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Do you daydream?
All the time! My life IS the daydream.
 73%  [ 14 ]
Nope. Too serious for that sort of thing.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Sephiroth? Where!?
 26%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 19


PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:21 pm
so, I had this dream last night where for no apparent reason I was bathing a horse at work (no, we still haven't figured out how a fullsize horse would fit in one of the tubs, but I can tell you it didn't fit well) And I was helping a yuppy couple move their livestock. And then the guy of the couple were in a lawsuit or something so I went to witness the trial. As I entered the Courthouse there were turnstyles, and to open them you took one of a stack of cards, that were also $5 gift cards to some departments store. I tried to grab a bunch since they were free, but then the guard yelled at me. No sooner had I gotten through the turnstyle then the guard has an even more unnerving argument...With Sephiroth. Naturally, the guard relented and allowed Sephiroth to enter the court room in spite of the Masamune. Then to everyone's ssurprise, Sephiroth was the lawyer representing the guy. At some othere point between the court sessions, I was helping with the move again and it had something to do with their sheepdog running down the street and playing with my dog Kuma, and then I was riding back to the courtroom, with Freyr. Naturally Sephiroth wins the case. The guy turns and asks Sephiroth if he was nervous or something, because the one winged angel appears to be sweating quite profusely. With a nonchalant smirk, Sephiroth stands up, strips off his jacket and drops his pants saying "Nah, I was just dying in all that leather." everyone in the court room was too stunned to speak not only because Sephiroth was standing there in his boxers(i recall comparing his butt to my lover boy's biggrin ), but because of the dismissive way he'd stripped his pants like it was perfectly normal. On the ride back Sephiroth drove with all the AC vents on him, making the guy carry all his clothes(naturally Sephiroth carried the Masamune himself).

Was that wierd or what?  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:43 pm
xd xd That IS weird. The only dream I had recently involving Sephiroth taking something off was his head. I'll explain~
So, I was at this giant water park city with my brother, when all of a sudden things started happening. Rides broke, buildings fell, lotsa fire and stuffs, and on the news they revealed that the person doing such things had long silver hair, was wearing black leather and has a very long sword. Obviously it was Sephiroth, and he was trying to destroy the world. Well, not wanting to get destroyed I took my brother and started getting away from the city as fast as I could, swimming to the closest city. (I don't know why... if I could control the dream I would have stayed.) Eventually we got to the city, where my dad was, so I left my brother with my dad and went off to go see what was going on. I got on this big tall platform thing and all of a sudden found myself staring at a giant Sephiroth. Turns out he was actually a robot who could change sizes at will. Because of my great persuasion talent, I talked to him, and managed to convince him that he didn't really want to destroy the world, just that someone must have been controlling him. Sephiroth eventually trusted me enough to go back to human size, and he took off his head and gave it to me, so I could see if there was a malfunction or anything. Unable to detect a problem, I gave him back his head and he put it on. He was calm for a while after that, not destorying anthing, then he ,must have been taken under control again, as he started rampaging and destroying stuff again. And then I woke up. It was pretty interesting. I think the person controlling the Sephiroth Robot must have been Jenova. But I got to hold Sephy's head! xd xd  




PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:45 pm
And people said MY dream was wierd sad  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:53 am
Yeah, people usually tell me that I have weird dreams... sweatdrop sweatdrop Like the one I had about Vincent a while ago. It had Cid, Tifa and Cloud in it, too. They all went into a big church place to find out that there had been someone murdered inside the church. I don't remember a lot of it, but it turned out that Cid was a priest, and Vincent went all panicky (His scared/panicked face was EXTREMELY adorable! heart heart ) when they found the one clue leading to the murderer. It was a notebook, and it must have been Vincent's or had clues that traced it back to Vincent, which is why he was worried.

That dream actually makes sense when I remember what I had been doing at the time. RPing in an RP with Vincent, Cloud, Tifa, and Cid, and reading Death Note manga. So the notebook makes sense.

I also had a dream that I got a Death Note and started killing off people at school, until the people got suspicious of me and I had to run away in a limo wearing a disguise. It was weird.  




PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:11 pm
Nah, that's not wierd at all, it just means you're an insane psychopath whom secretly seeks to reap vengeance on the world, thus slaughtering all of the Earth's inhabitants in order to absorb their lifeforce and become an immortal god therefore completeing Reunion and going on a quest for the promised land.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:54 pm

...Sounds good to me! I'd better get started! *starts searching the streets to see if a stray Shinigami has dropped a Death Note, as that would be the easiest way to go about it at first.*  




PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:31 am
I had an interesting dream last night. It started off with this ordinary guy, who lives on a boat and has been wasting his life away like a frat boy. He makes the decision to try and make something of himself and picks up some odd strange stray animal(can't remember what it was for the life of me). One night he meets this cute blonde British girl, and quickly falls for her. Then inevitably comes the point where she tells him she thinks he needs to meet her father... lol

So they go into this HUUUGE gothic mansion, something of a rennovated castle, and he goes up to an expanse office/study type of room and nervously sits down on the chair. The room seems empty, but the huge winged chair at the desk turns and lo and behold...It's Alucard from Hellsing, the boy has fallen for Ceras Victoria. Luckily for him, Alucard takes a liking to him and does some very interesting things to help him in his quest to get his life on track.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:41 pm
Taking a 6-hour nap in the middle of the day spells weird dreams for me. One of them was pretty cool.

There was a guy who was telling me about his mission. It was cool, because I could see exactly what he was talking about as if through his eyes, with commentary from him. Now...this turned out to be no LDS missionary. He was walking down the street and saw this girl with silver hair, so he went up to her and said something along the lines of, "Hello, I'm from JENOVA's Witnesses and our lord Sephiroth has the same hair color as yours." He continued to tell her the teachings but she wasn't interested. And that's all I really remember.

The other one involves me crying a lot, and when I woke up, I was crying too, but it wasn't for any good reason. Well... I had tried out for a play, but they told me that they had already casted everyone before the auditions except for one lesbian character, and it would have been the last play I could do, yet I had to decline. But they had already made the costume for me, so they told me I'd have to pay for it. It was really pretty, but I didn't have any money, so I told them to go find my mom. Well, they went off without me, so my mom misunderstood them and told them to give it away. When I finally got to my mom she said she was sorry, but someone had already taken the skirt. So I ran off crying and sat in a small classroom. Then this guy comes in the classroom. He was Kaidoh from Prince of Tennis, the guy with the green bandana o.O and also happened to sit next to me in art class. Well, he had his sketchbook, and asked if he could draw me, but I'd have to smile first. That made me really happy and I started crying harder and hugged him. Then I woke up and found I was actually crying. Just weird....  




PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:16 pm
yeah dreams are wierd like that...  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:58 pm
I've had a few interesting dreams lately

2 about Killer Whales

The first was me meeting someone on my DA watch list at SeaWorld and going back stage to mee the trainers. I told the trainer my story about the first time I saw killer whales in person. 'I went to Sea World Florida as a kid and they picked a little blonde girl from the audience to ride Shamu, and I was so jealous I half wanted to go down there and beat her up to take my spot on the whale, even though I knew better.' And the trainer was like "Well, we aren't supposed to do this but..." He let me go sit on the whale and to everyones shock the whale took me out into the pool and went through all the show tricks with me

The second one was a little scarier. I was standing on a pier leaning back against the chainlink fence that acted as a barrier in place of the usual wooden railings. The coast was a really rocky cliff of a shoreline, and we saw a pod of migrating sperm whales being chased and actively hunted by Killer whales (even while dreaming I had the thought of 'that's unusual, Sperm Whales are hunters too, Orcas wouldn't hunt them). Then the fence I was leaning against began to slowly begin to come unfastened from the pier and in slow motion I fell with it and suddenly I was walking on the bottom of the ocean holding my breath so I wouldn't drown and panicking thinking "the killer whales are in a feeding frenzy while they're hunting and they'll eat me too" when an old man in a little bubbly submarine pedaled past and I swam up inside of his little capsule to get air and we talked about something for a little while and then I woke up.

Sephiroth's Ki-Rin Army

This was a direct result of E-chan's new Black and White 2 game. I was my goddess self Sabel, and in one of my unused worlds that I didn't upkeep Sephiroth started conquering the villiages with an army of wolf-unicorns that I have decided were Ki-rin, and as I watched he began making the land into a better place than it had been, things were running more smoothly than they had when left to its own so I just sat back and watched as he made the world a better place. I'm now writing a story based off this idea

Alucard Make-out session
Not much to say about this one as the title says it all. Somehow I was this girl who'd been all but killed and abandoned in an alleyway when all the sudden Alucard shows up and *saves* me by turning me into a vampire. And unlike Seras I adapted quite well to becoming a vampire and fit in perfectly at Hellsing... and then me and Alucard were making out in the alleywhere we'd met. It was very interesing what with all the fangs and Alucard doing werid things with additional limbs and such. I was going on about the wonders of a Vampire Makeout Session all day, much to my coworkers chagrin and dismay.  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:19 pm
I had a nightmare last night/this morning...

