Soquili's Name: Cuauhcoatl Owner(s) Mindsend Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Learning Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Has a radiant effect (an invisible aura) that , when active, makes learning easier, effecting himself and others around him receptive to it.
Other Notes: -Rate of learning differs depending on base intelligence of the individual, willingness to learn, complexity of subject, etc rather than energy used. -Does NOT have a supernatural/uncanny rate of learning but rather simply makes the process easier within a smart-to-savant level : Someone struggles with learning normally will be at an average level, and average will be at a quick learners level, a quick learner would catch on even quicker. -what one learns is not necessarily the correct thing. - The individual effected can forget what they learn or get things mixed up and have to relearn something if they do not practice what they’ve learned. -Works for learning Facts, Skills, and practicing one's own talents: if your character isnt paying attention and instead studies a nearby butterfly or hums the chorus to a song in their head, they'll be very familiar with how that butterfly looked or memorize that particular verse (even if you got the lyrics horribly wrong)
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:54 am
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Elysia Owner(s) Nayci
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Lightning Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Static Shock: Defensive move. When attacked she can electrify her coat, kinda like an electric fence in a way. So, if someone touches her, they’ll get a jolt. Depending on how much she concentrates determines how strong the shock will be. In some form this power is always on, and sometimes she’ll accidently shock someone without meaning to. Regarding the latter part, its merely a get your attention, hey you’re too close. It’s like when you’ve rubbed your feet on the carpet and touch something metal afterwards. It’s that tiny jolt that gets your attention. During battles she has full control of this ability, knows how it works and when to use it.
Lightning Strike: Offensive move. Amplified during electrical storms. If she gathers enough energy she can discharge it into the ground by stomping down hard with her hooves. This sends a wave of electricity through the earth, radius is determined by concentration, but normally no further than five or six feet. This attack is NOT easy to do, and will drain her very quickly. So normally this is used as a last resort to drive back her enemies so she can make a quick retreat. Other Notes: I talked to Uta about this back when I first bribed DD for her. Got the okay over AIM. Not sure if I have the conversation anymore though since I've changed computers. lol
Dangerous Shapeshifter
Swashbuckling Fairy
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:17 pm
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Aria Owner(s) spelldancer Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Music Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Music Creation: If concentrating Aria can create a multitude of different types of music without the use of any instruments. She can sustain simpler music for fifteen minutes and very complicated music for three minutes. If she uses he power for the full amount of time she can’t use it again for 24 hours. Most of the time she only uses it for a few seconds here and there to emphasis things and is able to use it over again up to a total time of seven minutes in a 24-hour period when doing that.
Other Notes: Aria is not able to create words to go with her music, only instrumental pieces.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:01 am
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Lian Owner(s) Divena Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Oracles Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers She really only has one ability, but I suppose you could break it down into two components:
~Visions of the Past: She gets glimpses of things that have happened previously. These visions are usually brought on when she brushes against things seeped with emotions, or someone who has a past filled with strong emotions. For example, she could brush against a rock and get a quick flash of the last thing a helpless soq saw before he was killed by a skinwalker, or she might meet a couple deeply in love and get a two second vision of how they first met.These visions are usually more emotional than visual.
~Visions of the Future: She gets hints at things that COULD happen, if things continue on as they are already going. These visions are by no means set in stone, they are just hints of what MIGHT happen. More often than not, they are more warnings than anything else. A flash of white and the sound of raging wind to warn of an impending snow storm, or a rumbling and falling ash when a volcano is about to erupt. That sort of thing.
In both instances the visions vary in clearness and length, sometimes being no more than a flash of a picture, too quick to really register more than a detail or two, sometimes a brief scene, as if she was witnessing it, and sometimes full of symbolism. Sometimes the visions are clear and obvious, and sometimes it's impossible to know what's going on, out of context. The longer and clearer the vision, the more it takes out of her, though no vision ever lasts more than five minutes in time. When she actively tries to summon a vision, it drains her three times as much as if it was one that just came to her naturally. All her visions are up to interpretation and it is something that she needs time and experience to learn how to see properly.
