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Total Votes : 74 |
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:58 am
Roniel's made the point other people had been making. My point is that by crying one thing unfair will have a ripple effect on other things. You can't throw a stone and think the rock will stop the ripples.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:03 am
You people are just impossible to deal with.
I don't see how you can't seem to grasp the fact that the slots themselves are a reward. The chances are ------- amazing. Being given more chances is unfair.
I don't care how much you RP. I couldn't care ------ less. If you take the time to RP and get your couples qualified yay for you. YOU GET YOUR ODDS INCREASED. I'M NOT SAYING YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT. I'M NOT SAYING THOSE SLOTS SHOULD BE TAKEN AWAY. /caps rage./
What I'm saying and what I have been saying over and over again is that haven the chances increased AGAIN is unfair.
/rubs temples./
Like sae said. you're getting on the defensive as if I were attacking RP slots. When I made my first slot I said the thing I most had a problem with was the 'open' category.
Holy ---------- christ.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:04 am
I guess I don't see it that way. To me, each event is different and separate. Debating about one form of RP, which is taken into consideration a different way, shouldn't totally effect another form of RP. For breedings, RPs have to be romantic (or partnership, etc) in some way. For elderhood, romantic RPs are all well and good, but other sorts of character building RPs are better. That in and of itself seems like enough differentiation to me.
I don't really think me repeating my side of the argument is going to change anyone's opinions at this point, so I've said my piece and now I'm gonna be on with my life. It's true what Jet said about how much time has been spent posting in this thread, so maybe I'll go reply to an RP or do something else productive.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:09 am
I can see the argument for changing 'open' to 'edited' and 'non edited' respectively...but I still believe that those people who have worked for or committed their Soq to the secondary categories should be eligible for them as well.
Such secondary categories exist in nearly every competition - for example in Art, a painting might classify as 'traditional' but it can also classify as 'black and white' or 'realism' as well and is placed in all categories. It's just the way things are done..both in RL and here on Gaia.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:17 am
*chuckles* This is why I don't talk much in Soquili anymore. Everyone has such touchy feelings and assume other people's reactions based on their own feelings when they are simply being devil's advocate. I'm a big picture person, so that's why my scope is touching on other topics. You may think a cry of "unfairness" won't hurt somewhere else, but this will be used as an example when launching campaigns for other "injustices in the system."
How about all the times there's been 2 or more open slots available at the colorist's discretion? Doesn't that increase the chance for open slots then? Ah, but you've already said that it's not much of a chance when it's 1/100 as this last could have been if there were 2, or even 2/x amount.
If you are wanting a change to open slots, that should have been stated instead of continuing on about how those who work hard already got the bonus of being allowed to enter multiple time and should choose one section of the breeding slots available. But you have been going on about how people who voluntarily put in the extra effort to get into RP/LL should only pick one of those instead of getting multiple chances like are available with paid ticket raffles.
Now if this topic is finally going to change to something more constructive than whining about luck, I'm all for it. But you need to remember that change of one thing does effect everything else.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:28 am
I'm quite certain I said in my first reply my problem was with open slots. May haps you missed it. Feel free to go back and read again. People kept focusing on one thing, I simply replied.
Okay, give people their rewards AND their extra rewards since you're so hell bent on it. But keep them out of the open category. Make the open category an 'everything else category'. Give the people who actually have RL things to do or who don't always want to get couples to RP or who are new actually have a chance at getting baskets.
Not only is this 'fair' but it COULD help reduce the number of LL entrants which was an issue that was addressed earlier in the week. I would be much more happier being rolled with people who have the same circumstances as me then people who already have increased odds whilst I don't.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:34 pm
LOLTERNATIVE: Swearing does not get your point across and only makes those reading to make an opinion uncomfortable. Even if you disagree with someone, you need to be polite, not argumentative. Everyone's free to voice their opinions, and what you're doing is NOT a debate, but an argument, which is against Feedback Rules.
Cease and desist immediately with that behavior (though it looks like you maybe done already lol ^^; ) -- I'm getting far too many complaints from people not even involved in the conversation, and you're simply hurting your side of the debate.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:13 pm
Whatever happened to RP being a a reward in and of itself, and not just a means for boosting your chance in a breeding? Wouldn't that sort of thinking just make people wanna throw rps together JUST to boost their chances?
Not saying everyone does, but I'll bet it happens. And then there are other people that have Couples that could be RP qualified, but just don't do it, cause it's not about the extra luck, but the RP itself.
As it's been said before, the only category I'd really be willing to make an exception for if this went into play would be LL.
YES, LL LM And RP are all optional, but Minis and Mers kinda aren't. There's going to be a big influx of Minis coming up, I'm sure. Should we still offer that slot?
Back to rp. It's great some people have the time to put in that sort of effort, but some people don't, but still love their couple, the shop. Maybe they've plotted everything out, but can't rp due to time constraints. Should they be penalized because they don't have the option of rp?
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:27 pm
RP in and of itself is a reward - otherwise there wouldn't be so many RP threads in the guild.
But..if someone does take the time to whip up an RP JUST to gain that extra chance then yes they should have - they still did the work and put forth the effort. Reading is a reward in an of itself but people still read books JUST to pas a course.
