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Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:50 am
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Name: Uuni
Meaning: N/A
Obtained: Staff Credits
Colorist: Kaelyndra
Species: Goddess
Gender: Female
Sexuality: 50:50 (sexual); 30:70 (emotional)
Siblings: Veri (Annchen - Currently in Disease Pride)
With Mkhai, Nergui (Excited Apathy): Na'an (oo Ded; Rogue), Minkah-tzvi (Yin-chan; Firekin), Rapha (Kaelyndra; Nergui)
With Ufisad (Silverlutz): Kasoro (SilverLutz; Firekin), Nikusaidie (?), Bushiri (?), Ulaghai (?)
Parents: N/A
Mate: -- (Roka in future)
Pride: None
General Appearance: The goddess' height fluctuates, depending on the situation. To most of her summoners, she appears tall, certainly capable of rolling a Firekin male onto his side with a well-placed swipe. The intimidating size is meant to provoke awe and fear into the mortal mind. Uuni would prefer mortals not to think they could fell her with ease.

Among mortals she is familiar with, such as Roka, she maintains a mortal body. She is naturally lithe, almost fragile. Her coat maintains its ghostly white color and her hair keeps the majority of its length, but her horns and the runes that mark her body are absent.

The runes themselves mark pacts that are left unfilled and rituals that are undergoing completion. When an agreement is fulfilled they shift and vanish.

Personality: Summarized in two words, Uuni is chaotic neutral. While she does not 'meddle' and is not one to intentionally start trouble, she is heavily involved with helping precipitate trouble that is already there. All creatures, she believes, are responsible for their choices and their wishes. If they wish to trade blood, or the lives of another, for dreams of grandure, who is she to stop them? She acts not on the evil and desperation in herself, but on those in others.

Uuni is consistent - she is not two-faced, and will not suddenly turn on someone. She detests violence for the sake of violence. Though she may appear cold, she would likely not be described as such by those who have met her. Uuni is full of quips, tasteless jokes, and she states things exactly as she sees them. She's not here to ruin your life - you're doing a fine job of that yourself. She does have individuals she's connected to, and attached to. She'll be careful to hide this, but random lions may find their pathway in life aided.

Large Uncerts: Adult (Unique Lines) | Adult (Template)
Certs: Unique Lines | Template



Summoning: Uuni can be personally summoned through any strong blood ritual spell - the summoner would either need a lot of blood or an intricate series of runes. She has to answer, at which point the summoner may strike a deal with the goddess. Uuni may only leave when a contract is terminated through vocal refusal of a proposed pact or an acceptance of a proposed pact. Minor rituals may be answered or ignored, but hold no binding or summoning power.

Note: Pacts are done WITHOUT the use of magic. As a god, Uuni can access many things/keep relatives things/etc. without the use of domain-specific powers. For domain-specific powers, please see below.

Domain: Blood Magic
Temporary Powers:

- Bound by Blood: Uuni can control an individual's basic body movements. This requires her full concentration, so she must remain still while this power is being cast. The target must have either open wounds or be bleeding. Individuals can still control subconscious movements such as blinking, speaking, or shivering, but Uuni would be able to control modal functions such as walking, running, or jumping. If a wound closes or bloodflow stops, the connection is broken. This power can be used a maximum of 100 feet from the target.

- Rune of Protection: By marking another with her own blood (which glows red), she can grant them a one-time protection from the temporary powers of another god or from a single event that would leave the protected injured or dead (if caught in a landslide, rocks would fall around them instead of on them). The rune will fade and then disappear after its use.

- Loyal Followers: Any blood-magic ritual or incantation can be sensed by Uuni. Depending on the amount of blood spilled, Uuni can grant skill, intelligence, strength, etc. The spell will last for 24 hours regardless, but the amount of blood used will strengthen the effectiveness of the granted boost. Blood from oneself is the most powerful, blood from enemies slightly less so, and of those with no connection less powerful still. However, if the blood of close loved ones are spilled, the power will have a negative effect and sap the user instead.