Most of her visions come randomly, without her consent. It isn't something that happens all the time, but there's also no set pattern to it. She could go weeks without a vision, or she could be hit with ten in one day. It's part of her evolution as a character that she learns to control it, not enough to stop the unwanted visions but so that she can actually get a vision when she wants. An intentional vision is something she'd only ever attempt when trying to answer a question asked of her, however.
Other Notes: When I first got Lian, the rules regarding the Angeni weren't so strict, so I never really broke down her powers before. I have rped her, however, with her powers, so I do have that as an example. I do want it noted that any and every vision she has is agreed upon with all owners involved before it's posted, and as I said before, a lot of what she sees is open to interpretation, which she has to actually learn how to do properly.
Tense Mistakes is an rp from very early in her development, and in the early days of when I was getting into the flow of playing her. Again, before we even began, Chesh and I had decided that her visions of the past would be how Boi found out what had happened to his mother.
Soquili's Name: Nantosuelta Owner(s) LunaRei_SilverBlood Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Nanto can 'encourage life' in flora and fauna. When she walks, life blooms under her hooves for about a 12 inch radius. If she were to touch her nose to a branch with the purpose of helping it flourish, the branch would bloom. It's not draining to her, but something liking 'sparking new life', as in a tree is dead and she wants to encourage a new seedling to take root would be very draining for her. It's not something she would do normally. Only if there were a large natural disaster like the fire. The Earth will always recover. She's just there to help it more a little faster.
She is also part uni, so I would like her to also carry some healing abilities. Not anything full like a pure Uni but enough to help injured animals and horses, from bleeding. She would learn over her life to reset bones ect on her own since her Uni powers are limited.
Other Notes:
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:02 pm
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Love Owner(s) Tsunake Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Love Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers With concentration, Love can inspire affection in Soquili like something of a matchmaker. The success of this affection depends on the Soquili themselves, however. If two Soquili absolutely hated each other, there is no way she could make them fall in love... but she could at least lessen the animosity between them.
With two neutral Soquili, she could definitely inspire interest in one another, that may or may not lead to something more! And with two who were already in love... she'd just solidify that bond and make it deeper. This power does NOT force anyone to fall in love--it merely fosters more positive feelings and encourages them to bloom.
Other Notes: I talked to Uta about this so she could help me clarify some things!
Tsunake Crew
Territorial Friend
Swashbuckling Fairy
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:55 pm
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Steinarr Farran Owner(s) spelldancer Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers He has the ability to manipulate one particular tea set and whatever drink is put in the tea set. It has to be near him to do so, (within a few feet) and he can’t lift it above head height. When he does manipulate the tea set, it gains an orange glowing ribbon of light around it.
Other Notes: Talked with Uta about the ability.
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:37 pm
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Tylen Owner(s) Celeanor Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Compassion Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers
Understanding Heart: Tylen is able to understand where another soquili is coming from even if he is unaware of their present circumstances. I.E. he meets a angry mare who has just been dumped by her lifemate; he intuitively knows the depth of her care for her former mate, even if he doesn't know that she's been dumped or why. Understanding Heart is strictly an emotional power; it's literally just a little extra insight for him. Cannot be used on a soquili that is not physically in his presence. I.E. he wouldn't know if that same angry mare's lifemate loved her as deeply as she loved him.
Compassionate Blessing: A caveat to the usual ability Angeni have to bless others, Tylen is able to bestow his Understanding Heart on another for a brief, intense emotional mind connection. He refers to it as a 'link' between two hearts so they may understand each other better and show each other true compassion. He can use this on two hearts comfortably, going up to as many as six at a time with immense effort on his part. The effect on evil beings is quite intense, both for Tylen and whomever he is using it on. With a skinwalker, the effect is something like a mental burn -- an analogy that goes farther since Tylen would need to actually touch the Skinwalker in order to use this power on it.