And bringing up Mini's technically no I think they should be put into the edited or non-edited slots respectively. I've never seen the point of a mini only slot, as minis are supposed to be pets with equal rights like all other soq according to another thread lately and with the addition of different kinds, but I'm not going to complain or be bothered if they continue to have them either. they happen o infrequently that again...it doesn't really change anything. They get one extra chance in every 20 or so raffles which like RP slots and Lifemate slots..isn't enough to warrant a change.
If someone feels so very strongly that having that extra RP slot ticket for that 2 in 20 raffle chance then they will find the time to get the qualification, time restraints or dislike of RP or not. They don't have to - its a choice but the people who do make that choice should get those extra chances.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:43 pm
I’m getting a headache just trying to keep up with this fight, debate, whatever it is right now.
At this point I just think colorists should be able to run their breeding raffles however they like, just like some people do right now. Have an all open raffle if you want. That way everyone only gets 1 ticket either way. Have an all unedit raffle. Keep your raffle as it is. It’s all about colorist preference anyway. It’s all about what the colorist feels comfortable with and what they can handle.
Really, it’s just insane that people are left fighting and nearly strangling others just because they think something is “unfair”. Life isn’t fair in the first place, online or offline. Staff can only do so much to make things fair, but you know it is hard when everything we try to do always gets slapped as unfair in one way or another.
Breedings, are breedings, are breedings. Be happy if you win one, get CC’d or get one through a staff credit. Be happy to even win one at all. Some people wait YEARS to land one, either their first or for one couple. And you know it doesn’t matter how many slots they are qualified for. It doesn’t matter if they are only eligible for ONE type of slot or 7. It just doesn’t. They could be in a slot that only 7 other couples qualify for and they still loose over and over and over while someone going for their first try lands it then and there. Is that unfair too? I don’t know. We don’t control the RNG. We can’t guess who the RNG will land on.
Yeah, giving everyone one ticket and one ticket only, unless they are LL, might be more fair, but do you know what I think will happen?
I think that things will turn then. I think once people watch the new system for a while they will catch on and start rearranging their couples for a “better chance”. You might start out with say…150 couples in an “open/edit” list, maybe 20 in the RP, and 50 in the unedit. Soon enough people from the open will start switching out couples and start bombing other areas on the list and it will continue to shift over and over and over as people clamor to keep up with the “better” list. Not everyone will do it, but some will.
Why? Cause people want their advantage and want the “winning list” My advice is to not mess with something that is alright on its own. It may not be the best. It might not be “Fair”, but it works and has worked for years.
Either way, like I said, whatever staff decides to do if we go over this suggestion is fine. I don’t have a preference for either. Whatever seems more “fair”. At this point I have no idea what fair is after watching people bicker back and forth.
I’m done now. XD
Good luck to anyone else that is going to continue debating. Remember, as mind said, debate, don’t fight.
It's supposed to be equal opportunity for all ideas and feelings.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:45 pm
i don't think the way current raffles for breedings are done are unfair at all. colorest are allowed and should be allowed to run their breeding raffles how they want and choose what slots they offer.
i like how rp, lowluck, ect are rewarded for their hard work in rping/plotting their pets and constantly entering breeding raffles even though they lose so often. even though not everyone has the time or want to rp/plot or enter every single breedling raffle.
as for slots like for specific breeds like mini's, i don't see the point in them except for the fact colorist are wanting to get them out more since honestly mini's don't get much love.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:19 pm
The problem with removing others from the 'open' list is that it might end up being shorter than the other lists... if you were to remove all the low luck, unedited, rped, lifemated, and minis from the open list, then it is kind of a short list... so then people are going to want to pick what list their soq is in to give them a better chance it complicates things
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:36 pm
Hey guys, thought I would throw in my two-cents. I have been a member of the shop for a lot of years now and personally I see nothing wrong with the system as it is. I had to wait almost two years for my first breeding and I was on several lists where as some people only on one won and their kids had kids before my baby did. Yet that does not bother me you just have to appreciate the luck you do have when it comes.
Which is what it all comes down to in the end, no matter how people try to increase their chances if the dice are against you nothing is going to change that. All the lists make sense to me and in my eyes you should not try and fix something that is not broken, the breeding perks are available for all so there is nothing unfair about that. It is the way Soquili has always been. If people try to change something to benefit themselves they will be in return be putting down someone else so I am totally up for things sticking as they are.
In the end its the colourists choice what slots they open and in the end you have to be grateful that they are willing on to take on work and run special lists for people who do but in work RPing and have stuck to their guns enough for low luck. No system is ever perfect, but if people keep trying to make it so in the end it will end up ruined.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:50 pm
Being someone who hasn't had a breeding yet, and both my first couples are at a year and LL, I can freely say this.
Sure, it's disappointing when you don't win. But don't fix it if it isn't broken. And it's not broken, it's fair.
Also, I didn't bother to read anything but the first post because I'm sick and didn't want to.
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:37 pm
Ririka If I remember right, I believe someone once suggested turning the "Open" category in to an "Edited" category to balance out the "Unedit" category and to give a standing chance to edited pairs.
I can't find the thread where it was suggested, but seeing as it was never put in to action I believe the idea never went that far, so if you want to talk about converting or getting rid of the idea of an "Open" category I would suggest putting out a thread for the idea and seeing where it goes from there. I would like this. Speaking as someone who has couples who only qualify for open, it kind of sucks being stuck with absolutely everyone else.