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.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:15 pm


Entry Line: .Tortured. .Pumpkin. || Angeni/Wind/Uni/Cerynei Mutant Mix ||

Edit Category:Unedit
Soquili Species: Angeni/Wind/Uni/Cerynei Mutant whaaaaat
Body Build: Draft
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? CC

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: I'd like black and white paint, please.
Face: No roman nose. Black face. White if you choose to extend the paint to the face. I want then to have Cerynei ears please.
Mane: I'd like both to have ringlets. If there's a fuller/longer template for ringlets, I'd like one of the males to have that. One stallion should have white hair, the other should have pale yellow.
Tail: For one male, I'd like Native Dream Wave. For the other, I'd like the Weaved style. One should have white, the other pale yellow.
Hooves/Fetlocks: I want the stock draft fetlocks, please! Their hooves should be pale yellow, and the fetlocks themselves should be white. I want "socks"
Reference Image(s): None

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Dual horns, please. If you could do the original horn in its normal position, and then make the template for the curved horn smaller and place it on their nose, that'd be great. If that isn't allowed/you aren't comfortable, that's okay too. I would like both horns to be pale yellow in color.
Wings: I would like the top wings to be Angeni wings, and the bottom set to be Heron wings. I would like them to go from black, to pale yellow, to white.
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: If any, list them here and desired colors.
Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse:
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: TCC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: Hyperhybrid - no domain
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:41 pm


Entry Line: Niyaru Delacroix || Kirin/Kalona ||
Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Kirin/Kalona
Body Build: CC
Gender: CC
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Surprise me! biggrin

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: CC
Face: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): If you have any visual References, link them here.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): CC
Wings: CC
Fins: Describe Fins - Seathi, Mer & Kelpi only
Scales: CC
Pelt: Animal Species & Design - Skinwalker only
Other Notes: CC

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: CC
Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Name... of the horse. >_>
Owner: Niyaru Delacroix
Breed: CC
Temper: One temper or concept. Please keep it short.
Mate: Lifemate, if any.
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): colors and items are CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: Angeni Only. Please check the Reserved List.
Justification for Domain Choice: Explain why your Angeni has his or her domain.

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~

Niyaru Delacroix

Anxious Kitten

16,950 Points
  • Happy 13th, Gaia Online! 50
  • Timid 100
  • Partygoer 500


Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Bunny Hunter 100
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:15 pm

Entry Line: Belloblossom || Wind ||

Mini - Super Rare!

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Wind
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? No, thank you

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Based on the markings of the Common Bronzewing Pigeon. Body is cream to soft brown, with stomach and back legs showing some accents of light grey. Along either side of the neck is a stretch of dark blue-grey, while the throat is a rose brown hue. Back, hindquarters and under the wings are a darker brown. (See ref for more detail)
Face: Eyes are dark brown/black. Just under the eye is a stripe of white, and in front of the eye is a short stripe of black that leads/blends into the dark grey muzzle. The rest of its face is dark brown.
Mane: Forever Foal; Forelock is red/orange brown and then blends into dark brown.
Tail: Forever Foal; Light brown with dark brown and cream accents.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock; blended light grey/brown fetlocks. Red/pink hooves.
Reference Image(s): Common Bronzewing Pigeon

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): n/a
Wings: Heron; Majority of the wing is brown with cream accents. Center of the wing has rainbow accents. (See ref.)
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: n/a

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: TBD
Owner: Belloblossom
Breed: Common Bronzewing
Temper: TBD
Mate: --
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:22 pm


Entry Line: Yushika || Pawed Kelpi ||
Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Pawed Kelpi
Body Build: Regular - Pawed
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? Nah!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: I would like a black base with CC colored markings. The markings should be halloween/bones/voodoo inspired! I know you like CC slots so go crazy! Have fun!
Face: CC! I WOULD like a bone face marking or glowing eyes, your pick!
Mane: Premade style, pls. I'd like the medium hairstyle! xxx
Tail: Premade style, pls! I'd like the long braid tail! xxx
Hooves/Fetlocks: N/A since they have paws and not hooves.
Reference Image(s): N/A

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Fins: I would like him to be the second alternate for kelpi's (with the most amount of fins/extra bits.) xxx CC colors and markings!
Other Notes: This character has paws!