Other Notes: Cleared via Uta!
Celeanor Crew
Dangerous Hunter
Abe no Mizuki
Lonely Shapeshifter
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:47 pm
Breed specific traits do not need to be approved through the domain and powers listing. - Nayci
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Lady Mizuki Owner: Eternal Xantara Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers She is most strong in her Kirin heritage; her Kelpie half is virtually nonexistent other than enabling her to withstand being submerged longer than an average Soquili. Soothing Aura She has the "calming aura" Kirin possess, but none of the "healing" attributes some are said to have. Extending the aura will exhaust her to a degree, depending upon the range. Those closest to her will feel its effect more strongly than those farther away. This aura can drain her stamina, so she tries her best to keep it contained/dormant. Lightfoot She possesses the Kirin's ability to walk upon the ground without turning a single blade beneath her hooves. She cannot, however, walk upon the water. Her mixed heritage has nullified this ability. Other Notes: Borrowing information from the Soquili Kinds & Breeds thread. Trying to translate her OC form to the Soquili world. Mentioned a bit of this, but not all, to Phail via AIM.
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:07 pm
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Selda "The Inkwitch" Owner(s) Faithofthefallen Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? NA Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Shadows are attracted to Selda and tend to cling to her when she passes through them, making it appear as though her legs are oozing darkness, they seep from her and leave shadowy footprints for a few paces that disappear after a few moments. This is a passive ability, she has no ability to control it. The attraction becomes more intense as she grows, to the point where if she stands perfectly still in shadow, it will stick to her and camouflage her from view. She doesn't become completely invisible, but she can fool the eye from a distance. She cannot create new shadows, she can only interact with what is already there. It must be an actual shadow created by something, not just darkness. Walking through a dark forest, she would be visible, but if she stepped into the shadow of a tree created by moonlight, she would be camouflaged as long as she stood perfectly still, but she could still be heard, smelled, or touched.
Selda is always icy cold to the touch, her frigid breath clouds the air, this is normal for her, her body temperature is just naturally lower than other soquili. When she experiences strong negative emotions, the air immediately around her drops in temperature, if someone were to be standing close to her, they would feel quite cold until they moved back a ways. If she were standing in a puddle, a thin coat of ice would form over the surface. This is also a passive ability. She can tolerate cold temperatures quite comfortable, but she feels extremely uncomfortable in the heat, her nerves interpret it as a burning sensation and it is extremely painful.
Selda is an omnivore. Other Notes: NA
Faithofthefallen Crew
AstoriaFallen Crew
Winter Wolf
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:53 am
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: DarkHeart Owner(s) AstoriaFallen Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? N/A Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Minor Healing: As DarkHeart isn't full Unicorn his healing abilities are muddled down. The most he can do is heal bruised muscles and minor cuts or scrapes. In order to do so it does take a great deal of concentration from him and will cause him physical exhaustion if he does too much. Light in the Dark: As he was spirit touched as a basket he was born with a faintly glowing mark upon his chest that can be seen in close proximity in the day and a little further off in the night. If he concentrates enough he can cause the light to grow brighter and keep it that way for an extended period of time. However in doing so he mentally exhausts himself and can force himself into a coma if he over uses it. Mostly he will just become sleepy so it's only in extreme circumstances. Other Notes: Poked Mind on Aim asking if the idea was too farfetched and she talked to Nayci who tentatively said that it's a go, just needed to get a final say from you smileRP where stormfower mentions his "glowing" chest IC and it got the idea rolling in my head.
