favorite target stallion, Tlocatl, the father of her children. unentered Relations: Would-Have-Been-Mate - Tlocatl, Son - Somnium, Son - Ruadh Wolfbane
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:37 am
Your Username: Tara de Draiocht Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Andarta Uncert Entered Relations: None. Short Personality Blurb: A free spirit, she enjoys lively conversations and helping those that need helping. Andi enjoys being around others who are kind and caring, not those who are prideful and evil. Human Art sample I have of her. Short Blurb of Recent Events: The most recent event in her life is finding a relationship with Eh, a charming Canadian male horse. unentered Relations: (up to 5) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Blair Uncert Entered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: He takes after his father Patrick in his scottish history. He is more suited to be around other knightly horses and old warriors of the plaid. He is a gentlemanly sort when dealing with the opposite sex and tends to treat them as younglings at times. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He found relations with Kiera a pretty lass of gray. unentered Relations: Patrick (father)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:53 am
Your Username: Dark Fire Angel Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Ushaufu UncertEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Mostly grumpy and secretive. Can be most easily described as a jerk with a heart of gold. He mostly likes to come out at night. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Keeps to restricted, darker parts of the forest, under cover of the trees and mostly hidden from others. unentered Relations: N/A Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Mogwai Uncert Uncert peltless (for hair)Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Mostly solitary due to her violent nature, Mogwai keeps to herself (unless she's with her 'mate', with whom she's got an 'arrangement' with, to breed with and expand their skinwalker genes). She has a short temper, but it can cloud her judgment; can be sly and cunning when the time calls for it, but is hot blooded enough to act first, and ask later. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Has watched her children grow up and has parted ways with her 'mate' until the next breeding season. unentered Relations: Daugther (Kipepeo) and peltless version of Kipepeo (for hair), Son (Behemoth), Peltless version of Behemoth (for hair)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:12 am
Your Username: Malikztiah Ankhere Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Ini-Herit Uncert Entered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: Ini-Herit firmly believes he is tainted by the kalona blood in his veins, seeing small animals in pain amuses him if he can't catch himself soon enough. He has a distinct feeling of inadequacy when near any other kirins and their peace. He will flee their company any chance he has in order to not spread his taint to them. Short Blurb of Recent Events: unentered Relations: None
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:18 am
Your Username: Hyper Falcon Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Moam Uncert Maskless UncertEntered Relations: Coming soon! Short Personality Blurb: Very loyal stallion. Happy and good-humored in an effort to separate him from his dark past. However, he can be angered quickly if asked to take his helmet off. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He has stumbled upon a beautiful mare one hot summer day, and is beginning to fall for her. [x] unentered Relations: N/a Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb:Short Blurb of Recent Events:unentered Relations: (up to 5)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:29 am
Your Username: Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Aviania Uncert Entered Relations: They are all unrelated in blood, but these Harpies are those exceptionally close to Aviania's heart. Zahraa' - Flock commander & friend | Page 7, post 4Short Personality Blurb: Aviania is strict - however, rather than being strict with others, this mare is extremely strict with how she conducts herself. She is the current Queen of The Flock and is quite an old mare IC age-wise, being an Elder as well. Despite her age though, Aviania is still extremely strong and agile, having been raised a warrior. She tries to follow Flock traditions and practices to a 'T', and only compromises them when she has to. Even then, she'll place rigid rules so as to stop her sisters from abusing the system. As such, she is naturally cold towards males as she refuses to allow herself to be anything but the "ideal Harpy", although she can be benevolent if they submit to her quietly. Secretly though, she doesn't mind a feisty male to tame~ However, catch her with one of her Flock's females, and you'll see a totally different side to her - concerned, caring and motherly. The Flock is everything to her, and she places the lives of her sisters high above her own... Think of her as a sometimes overprotective parent - everything she does is with the Flock's interests in mind, even if they might not always agree with her methods. Of course, threaten to hurt her sisters and you'll soon have a sharp talon at your throat, male or female, young or old. Short Blurb of Recent Events: After consulting Aylin, the Flock oracle and long time friend, she decided to lead the Flock out of their deteriorating homelands. After settling in their new home for a month, she had to relocate the Flock again as the land was already occupied and she didn't have the numbers to fight back; her two Commanders, Zahraa' and Celaeno, agreed. This time, the Flock moved to a place near the mountains and are staying for good. Not long after, she injured Zutnic (Page 1) when she caught him snooping around. She's not exactly happy about him escaping from her, and swears to capture him the next time they meet. For now, she's keeping the Flock on high alert since she's extra wary of males who can actually match her wit and strength to a degree. Unentered Relations: They are all unrelated in blood, but these Harpies are those exceptionally close to Aviania's heart. Aylin - Flock oracle & close friend/confidantCelaeno - Flock commander & friend Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Nastiras Uncert Entered Relations: - Short Personality Blurb: Strong-willed, smart and honorable, Nastiras is proud of both her heritage and herd. Despite being an adventure seeker, her early childhood days of training to become a lady had influenced her and while she can be deadly and a great healer in battle, she manages to remain feminine and graceful too. Despite being described as quite the heart-breaker back in her days as a guild leader, she can be pretty oblivious to a stallion's affections - partially why she had only been in one (failed) relationship to date. As a healer, she is sensitive not only to physical wounds, but mental ones too; soft-hearted, she will not hesitate to help others through their mental wounds. One of her favorite phrases is "I can heal you so that not even one scar remain on your pretty face, but only you can heal the wounds on your heart." However, she can be pretty sarcastic and harsh, especially with those she deem as being "foolish" or "stupid". She also dislike liars and being lied to; doing so will cause her to "disown" you as a friend. A firm believer of chastity and purity, she especially detests individuals who share their body with several partners, thinking of them as being ill-bred or not knowing the meaning of self worth. To those who had lost their purity unwittingly or forcibly, she is sympathetic but otherwise act normally towards, acknowledging the fact that they had been through enough possible suffering in their lives. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She arrived at Kawani from her homelands about a month ago in search for her (presumed dead) younger sister. With no sign of her sister and no good news from home, Nastiras decided to remain in Kawani to continue searching - even if it means just finding a dead body. Her ex had recently sent his familiar, a grumbling rabbit named Karrot (Ironic, much?), to join her in her search, but they had yet to meet up since Karrot is having trouble tracking down the constantly moving unicorn. Unentered Relations: -