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Grief
Owner: Yushika
Breed: Pawed Fish
Temper: Lonely
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: CC!
Tag frame color: CC!
Tag feather color(s): CC!

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

Justification for Domain Choice: Explain why your Angeni has his or her domain.


Shy Wife


Beloved Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:28 pm


Entry Line: mistalina13 || Pawed Unicorn ||

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Unicorn
Body Build: CC~ I do like drafts and warhorses so don't be afraid to make them options.
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? Largely CC so no thank you!
- I would like an itemless version as well please. biggrin

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Use something from one of the color pallettes. I do like natural patterns! (Just no literal paintings on ponies please.)
Face: Uni Beard! CC colors~
Mane: Mix up some templates. Whatever looks good. CC colors~
Tail: Uni Tail Style 2. Continue colors / patterns down from body.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine Paws
Reference Image(s): Just gonna list some color palettes. See what strikes your fancy!

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): Corkscrew Style Horn
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: CC colors on these~
- Feather Cape /w Gem Binder
- Feather Earring
- Beaded Bracelets
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Rade
Owner: mistalina13
Breed: "Painted" Unicorn
Temper: Jovial
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:38 pm


Entry Line: Devil NightShade || Pawed Angeni-Suti ||
~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: She's not pure .. so I dun think it applies
Justification for Domain Choice (required if Getting Domain): N/A
Powers from Domain (required if Getting Domain): N/A

Personality : Devoted, Spiritual
Plot ideas: Amaris is going to travel the soquili lands, seeking to be a salt of the earth type mare. Being part 'suti will lead some to believe she is actually part kalona and they'll try to drive her away. Even though the treatment hurts the mare, she will move on, spreading (or trying to) cheer and love throughout the lands.

~*~ Ulun'Suti ~*~
Do you want them to have an Element?: Yes
(If so) Element: Shadow

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Mutant Pawed Angeni'suti - Would like the new feline paws.
Body Build: Regular
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Choose one -
• New Concept

WIP Needed? Naw

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
-Color: Dappled Grey. She has knee high (maybe a little higher) white stockings, above the top of her stockings a bit of black shows through.
-Runes: She has glowing runes in the hues of the pallet (see reference) in this style. (The runes should only go up her legs, over her shoulders and along her back / sides .. maybe a little up her neck)
-Eye Color: Her pupils are a glowy purple / cosmic y .. see reference. Scalera is black.
-Eyebrows: Silvery white.
-Expression: 'Suti Big mouth.
-Facial Marking: Aylen But not as much black up her face, it should stay more centered around her muzzle.
Blush: Would like her to have a slight blush to her cheeks.

-Style: I like the warrior's braid, windblow, ringlet, wild, long braid, long. Any mix of these will be loved.
-Color: Her forlock would is shades of purple / cosmicy like the color pallet, and the rest of her mane a deep smokey grey.
Tail: Suti tail, with scales and tail spikes.
-Color: The tail should match her body color, the scales should be a cosmic shades of purple (see refrence), and the spikes match the rest of her body spikes
Hooves/Fetlocks: -No hooves, her paws will be the white of her stockings, and her claws are shades of purple like her scales.
Reference Image(s):
Dapple Grey 1
Dapple grey 2
Dapple grey 3
Dapple Grey 4
Facial marking - Aylen
Color Pallet

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

-Style: CC mix n match of these Branched, Smooth, Looped, and Scaled horns.
-Color: CC : they can match her scales, or her spikes, or be glowy whatevs xD
-Angeni: Wing style 2 - Just the upper wings. Something close to the reference, would also like to see the color pallet colors mixed in someway. CC
-'Suti: Frilled wings, w/ scales. The bone 'fingers' of the wings should match her body, the leather / frills should match the feathered wings in markings and colors.
Fins: N/A
Scales: She has belly, and leg scales. Done in the same pallet and celestially style as the rest of her scales and accents
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:
-'Suti: Would like the leg spurs, Face spikes, and body spikes as well.
----- Body spikes would be silver in color, or maybe metalic purple, whatever looks best
- Angeni: Headwings and footwings are wanted too, color wise CC.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
-Long Feathered Cape with Moon and bead clasp: Colors for this item are CC
-Hairsticks w/ Long chains: Colors are CC
Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Amaris
Owner: Devil NightShade
Breed: Dappled Skies
Temper: Devoted
Tag Background: See xXx
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): Frost Kissed Rose w/ long vines - CC color

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: Angeni Only. Please check the Reserved List.
Justification for Domain Choice: N/A

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~

Devil NightShade

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:25 am

Mini - Super Rare!

