Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:17 am

 Cert | Item Uncert | No Items Uncert | Foal
 Sibling | Schizoid

Quarantine is a very quiet Soq. He likes to keep to himself and stay out of the radar. He lives a life of solitude and loves every minute of it though sometimes he does miss his twin brother. He is really the only individual he doesn't mind speaking with because he shares a similar mindset to him even though they always don't agree on everything.
Being quiet has it's perks and it's downfalls. He can pretty much be undetected when he wants to be and you won't even know he is in the area unless you spot him. On the downside, he is hard to approach. He doesn't like conversing with anyone and when he does he is very snippy about it. He could be described as socially awkward or maybe he just doesn't like being around others. If you manage to get him to talk, consider yourself lucky because it probably won't happen again. This causes him to rarely make friends let alone meet anyone else. His only real friend is his brother. Not many can make it that far.
On top of it all, he is a complete a*****e. He will ignore and insult you if you bother him too much or he will just do it just for fun. If you keep pestering him over and over again, there is a good chance he will snap on you. He isn't friendly and doesn't really want to be. He has a hard time speaking with anyone including his own kind. So his self-defense is to be as mean as he can be.
He won't tell anyone this, but he closes himself in a lot. He will detach himself from everyone so that he doesn't feel anything. As a result, he feels very little for anything except for his brother.
Unlike his brother, he doesn't really care much for other breeds. He doesn't understand why his brother prefers to stalk a lesser breed and he won't make that mistake. He doesn't hate him for it, he just doesn't understand his fascination with him nor does he understand why it's a stallion. He isn't pro-kalona, he isn't pro-anything, he just thinks some breeds are superior for different reasons. It has nothing to do with discrimination.

✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Female: Male:
 Quarantine is attracted to like minded individuals. He seems to only be driven towards kalona.
 Co-Ownership Agreement - HERE
*****[x] - Unexpected Find (Dal'nia x Quarantine)
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:18 am
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:29 am
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:30 am

 Cert | Uncert | Uncert w/o items
 Annabelle Lee
 Mutant Cerynei
 ✗ A glowing red eye with black mist emanating from it ✗ Strawberries layering her shoulders ✗ Blood drip markings on her body
 ✚ Obsessing over things ✚ Strawberries ✚ Quiet ✚ Blood ✚ Collecting teeth
 ▼ Nice Soq ▼ Sun ▼ Happiness ▼ Those who get away
 ☠ Feeling emotions ☠ Falling in love ☠ Failing at killing someone ☠ Having someone overpower her
 All dead
 ❤ ❤ ❤
 ☣ ☣ ☣ ☣

Annabelle is pretty apathetic. She had a rough life and was completely turned on by everyone she loved. This turned her into a monster. She lost all the good within herself and now she walks around as a pained reminder of what happened that night. She use to be normal or at least look normal. Now there is something dark within her soul. Something that wants to be let out.
A dark mist escapes from her red eye. She doesn't know what it is and probably will never know. The only thing she does know is that it's enough to frighten anyone away from her.
She is friendly to be an extent. She considers herself a freak of nature. A failed experiment. She hides her eye behind her mane in hopes that no one will be able to see the horror. She uses it to her advantage though. Her markings and 'normal' look get her friendly with others. Then she attacks when they least expect it. The last thing they see is her gleaming red eyes looking down on them as she takes their life.
She is a cannibal. She enjoys eating her own kind. She drinks the blood of her victims and has a way of collecting it once the creature perishes.
She isn't crazy or manic at all. She is rather well mannered and good natured until she doesn't see a use for the other individual anymore. She liked to confuse those she meets into thinking she is injured due to her (bloodstained) markings. They always fall for it and she uses that to her advantage.
Don't even touch or eat her strawberries. She believes they are poisonous, even if they aren't.
She considers herself a ghost. A figment of your imagination. She is obsessive to the point where she will stalk you if your something she wants. She will haunt you until you give up or she is feasting on your corpse. She has no reason to be 'alive' so she will do what she can to make everyone else's life a living hell.
 ✗ Annabelle is new to the lands so she needs someone to show her around. ✗ Be My Slave - Annabelle is the type to have people cower in fear of her. She knows she isn't as terrifying as other breeds, but she uses other means to get what she wants. She isn't afraid to strike anyone down if she has to. With that being said, she would more then likely have a slave of some sort. Whether it be a stallion or a mare, she would use them to either do her bidding or she would treat them like absolute garbage. It would depend on what is offered. ✗ Obsessive Stalker - Annabelle is obsessive over everything. If it's something she really likes she will pretty much try her hardest until it's hers or she finds something better that appeals to her. For this, I want her to stalk someone. It can be male or female, though I would prefer a stallion. I want her to obsess over this someone to the point where they confront her. How the meeting goes is all up in the air, but I think it would be interesting if they don't mind what she is doing or they are interested in why she is doing it. It would really throw her off and she probably wouldn't know what to do. But like I said..it's all up in the air. ✗ Adding To My Collection - Annabelle is a collector at heart, but her most favorite thing to stow away is teeth. She collects them from all kinds of animals and her absolute favorite is horse teeth. She has a sick twisted impulse to collect them from her own kind and sometimes will even wait out for a pony to die just so she can collect all their teeth. So for this, I want someone to come across her while she is doing her collecting. Maybe it's a fresh death and they think she was the one that did it? I don't know, but it could be anything. I want them to be freaked out or stop her. It all depends on what is offered. ✗ Target Practice - Annabelle is fairly committed to everything she does. Whether it be hunting or just adventuring for the day. She doesn't really back down from something once she starts it. So for this, I can see her targeting someone and possibly making them her guinea pig. Depending on who is offered, she would fakery act nice around them until she got what she wanted. Whether it be courtship, abuse (on their end) or some other sick twisted relationship. She wouldn't stop until she is satisfied. What can happen will have to be discussed, but I can see her using them as a way to hone her skills as well as perfect them.
Meta-Plot - The Demon Inside ✗ Succumbing To My Desires (Evil Stallion needed) - Annabelle is going to need to meet a similar minded individual. He will have to be dark and evil if possible. I want him to be like her partner in crime or even a nemesis. They don't have to get along, they can hate each other for all I care. I just want there to be some kind of banter between the two. Sharing stories or boasting about accomplishments in life, I want it to be something that makes her strive for more. Something that really makes her say, "Wait a minute, I can be stronger then this." If it's simple then it's simple, but I'm fine with something a little more complex if we manage to develop this further. ✗ Evil Intent (Stallion or Mare needed) - Annabelle has a strong impulse to hurt others. It stems from a long time of holding back her anger and letting it fester deep within her. I want her to intentionally hurt a stallion or mare. She will not kill them because they will gain the upper hand with her. They will either talk her out of it or use their brute strength on her. If she is badly injured as a result, then I'm okay with that. I want her to think she has control over the entire situation only to have it backfire right in her face. It will be a good life lesson for her and is definitely one she will need to learn. ✗ From Rags To Riches (Stallion or Mare needed) - Annabelle has been trying to hone her skills for years and it took her a long time to do so. Having perfected her dark habits by now, I want her to meet someone who is in need of some form of training. This won't be your typical trainer and trainee plot. No, I want her to mentor this pupil, but while she is doing so she will use them as she sees fit. They will be oblivious to her advances and actually believe she is helping them become some kind of warrior when in reality the only thing she is doing is sending them on a wild goose chase just for her amusement. Then when she is confronted about it, she either turns her back on them or betrays them. ✗ In Need Of A Minion (Mini needed) - Annabelle has found much amusement in the mini breeds of the world. She doesn't find them superior or beneath her. In fact, she doesn't quite know where to place them so she doesn't even bother. I want her to befriend one. As crazy as that sounds, I want her to really take an interest in one, whether they are good or evil, she will find them fascinating. Perhaps they share her views or maybe they aren't afraid of her. Something that really makes them stand out from the other boring folks she has met in her lifetime. I would want them to be a friend to her and kind of stick around to the point of being inseperable. ✗ The Suffering (Stallion needed) - Annabelle doesn't feel anything for anyone. She doesn't have the ability to do so. She has tried and it only makes the emptiness in her heart bigger. For some reason or another, I want Annabelle to find out that the mini she befriended has perished. Of course it wouldn't be true at all, but I want her to really believe something horrible happened to him or her. This can go a couple of different ways. She meets a stallion whom she lashes out at showing how angry she is over the news (She wouldn't cry or show that she cared too much) or she could meet the stallion whom supposedly committed the deed (Of course he would have to lie his a** off the entire time). Either way, she is probably going to attack him even if he was trying to help her. She can be very unstable especially when angry. I want her to realize her priorities are in the wrong place. ✗ The Dark Queen (Self-RP) - By this Rp, I want Annabelle to have grown as a character both physically and mentally. I want her to have matured and realized what she was out to actually do with her life. What she ultimately wanted from a very young age and how she was going to accomplish it. I don't want her to back down from her dream. ✗ My Dark Prince (Stallion needed) - Annabelle has never once thought about settling down let alone having someone by her side at all times. It just wasn't something that would happen in her mind. I want her to meet a dark minded stallion that completely sweeps her off her feet. Probably not in the normal sense and in no way do I want him to stick around for a long term relationship. She just isn't the kind of mare that would do that. I want her to pretty much find a companionship in this stallion. She would think of him as her prince and probably the only one who could ever reach a side of her no one else has ever seen. So this stallion is going to hold a special place with her even if she feels nothing for him. ✗ The Death Of Innocence (Stallion or Mare needed) - Annabelle has been through a lot in her life. She has dealt with a lot of negativity towards her and it has completely killed her heart. So for this, I want her to be completely vulnerable. Maybe she was injured badly from a encounter beforehand leaving her completely defenseless against whoever decided to help her. When help does arrive, I want her to talk about her past with this individual. I want her to share her life experiences with them since she is in her weakened state, she won't be thinking clearly at all and it will be the first time she ever opened up to someone. ✗ Dark Mist - Annabelle will ultimately succumb to her darkness and dive deeper into her own madness. She will never get better and she will never be normal. I didn't want her to be in the first place. She is evil and will always be that way. With that being said, I want her to kidnap a foal or come across an abandoned one. I want her to take this foal under her hoof and pretty much turn them evil. She will corrupt them and it's fully up to the owner if they want the foal to see the light again later in life. But as a foal I want them to be dark and evil alongside her. Maybe later they take a stand against her and go their separate ways from her. Ultimately leaving her broken. ✗ ??? ✗ ??? ✗ ???