Permanent Power: None.

Some Canon Notes
- Created by Mkodi
- Shapeshifting part of the body; hair (to water, etc.)
- Injured - turns into blood and soaks into sand, becomes reabsorbed later
- Old world ideas: toying with another god's mortals is an act of war
- If you stop thinking it belongs to you, it is no longer you
- Ego strengthens, grows out hair
- Loss of followers and belief means a weakened god
- The mere act of summoning grants power, to be given to the god
- Choose to create their energy as a "god form"


Current Information

Location: Roguelands
  • Bloodletters Cult
  • Plot Thread
  • Currently in the ex-Dawnwalker lands with Roka & her Cousins
  • Gonna help name (or not) some newborn cubs


Unused RPs
Dark Arts (Elcca)
Flames (Minkah-Tzvi)
Of Gods and Mortals (Ufisadi)
Sealing the Deal (Ufisadi)
Blood on His Paws (Ufisadi, Ahlsen, Yaariq)
Family Reunion (Veri, Ee'bo, Kasoro, Nikusaidie)
Life's a Show (Hari)
Last Wish (Hasana, Mwokoti)
A Study in Lunacy (Roka, Ohahira)
Stick in the Mud (Roka, Ava, Elephants)
Sun So Red (Roka, DEAD ******** CUB)
Too Close for Comfort (Roka)
Set them Up, Knock Them Down (Samedi)
Please, Teach Me (Sakura)
Relatives (Roka, Sema, Abasi)
Goddess of Nagging (Mwokoti)
Close Enough (Roka, Ajia, Sema)
Valid Inquiries (Onuris, Imhotep)

Used RPs

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:54 am
User Image

Name: Surtak
Meaning: N/A
Obtained: Self-Custom
Colorist: Kaelyndra
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Sexuality: 10:90
Seer?: Not rolled
Siblings: None
Parents: N/A
Mate: --
Pride: Ithambo'hlabathi
Ranking: Umholi
General Appearance: Surtak's status as Umholi is extremely apparent. His brown coat and dark mane often glimmer a bronzy-hue and his ribs are coated in a healthy layer of fat.

Heavily muscled and determined to keep it that way, the male can often be found practicing sparring with his fellow Umholi or taking long jogs to explore the plainslands. On rare occassions, he will join in hunts with females. However, this practice has significantly decreased in the Bonelands after the mocking of his hunting skills by both male and female parties--not necessarily because he was bad, but because powerful males simply do not hunt and the mere sight is strange.

Surtak's greatest downfall lies within his small body size. He's on par with a Boneland's female, which makes him quite small and short for a male by even average standards. He relies on speed, wit, and experience in fights and has a miraculous amount of endurance (likely do to his constant training).

Personality: Loyal to Gakere first and foremost, Surtak's personality comes shortly thereafter. This lion has racist, sexist bigot written all over him.

It's no secret Surtak prefers male company as most Bonelands males do, but the Umholi lacks the utmost respect for females that his fellow leader so strictly entails. If he had his way, he'd be constantly giving orders and moving the group around. Hunting by females would be banned, and each one would be assigned a male to be kept in check. His hope is that it would knock the snapping tongue off of many of the wily ones.

However, a lack of language proficiency and a stickler for following orders if nothing else, keeps Surtak from voicing most of his opinions and certainly from engaging in any verbal battles. While perhaps a bit grudged, he's learned to tolerate females as: separate but equal, though still throws his status around where he can.

While not voiced, his beliefs show themselves in the way he treats his children. He cares little for what happens to girls as long as the sons show promise and grow strong. There is nothing more valuable to him than a male son with the sight. Those sons that choose to stay are not necessarily looked at with scorn if they show their strength. Loyalty is never to be looked down upon, and if a male wishes to sacrifice his right to breed to fight for those he was raised with, Surtak would be just as proud as if that son had won his own pride.

