Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:27 am
Sabin Duvert Nymphalidae (Pssst, I'm not on the list!) Guh, wut seriously? Fail sabin is fail gonk Sorry about that - I know I listed you, but I must have somehow overwritten it when I was converting them all to quote-tags *faceslaps* For capture - very up in the air - wanted to have that as an option, and if you have any ideas, awesome - that's all very nebulous at the moment. Either for POW trades, or possibly more individual interactions. No worries! whee heart Ok, sounds good! HMM. ninja
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:34 am
THUNDERBIRD HERDXaviera Soquili Name Xaviera Combat Effectiveness 1 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Xaviera has no fighting experience. She doesn't like violence -- which isn't to say she wouldn't try to defend herself or loved ones, of course, but it means she was never trained and has never been put into a violent situation. This would essentially be the first time she'd had to fight. How Severely can your soquili be injured? 4 How about Capture? Y - Would like her to put herself in harms way to defend one of her children and end up captured Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Permanent wing damage.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:46 am
THUNDERBIRD HERDLeonhart Soquili Name Leonhart Combat Effectiveness 3 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Leonhart is on the patrol team of the herd and has therefor had training. He is better at defending than attacking, but knows how pack a punch to inflict damage. He's mastered the "I'm not mad, just dissapointed" look -- watch out, future foals!How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Permanently damaged wings.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:55 am
THUNDERBIRD HERDGabrielle Soquili Name Gabrielle Combat Effectiveness 3 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? One wouldn't think someone as gentle and sweet as Gabrielle could be a fighter, but she's a lot more than she looks. She has the element of surprise on her side, a demure little mare who can unleash a fury in the likeness of a Kalona on anyone who threatens her herd and family. She's a bit lacking in the physical strength aspect, though. How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Permanently damaged wings.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:03 am
And I believe this is it for me! FIREBIRD/SHADOW HERDLycaenidae Soquili Name Lycaenidae Combat Effectiveness 2 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Um... madness? She has a high tolerance for pain and believes that everything is a dream; she can't tell her delusional visions from reality anymore. She's a stealth fighter, sneaking up on her victims, picking out the weakest looking ones to torment. She's better at torture than full on fighting, but she's built solidly and can take hits as well as dole them out when needed. How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Nothing comes to mind.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:29 pm
FIREBIRD/SHADOW HERDSOQUILI NAME Soquili Name Shinoma Combat Effectiveness 3-4 I'd say Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Savage, quick and stealthy, plus the whole faded edges to her body thing - Shinoma's real weakness would be coming up against someone physically overbearing as she is a relatively small Kalona and lacks the brute strength to overpower anyone larger than herself How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Nope, rolling with the punches XD
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:57 pm
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:08 pm
Zephyros Soquili Name Zephyros Combat Effectiveness 3 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Cyclone Soquili Name Cyclone Combat Effectiveness 4 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Cyclone is bulky, a great 'wall' of defense, but she also has those sharp talons that she keeps well sharpened on rocks. And those bulky back hooves that could leave a good mark on anyone that tried to attack that end. xD How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? Y Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Will edit in everything else when I get on my laptop.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:24 pm
WOO HOOO!As the Main soquili meta event is coming to a close, this will be kicking into gear! IT BEGINS....Our plan is to get the main thread for the RP opened this weekend, probably Saturday. It will include the post from this thread with all the participants in spoilers that has the combat forms for easy referral. It will also repeat the rules and dates, and have a few post-headers for things like if your soquili is no longer involved in the fight. Phase 1 will last TWO WEEKS and be a set-up. The attackers taking position in two groups (one of non-fliers being led up the secret path by Firestorm who knows the way, and a second group of fliers being led by someone else TBA.)) Also, you can post what your Thunderbird herdmember is doing before the $#!& hits the fan. You may post UP TO two times per soquili in this phase, though one (or none) is fine, too. Everyone who has signed up will be quote-notified in the post. The Second Phase will begin April 19 with a GM Post officially closing the Setup phase and begining the conflict. That phase will last OVER A MONTH (Until May 31) to give everyone PLENTY of time to post with their soquili. More information will be posted when that gets closer, BUT the end of the phase will be a Plot Point that will interrupt whatever fighting is going on. I'm quote-tagging EVERYONE with a soquili involved once more here - if you haven't signed up yet and you want to participate, please post your form in this thread before Saturday. It will make things easier. If for whatever reason you hear about this late and still want to participate, just drop me a PM. INVITE LISTIf you're not on this list and should be, I apologize in advance. Just post :3
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:29 pm
She probably won't be DIRECTLY in the battle, but just in case Kumiho Soquili Name Kumiho Combat Effectiveness Scale of 4 - she's weak for a skinwalker but she's still a skinwalker. She has no qualms about killing Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Yeah, she's a skinwalker. She's vicious and bloodthirsty. But she's small and stealthy more than big and bold. How Severely can your soquili be injured? 2 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? No be spotted while stealthing
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:57 pm
Posting just in case. Not 100% sure if I will have time/muse to participate but if I do here's the info. THUNDERBIRD HERDDerecho Soquili Name Derecho Combat Effectiveness 2 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Much better on the ground than in the air. Moderate pain tolerance. How Severely can your soquili be injured? 2 How about Capture? N Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili?
Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:38 am
THUNDERBIRD HERDWynter Fury Soquili Name Wynter Fury Combat Effectiveness 1 Notes on Combat Style/specialty/Approved powers? Wynter Fury will probably be about as effective as a wet noodle during the fight. I think flashbacks might occur when/if she sees some of the attackers from Anju's herd. (Any pawed Soquili will remind her of her "greeting" into the Kawani/Soquili lands - which was not pleasant at all. ) She'll do her best to protect those that cannot fight themselves though. How Severely can your soquili be injured? 3 How about Capture? Y Anything(s) in particular you do NOT want to happen to your soquili? Death. That is all. (( Still in a joining RP with Kamiki but I wanted to get this up here ))
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:40 am
Hey guys! Mind if I have Rephaim hop in to help Stormfall? It looks like it's three against one (Infernum, Legion, and Megaera), poor thing!
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:43 am
Nymphalidae Hey guys! Mind if I have Rephaim hop in to help Stormfall? It looks like it's three against one (Infernum, Legion, and Megaera), poor thing! Not at all smile
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:46 am
Nymphalidae Hey guys! Mind if I have Rephaim hop in to help Stormfall? It looks like it's three against one (Infernum, Legion, and Megaera), poor thing! Stormfall would love the aid. I was getting worried.