✗ Agravain ✗ ✗ ✗
Female: Male:
 Annabelle is only attracted to dark beings.
 Permanent Permission - [x] Mock-Breeding - [x] Fling with Makoto - [x]
*****[x] - Blood and Secrets (Eltanin Draconis & Annabelle Lee)
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:31 am
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:32 am
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:34 am
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:36 am

 Cert | Itemless Cert | Uncert | Itemless Uncert | Missing Wing with Items | Missing Wing without Items

 Megamutant Angeni
 ✗ Pawed feet ✗ A fluffy tail ✗ A saddle ✗ Pointed rabbit like ears.
 ✚ Forest animals ✚ Trees ✚ Flowers ✚ Water ✚ Quiet ✚ Warm days ✚ Friendly Soquili
 ▼ Dreary days ▼ Rain ▼ Evil ▼ Depression
 ☠ Being alone ☠ Having those she loves killed ☠ Being attacked by a walker
 None. She grew up alone
 ❤ Awahi ❤ Chosovi ❤ Honovi ❤ Mistral

Galadel is a warm individual. She is the kind of mare that is homey and is all about family. She never grew up with one and has been alone her entire life, but her family has become the animals of the forest. She adores little animals. Chipmunks are her favorite. She will do all she can to make someone feel comfortable, but she knows there is limits to her kindness.
Even though her look can be terrifying to some, she is a very peaceful and caring mare. She is gentle, kind, optimistic and pure hearted. There isn't an evil bone in her body. She will not harm anyone or anything no matter what they do to her. She is a pacifist and will always stay a pacifist even though she has the claws to defend herself. She would rather talk her way out of trouble then use brute force even though sometimes she has to. It's rare, but it does happens. And she will never eat another living being. She prefers berries or edible plants for sustenance.
She is wise. She is constantly looking for new knowledge. She wants to know as much as she can even though she knows it's a hard task to accomplish. It's her long time goal and will try all she can to accomplish this task. It's something she always had a longing for when she was young. Something that always made her happy. In her quest for knowledge, she is constantly moving. She is always going from one place to another in search of anything to feed her cravings. There isn't a place she won't go.
She has things that she hides most of the time. Even those close to her don't know what it is because she keeps it so deep down. She can be very sensitive and closed in. She appears to be a strong and secure mare, which most of the time she is. But in reality she is strong for others, but not really for herself. She avoids feeling anything deeper then a friendship for others and has troubling opening herself up.
 ✗ Galadel is in search of knowledge. She seeks wisdom from elders. ✗ Lost Time - Galadel is a bit naive and kind of dumb when it comes to love. She knows it exists and wants it for herself, but seeing it is the problem. She is smart with everything else except for this most basic emotion. So I want her to seek out a supposed 'love doctor' and ask for his help. He must be a pawed stallion. He can be a fake love doctor or a real one. I'm game for either or. He will convince her that he can solve her problem and send her out on various 'dates' with other stallions. Time and time again, nothing works out. She ends up dateless and begins wondering if there is something wrong with her. Eventually after many 'dates', she comes to realize she has feelings for this 'love doctor.' It will take time. I want to stress that and a patient stallion. She will also be staying with him for a long time as well. Getting to know him, what he is about and so on. At this point, it can go whatever way anyone likes. Things would have to be discussed and it can be decided whether or not this is a happily ever after or something entirely different. *Side Note: Things can change and things can be added. I'm all about drama and adding to things. So the more plots the better. This could even turn into something crazy. It's all open for discussion!

Tries with ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
✗ Calla ✗ Kerberos ✗ Kerberos ✗ Kerberos
Female: Male:
 Galadel is attracted to wise stallions. She won't tolerate any less.
 Wishing Star Agreement - HERE Mock-Breeding Agreement with Heart | HERE Fling Agreement with Kerb | HERE
*****[x] - Unexplored Territory (Galadel x Demadria) *****[x] - A Place To Belong (Galadel x Dior) *****[x] Another Like Me? (Primrose & Galadel) *****[x] When an ember begins to burn... (Galadel & Rosenkreuz) *****[x] - Finding Mr. Right (Galadel x Vassilis) *****[x] - Trading Supplies And Glances (Galadel x Akira) *****[x] - A Tale of Tails (Kodama x Galadel)
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:45 am
  Masked Cert | Unmasked Cert | Masked Uncert | Unmasked Uncert
 Unicorn x Kirin Crossbreed
 Parents | Ava (Mother) and Lunar (Father) Mate | Schizoid Kids | With Melanie | Zachariah, Uriel, and Archangelica
 Gabriel is an a** right off the bat. He only believes in the family and what it stands for. He isn't about to let anyone get close to him and doesn't want any kind of love. He gets that enough from his mother. His father died in battle and that is one thing he doesn't like anyone to talk about because he hates mentioning him. It sets off raw emotions that can cause him to attack you.
He loves battle and everything is a battle to him. Even to talking to other Soq is battle to him because the other could attack at any given moment. Being one of the biggest in the herd he fights a lot and sadly he doesn't have good speaking skills with others. His aggression comes out when he speaks with other Soq including females so he isn't a sweet talker and will do anything to not be in love with another.
History: Gabriel was trained from birth to adulthood how to battle. He has known nothing else and his father wouldn't let him have any kind of fun outside of battle. So really the only fun he has is when he is stomping his hoof into another's hide. He isn't afraid to punish males or females alike. He will rough around a foal too, but won't harm them. He just doesn't like kids.
The large stallion has never been one to follow order's accordingly to how they are set.
The family he is in has a set family value that was pretty much drilled into his head.. "Live for the family and die for the family" Sadly it's a motto that has been dying within him during his long years as an adult. He is finding faults in it and is beginning to not give two shits about the family anymore. His main reasoning for it is for his taboo love of kalona's.
He had been growing more and more distant ever since he began keeping contact with his cousin Sonneillon. After him he had been getting more and more kalona's friends to the point where he was willing to just abruptly leave the family.
Him and Lenore are close friends and have been from a young age. Sharing viewpoints except when it comes to Kalona's. That is the only time they really fought, but Justice is his sworn enemy in the family. He hates the very sight of that putrid abomination.
Now, he struggles with finding himself and his place. The place he had once thought was going to be his station for his whole life turned out to be anything, but that. Anything but the paradise he was expecting. Though he doesn't believe there will be a happy ending for him. His tastes for mare's is indescribably low and would rather maim one then spend the rest of his life with one. So he is a VERY big sexist male. He believes female's can be strong and prefers that over the sissy mares that make him sick, but in no way does he believe a female could ever be better then a male.
 ✗ Found love and comfort in Schizoid ✗ Estranged from his son, Zachariah ✗ Battles with his father, Lunar ✗ Is turned into a catwalker