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:31 am
Your Username: mewmew kittykat94 Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: UncertEntered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: True to her nature, Norika is a very quiet mare . She tends to keep to herself more often than not, a wallflower hiding in the trees. She tends to be nervous and a bit antsy when being put into a meeting new people scenario. Otherwise, she can be a great friend if they can get past some of her walls Short Blurb of Recent Events: She just found her way to this land and is just getting to meet others unentered Relations: n/a
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:44 am
Your Username: Bellforge Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Syon Uncert Entered Relations: Shú Shèn (lifemate) page 8Short Personality Blurb: Syon is devoid of sympathy, and stock full of stubborn pride. He always has an opinion and is quite content to give it with a sarcastic or scathing twist and carries a deep-seated prejudice for all but his own kind, hating soquili equally wether a pure or mutant. Even among his own kind he's sociably rough and hard to get along with, no matter the others personality or attempts at winning Syon over. As a bit of a offhand note; Syon does not drink blood despite having vampire fangs. The blood that's generally on his lips, wether dried or fresh, tends to be from his fangs cutting his own lips. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Syon has been life-mated to Shú Shèn for awhile now, the warm hearted mare seeming to be the only exception to all of his rules. Currently all his attentions are on the young mare. unentered Relations: n/a Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Quirrel Uncert Entered Relations: Lior (lifemate) page 7Short Personality Blurb: Quirrel is very much an old man, though he may not look it. He's been around the block, and not much suprises him anymore. He's rather regal, but usually comes off more as a stick-in-the-mud than anything else. His looks are rather deceptive in that he's actually a "boring character", or so he's been told. He holds predjudice over very little, mostly because he just doesnt care. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Quirrel spends most of his time now caught up in the soft romance between himself and Lior. unentered Relations: n/a
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:49 am
Your Username: Nisshou Kauyaiba Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Hisoka Uncert NakedEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Hisoka tends to be calm to the point of seeming emotionless. He hides his feelings except with Torao. He's clever and good at laying traps/tricking people into trusting him. His job is killing other soquili (pushes them into a pit and leaves them) and the task no longer seems to phase him. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Tricked Parnasabari into thinking he would be her mate, Bari found his killing pit so he tried to kill her, discovered that Torao had followed him all the way to the kawani lands, wasn't sure he wanted to see Torao again, got into a fight and ran off. unentered Relations: N/A Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Torao Uncert NakedEntered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Torao is violent in a word. He likes to throw his weight around and yes, violence is the best answer. He hates all females and pretty much only loves Hisoka, his boyfriend. When Hisoka's around he's mostly laid-back and rude. When Hisoka isn't around he's very temperamental and has been known to beat the life out of people in his fits. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Left his homeland with Akiyo to hunt down Hisoka, found out where Hisoka's hunting grounds were after a long trip led by Fleur, found Hisoka, got into a fight with Hisoka and destroyed an entire patch of forest killing everything in it after Hisoka left. unentered Relations: N/A
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:15 am
b]Your Username: nekolulu Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Bella Lillian Uncert Entered Relations: n/A Short Personality Blurb: Bella is a sweet and wise she likes everyone she meets Short Blurb of Recent Events: Talking with her son Trovin and watching over the two-leggers. wanting to meet her grandchildern. unentered Relations: Trovin, Kawoni Lillian and Shiro.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:17 am
Your Username: Urimian Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Judas UncertEntered Relations: none Short Personality Blurb: Judas is cool, complicated, and surprising. He can be happy with one person, and angry with another. He is now more open to others, willing to show his past more often now. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Now, he is currently talking about his feelings and family with Quenthel. unentered Relations: N/A
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:26 am
Your Username: Celestial Requiem Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Branwen UncertEntered Relations: Alinore, Claude, Lady Nadia Misae, Adelle Short Personality Blurb: In spite of her looks, Branwen is a total sweetheart. She's gentle, sensitive, hates conflict and only wants to be friends with everyone and live a peaceful, happy life. Unfortunately, she's stuck with a mother, father and two sisters who seem bent on destroying the family she loves so much and she used to struggle with her kalona half for fear of becoming "monsters" like them. Short Blurb of Recent Events: She went on a search for someone to teach her about kalons with Lafayette as her protector. Along the way the two of them fell in love and she finally came to terms with who she was. Now, Claude is teaching her how to defend herself since it's not a matter of if, but when one of her family members comes after her. unentered Relations: Shihab (Granddad), Lavanya (Aunt), Sir Lafayette Misae (Life mate)
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:52 am
IP! Your Username: Celeanor
Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Seresai UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb:Short Blurb of Recent Events:unentered Relations: Tiarnan, Crousader, Amarinne, Galahad, Wildfire
Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Seethe UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb:Short Blurb of Recent Events:unentered Relations: