Co Ownership?: Buffy and Parue co-own Vitania, a verbal agreement, 50/50. If there are 2 baskets, Buffy and Parue will co-own, if three, they will each get one. Teepees:Nova and Buffy
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: Np
Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Eagle and Dove wind wings
Throwbacks?: No ---Link to previous Generations:
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: No ---Just on Males? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): No ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: Yes
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:44 pm
1: Vera x Xanti
This couple is tallied for future Lowluck Raffles
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yep! ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yep!
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Vera ( [X]Natty-Chan[X] ) x Xanti ( FitzRoyal )
Mother: Vera ([X]Natty-Chan[X]) UNCERT pregnant stage: I want one
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise.) ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?:
Unedited?: God no.
Entry Code:
Fiorella ( Pollack) x Maral ( sage_the_vampric_angel)
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes ---Just on Males? (If you say no, there's a chance of a bearded chick): Yes ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: Yes
Short Summary of their plotline: Kendrick ran into Sephora on the beach, where she was waiting for her mother to return to her. He gave her some flying lessons (her wings are too small to sustain long/high flight) and spent the night nearby and continued to teach her. In the next few days, Sephora realized that her mother had been gone far too long and freaked out - Kendrick soothed her and they began to look for Kalypso. They did not find her. After looking and continuing her flying lessons, they admitted their feelings for one another. Eventually, Sephora will meet his family - which will be an ordeal in and of itself.
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Loving, sweet, and understanding, Sephora is her own harshest critic. However, with Kendrick's help, she is beginning to see that she can be perfect in her own skin. Father: Kendrick is of the knightly variety. He's fiercly protective of any he loves or cares about and would do just about anything for his family. He never took after his mother's elitist views that wings were superior to all others, and never cared if Sephora could fly or not, he merely wanted to help her achieve a dream. A true gentlemen who is friendly to others, and sometimes gets a little tongue-tied talking to his pretty lady.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Sephora enjoys making bits and bobs out of shells and pretty stones she finds on the beach. Father: Flight instructor to Sephora, if that counts.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Beachwalkers : Sephora and Kendrick meet and he gives her a flying lesson - the best she's yet had. She also makes him a necklace. Absent Without Leave : Sephora realizes that her mother is missing for reals and panics. Kendrick is there to calm her and help begin the search.
What are their family dynamics? Sephora and Kendrick will raise them together with very minimal exposure to grandparents or aunts/uncles - Sephora never met her father, brother, or half-siblings and Kendrick is not on speaking terms with his relatives atm.
Traditions: Pearls are passed down in Sephora's family - her mother, Kalypso, was given some by her father, and Kalypso gave some to her daughter. Sephora will probably give her children strings of pearls as gifts. Herd/Family Culture: Not really anything immersive, though wings are important in Kendrick's family. Religious Beliefs: None specifically.
Additional Info:
2: Bernadette x Cato
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Bernadette ( [strike]Presca[/strike]/vollyballrocks91 ) x Cato ( Roman Foi )
Same Breed Variants: No thank you. ---Templates to Avoid: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yes please! ---Link to previous Generations: N/A both are 1st Gens.
Short Summary of their plotline: Regalia found Pumpkin Spice when she was a foal not long after she ran away from The Blood Moon Carnival. Hiding her in an abandoned church he and his friend Cinis also foals at the time kept an eye on her, and taught her all the things she had missed out on learning at The Blood Moon Carnival. Eventually their friendship grew into a crush which became a relationship.
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Fun, Gullible, Nice, Genuine, Positive, and All Around Good. Father: A tad Snobbish, Vengeful, Selective, Vain, but he can be a good guy to the people he cares for.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: None. Father: Socialite, Party Planner, and Playboy.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: Nothing to share as of yet. Its still in the works.
What are their family dynamics? They would raise the children together with the help of their friend Cinis in the ruins if an abandoned church.
Traditions: Live everyday like its the last, not recklessly, but more lavishly. Accept only the best because you are worth it. Herd/Family Culture: Lavish party culture mostly. Religious Beliefs: Cinis a family friend would instill in them a respect of nature and move them toward Druidism.
2: Leilani x Tsaheylu
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Leilani ( Wasteland Wyvern ) x Tsaheylu ( Tefla )
Mother: UNCERT (optional: Markings) pregnant stage: I would like one please?
Same Breed Variants: Either original wings like Takoda and Broderick have or the Heron please ---Templates to Avoid: I'm good here, just no Bald ponies.