Entry Line: Master Wild Mage || Kelpie ||

Edit Category: - unedited
Soquili Species: - Kelpi
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Character - Based on 2 SoA lionesses of mine combined

WIP Needed? Yes, but only to see what all the templates that I picked look like together. Just cause the way they look in my head may not be the same as what they'd actually look like. Colors and such don't need ok'd.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Mostly olive green fading to medium gray along her spine and the top ridge of her neck. If it's possible to give it a kind of texture/dappled to make it look a little like some kind of aquatic skin/scales that'd be great. Bands of almost black on her legs as seen in refs with white tribal markings over them that almost like they're painted on her.
Face:eye color=light green(as seen in refs), eyebrows= CC, inner ear= coordinate with coat or light pink or gray from ref whichever you think looks best, expression-regular, facial markings= small tribal marking as seen in ref
Mane: black with highlights of medium gray and/or the olive green. Any combination of wind blown, wild, and/or braided manes.
Tail: Spiney kelpie tail colors and patterns should be some variation of her body colors possibly a bit of the light green in her eyes. How to go about it is CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: black/very dark gray hooves with regular fetlocks colored as you see fit with her markings
Reference Image(s): {X} {X} {X} {X} Tribal markings and grey shades ref. Don't feel the need to follow the tribals to the T.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Fins: fierce back fin, spiney side fins, spiney leg fins(if the leg up pose is allowed and these don't work with it they can be left off), spiney ear fins, all fins should be partially translucent if possible. All fins should be some variation of her body colors possibly with a bit of the light green in her eyes mixed on somehow. How to go about it is CC
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: All colors are CC just nothing clashing- brain coral armlets, beaded anklets, and a lucky paw necklace
Custom Items: NA
Reference Image(s) for Items: none/plain templates

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Giza'magi
Owner: Master Wild Mage
Breed: Swamp Kelpi
Temper: Inquisitive
Tag Background: 027 African Sky
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:34 am


Entry Line: AislingJuno || Mutant Hippogryph/Ulun'suti ||

Twin 1
Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Mutant Hippogryph/Ulun'suti
Body Build: War leg down
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: • New Concept

WIP Needed? no

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: teal&blue glowing celestial with Transparent legs
Face: glowing teal eyes the mouth Ulun'suti jawline big mouth
Mane: reg Hippogryph mane the edges transparent
Tail: Ulun'suti scaleless with the top feathers around the butt from hippo peacock base Tail becomes transparent
Hooves/Fetlocks: mutant hawk feet
Reference Image(s): twin 1,eye mekeup,glowing eye ref

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): n/a
Wings: Ulun'suti wings blue cartilage teal membrane and glowing ice edge points glowing and wing transparent at membrane and half way to edge of cartilage
Fins: n/a
Scales: none
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Lachlain
Owner: AislingJuno
Breed: Shadow Seeker
Temper: compelling
Mate: n/a
Tag Background: 031 Misty Castle by chibizoo
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): cc

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Shadow ulun'suti
twin 2
Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Mutant Hippogryph/Ulun'suti
Body Build: War leg down
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: • New Concept

WIP Needed? no

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: purple&black glowing celestial with Transparent legs
Face: glowing purple eyes the mouth Ulun'suti jawline big mouth
Mane: reg Hippogryph mane the edges transparent
Tail: Ulun'suti scaleless with the top feathers around the butt from hippo peacock base. Tail becomes transparent
Hooves/Fetlocks: hawk feet
Reference Image(s): twin 2,eye makeup-without the gold on t end. the purple,glowing eye ref

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): n/a
Wings: Ulun'suti wings dark blue cartilage with purple with edge points glowing and wing purple transparent at membrane and half way to edge of cartilage.
Fins: n/a
Scales: none
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: n/a
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Garreth
Owner: AislingJuno
Breed: Shadow Seeker
Mate: n/a
Tag Background: 031 Misty Castle by chibizoo -can it be purple?
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): cc

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: Shadow ulun'suti

*Feel free to change any of the markings and details to fit with slot. Also feel free to add markings if you desire.


Geared Gatekeeper


Floppy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:30 am

Mini - Super Rare!

Entry Line: [X]Natty-Chan[X] || Hippogryph ||
Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Hippogryph
Body Build: CC but both legs down please
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Wildlife
WIP Needed? No

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: See refs
Face: See refs
Mane: Cocatoo Mane- See refs
Tail: Hawk tail- See refs
Hooves/Fetlocks: White
Reference Image(s):

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): N/A
Wings: Falcon wings- Gray
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Claw colors are the same as the bird's feet
Hippogryph beak, same color as bird's beak.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Satchel (CC the colors)
Armband with pouch (CC the colors)
Custom Items:
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Alyx
Owner: [X]Natty-Chan[X]
Breed: Red-Crested Cardinal
Temper: Clumsy
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: N/A
Justification for Domain Choice: N/A
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:02 am

Mini - Super Rare!

Entry Line: Lita Rutherford || Kelpi ||

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Kelpi
Body Build: Draft with both front legs down
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:-
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Nope!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~

Color design based on the aquarium version of the Walking Catfish. White base with calico like black and orange spots. Ref images include photos of the catfish markings and similar calico cat markings. Body should be moderate level of spots, primarily large spots, as seen in refs, with smaller spots nearby. Spots should focus along the topline. Should be mostly white towards the belly and legs. For spots please rely heavily on the references given for types of spots and colors.

Face: Gold eyes, black eyebrows, face markings see ref
Mane: No "hair" mane, just the Eel Headfin, as listed bellow. Coloring should match body, see explanation in the "fins" section.
Tail: No "hair" tail, coloring should be same as body. Large black spot at the end of the tail giving it a black tip.
Hooves/Fetlocks: I would like the "feathering" fetlock option, Hooves should be similar to ref photo bellow.
Reference Image(s): ***All photos and animals belong to their respective owners, Photos are for refrence only.
Face Markings
Spot pattern
Spot pattern
Spot markings
Tail Spot
Cat spots for inspiration/color examples
Cat example for color and inspiration
Cat example for color and inspiration

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: "Fancy" Tail, "Deep Sea"Arm Fins, Eel Headfin. Fins should match the body in colors (as in if a spot of color is near a fin, it should continue onto the fin and not stop before the fin)
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: IF POSSIBLE, I really like the fins that go onto the back from the Eel tail. If those can be taken and added to the back while still using the "Fancy" Tail template, that would be amazing. However if this constitutes an edit or is otherwise impossible, it is not needed and this can be ignored.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/A
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Clarias batrachus
Owner: Lita Rutherford
Breed: Walking Catfish
Temper: Wanderer
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: Lush River with Rainfall modifer
Tag frame color: Browns
Tag feather color(s): Long - "Fang" in the Yellowed color, Blood tipped. Short - "Short Bone" in the Fresh color.

Lita Rutherford

Undead Treat

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:22 am


Entry Line: Fatal Irony || Twins - Mutant kalona halfbreed ||

Most of this is going to be CC for you! I gave you some suggestions in each category, but this is highly CC smile Just make one twin slightly different either in color or in mane styles (or both if desired)! heart

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Mutant kalona halfbreed
Body Build: Draft
Gender: Both male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Choose one -
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? not needed