Tries with Alina ✗ Riri's Guest Halloween Breedings ✗ Ryuu's July Breedings ✗ Mind's August Breedings ✗
✗ Melanie ✗ Alina ✗ Aderes ✗ Mariposa? (Maybe) ✗ Morana? (Maybe)
Gabe x Alina Child: Seren, Divine and one who goes out committing acts of justice. Saving others form harm. Will completely lose their mind when Gabriel is turned evil. Gabe x Aderes Child: Schizophrenic nut case. Gabe x Morana Child:
Female: Arcadia, Seraphim, and Naomi Male: Zelo, Cain and Abel.
 He is attracted to strong intelligent Soq. Those who could take after themselves and be able to raise strong children.
 Alina | Breeding Agreement Possible Mock-Breeding with Schiz? 8D - PERMISSION HERE Co-Ownership Agreement - HERE *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:49 am
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:50 am
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:52 am
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:45 pm
 Cert | Uncert | Foal | Basket
 Ceryeni - Reg - Mutant (In bloodline)
 Mother | Trucio Father | Nevin Brother | Sister |

Omni is serene, holy, and very much about mother nature. She believes everyone is equal no matter who or what they are and doesn't see fault in others only things that need improvement. She has always been one with the environment and the critters that live in it. She, like her grandfather, can see spirits and communicate with them. She doesn't see herself as a seer or something who can help them into the next life, but she does see herself as someone who holds balance between the two worlds. A balance that keeps her calm and helps her feel less alone in the world.
She is not a joker, a prankster, or a fighter. She doesn't get involved in quarrels of any kind and definitely doesn't try to cause any harm to anyone. She is subdued, laid back, and casual. Like her father, she tends to be caught up in her head a lot. She is a mare of few words except when she needs to speak.
She is all about knowledge. She loves learning new things and learning about other's way of life. What others might find boring she will probably find fascinating. If she finds something interesting and wants to know more she will let you know. She isn't shy and definitely will voice her opinion.
She is a serious mare. She doesn't spend her time around others because they tend to not understand her. So she lives a secluded life as much as she can. She is friendly, but to an extent. She isn't the type to spark up a conversation and she isn't the type to get excited over meeting someone new.
Since the beginning of her life, she has always wanted to make her family proud by being a priestess. Her pilgrimage and journey is her life. She doesn't like anything interfering with her end goal, which she doesn't like talking about.
 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
 ---- *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:27 am
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:29 am