Cool Down options: |
Leave it as it is. |
41% |
[ 24 ] |
Just increase the time. |
24% |
[ 14 ] |
Move to a number of tries [read the first post] for the cool down. |
29% |
[ 17 ] |
Cool Downs don't matter, why not just get rid of them. |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
I have another idea [Post in thread]. |
3% |
[ 2 ] |
I have no opinion on cool downs. |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes : 58 |
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:15 pm
The problem I see with all of this is just how giant the shop is. I've followed the shop since '09ish and in that time I've seen the breedings list go from seventyish pairs total to almost two to three hundred at times. Because the shop is so huge, and the standard the colorists are held to when it comes to creating pets is so high, there are very, very few chances for customs and breedings. There are few colorists who are allowed to do breedings and customs and then they are limited within that how many slots they can take.
And yes, it royally sucks when you're trying for one of two slots because that's all the colorist can take that month. It royally sucks when your meager amount of gold means that you can't participate in auctions or have a lick of chance in a raffle. It sucks. The RNG sucks as well and seems to favor people. Or they've just learned the best time to buy their tickets or post their forms or something. I don't know. All I know is the RNG has hated me with a passion since 2010 xD.
In regards to cooldowns, limiting what you can get from big events, when they happen what? Three times a year at most? isn't going to work. I think a lot of people see the big events as a better chance to get pets, because there are just so many. Do people with gold to burn continually win auctions? Yes but it's their gold and items. If they think that auction pet is worth a Devil Tail and 10mil in pure, then that's their choice. The current way they have it makes sense to me and I don't think you should change it. As it is, I pick and choose because I'd rather win a pet I love instead of just trying at everything.
Customs happen so infrequently now, as opposed to 2009 or 2010, that I agree something needs to be changed. Whether its number of raffles or the time frame is lengthened I'm not sure but obviously something needs to be done to at least thin the lists a little. And I say a little because just because the cooldown exists doesn't mean you're suddenly going to start winning custom slots. Soq is just too big for that.
Breedings are really complicated because you have two (or more with co-owners) people involved. You can't just say "you win a breeding, you can't enter in the next five" because that would take the opportunity away from your partner, as well as screw up LL counts. You can't say "you win a breeding and can't get any baskets for the next five months, but your partner can still try the pair" because that's unfair to the person left out. With only 3 breedings per Soq, people want to make sure all of their breedings are used to the fullest and that they get baskets from it. The shop already limits the number of pairs and the number of wins you can get in a month.
While it probably wouldn't work, I'm curious to see what would happen if the shop still limited you to two breedings a month, but you could enter every single pair you had, in every raffle. It would make the list that much longer, especially with those of us who have five, six, seven couples, but it would also give you that extra chance to win a breeding. You'd have to limit people to one win in any given thread though, since the slots are so few and infrequent. Would also work better the more slots there are, but as it's been pointed out in other threads just demanding more slots isn't going to work, considering from what I've heard the colorists are already on a rotating schedule, so they can't give us more breedings if they wanted to. I think.
-shrug- I don't know. The breeding issue is really complicated, given how the shop runs these days.
But that's my two cents. -nod-
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:10 pm
White Neko Chan As for the raffles.. Not everyone can buy like 11 million in tickets.. They should have a limit for that. It just make it seem like indefinite luck on that part. I'd just like to say that in the first raffle I entered I put in 1mil. I managed to win Banzai (WoW pony). In the Halloween raffle two years ago i put in 22mil+ for tickets. I came out with nothing. Granted my friend co-owned her win with me, but I still didn't get picked ticket wise. Yes the number of tickets you order increases your chance, but it does NOT guarantee you a pet. There shouldn't be a limit on tickets. It's a raffle for a reason. That's why they do free-raffles where everyone gets an equal chance.
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:46 pm
CheshireKttty White Neko Chan As for the raffles.. Not everyone can buy like 11 million in tickets.. They should have a limit for that. It just make it seem like indefinite luck on that part. I'd just like to say that in the first raffle I entered I put in 1mil. I managed to win Banzai (WoW pony). In the Halloween raffle two years ago i put in 22mil+ for tickets. I came out with nothing. Granted my friend co-owned her win with me, but I still didn't get picked ticket wise. Yes the number of tickets you order increases your chance, but it does NOT guarantee you a pet. There shouldn't be a limit on tickets. It's a raffle for a reason. That's why they do free-raffles where everyone gets an equal chance. agreed
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:27 am
If this has been suggested before, forgive me, but since customs can be so infrequent, why not have it like this. Maybe have it either be two months, if more than one set of customs opens within those two months, or miss out on the next custom opening should none open within the two month cooldown? I know that just because a person won the last round of customs doesn't mean they will win the next, but some people are just stupid lucky, and it's not impossible. That might be a little more fair, with the current amount of customs opening.