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: I like variety in patterns, and glowy things! Totally up to you! For patterns I love bones and skulls, or swirls, stripes, horsebreed types of dappling and piebald and what have you. or whatever lol. I also love when parts of the body are different colors (like half is one thing and the other is another ) or large chunks of the body being one thing and such. Overlapping patterns. I trust your judgement to have fun! For colors I'm envisioning mostly black, dark grey, and a little rusty white (slightly reddish white?) thrown in, with maybe some rust colors in the patterns or something. - This goes for the whole soq, so have fun! You can take many liberties with this!
Face: I LOVE glowy eyes and eyes with either strange colored sclera (the whites) or with no iris and pupil. Specific eye color(s) is up to you! Angry kalona expression, please!
Mane: I love mixes of templates. Some I like: windblown, glam punk, punk rock, weaved, forever foal - you can choose any of these, mix them, or mix in others not mentioned (as long as at least one of these mentioned is used!)
Tail: I love mixes of templates. Ringlets (all versions), native dream, glam punk, punk rock, short, forever foal, -Pretty much any! I'l leave this CC!
Hooves/Fetlocks: I would LOVE the optional fluffy fetlocks, if that's workable around the bear claws. if not it's ok! Bears claws need to be there though
Reference Image(s): none

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): If it's possible to have dual sets of kalona horns, I'd love that. Otherwise which ones you choose are up to you!
Wings: I like wingstyles 3 and 4 with either rough or smooth feathers, and the downturned wings. CC which you choose!
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: I would like bear claws, please! if that wasn't already clear lol

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: CC, if any!
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: TBD
Owner: Fatal Irony
Breed: CC
Temper: TBD
Mate: None
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC - and CC whether it's bones or feathers

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Mutant kalona halfbreed
Body Build: Draft
Gender: Both male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Choose one -
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? not needed

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: I like variety in patterns, and glowy things! Totally up to you! For patterns I love bones and skulls, or swirls, stripes, horsebreed types of dappling and piebald and what have you. or whatever lol. I also love when parts of the body are different colors (like half is one thing and the other is another ) or large chunks of the body being one thing and such. Overlapping patterns. I trust your judgement to have fun! For colors I'm envisioning mostly Rust where his brother is black, dark grey (same as brother), and a little rusty white (slightly reddish white?)(same as brother) thrown in, with maybe some Black (where his brother is rust) colors in the patterns or something. - This goes for the whole soq, so have fun! You can take many liberties with this!
Face: I LOVE glowy eyes and eyes with either strange colored sclera (the whites) or with no iris and pupil. Specific eye color(s) is up to you! Angry kalona expression, please!
Mane: I love mixes of templates. Some I like: windblown, glam punk, punk rock, weaved, forever foal - you can choose any of these, mix them, or mix in others not mentioned (as long as at least one of these mentioned is used!) You can either use the same/same combo as his brother or make it slightly different!
Tail: I love mixes of templates. Ringlets (all versions), native dream, glam punk, punk rock, short, forever foal, -Pretty much any! I'l leave this CC! You can either use the same/same combo as his brother or make it slightly different!
Hooves/Fetlocks: I would LOVE the optional fluffy fetlocks, if that's workable around the bear claws. if not it's ok! Bears claws need to be there though
Reference Image(s): none

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): If it's possible to have dual sets of kalona horns, I'd love that. Otherwise which ones you choose are up to you!
Wings: I like wingstyles 3 and 4 with either rough or smooth feathers, and the downturned wings. CC which you choose!
Fins: n/a
Scales: n/a
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: I would like bear claws, please! if that wasn't already clear lol

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: CC, if any!
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: TBD
Owner: Fatal Irony
Breed: CC
Temper: TBD
Mate: None
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC - and CC whether it's bones or feathers

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:46 pm

(Identical males)

The world needs more ponies with crimped mane.

Edit Category: -Unedited
Soquili Species: -Suti / Unicorn
Body Build: Regular
Gender: 2 males
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: • New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? if you do them sure smile

Male # 1
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: pink all over. See pink in reference #1. Black flower markings (like the ones on the legs in Reference #1) a few on his back a couple on his sides and more on his legs. Like they are falling and collecting at his hooves. More on the back legs than the front.
Arround the hooves should be all black from collected flower markings.
Face: eye color= blacked out Completely with black makings that look like they are bleeding ink see reference #3
Black insides of ears.
Mane: crimped style mane. Black with pink tips.
Tail: smooth scaless Suti tail. Uhhhh CC? I don't know.
Hooves/Fetlocks: pink hooves. Black claws and spikes. Gold markings like in ref #2 on the fetlocks.
Reference Image(s):
Number 1
http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt355/greyenigma1386/Soq custom ideas/04efae65f90d2fe9a31c09e0e453cf8b_zps911ffe9e.jpg
Number 2 (ignore the Rams head)
http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt355/greyenigma1386/Soq custom ideas/c135e8779eeb903ff61c5fafdc27b297_zpsaepum07b.jpg
Number 3
http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt355/greyenigma1386/Soq custom ideas/9634fcd4dc68f0b9e920cd34e3f9674e_zpsnweqkjgy.jpg
What I mean by pink tips
http://i627.photobucket.com/albums/tt355/greyenigma1386/Soq custom ideas/051e7c7a284ab0e006ce373f92963367_zpsybzwqvsg.jpg