I was some kind of supernatrual animal being used in some sort of tournament, and I won. I was in some kind of school yard, near an abandoned playground and some of those portable classrooms. I was wandering around and somehow I fell down into an area of planks and chainlink. It was filthy and there were a lot of spiders, and when I turned around to look for the way I'd come in there was only more spiderwebs separatng me from the chain link I'd fallen under and there were big fat hairy tarantulas looking at me. I think I'd turned because an old man who was looking after me was calling for me. He reached out for me and I warned him about the spider so he tried to crush it by pushing down on the plank I'd slipped down on, but the spider was just pushed down and was pressed against his thigh through the chainlink and it bit him. I was still trapped down there amongst all the waiting spiders and the guy was dying of the poison. I was trying to keep them away by summoning fire but I couldn't because I'd used all my energy in the tournament. I woke up a little at that point very disoriented and it was that time of morning where it's getting lighter but still dark.

Oh yeah, and if you can't guess I'm arachniphobic. That dream still has me creeped out.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:35 pm
I just realized I never posted my vampirey nightmare/dream or maybe I did and just didn't post it in this topic ninja If that's the case you probably already know about it

So there was this deserty place only it was too humid, and there was a wooden tunnel which lead across the desert, but it was decaying, the wood was splintered and mouldering in a threatening manner, as if it would gouge anyone who steppedo n it wrong, and of course die from infection. As if that weren't bad enough, there were vampire women with hair that could move and wrap around things like tentacles, and their hair was textured like Samara's in The Ring, all greasy and filthy and wet. After experiencing all these frightening textures a hero showed up and saved me, some kind of wierd cross of Dante from Devil May Cry and the Vampire Hunter D  




PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:40 pm
Ooooh, I just had a CREEPY dream... It's creepy because it all fit together AND ended very scarily

You know how you dream multiple times a night? Well, anyway, I was going to a big social gathering thing that involved a lake. While there, a lady asked me if I would play with her kids in the lake, and I agreed. We had these flotation devices and the only kid I remember was this cute little boy. He looked really young, but he was really smart for his age. It seems he went there fairly often, and he told me stuff about the lake and such. Turned out we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere and the lake was called that Lake of a Thousand Souls. I wondered who thought up such a weird name. So we swam really far out in this big lake, but it didn't take long to swim back at all and I went back to change into clothes that weren't wet, and I had to let someone borrow pantyhose for some reason o.O

Then I had another dream. I was in this weird world that had this rusty colored ground with large patches of white in places. There was this really big play structure like in playgrounds, and the area around was fairly flat, so all that you could see in the distance was more rust-red and white ground. And a large lake was nearby. So, I tried talking to people at the playground, but they wouldn't talk to me and kept telling me to go see the 'prince'. Well, the place in the playground they directed me to was this little boy who was the same one from the earlier dream, and he was sittingly lonely and seemed to be startled that someone would talk to him. Turns out he was the child of the person who had the entire world under his control, and if you disobeyed, you just...dissapeared. Turned out this ruler was a giant mushroom, but an evil, smart one at that. (I don't know HOW this kid was his son...) So we talked about it a bit, and saw someone 'dissapear' for disobeying

This is when I began fearing for my own life, because I wasn't exactly hiding the fact that I wanted to stop the tyrant. Well, the little boy and I (the little boy had suddenly grown up and was a teenager) examined what was left of the dissapeared person and saw... a pile of salt and the red dust like the stuff from the ground. That was when it all clicked. Why there were so few people. Why the ground was dusty red with piles of salt everywhere. So, if the mushroom could kill people instantly, turning their bodies into stuff that now littered the earth, what happened to their souls? And when I asked the boy to remind me the name of the lake again, he replied automatically, "The Lake of a Thousand...Souls...." We both looked up at each other, horrified, and then I woke up.

It was creepy, the way it all connected like that..... *shivers* I'm going to be afraid of lakes for a while. And mushrooms.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:57 pm
Yikes...I can see that so well... like an eerie photshop painting... eek  



PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:07 pm
I just had a wierd dream last night... I had to get another job, so I went in and applied at some department store and not only did they hire me on the spot they got my uniform too...while dancing happily O_o they were all like that dancing around with broad sweeping motions and smiling all the time. Then they performed on this stage thing behind giant carboard cactuars... and then I learned that they had to be happy like that because there were aliens that laid eggs in sad people and the eggs exploded when they hatched neutral They ended up tricking the head alein into laying eggs in a wierd object that it got stuck too and then it exploded with the eggs, and everyone was saved...and happy... stare Very very excessively happy...  
The City of Parte`

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