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:38 am
Malomy If this has been suggested before, forgive me, but since customs can be so infrequent, why not have it like this. Maybe have it either be two months, if more than one set of customs opens within those two months, or miss out on the next custom opening should none open within the two month cooldown? I know that just because a person won the last round of customs doesn't mean they will win the next, but some people are just stupid lucky, and it's not impossible. That might be a little more fair, with the current amount of customs opening. agreed
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:31 am
Malomy If this has been suggested before, forgive me, but since customs can be so infrequent, why not have it like this. Maybe have it either be two months, if more than one set of customs opens within those two months, or miss out on the next custom opening should none open within the two month cooldown? I know that just because a person won the last round of customs doesn't mean they will win the next, but some people are just stupid lucky, and it's not impossible. That might be a little more fair, with the current amount of customs opening. My only issue with this is just that it'll be REALLY difficult to regulate. It would just confuse a lot of people and make too much work for staff.
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:35 pm
CheshireKttty Malomy If this has been suggested before, forgive me, but since customs can be so infrequent, why not have it like this. Maybe have it either be two months, if more than one set of customs opens within those two months, or miss out on the next custom opening should none open within the two month cooldown? I know that just because a person won the last round of customs doesn't mean they will win the next, but some people are just stupid lucky, and it's not impossible. That might be a little more fair, with the current amount of customs opening. My only issue with this is just that it'll be REALLY difficult to regulate. It would just confuse a lot of people and make too much work for staff. I honestly can't see how it would be that difficult to regulate. All someone would have to do is make a note somewhere or just check who won the last custom that was open. I'm sure the staff knows when customs open and can keep track.
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:44 pm
Malomy I honestly can't see how it would be that difficult to regulate. All someone would have to do is make a note somewhere or just check who won the last custom that was open. I'm sure the staff knows when customs open and can keep track. I'm just saying it's more complicated then simply doing it by time limit or number of raffles. Really if you wanted to take this approach just doing it by the number of customs opened would be easier. otherwise I can just see it getting messy quickly. Just my own personal opinion though. *shrug*
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:14 pm
Eeeh, I say it should stick to the 'by the number of customs' count. It's easier to keep track of.
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:32 pm
I say double all cool down times. This shop is super big and has a lot of users so that would be the fairest way to ensure that luck gos all the way around.
And honestly if it were me I would post a schedule for events every month and you can only win one thing a month. Not one of each type.
One soq a month. Period.
At least until more colorists are hired.
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:36 pm
AllSummedUpNJazz You can only win one thing a month. Not one of each type. One soq a month. Period.
As far as shop held events go, this 100% this.
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:56 pm
AllSummedUpNJazz I say double all cool down times. This shop is super big and has a lot of users so that would be the fairest way to ensure that luck gos all the way around. And honestly if it were me I would post a schedule for events every month and you can only win one thing a month. Not one of each type. One soq a month. Period. At least until more colorists are hired. So just asking more. What about SC stuff? What if someone wanted to gift a basket to a friend that had already got something? What if someone is gifted a basket by a friend and wants to try in customs or breeding, etc? In other words, I really don't think this 'one per month' thing is good in practice, even though it may appear to be good in theory.
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:03 pm
I would say that gifted things from the staff or from a person don't count toward a limit.
I meant the limit for events like raffles flaffles breedings customs games ect.
That's also why I suggested a shedule be posted at the start of every month or bi monthly so people can decide what they want to enter in ahead of time.
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:27 pm
I like the "one a month" idea as long as there was a list of events posted each month and gifted Soquili didn't count. With the number of Soquili actually produced each month and the number of active people it is often many months and sometimes over a year between when an active person acquires one Soquili and the next while others with good RNG luck or other luck can obtain multiple Soquili monthly.
Again, the one place I see this getting sticky is with breedings because you could be limiting the chances of newer folk who don't have a selection of couples to enter with. Ie. if you want to enter for a breeding slot as your "one soquili" for the month but your partner(s) has already won something do you no longer get a chance to enter?
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:38 pm
I don't really like the one soq a month idea. The rules they have now with one Freebie, one paid etc is just fine. This thread is about cool downs anyways. Not event limits.
Also while a posted schedule might be fine and dandy in theory..I've yet to see a shop that could actually keep up with posting it and what about random colorist giveaways? Those can't be seen before hand..and the prizes for a certain event might not be preview-able or finished until the event actually takes place so even if a schedule were posted you won't know which one you wanted to enter until you saw the prizes...which might not be until the game/event/raffle actually started...completely negating the point of the schedule.