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): branched horns, and Curved unicorn horn (if it can be glowing that would be cool) Both black. Unicorn horn with some gold on it.
Wings: smooth (scaless) frilled Suti wings. Pink like body with matching black flower markings
Maybe some metallic gold markings life in ref #2 but I'm not sure how or where exactly.
Fins: none
Scales: none
Pelt: none
Other Notes: leg Spurs, raptor claws, big mouth, leg body spikes.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
- 3 stud gold earrings in ears
- 3x 3 stud gold earrings on edges of wings.
- gold star beach Nath (that weird earring that's connected to the nose)
Custom Items: None.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Will name later
Owner: ProphetOfProfit
Breed: Healer
Temper: strange
Mate: remove
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): Feathers CC

~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~
Element: not pure

Male# 2
is exactly the same as male one except his base color is black and the flowers/spikes/claws are pink. Hooves are black. Tips on mane are also black
Basically the reverse of the first twin.

Also I would like a wingless Uncert so people can see his markings thank you smile


Profitable Prophet


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:15 pm

Mini - Super Rare!

Entry Line: AstoriaFallen || Hippogryph ||

Edit Category: – Moderate?
Soquili Species: - Hippogryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• New Concept

WIP Needed? no

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: please look at reference
Face: “”
Mane: CC to look similar to the reference image.
Tail: Hawk tail I guess? Or would peacock go better. It’s CC. I’m trying to keep it close to the photo.
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC in reference to image
Reference Image(s): Concept (i have an even larger image if this is selected and you want to see it)

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Other Notes: Just try and keep it close to the photo please. smile

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: N/a
Custom Items: Choker
Reference Image(s) for Items: here If you can't do it then don't worry about it! smile

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Eurasian Jay
Owner: AstoriaFallen
Breed: JayBird
Temper: Curious
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC Long

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: I purchased this and have rights to it.

If I won a SOQ and a familiar this month I can't enter for this right? I posted this just in case I could. I'm still newish to how the whole thing works.

It's only if you've won a custom and are on custom cooldown ovo/ If you've won a freebie, it's separate, and you're all good to post a custom form -Yuki
PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:11 pm


Entry Line: Thalea || Twins -- Mutant Owl + CC ||


This is a mock breeding between these two images!
User Image x User Image

I would love it if the twins could be a boy and a girl, if not possible, then both of them boys would be fantastic <3

The twins have the owl talons instead of hooves or paws. The rest is CC! Any more breeds you want to add in, go right ahead.

Whatever inspires you, go crazy with it!


Devoted Mage


Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:23 pm

Mini - Super Rare!

Entry Line: GrnGriff || Hippogryph ||

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: - Hippogryph (pure or half or mixed, Up to you! Just some hippogryph blood!)
Body Build: CC
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Nope, not needed. (but I don't mind them xD)

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: CC - Use the ref pic for inspiration
Face: CC - Use the ref pic for inspiration
Mane: CC - Use the ref pic for inspiration
Tail: CC - Use the ref pic for inspiration
Hooves/Fetlocks: See above
Reference Image(s): Bird
Seriously. Just a female pony with some manifestation of Hippogryph blood, as much or as little as you like, using the hummingbird pic as inspiration! Add any colors or markings you deem fit!

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): CC
Wings: CC
Fins: CC
Scales: CC
Pelt: CC
Other Notes: All CC

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: CC
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Whisper
Owner: GrnGriff
Breed: certists choice for this!
Temper: Quiet
Mate: None
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC (but yes, feathers please!)

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