Hybrids are viewed with utter disdain, a crippled menace of society. They cannot breed, most are crippled by size when fighting, and Surtak believes them mentally incapable compared to other species. In many ways, he pities any hybrid offspring and he certainly pities any male or female who find themselves sexually drawn to one not of their own species. He will urge a mother who has hybrid children to abandon the cubs, or trade them as slaves. And then, that mother should be watched closely so that she doesn't repeat the offense.

Uncerted Stages: Adult

Certed Stages: Adult


Current Information

Location: Ithambo'hlabathi
  • New litter with Buna
  • Litter with Meep's girl grown and male has moved on
  • Believes last male was a wuss, not deemed for success in the roguelands
  • Two males; will personally train both for the roguelands (group RP)


Used/Unused RPs

See Boneland's breeding thread here


Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:56 am

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Edits have 1/3 a chance of passing

Adult (Items)

Word from Graos Oma  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:01 pm
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Name: Ghipe
Meaning: Sprout (Swahili)
Obtained: Gift from Meepfur
Colorist: Meepfur
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Seer?: Not rolled
Siblings: Growing Post
Parents: Badiliko-geni (Meepfur) X Mkimbiaji-a-Ghaibu (Meepfur)
Mate: --
Pride: Jini'msemi
Ranking: Pilgrim
General Appearance: Ghipe is evenly muscled, taller than average, and, when she left on her pilgrim, she was healthy.

In the rogue-lands, her health fluctuates constantly. She steers clear of the desert as it gives her breathing trouble and the heat makes Ghipe feel light-headed and nauseous. The intolerance of extreme temperatures is due to being underweight; Ghipe's ribs poke outwards from her body.

Ghipe perhaps doesn't wash as much as she should. She waits until the last possible moment to groom herself and does so all at once, so that she's constantly in a state of being slightly disheveled. You won't find her fur matted, but expect a light coating of dust.

Personality: Like her mother, Ghipe likes competition and therefore challenges. She has a hard time refusing them, and subconsciously often makes everything a competition whether it be one of wit, one of physical prowess, or something else.

If there's one thing Ghipe can't stand, it's losing. Usually, Ghipe puts these emotions to progressive use, but on occasion she'll let herself be pulled down by them and sulk.

While she's quick to hide it, Ghipe is terrified of being alone. She'll constantly make the mistake of being "over-friendly" to anyone that doesn't sit the wrong way in her stomach. That being said, being alone and scared makes her concerned over her sense of judgement, so she's caught between needing companionship and distrusting those other lions who seem "odd." Hybrids, especially, are something she avoids as they unnerve her, though tries to find a way to do so politely.

Ghipe finds it hard to be outwardly mean, even if there are a lot of things in her mind that would be considered less than nice. Her parents raised her well, perhaps a little too well. If she doesn't want to be somewhere, Ghipe will make up a master list of excuses instead of declining. She hopes those excuses don't come back to bite her.

Uncerted Stages: Adult | Adolescent (None) | Juvenile (None) | Cub


Current Information

Location: Roguelands
  • Near the Coast
  • Meeting up with oo Ded's Haiti
  • Was ICly born right after the move to the mountain


Unused RPs


Used RPs



Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:03 pm
Wingu - Swahili (cloud)

User Image

Adult: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Saonod/Shadows or Africa/fainekir2-adult.png
Juve: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Saonod/Shadows or Africa/fainekir2-juve.png

Sib info: http://s.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/template/icons/icon_minipost.gif

Faine (Mimsey) x Kirjava (Kimaria)  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:54 pm
Impoqo - colored by Lithia  


Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:55 pm
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Siblings: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=95&t=10521191#353920347


- Wants to make his family proud/dedicated to tradition
- Believes he needs to be strong before he can challenge for a female
- Stormborn has strength
- Shocked by slaves
- Not at all surprised by females fighting
- Surprised when males do all the hunting
- Will not share his food
- Distrustful of males that can't fight/haven't proved their worth
- Doesn't like the idea behind slaves
- Has no opinion on Gods; is confused by those who believe in something they can't see  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:56 pm