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:25 am
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Pnevyma Kolokytha Owner(s) xKOVAKtheWOLFx Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers light keeper: Pnevyma possesses an eerie glow around him, that emits a gassy green light, which he uses to guide the creatures of the woods around to safety. He can be seen to be like a guardian of the forest, though he tend to remain in hiding. (when he travels with Floios, the power becomes larger and can temporarily form a makeshift bed from Pnevyma's pumpkins or Floios' connection with the trees). pumpkin grower: with travelers wandering around the forest, food has to be of a resource. Luckily, Pnevyma is an experienced gardener who excels in tending to his pumpkin patch. He tends to attract the hungry and wandering. He grows his pumpkins by telling stories of Halloween, which inspires his crops to grow into some even more larger and healthier than that of humans'. Other Notes:light keeper | pumpkin grower[/ur]
Nisshou H
Kindred Hunter
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 12:03 pm
Defining Powers & Abilities
Soquili's Name: Ivalice Owner(s) Nisshou H Soquili's Certed Image: If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Repression Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Ivalice has the ability to repress bad memories or thoughts. (EG: Memories of traumatic experiences such as a skinwalker attack or nearly drowning. Or thoughts of wishing to harm others or anything that could be self-destructive; such as thinking about ramming yourself full force into a tree.)
She does this by burying the thought or memory very deep in the subconscious minds of the people she interacts with. The thoughts or memories are never really gone they’re just more difficult to drag to light.
The deeper she buries the thought or memory the more energy it takes. Some things, like thoughts of doing something reckless for fun, she doesn’t have to push so far back so it takes less energy. In cases like this she can handle a handful of cases a day without exhausting herself. Other things, like watching a loved one get killed, leave more of an impression and she needs to use all of her energy to bury them far in the back of the mind. Things that happened long ago, like childhood traumas, take the most energy and she usually can’t bury them as effectively as more recent events due to the number of connections there are to the event.
The further back she has to bury something the longer it takes.
She is not psychic. She can’t see into someone’s mind and instantly know what things are troubling them and push those things away. She has to either be informed by the person about something that has troubled them or use context clues. (EG: Seeing a foal getting ready to try a jump they can’t make would let her know to push the thought of trying the jump out of their conscious thoughts.)
She cannot see the event or thought she is repressing. Nothing plays out like a movie. She just feels for the thought or memory that is at the forefront of the person’s mind and pushes it back. (With memory repression she asks the person to think of the moment so she can find it easier.) Her power does give her some sense of when she’s located the right memory.
She only gets a feeling for how far back something is going in someone’s mind when she is actively moving a thought or memory. She can’t see other things that happened in a person’s head. She can only sense when something has moved from conscious thought to subconscious thought to deep repression. (And still only tell this much when she’s actively using her power.)
The stronger someone’s will to remember something is the harder it is to repress a memory.
She cannot make people go against their natures for very long. She could stop a skinwalker from wanting to murder a foal temporarily. But she could not make it lose the desire to hunt or kill. (Maximum length of forced repression is one day.)
Other Notes: I’m aware that repression of memories can be a bad thing when it comes to long term healing. Ivalice only uses her powers to help people and only if it is either requested of her or someone’s life could be at stake.
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Velocity Please List & Note Said Soquili's Powers Procyon possesses higher stamina and faster speed than the average soquili. At her absolute top speed, she can reach up to 70 mph and can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph within seconds -- think cheetah speeds!. This ability covers both land and sky. Once a day, Procyon can grant another soquili stamina and speed to match her own. This will exhaust the other soquili out faster than they usually would after a run, and wears off after only an hour. Other Notes: Cherie approved!
Soquili's Name: Night Starborn Owner(s) mistalina13 Soquili's Certed Image:
If a Pure, 1st Gen, Angeni What Is Its Domain? Wishes
Wishful Thinking - Shares their energy with another to help them believe their hearts desire can come true and encourages them toward accomplishing it. (ICly it fosters hope and thoughts to the affirmative and leaves a lasting impression going forward. The IC impact can be as profound as the other player desires. Obviously makes no guarantees of anything OOCly.) Prolonged sharing would leave him feeling drained for a period of time.
Other Notes: Cherie already had a look at this one via Discord DM. :3
If you wanted to see how it plays into his character - his profile is here.