Throwbacks?: No ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
Painted Moose
Dapper Codger
Lady Argentum Draconis
Enduring Hunter
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:25 pm
Username: Lady Argentum Draconis
1: Metawa x Antares
This couple is tallied for future Lowluck Raffles
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No Entry Code:
Metawa ( Geyser Eelborn) x Antares ( Lady Argentum Draconis)
Mother: Metawa UNCERT pregnant stage: Yes Father: Antares UNCERT Co Ownership?: No Teepees:ArgentGey Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: No
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Demontail Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: Antares: MotherFather Metawa: MotherFather
2: Trida Nidae x Pontas
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Trida Nidae( Lady Argentum Draconis) x Pontas (Mameha Otome)
Mother: Trida Nidae UNCERT pregnant stage: Yes Father: Pontas UNCERT Co Ownership?: No Teepees:ArgentMeha Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: N/A Throwbacks?: Sure ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
3: Tinúviel x Pachelbel
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Tinúviel ( Mahogany Sunset ) x Pachelbel Amachi ( Lady Argentum Draconis )
Same Breed Variants: Okies. ---Templates to Avoid: Female unicorn tail.
Throwbacks?: Yes! ---Link to previous Generations: Maternal Parents: Mother, Father Paternal Parents: Mother, Father
Short Summary of their plotline:
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Csitri is intense. Sometimes to the point of scariness. She's large in comparison to her tiny mother, having inherited her father's genes for height. As a foal she was often gangly and even somewhat envious of her sister's claws. Father: Damir is a pretty normal, compassionate gentleman. He's mute, so he can't speak...but his familiar, Eliron, makes up for that well! In comparison to the rather easygoing stallion, his bird makes quite the ruckus and is very willful, causing Damir to become irritated with him, though he cares for the little songbird quite a lot despite the annoyance he sometimes is.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Courtesan/Entertainer/Scout/Warrior Father: Mute wanderer.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance:My Love is the Mountains - Csitri and Damir first meet; he is, technically, her first-ever "seduction"/"entertainee" and as this log progresses, she will be nervous, edgy, and even intense (which is all fair and well because Damir is rather dense when it comes to making babies). After, it's very likely she will confide in him. After all...Damir is mute. Who can he tell?
What are their family dynamics? Csitri and her mother and sister will raise any girls, while Damir will come back for any colts. He may be permitted to see his daughters when they are older and Csitri takes them to a small valley where Damir will wind up residing. Damir will wind up being a "favourite" of hers, as she will find she loves him and he returns it, and is likely to have at least one more breeding with him. And Damir...will likely agree to father more offspring and take any girls from them to give to Csitri and her mother's flock (pending Mind's approval for this plotbunny). Until her last breeding, however, Csitri will not become his mate in truth, only a lovemate of sorts, as her first duty is to her mother's regrowing flock.
Traditions: Coming Down the Mountain - while not literal (Damir will reside in a valley not too far from the flock, but far enough that they will not interact constantly; this prevents the flock's food stores from being heavily depleted), Csitri will bring her daughters down to meet Damir, for he is special to her, and there she will also interact with any sons that have not ventured from Damir's side during their own growth. Herd/Family Culture: Girls girls girls stay with the flock. Boys are fit to wander as they will, though Damir will do his best to raise them and Csitri might make the occasional appearance while they're still young! Religious Beliefs: Likely in the great spirits/whatever the flock did.
3: Eillafae vel Sol x Danae
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes. ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes.
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Eillafae vel Sol ( ArashiX ) x Danae ( Leopleuradon & ArashiX )
Same Breed Variants: Sure! ---Templates to Avoid: None
Throwbacks?: Sure! ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Arcadeamiss)
Short Summary of their plotline: arcadeamiss is wandering the lands in search of his mentor thesh-ah to bring her back to the lands of her for fathers. He meets lillith at a stream and the two hit it off. Being a young vibrant stallion with little interaction with females he becomes smitten with her quickly.
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Sweet and flirty. She is a very happy and kind girl, loving the world and wandering around to see everything she can in the world. Father: positive would be the big descriptor. Always with a large smile and a helping hoof. He's nearly impossible to make angry or depressed.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Wanderer Father: protector, knight, warrior.
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: not there yet but plots are gonna be good smile
What are their family dynamics? the two will work together to raise the foals but its likely that they will split up because arcadeamiss is still very young and inexperienced in the ways of the world. So not really completely ready for family life or in any position to be raising children. Besides that . . . He still has to find thesh-ah.
Traditions: Herd/Family Culture: Lillith: No herd. She is just a wanderer Arcadeamiss: warrior culture is strong
Religious Beliefs: none.
2: Mintireo Kisses x Elijah
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Sure! ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: oh Sure!
Unedited?: No
Entry Code:
Mintireo Kisses ( ~Twilight...Angel~ ) x Elijah ( Kamiki )
Mother: UNCERT ( Nekkid ) pregnant stage: I want one!
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
1st try
Same Breed Variants: Sure ---Templates to Avoid: N/A
Throwbacks?: Sure! ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
Short Summary of their plotline: On a journey to find surviving members of the Frosted Spiders and to also find a new place in Kawanii where they can create a new herd.
What are their parents' personalities? Mother: She is very devout and ruled by her faith. The death of her herd and her mentor leads her to believe that this is a test of faith given by the Great Spider Goddess. When the answers come, she will find herself having to reevaluate what she already knew and will become shocked by the truth. Ëala is a kind soul, and follows her priestess path with enthusiasm.
Father: Ungwe Nique is as cold as the frosty snow covered mountains of his homeland; his heart a frozen muscle that he believes will only hinder him in interpersonal relationships. As years passed, the stallion has added layers of ice to the one organ that would allow him to feel, to love. He did this because he knew he could not handle the pain of another heartbreak when someone he loved abandoning him again. He has many internal and emotional scars; friends are a bitter word to the stallion, he does not allow anyone to become close enough to even be considered a friend. His only true friend is the stuffed bat that rests upon his rump, it is his precious treasure.
In his frigidness, Ungwe appears to be aloof and uninterested in the lives of others; he cannot get himself to care for they will only betray him in the end. He is haughty in his attitude and has illusions of grandeur, and at times he is able to convince himself that he had accomplished great feats in his life. Of all the great exploits of his lies, he works alone, for he believes forming attachments to any living creature is a useless task to Ungwe and considers himself to be above friends.
Deep down, lying dormant beneath his frosty exterior, is a stallion who is desperately alone and looking for a friend, for someone to love him and melt his frozen tundra of a heart. This stallion wants to have companionship and conversations with other living creatures. All these secrets are only known by one, and the stuffed bat cannot and will not tell, the best keeper of secrets.
He holds within him a deep guilt for being the one to cause the destruction of his herd and he wishes to rectify his mistakes by searching for Frosted Spider survivors and creating his own herd. His frosty exterior has begun to melt as he begins to take responsibility for his actions and the pain he has kept locked up deep inside.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Priestess Father: Herd Leader
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance:[x] – This is not an rp, this is the story of Ungwe and how he brought the destruction of the Herd and ended up in Kawani.
[x] – Ëala coming into Kawani after the death of her mentor. She encounters another soquili who informs her about dark creatures, which were behind the attack on the Frosted Spider Herd.
What are their family dynamics? It will just be Ungwe and Ëala to take care of the children. The rest of their herd was destroyed by a pack of purewalkers when Ungwe and Ëala were just foals. Ëala survived for she was sequestered away in an ice cave learning the ways of the Great Spider Goddess. Ungwe survived for he had been banished for killing the daughter of the Spider Goddess. Together the two of them are searching for other herd members who might have survived, so the family would be traveling quite a bit.
Traditions: When a Frosted Spider comes of age, they are presented with a spider themed accessory. This item shows the world that they understand their heritage and they are willing to help the herd survive. Ungwe never received his from his parents, but was gifted a silver web necklace from his adopted mother. When Ëala completed her training as a priestess, she was gifted the blue spider clasp that is worn around her left front leg.
Herd/Family Culture: Currently the herd is only the two of them, but they follow the traditions of the previous Frosted Spider Herd. Coming of age ceremonies are still practiced and have been discussed with the possibility of children. Spiders are treated with respect and reverence in the herd, they are not to be feared but appreciated for their skill with the web.
Religious Beliefs: Ëala is the very religious one, she believes in the Great Spider Goddess, who’s avatar on the earth was the adopted mother of Ungwe. The Spider Goddess is seen as a figure who can control the past, present and future, by a simple weaving of her web. Each individual has a part on the great web of life of the Great Spider Mother and connected to each other individual by an invisible thread.