User Image

- Graveyard pack with daddy  


Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:12 pm

User Image

- Lafet
- Likes trinkets
- Avoids large groups she doesn't know because she doesn't trust them not to be insane
- Joined third, after Kaho
- Will steal shiny items, but isn't a habitual liar
- Is working off her debt for trying to steal a bracelet from Kalbali
- does like to tell embelished stories  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:31 pm
User Image

Cub: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v40/Noyama/AAAAJournalSoA/YueCubBig_zps0dcec3ad.png


- Identical twin to Hari (switches places all the time)
- Troublesome
- Afraid of heights
- Likes colorful rocks, especially stripey ones
- Extraordinarily curious (and therefore the trouble)
- Afraid of mice  


Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:12 pm
User Image

Maned Wolf!

Siblings: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=96&t=10521191#355545153

- Will owe a life-debt to bearded palmoino lioness  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:52 pm

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For Rapha, maybe?  


Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:55 pm
User Image

Name: Sauda
Meaning: --
Obtained: Mix & Match Breeding gift from Hopefolly
Colorist: Meepfur
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Seer?: No
Siblings: Shwari (Hopefolly), Siri (Shia bean), ??? (???), ??? (???)
Parents: So x ???
Mate: --
Pride: Pridelands
Ranking: --
General Appearance:


Uncerted Stages: Juve | Cub

Certed Stages:


Current Information

Location: Pridelands
  • Twin in the Demon pride who she doesn't know about
  • Girly
  • Princess
  • Washes constantly


Unused RPs

The Lucky Ones

Used RPs

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:57 pm
Yaani (Not a seer)

User Image

Awemu x Ango



Liberal Streaker


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:59 pm

User Image

Name: Nolaka
Meaning: Fierce (Zulu)
Obtained: Staff Custom-In
Colorist: Kaelyndra
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Sexuality: 60:40
Seer?: No
Siblings: Impikelelo (Rennekae), Ukhozi (Shia bean), Isasa'ikungu (Andranis), Uthuli'Sathane (Puhterodactyl)
Parents: Gakere x Ulaka
Mate: --
Pride: Ithambo'hlabathi
Rank: Umzingeli
General Appearance: Nolaka has the physique lions dream of and expert hunters in the Ithambo'hlabathi work their whole life to get. This lioness is muscle from nose to tail, without an inkling of extra fat on her entire body.

She's a fast-striker, made for short, quick sprints and fights that last seconds. She lacks stamina because she hasn't needed it; no one has had the guts to challenge her.

Personality: Growing up fed by the praise of her mother, eating first, and often being given what she wanted has done nothing to quell Nolaka's already fierce cub-hood personality. She's used to getting he way, and when she doesn't, she'll take it by force.

This lioness is not necessarily inherently bossy: She follows after Gakere's footsteps in letting most lions be. However, as soon as a lion's existence counteracts her own, Nolaka is quick to get aggressive, often to the point of blows. That being said, it's unlikely she's ever been in a real life-or-death fight, so her skill in actual combat may not be as great as many (including herself), believe it is.

Just like her mother, Nolaka tends to veer towards a traditionalist view. She'll often harass Lusizi, especially those born of rogue fathers, and it isn't unreasonable to think she would abandon male cubs of her own someday. Or, really, anything that did not match her specifications for a good-looking animal.

And cubs seem short on the horizon. Nolaka is constantly watching the new Inselele, seems almost obsessed with them in fact. That being said, she's also the first to pick fights with them--teasing them and then getting vicious when they get close. Nolaka wants to be in charge, and the males both challenge that ideal and can help her reinforce it.

Uncerted: Adult | Adolescent | No Juve | Cub

Certed: None yet


Current Information

Location: Bonelands (Ithambo'hlabathi)


Unused RPs

Personality Dialysis (Mcheni, Ukame, Mvua, Matifa)
Hoarders (Ukhozi)

Used RPs

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