Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] Bought with SC by Cajmera, picked up by Miss Cherie who I've asked and she will not be doing a belly image for it. Original Belly Image: N/A
Hello, Rein! Story's a beautiful girl; congrats so much on the win! I perused the breeding thread but I don't think I was able to find it--do you know if Uta said anything about preg stages? From the first page:
"With standard procedure, users should not ask for bellies here until after the baskets are dropped, to ensure the original colorist would not do the bellies themselves. However, users may request a belly image AFTER a breeding slot was won, but BEFORE the baskets are dropped, if they have proof that the original colorist did not intend to do the belly stage. This proof can be obtained from either the breeding thread (some colorists will state in the front page that they will not be doing belly images) or by asking them directly."
Thank you! - Ryuu
Username: Rein_Carnation Soquili Name: Story Uncert Soquili Information: Colored by Mobster Goose. Her Domain/theme is Invisibility
Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] Original Belly Image: N/A
*** Been dying to finally see this happen heart
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:48 am
Hello, Rein! Story's a beautiful girl; congrats so much on the win! I perused the breeding thread but I don't think I was able to find it--do you know if Uta said anything about preg stages? From the first page:
"With standard procedure, users should not ask for bellies here until after the baskets are dropped, to ensure the original colorist would not do the bellies themselves. However, users may request a belly image AFTER a breeding slot was won, but BEFORE the baskets are dropped, if they have proof that the original colorist did not intend to do the belly stage. This proof can be obtained from either the breeding thread (some colorists will state in the front page that they will not be doing belly images) or by asking them directly."
Thank you! - Ryuu
I asked Uta if she's doing bellies which she said no. If you want to wait till the baskets are dropped that's fine. I just want a little memoir for Story to remember lol
Hello, Rein! We can work on it at either time, so no worries! For future reference, there's an additional modifier where users can state they received permission (e.g. like you did, where you asked directly), but I'll try to incorporate it into the main form instead when I next have time.
Thanks for letting us know, and congrats again! <333 - Ryuu
Aww, congrats!! Here's her item uncert if you wanted it; I can do the belly image with both versions when I get around to her. <3
- Ryuu
Username: mistalina13 Soquili Name: Jinan Uncert**, Familiar Soquili Information: She was my 2014 plush conversion! Everything else should be visible.
**I apparently don't have her uncert with her bracelets. So if you are able to find and use that one instead ^^;
Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] -- Original win rolled by Sareibear. Heart picked it up as a transfer earlier this year. Baskets were dropped here. Original Belly Image: N/A
Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] Original Belly Image:[ X ]
Proof that the breeding colorist will not be doing the belly stage themselves: (only one of the three required) [ Breeding Drop-Off ] - Only didn't get a cert
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:25 am
I'm afraid I no longer have the saved images or links to their original preg certs. sad
Calixita xx
@Amaterasu: Did you want me to redo her image entirely, or update the original to have all the corrections the non-belly uncert has? @No Preg Certs: Could you let me know which colorists did the belly images so I can see if a cert is in their folders? @Item Additions: These are a little complicated, because if the items were added after the pregnancy then I don't think the shop allows them to be added unless the Soquili won a breeding with those items. Would you happen to have the shop-provided uncert links for them (the version without the accessory and without the belly)?
If you can't fulfill any of the above (e.g. don't know or don't have), then no worries!! I can ask another staffer to help me out; I just didn't want to ask someone to do the work if you might've had everything on hand already.
Thank you! - Ryuu
@Amaterasu - Whichever is easiest for you, honestly! I have no problems with how the belly looks as is. But, if you're able to find her original preg cert I know that will still have the color errors on it. That, and most of the new certs I have look different from the old ones.
@Preg Certs - If I can remember correctly, these are who did the preg images: Sabin Duvert - Amaterasu (possibly merangue but I think it was Sabin), Lycaenidae, Xaviera Mobbu - Kayla, Arlequin Agneza - Leucothea Antigra - Arcadia Felmino - Nymphalidae (not 100% sure on this one, since the breeding was a transfer) Mindsend - Ukiyo-e
@Item Additions: I don't have those either, sorry! For Lycaenidae and Leucothea, I think it's more likely that they got their items AFTER their only breedings (Lyc had updates to her accessories at two different times). But for Kayla and Xaviera, their breeding(s) were so long ago I just can't remember.
If there's anything else I can provide, just let me know. Thank you!
Calixita xx
Awesome, thank you so much!! I really appreciate the info! <333
I was able to find the original certs, but they have your old UNs on them, so I'll go ahead and have them updated + drop them when I get to the rest.
Edit: I asked upper management as well, and I can do the accessory preg images for you since they wouldn't take too much work! >v<
Soquili Information: Okami Cosplay Edition May I request to have her preg image redone, please? She had some errors on her original uncert that have been since corrected (some parts weren't colored in), but didn't get updated on the preg version. The cert/non-preg uncert I've linked above have the corrected art.
Soquili Information: I don't have a preg cert/uncert of her with her necklace -- it's possible she had her foals before she got it, but I'm not totally sure.
Soquili Information: I don't have a preg cert/uncert of her with her necklace -- it's possible she had her foals before she got it, but I'm not totally sure.
Soquili Information: I don't have a preg cert/uncert of her with her necklace -- it's possible she had her foals before she got it, but I'm not totally sure.