3: Nakita x Cyrus Monrey
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes! ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Sure! :}
Throwbacks?: Yes Please ---Link to previous Generations: N/A
These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)
Short Summary of their plotline: 'E' is for EVEil: The mare he has met and promised to keep out of the darkness is not what she seems. Her name is Eve and she has a vendetta. She merely wants to use Lafiel so that she may become pregnant with his strong children in order to build an army. She fools him with her lost maiden routine and eventually gets what she wants. Though she wrinkles her nose in disgust at him when she speaks words of love, he is none the wiser and thinks that he may be saving someone. ** This plot has been in the works for quite some time. As a result of the breeding, Eve gets her Steel Angel children, but they are not what she wanted, they are too kind, too weak willed to be able to be the perfect spawn for her army. So before she gets a chance to kill her son (Flynnigan) and blind daughter (Evangeline), the two of them flee and search for their father. ** What are their parents' personalities? Mother: Eve is very manipulative, usually she pretends to be weaker than she is and slowly manipulates her mark by making them do what she wishes usually at the cost of something dear to them. She was crafty enough to trick her own twin sister’s mate that she was the real Gwenevere and he ended up giving her an heir which she twisted and made demented.
Ever since birth she has been like this, no good has ever shown through her beautiful exterior, her mother was the mistress of a King and was to wed him, but when the king discovered his own wife was pregnant he cast his mistress to the side. Pregnant and alone, Eve’s mother plotted her revenge and passed that revenge down to her daughter. As she grew up her heart turned black and all she wished was to destroy her sister and take back what she believed to be rightfully hers. She had almost accomplished this mission, but was discovered by one of her sister’s loyal knights. Although she did not leave without causing some damage and bore a large belly containing Arthur’s first born son.
Life after her failed attempt to destroy her sister consisted of her raising Vortigern and turning him against the world and giving him a thirst to kill those who are weaker than him. Now that her son is grown, and off spreading Mayhem, Eve feels that she needs something or someone new to take her mind off her past failures and perhaps revive the spark of revenge. Father: In the past Lafiel gave little thought to the thoughts and feelings of those around him. He was raised as a privileged and spoiled future heir that could obtain virtually everything his heart desired. Of course, he was and always shall be an Angeni so he was not cruel or manipulative toward others, he simply did not fully understand what being an Angeni really meant. He did not appreciate the power he was given or why it was given to him; he focused solely on how perfect he was and anything beyond that was an unexplored gray area.
He did not receive a domain or realize his full potential until he and a great number of other Soquili were captured and tortured by humans that allowed their curiosity to overrule their common sense and hearts. His ego slowly wore away and his instincts turned to the basics. He wanted to survive and as that thought sunk in he realized he wanted to help those around him do the same. His selfish, conceited ways fell away and he made it his duty to bear the brunt of the torment, finally deciding what to use his strength for.
He would attempt to keep their spirits up by reminding them of home and telling them that each day they survived was another day closer to freedom. He would fill their minds with hope and, for a moment, make them forget about the horrid circumstances looming above them. He would laugh and joke, no matter how much it would hurt him because he was unwilling to see the light leave their eyes as they gave into darkness.
Lafiel conceals the ordeal he went through pretty well, mainly because he sees it as a learning experience that made him who he is today. Even so, not all of the trauma has simply washed away under the light of optimism. He still experiences horrific night terrors that force him to relive those wretched days, to see the faces of those he was unable to free as he said he would, and to feel the almost crippling fear that was his constant for such a long time. He speaks of this to no one as he uses his own domain to work it through, but inwardly he knows that he is only bandaging a more serious problem.
He is a playful stallion who is soft spoken and gentle in his words and actions. He adores laughing and making others laugh, especially when they are feeling depressed or alone. He can make light of just about anything which can be both irritating and inspirational. He has a large heart and a strong will, something he attempts to utilize when helping others.
Do the parents have professions? Mother: Spurned Princess Who Wishes to be Queen Father: The Play Thing of Guinevere
Link to RP(s) where something happens of importance: N/A
What are their family dynamics? When Eve discovers that she is pregnant, she will leave the Angeni to raise the children herself. When her children are born, she prepares them for their future as the ones who would bring death to those who stand in her way (Thus the de Morte last name). But when she finds out that the kids are more like their dad, the Angeni, Eve will become enraged and wish to dispose of the failed offspring. Before she gets the chance, they flee. Traditions: All the children born of Eve are to have the last name de Morte. Herd/Family Culture: A very messed up family filled with murder, intrigue, manipulation, poison study, and torture. Religious Beliefs: Eve wishes for her children to see her as a Goddess of Vengeance and that she can do no wrong. {Even though she is not a Goddess, she will manipulate the children she has into believing it to be true.)